Black industry is eyeing malicious claims for "takeaway compensation"

  Recently, many netizens reported on social platforms that some people were selling tutorials related to malicious "takeaway compensation". A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that criminals charged 50 to 300 yuan to openly teach others how to make up a complaint to the merchant and ask for compensation on the grounds that they ate foreign objects in the takeaway. The takeaway platform said that it has established a malicious claims governance team, and the platform has linked with the police to complete the handling of many cases. Legal sources said that malicious claims are suspected of extortion, and the sale of related tutorials may be suspected of teaching criminal methods and will be investigated for legal responsibility.

  "Takeaway Payment" Tutorial Can I eat "Free Lunch"?

  Beijing Youth Daily reporters searched online platforms such as Tieba and found that there were many tutorials dedicated to selling "takeaway refunds" and a large number. In Baidu Tieba, Beiqing Daily reporters saw that there was a special "Meituan Refund Bar", with a cumulative number of posts having exceeded 6,000, of which the top-ranked posts were related to the sale of "Raiders": "Meituan Takeaway Refund" "A pack of cigarettes teaches how to return for free, and pays for direct teaching"… In some posts, some netizens asked "how to contact", the owner asked for private messages, and some even left their QQ numbers.

  In the QQ group, there are also many special "compensation groups". In a QQ group called "Food Payment Group", the group owner will ban all members, but keep sending personal WeChat QR codes, accompanied by screenshots of the compensation balance he has received, saying that he can "Meituan will lose 100 yuan in half an hour, and if you want, you can directly add WeChat".

  After the reporter from Beiqing Daily joined the community, he expressed his desire to buy a tutorial and start communicating in detail with the group owner. The seller said that the course will teach how to ask for compensation from the takeaway merchant. After placing an order on Meituan, and other platforms, after receiving the takeaway, he provided relevant photos as evidence on the grounds of eating "bugs", "hair" and other foreign objects, and applied to complain to the merchant and ask for certain compensation. The specific compensation amount varies. The fee charged for the course is mostly around 50 to 200 yuan. According to different prices, different amounts of compensation can be applied for, including with and without compensation.

  However, on Tieba, there are also netizens who say they have been deceived: "There is a liar in the bar, he asked me to use his number to place an order and go to Xianyu. After I received the goods, he asked me Xianyu to confirm receipt, he said he would return it tomorrow, and then I chose to believe him. The funds were frozen, and I also helped him lift it, and today I found out that he ran away." Some netizens said I have also encountered it.

  Merchants choose compensation for those who settle down

  Beiqing Daily reporter saw that these compensation is a loophole in the food safety protection policy of the takeaway platform. Meituan’s "Eat with confidence" service agreement shows that there are foreign objects in the food, food deterioration and physical discomfort after using the food. The specific compensation liability and compensation standard are subject to the insurance policy and insurance terms provided by the underwriting insurance company to the merchant who orders takeaway products from the user. The insurance claim amount will be determined with reference to the amount of the food in question and the actual situation. also said that there is "food safety insurance". If you find that the food has deteriorated, there are foreign objects or you can apply for a claim. The claims that can be applied for include the following three categories: 1. There are foreign objects: the food is mixed with inedible foreign objects; 2. Food deterioration and expiration: raw, charred, deteriorated, exceeded the shelf life, etc.; 3. Medical treatment: food poisoning, suffering from other foodborne diseases. Just submit the proof picture as required in the app.

  Businesses have complained bitterly about malicious bad reviews. Located in Jiayuan Sanli Underground Food City in Fengtai District, one merchant said it had also received several complaints about foreign objects in takeaways. "Customers" opened their mouths and demanded a claim of 1,000 yuan under the Food Safety Law. "We can’t make 1,000 yuan a day, but if we don’t compensate them, they keep calling and harassing." Another victim, Mr. Wang, said, "One day I lost 1,800 yuan, so angry that I really want to close the store."

