How to reset the tire pressure of Mercedes e300?

The steps to reset the tire pressure of Mercedes-Benz e300 are as follows: 1. Start the car and enter the maintenance interface through the multi-function buttons on the steering wheel; 2. Find the tire pressure function option in the maintenance interface and enter it; 3. Select the tire pressure reset function and enter after confirmation; 4. According to the prompt, select "Yes" through the buttons on the steering wheel to confirm the tire pressure reset; 5. Finally, press the Enter key to complete the tire pressure reset. Mercedes-Benz e300 is a luxury car tailored by Beijing Benz for China market. Its front face is unique in design, and the lines of far and near lights are sharp, showing a strong sense of movement, while the LED light group under the front of the car adds a fashionable atmosphere.

Tiggo 9 Compared with Volkswagen Tiguan L, who is the best choice for medium-sized SUV?

  Although the compact SUV can meet the general car demand of families, the medium-sized SUV is definitely the Bai Yueguang in the hearts of countless families. Nowadays, the price of medium-sized SUVs has gradually dropped. In the past, more than 200,000 people could touch it, and now less than 200,000 people can realize their dreams. Many families also hope to enjoy the high-quality travel experience brought by medium-sized SUVs in one step. Xiaobian today brought two hot-selling medium-sized SUV— — Chery Tiggo 9 2023 2.0T automatic four-wheel drive to Zhen version (manufacturer’s guide price is 183,900 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Tiggo 9) and Volkswagen Tiguan L 2024 330TSI automatic two-wheel drive intellectual enjoyment version (manufacturer’s guide price is 229,700 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Volkswagen Tiguan L) to see who is more suitable for China family’s "travel physique".

  Spatial dynamics P K , Tiggo 9 Practical sense "Better.

  When many families buy medium-sized SUVs, space and power are the only two hard-core indicators that must be considered absolutely. In terms of space, the body of Tiggo 9 is 4820mm, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. The body of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 4733mm, and the wheelbase is 2791mm. Obviously, the sense of space of Tiggo 9 is more sufficient, and it is more comfortable when it is full, which reflects the space performance that a medium-sized SUV should have. In addition, the trunk volume of the Tiggo 9 can be expanded up to 2021L L. Although the Volkswagen Tiguan L can also be expanded, it is only 1780L L. It is clear at a glance who is more knowledgeable when going out for a long trip.

  In terms of power, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng 2.0T GDI, with a horsepower of 261 and a torque of 400 N m. The highest horsepower of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 186, which is obviously inferior, and the explosive power is completely defeated. Not to mention that Tiggo 9 has a powerful four-wheel drive system, which can easily control a variety of road conditions, but the city can be wild, so that the family can travel without worry.

  Cockpit comfort p K , Tiggo 9 "leapfrog feeling" more outstanding

  A medium-sized SUV is actually the ceiling of many families’ cars, so users naturally want the cockpit to be more comfortable and luxurious, and relatives and friends get into the car, showing that they know the car very well and have more face. Tiggo 9 specially created the "C-PURE Chery Clean Cube Green Cockpit" for users. The owner can automatically purify the air inside the car before and after the car is locked, so that the cockpit can always be kept in a pure state, and the freshness is always online. It is equipped with 3 independent blowers and 27 air outlets, creating a 540 stereo surround air conditioning system. Under the premise of the same air volume setting, the air volume is distributed more evenly through multiple air outlets, which avoids the occurrence of local supercooling or overheating, and allows drivers and passengers to enjoy softness without direct blowing. In contrast, the wind sense of Volkswagen Tiguan L is somewhat "tough".

  Tiggo 9 also has a zero-gravity extrasensory co-pilot and a second row of leapfrog care, which is more suitable for human body curves and is not tired after long-distance travel. Front row heating+ventilation, two rows heating, it can be seen that Tiggo 9 is devoted to the care and consideration of users in each row of seats. This delicate demand is met, and Volkswagen Tiguan L has not done it.

  Science and technology intelligence p K , Tiggo 9 "Future Sense" is even more outstanding.