  The manager of a nationally renowned Sichuan restaurant chain, Ms Zhang, said that her store, located in Lize Tianjie, Fengtai District, Beijing, was the victim of a malicious professional claim. According to the store manager, Ms Zhang, she once received a photo of a "customer" with a bleeding mouth, saying that a stone had been eaten in the takeaway and his mouth was torn. She claimed 1,000 yuan and asked for compensation for medical expenses. But when Ms Zhang asked the "customer" to come to the store to negotiate a solution and provide a medical certificate, she was decisively rejected. Finally, after reporting to the headquarters, she compensated 800 yuan before it was settled. Later, Ms. Zhang accidentally found in the internal work group that her brand’s stores in Chaoyang District and Shijingshan District also had the same claims, and the photos of "customer" feedback were exactly the same as what she had received before.

  Most merchants are afraid of trouble, and in the attitude of doing more than less, they usually choose to calm down. "If you don’t ask too much, you can pay some money." A takeaway merchant said.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned from the Meituan platform that the platform also has the ability to identify some abnormal transaction behaviors. Once malicious claims are found, the platform will not only restrict their rights and interests, but also sort out relevant clues and evidence, and submit them to the market supervision department and the police, and cooperate with relevant departments to crack down. Meituan Takeaway has established a malicious claims governance team. In the past year, it has cooperated with multiple market supervision departments and the police to crack 30 cases, arrested more than 40 people, and helped merchants recover losses of 24 million yuan through platform governance and filing cases.

  Criminals have been detained for similar acts

  Black industry community sold takeaway order food fraud tutorial, not only increased the cost of compensation for businesses and platforms, but also disrupted the normal business environment. Beiqing Daily reporter saw that at present, there are cases of criminals being criminally detained by the public security organs for similar acts. The two men ordered drinks from the takeaway platform, and then caught flying insects and put them in the drink, in order to demand huge compensation from the merchant. After tasting the sweetness, they did the same again and again. In just half a year, the illegal profit was 24,000 yuan. Finally, after the merchant called the police, the two men were sentenced for involvement in extortion.

  Boss Wang, the person in charge of a restaurant, said that he was very aggrieved when he received a similar refund application: "I checked it well before taking it out, it can’t be the problem here!" But because the diner Li was firm and threatened Boss Wang with a bad review, and the amount asked was not large, Boss Wang thought about spending money to ensure safety and hastily refunded the money. But after a while, Boss Wang found that the user with the same address actually initiated a refund to him again for the same reason, and then reported the matter to the platform. After receiving the report from Boss Wang, the platform quickly investigated the user and reported the case to the police. The police investigation found that from March 2021, Li used his mother and his five mobile phone numbers to order takeout, and then put a hair in the meal, and then initiated a refund to the merchant on this grounds. According to police statistics, Li maliciously extorted more than 200 times, involving a total amount of nearly 10,000 yuan. Due to the suspected crime of extortion, compulsory measures have been taken.

  Zhao Zhan, a lawyer at Beijing Jiawei Law Firm, told the Beijing Youth Daily that making up food problems for extortion may involve criminal offenses, such as extortion, while those who teach others to defraud and post bad comments may be involved in teaching criminal methods.

  Lawyer Wang Qiongfei, founding partner of Zhejiang Kenting Law Firm, told Beiqing Daily that if the content of underground industry tutorials is disseminated on online platforms, and the content of teaching involves illegal crimes, the disseminator may be suspected of teaching criminal methods; according to Article 295 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2020), "Anyone who teaches criminal methods shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance; if the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment."

  At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 8 and Article 10 of the Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, short video platforms, communities, Tieba, etc. as online information content service platforms, shall improve the information release review, real-time inspection, black industry chain information disposal and other systems, find illegal content, take immediate disposal measures, keep records and report to the relevant departments.

  Text/Our reporter, Wen Jing, intern, Mei Jinghan

  Coordinator/Chi Haibo

Demystifying Apple’s entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX, OneWeb, and China’s Starlink will also be launched

Recently, well-known Apple analyst Guo Mingjun pointed out in the latest report that the iPhone 13 series mobile phone will be equipped with hardware that can connect to low-orbit satellites. After enabling relevant software functions, it will allow iPhone 13 users to make calls and send messages without 4G or 5G networks. Although the news was soon refuted by Bloomberg, saying that Apple is indeed developing satellite functions for iPhone, but it is unlikely to be launched in 2021, it can be confirmed that iPhone will add satellite communication functions is certain.

In this issue of intelligent internal reference, we recommend the report of Tianfeng Securities to reveal the current situation and trends of Apple’s entry into the low-orbit satellite communication market.

Source, Tianfeng Securities

Original title:



Over the weekend, Ming Kuo, who has always been accurate in breaking the latest news from Apple, released a big news. He revealed that the iPhone 13, the latest generation of iPhone that Apple will release this fall, will have the function of satellite communication! iPhone 13 will be equipped with a specially improved X60 baseband chip developed by Qualcomm. And the chip supports the n53 band owned by satellite communication company Globalstar. That is, even without 4G, 5G mobile signals and Wi-Fi, the new iPhone can send messages and make calls.

Bloomberg later published an article that partially confirmed Kuo’s claim, and posted the script that the latest generation of iPhone satellite communication is not a routine function, but is limited to emergency use. For example, in the wilderness, or in the absence of Wi-Fi and mobile signal scenarios, users can use limited satellite communication functions to call the police for help.

In satellite mode, there is a word limit on the number of messages a user can send, and iMessage is grayed out. Nonetheless, there are unique features to this type of urgent message. For example, even if the recipient of the message (the emergency contact you set) turns on Do Not Disturb mode, it can still receive a message sent via satellite communication and will display a notification.

However, the Bloomberg article also pointed out that the new iPhone may only contain components that support satellite communication, but it does not necessarily mean that the supporting functions will also be launched with iPhone 13. The official launch of these functions may not be earlier than next year. But in any case, Apple’s entry into low-orbit satellites has become a foregone conclusion.

Qualcomm has been working closely with Global Satellite Communications. As early as February this year, Qualcomm announced that,

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Another driving factor is political uncertainty.

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched

Demystifying Apple's entry into low-orbit satellite communications, led by SpaceX and OneWeb, China's Starlink will also be launched


Smart ThingsIt is believed that, looking back at history, satellite Internet is not a new concept. The pattern of competition and cooperation between satellite communication and terrestrial communication has existed for a long time and will continue. At present, there are many companies entering the satellite Internet, and the competition is fierce. The two largest companies, StarLink and OneWeb, have successfully risen to the stars many times, which also allows us to see the dawn of the completion of the global satellite Internet constellation. And the construction of satellite Internet in our country has also reached a stage within our capabilities and cannot be delayed. In the future, our country will also have 1-2 space X and OneWeb-level space companies.

The ceiling of China pickup truck, the 300,000 th vehicle of Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line.

Not only 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line, but the strength of the Great Wall Gun demonstrated the development of light speed.

The 300,000th vehicle rolled off the assembly line and the Great Wall Gun once again created a new history of high-end pickup trucks in China.

With the gradual loosening of the pickup policy in recent years, pickup trucks have become the choice of more and more people. Not only for commercial purposes, more young people are choosing to use pickup trucks to start a new lifestyle, and this change is inseparable from the trump card of pickup truck market-Great Wall Gun.

Just recently, the Great Wall Gun once again ushered in a historic breakthrough. The 300,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line at the Chongqing factory of Great Wall Motor, becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 vehicles. Therefore, 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line is not only a historic moment for the Great Wall Gun, but also a historic moment for the whole industry.

This is not an empty statement, because the speed of the 300,000 th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line not only created a new "Great Wall Gun Speed", but also refreshed the fastest speed of the whole industry. The off-line production of 300,000 vehicles of Great Wall Cannon can be roughly divided into two stages; In the first stage, the Great Wall Gun achieved a leap from zero to 200,000 units, which took only two years. In the second stage, the Great Wall Gun was significantly accelerated, from 200,000 to 300,000, and it took only 8 months. This speed fully demonstrates the great wall gun’s powerful brand potential and development toughness, and strongly boosts the development confidence of the pickup truck industry in China.