  In this era of technology explosion, even if you buy a mini-car, you should pay attention to the technology configuration, let alone a medium-sized SUV. Tiggo 9 has its own unique views on scientific and technological intelligence, that is, both hardware and software should be outstanding. As for the hardware, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip, the top level in the industry, is adopted, which lays a silky computing foundation and makes the cockpit boot speed, recognition ability and response speed comparable to that of mobile phones. Tiggo 9 is also equipped with full road visual AIDS, using the industry-leading 50-inch AR-HUD with a projection distance of 7.5 meters, allowing drivers to experience the peace of mind in front of them.

  In terms of software, there is iFLYTEK engine XTTS 3.0 intelligent voice interaction system, which realizes deep voice customization, provides a more realistic interactive experience with human pronunciation, accurately recognizes continuous voice commands, and supports voice control of 28 categories and 429 functions. Controlling a car through sound, this kind of interaction only knows how wonderful it is after you experience it yourself. In addition, the remote function of Tiggo 9′ s mobile APP is richer than that of Volkswagen Tiguan L, with voice interaction.

  There are still some users who blindly worship the joint venture, but when these two cars are compared, it is obvious that they are better than the joint venture at the same level. Just last year, with a global sales volume of 1.43 million+,Chery became the global sales champion of China SUV in 2023. With an absolute advantage of 940,000 vehicles, the Tiggo series will become the global sales champion of China brand fuel SUV in 2023. How can such achievements not make Chinese people proud? As Chery’s flagship comfortable SUV, Tiggo 9 definitely deserves to be ranked in the top two of your car purchase list.

Xiaomi’s growth slows down and shipments shrink. Domestic mobile phones are the top spot or change hands.

  Some insiders believe that Huawei has a considerable chance to squeeze Xiaomi into the China mobile phone market in 2016, and the gap between the two parties’ mobile phone shipments will gradually widen.

  ■ Our reporter Ma Yan

  "Three or two years of leading the way" and "the flag of the king is changing at the head of the city" may be the portrayal of the rapidly changing mobile phone market.

  According to Fortune magazine, the revenue of Xiaomi, the second largest startup in the world, showed little growth in 2015.

  Failed to meet the shipment target

  Revenue in 2015 was almost flat.

  According to reports, a staff member in charge of publicity and communication of Xiaomi said last weekend that the company’s revenue in 2015 reached 78 billion yuan (about 12.5 billion US dollars), an increase of 5% compared with 74.3 billion yuan in 2014. Coupled with the depreciation of the renminbi, if converted into dollars, the revenue will only increase by 3%.

  Since Xiaomi’s founder Lei Jun announced in March last year that the revenue target for 2015 was set at 100 billion yuan, the company kept its mouth shut about the total revenue figures last year. A staff member in charge of publicity and liaison of Xiaomi revealed the above figures in an interview with the media last weekend, which was recorded and released by several Chinese media.

  However, a Xiaomi spokesperson said: "We have never shared revenue data, and we can’t comment on the data you provided. The data we can provide is that despite the shrinking smartphone market, our sales last year exceeded 70 million units. "

  The revenue is almost flat, reflecting the great changes in the fate curve during the development of Xiaomi. Xiaomi’s revenue increased by 135% in 2014. Lei Jun, the founder of the company, said in early 2015 that Xiaomi’s new smartphone was even better than Apple’s iPhone.

  However, after the launch of Xiaomi Note, which was highly praised by Lei Jun, it attracted the spit of early adopters. The main problem was that the fuselage was seriously heated, so this mobile phone did not appear as the company expected. Later, Xiaomi encountered a sharp decline in the development of the smart phone market in China, with a growth rate of only 2.5% last year.

  Xiaomi has said that its smartphone sales in 2015 were lower than the previous target. The company’s initial sales target for 2015 was 100 million units, and later it was lowered to 80 million to 100 million units.

  But Xiaomi still failed to achieve this goal. According to market research firm IDC, Xiaomi sold 71 million smartphones last year.

  However, Xiaomi’s disappointing last year was not only the sales of mobile phones.

  According to an investor of Xiaomi, the company’s Internet service revenue from application software and games failed to reach the sales target of $1 billion, which was $560 million in 2015.

  Xiaomi is currently valued at $45 billion, second only to Uber, the originator of taxi application. Xiaomi’s valuation means that its price-earnings ratio is about 75 times, which is suitable for a fast-growing Internet company, but not for a smartphone manufacturer with slow sales growth.