Of course, such achievements can not be achieved without the strong system ability and intellectual strength of Chongqing Smart Factory. As the production base of Great Wall Cannon, it is also the fifth full-process vehicle production base of Great Wall Motor in the world. Based on the concept of "environmental protection, lean and efficient", Chongqing Factory strictly controls every link from parts screening to four major processes, and then to off-line testing to ensure that every Great Wall Cannon product off-line can be delivered with high quality, which has won the recognition and trust of 300,000 users around the world.

In addition, at this historic moment, the Great Wall Gun has also been listed as a passenger gun and a commercial running trailer version. This move is also a quick response to the relevant regulations of C6 light tractor trailer officially implemented on April 1st this year. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, Great Wall Gun introduced trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns with higher cost performance on the basis of artillery, locomotive guns and off-road guns, and the market guidance price increased by 2,000 yuan on the four-wheel drive AT models of passenger guns and commercial guns. This also means that the whole car system of the Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models.

On the whole, the Great Wall Gun not only has strong R&D strength and intellectual strength, but more importantly, it can walk in the forefront of users’ market demand, provide users with a higher quality pickup truck driving experience, and set an example for the whole industry. Therefore, the success of the Great Wall Gun is the choice of users, and it is the inevitable result of the development of the industry. I believe that the Great Wall Gun will have more exciting performances soon, which is worth looking forward to.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India’s Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng M

Alibaba emptied the "India Alipay" Paytm shares and cashed in nearly 300 million US dollars.

On February 12th, according to foreign media reports, according to the data of the stock exchange, Alibaba Group recently sold its remaining shares in Indian digital payment company Paytm for about 13.78 billion Indian Rupee (US$ 167.14 million, about RMB 1.137 billion) through block transactions.

Specifically, Alibaba Singapore E-Commerce Company sold 21.4 million Paytm shares at a price of 642.74 rupees per share on February 10th, representing a 9% discount from Thursday’s closing price. Affected by the news, Paytm’s share price fell nearly 8% on February 10 to close at 650.55 rupees, but it still rose nearly 23% so far this year. In addition, Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd bought 5.42 million shares of Paytm at a price of 640 rupees on February 10th. It is not clear why Alibaba sold its equity. Paytm and Alibaba did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In January this year, Alibaba sold a 3.1% stake in Paytm through a block transaction of 125 million US dollars (currently about 851 million yuan). Prior to this, Alibaba held a 6.26% stake in Paytm 6.26% Since its listing in November 2021, Paytm has been under pressure to make profits. Since its listing, the stock has fallen by about 70% and plunged by 60% in 2022. (IT house)

Lu Weibing: In the past three years, Huawei has flowed out of 80 million users, and Xiaomi has robbed 50 million.

Recently, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, talked about the development of mobile phone business on the latest Xiaomi Investment Day, and revealed relevant information about high-end. Lu Weibing said that the brand TOM(Top of Mind) continued to improve, and the preference among high-end people accounted for 13%. In the past three years, H Company (Huawei) has exported 80 million users, Xiaomi has robbed 50 million, Apple has robbed 20 million and Glory has robbed 10 million.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

As a supplement, in 2022, Xiaomi shipped about 38.6 million smartphones in the domestic market, ranking fifth in market share; In the global market, smartphone shipments were 152.7 million units, ranking third with a market share of 13%. Lu Weibing said that "Huawei outflows 80 million, Xiaomi grabs 50 million, Apple grabs 20 million, and glory grabs 10 million" should refer to the global market.

Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, mostly R&D engineers.

Recently, two sources said that Arm China, the joint venture company of arm, a chip company of Softbank Group, laid off 90-95 employees last week to cope with the challenging business prospects this year. In addition, the dismissed employees are mainly engineers in the R&D department. Observer. com contacted the China office of Arm about this matter, but probably because of the weekend, no one answered the phone.

Inquiring about ARM China official website, the total number of employees in ARM China has exceeded 900, of which R&D personnel account for 85%, that is, there are at least 700 R&D personnel. R&D products cover SOC, HPC, CPU, AI, multimedia, ISP, VPU and so on.

Netcom Huawei will fully dominate AITO cars, and the official response

Recently, some netizens have noticed that the poster of Jiejie Automobile released by AITO official Weibo has changed the logo in the upper right corner to HUAWEI, even the chrysanthemum logo on Huawei’s signboard. Before that, the position of the logo in the upper left corner of the poster was written AITO. In addition, there are also screenshots of suspected group chats. From the content point of view, it is an important change involving AITO brand words.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

It said that it has recently reached an agreement with the top management of Celeste. In order to strengthen the brand uniqueness, from now on, the brand speech will no longer use "Huawei’s deep empowerment" but be changed to "Huawei’s overall leadership". In this regard, Huawei responded, saying that it misread the part, as follows: This move only highlights Huawei’s long-term deep empowerment of AITO brand, and the long-term deep cooperation between Huawei and Cyrus has not changed. In the future, the two sides will continue to jointly launch more and more competitive new products.

Wang Huiwen, co-founder of the former Meituan: invested 50 million US dollars to enter AI.

Recently, Wang Huiwen, the former co-founder of Meituan, was suspected of coming back. In his WeChat circle of friends, he wrote, "I will enter the artificial intelligence track, and at the same time said that individuals will also take out 50 million US dollars to join the group, regardless of salary and position." Below the comment area, several people liked it, including Shen Peng, founder and CEO of Shuidi Company.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Shen Peng also commented that "it is so unpretentious and boring for big bosses to invest". It is understood that Wang Huiwen was a representative of the early Internet industry in China, and he was a continuous Internet entrepreneur. He founded the intranet (now Renren), the caller network, Taofang, and Meituan.

Weibo big V Lin Dengwan responded to the question that Apple futures "can’t be flat": some things are for marketing.

Recently, many futures people have said that from the current futures market, the statement that "Lin Dengwan’s position can’t be closed" is not accurate. Futures speculators and Weibo V@ Lin Dengwan responded to the question that 1,500 tons of apple futures "can’t be flat". "We have some things that are true, and some things are for marketing, and marketing needs means." Some futures veterans said that Lin Dengwan and others may be involved in joint market manipulation. In this regard, Lin Dengwan said, "It is not convenient to give a specific answer for the time being. We are currently silent. At present, the most important thing is to turn the apples that everyone is speculating on weekdays into real food and sell them to the public. " (per meridian)

"WeChat avatar faded" reached the top of Weibo hot search, and the official response said that "related functions have been optimized"

On February 12th, news came that "the WeChat avatar faded" ranked first in Weibo’s hot search, and some netizens reported that the WeChat avatar faded. Compared with the original picture, the photo of the avatar used for a period of time became dim in definition and color. Some netizens also speculated that it was caused by compressed image quality.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

It is understood that the image format of WeChat avatar is PNG, which is a bitmap format using lossless compression algorithm. However, WeChat itself will compress the avatar images uploaded by users, thus reducing the file size. In this regard, WeChat official responded to Caijing Technology: "There are a small number of Android users’ feedback. Select" View previous avatar "in the avatar setting interface to switch back to the original avatar, and the color of the avatar set many times will fade. Related functions have been optimized and will be restored as soon as possible. "

Cao Cao changed coaches: Zhou Hang stepped down as chairman and Geely veteran Yang Jian took over.

A few days ago, the chairman of Hangzhou Youxing Technology Co., Ltd., the main operator of Cao Cao’s trip, changed from Zhou Hang to Yang Jian. Yang Jian has worked in Geely Group for many years. According to official website of Geely Group, Yang Jian joined Geely Group in 1996, and held several important positions successively, including the positions of President of Geely Automobile Research Institute, Executive Vice President of Geely Holding Group and President of Geely Holding Group.