  In order to diversify its development, Xiaomi has expanded its business to Internet services and products other than smart phones, such as air purifiers and electric skateboards. However, these sideline businesses only account for a small part of the company’s revenue, accounting for about 5% of the total, and the growth rate cannot offset the negative impact caused by the decline in smartphone sales.

  Moreover, if the industry status of Xiaomi mobile phone is no longer, these peripheral industries will become rootless trees.

  Market ranking falls

  It is difficult to return to the top spot.

  In fact, Xiaomi, who once had a beautiful scenery and opened the era of Internet mobile phones, gradually showed its decline from last year.

  According to IDC statistics, in 2015, the sales ranking of smart phones in China was still ranked first by Xiaomi with a shipment of 64.9 million units, and the market share was nearly 15.0%.

  However, compared with Huawei’s shipment of nearly 108 million smartphones in 2015, Xiaomi’s total shipment of Xiaomi’s mobile phones was only over 70 million units due to its weak expansion outside China, and there was a sales gap of over 20 million units between them.

  With the increase of the penetration rate of the mobile phone market in China, the shipment gap between Huawei and Xiaomi has widened, which will make it more difficult for Xiaomi to maintain its leading position in China.

  When communicating with the Securities Daily reporter, some insiders believe that Huawei has a considerable chance to overtake Xiaomi as the king in the mobile phone market in China in 2016, and the gap between the two parties’ mobile phone shipments will gradually widen.

  This trend has been revealed by the data of institutions in the first quarter of 2016.

  According to IDC data, in the first quarter of this year, Xiaomi’s smartphone sales shrank by 5%, falling out of the top five in the global smartphone market share ranking.

  In the China market, Xiaomi’s performance is not satisfactory. According to IDC statistics, Xiaomi Q1 shipped 9.2 million units, ranking fifth in China market, which should be the first time that Xiaomi shipped less than 10 million units in a single quarter in recent three years. According to public information, in 2015, the shipment of Xiaomi Q1 was around 14 million units. Based on this calculation, the shipment of Xiaomi shrank by nearly 33%.

  Although Xiaomi still ranks second in China market according to the data of another market research organization IHS, Wang Yang, research director of IHS China, also said that Xiaomi has no hope of returning to the top spot when communicating with the reporter of Securities Daily.

  Wang Yang said, "The competition in e-commerce channels is too fierce this year. Glory, LeTV and Meizu are all grabbing the market. Moreover, the market increment comes from offline channels, where OPPO and vivo are the strongest, while Xiaomi’s offline channels are weak. "

  In addition, some analysts pointed out that in the past, the main reason for the rapid volume of Xiaomi mobile phone shipments in the China market was not only related to factors such as hunger marketing and ecological circle building, but also related to Xiaomi mobile phone’s demand for low price and high cost performance. However, when the gap between Huawei and Xiaomi’s mobile phone shipments widens, Huawei will have better advantages in purchasing and manufacturing costs to cope with horizontal competition, and Xiaomi’s low-price strategy will face more severe pressure.

  Lei Jun said that in 2016, Xiaomi will set up a "special force" to strongly promote Xiaomi 5 mobile phone, and at the same time set up a Xiaomi exploration laboratory to invest in virtual reality (VR) and robotics. In addition, after the balance car, Xiaomi will also launch the first drone product.

  Compared with the development of Xiaomi’s diversified products, Huawei seems to be more focused on its own industry, and through the one-stop operation mode of telecom equipment and mobile phones, with the deepening of technology and brand power, it will make it easier for Huawei to win the confidence and reputation of consumers in the mobile phone market, and become an important key for Huawei to squeeze Xiaomi in the China market.

  However, Xiaomi did not sit still. For Xiaomi’s failure to complete the goal of selling 80 million smartphones last year, Lei Jun said that they will readjust, forget KPI, return to their original heart, and re-make products with extreme fever.

  Xiaomi launched a new flagship model at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) held in Barcelona, Spain in February this year, which may boost the company’s smartphone sales this year.

  Wang Yang believes that it is possible for Xiaomi to maintain the top five ranking in China market.