Zhou Hang was the founder of Yizhi. In April 2022, Zhou Hang became the chairman of Cao Cao Travel. At that time, Cao Cao’s travel did not disclose Zhou Hang’s responsibilities, and the daily operation of the company was still presided over by CEO Gong Xin. Today, Zhou Hang has been the chairman of Cao Cao Travel for less than a year.

The domestic C-magazine states that concealing the use of ChatGPT will be rejected or withdrawn.

Recently, Journal of Jinan (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) published a note on the use of artificial intelligence writing tools: for the time being, it will not accept any articles signed separately or jointly by large-scale language model tools (such as ChatGPT). Relevant tools have been used in paper creation, which need to be put forward separately, and how to use them in detail and demonstrate the author’s own creativity in the article. For articles that cite artificial intelligence writing tools as references, the author should be asked to provide detailed citation arguments. (Zhongxin. com)

Yunda Express: Recently, "more than 2,000 outlets are closed" and "the company is going to close down" are all untrue contents.

February 12th news, recently, the abnormal delivery of Yunda Express caused a large number of netizens to vomit, resulting in delayed delivery and abnormal delivery, and even boarded the hot search in Weibo. On the evening of the 12th, Yunda Express officially released the "Clarification Announcement on Recent Internet Rumors", indicating that the courier brother of individual outlets did not go back to visit relatives for several years due to the epidemic, and the rework after the holiday was not timely, resulting in short-term shortage of staff, which caused the delay in dispatching parts in the area where individual outlets were located. Yunda Express also said that the closure of more than 2,000 outlets on the Internet was untrue. As for "customer service is not accepted", "revenue is not profitable" and "the company is going to close down", they are all untrue words.

Yu Chengdong responded to the suspension of Huawei BU Wang Jun: personnel adjustment does not affect the strategic direction of the car.

Recently, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Car BU, responded to the recent news that "Huawei Car BU Wang Jun was suspended", saying that (this time) it was a normal personnel adjustment change and there was no change in the direction of (Huawei’s car business). There are voices that the personnel transfer is related to the unsatisfactory business progress of Wang Jun. Yu Chengdong called many speculations about the strategic adjustment of Huawei’s automobile "online hype". (CBN)

Details of layoffs at Dell’s China headquarters are exposed.

A few days ago, foreign media reported that Dell will lay off about 6,650 people, accounting for about 5% of the total number of employees worldwide. According to many sources in Time Finance, the layoffs have spread to China District. At present, Dell’s headquarters in Xiamen’s China District has started layoffs, and the branches in Shanghai and Dalian have not yet confirmed them. An employee of Dell Xiamen Company said that on February 9, the department heads had a meeting to announce the layoffs, claiming that it was in line with the Group’s global layoffs plan, and many departments had layoffs targets.

An employee of the sales department of Dell Xiamen Company said that there are currently 10 people in the team, two of whom are already on the list of this wave of layoffs. After that, the leaders will have one-on-one interviews with employees, and it is expected that two more people will be laid off. As far as she knows, the compensation plan may be "n+2", but the exact situation will not be known until the personnel interview. She mentioned that laid-off employees will receive resignation notice in March, with a buffer period of more than one month, and they can work from home before. It is reported that some employees’ compensation schemes are "n+1". (Time Finance)

QQ’s first user exposure: the number is only five digits.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Recently, on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of QQ’s birth, an interview with Robert, the first user of QQ, was announced. Robert, 45, now lives overseas, QQ number is 10201. He once met Tencent team and studied various online chat tools in his early days. He worked on the Internet 24 years ago, and now he still remembers the excitement when he first experienced QQ in 1999.

After Meguiar’s announcement of 10% layoffs, the top management paid a salary cut of up to 20% and suspended bonuses.

On February 12th, according to foreign media reports, the Board Committee of Micron Technology approved to reduce the basic annual salary of some senior executives in FY 2023 and suspend the bonuses of all senior executives. This pay cut plan will make Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of the company, face a 20% salary cut, with the executive vice president’s salary cut of 15% and the senior vice president’s salary cut of 10%.

It is understood that Mehrotra’s basic salary in fiscal year 2022 is 1.41 million US dollars, and the total salary is as high as 28.8 million US dollars (currently about 196 million yuan), most of which comes from stock awards. Micron Technology made this decision in response to the decline in demand for electronic products and chips. Micron announced last year that it would lay off 10% of its employees in 2023 and suspend the payment of bonuses in 2023. Micron pointed out that this layoff will reduce the target cash remuneration of senior executives by 53%-75%, and it will also reduce more senior salaries. As for the non-employee members of the board of directors, the cash remuneration will also be reduced by 20%. (IT house)

Microsoft promotes the plan to lay off 10,000 people: involving HoloLens, Surface and Xbox departments.

On February 12 th, informed sources revealed that Microsoft laid off employees in departments such as Surface devices, HoloLens mixed reality hardware and Xbox last week, and implemented a plan to lay off 10,000 people announced last month. People familiar with the matter said that the massive layoffs of the HoloLens hardware team made people doubt whether the company would produce the third generation of smart glasses. In addition, in the Xbox game department, the marketing and Xbox game ecosystem teams are laying off employees. In this regard, Microsoft declined to comment, but said that it is still committed to the mixed reality field and the current HoloLens 2 version. (IT house)

ChatGPT was revealed to have hired data labeled "sweatshop"

According to reports, OpenAI reached a cooperation with an outsourcing company Sama at the end of 2021, and OpenAI sent tens of thousands of text fragments to Sama, containing a lot of content about murder, abuse and even more unbearable. According to qualifications and performance, the actual salary of data annotators employed by Sama for OpenAI is about $1.32 to $2 per hour. The interviewed employees all said that this job left them with "mental trauma". Although they were able to participate in the group psychological counseling organized by the company, the counseling did not provide any help. In 2022, Sama terminated its cooperation with OpenAI. (science and technology innovation board Daily)

Japan Yahoo, LINE and Z Holdings will merge this year.

Recently, Japan Z Holding Company said that it will merge with its two subsidiaries, LINE and Yahoo, within this year. It is reported that in the future, Z Holdings will be the parent company and LINE· Yahoo will be the core wholly-owned subsidiary to promote the expansion of tripartite collaboration. Promote the strengthening and merger of various services, thereby improving the speed of business decision-making and boosting the rapid development of business. Kawabe Kentaro and Izawa Gang, who previously served as CEO of Z Holdings, will take office as president and president and CEO respectively on April 1.

Musk fired Twitter senior engineers at the meeting because he heard that his popularity was declining.

According to foreign media reports, Musk recently fired a senior engineer of Twitter on the spot at an internal meeting, just because the engineer told him that his popularity on the Twitter platform was declining. Musk met with several engineers on Twitter on Tuesday to discuss the statistics of the number of views of his personal account on Twitter. In recent months, the number of views on his account has been declining.

Previously, Musk also arranged staff to investigate whether his ability to reach users on Twitter platform was limited by potential problems of Twitter algorithm. Sources familiar with the meeting said that Musk told employees at the meeting: "This is ridiculous. I have more than 100 million fans, but the published content has only tens of thousands of exposures. "

Apple’s service business income exceeds Nike McDonald’s combined.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Recently, according to the latest analysis report released by market research firm Finbold, the revenue of Apple’s service business will reach 79.4 billion US dollars in 2022, and this market segment alone will surpass many Fortune 500 companies. In addition, Apple’s revenue from service business alone exceeds the combined revenue of Nike and McDonald’s ($72.1 billion). It is understood that Apple’s service business includes: subscription service (Apple One), advertising revenue (Apple search engine and App Store) and handling fee income (App Store).

The data shows that the US 5G upgrade rules may cause the aviation industry to lose 637 million US dollars.

On February 12, according to foreign media reports, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said last week that the requirement of modifying aircraft altimeters proposed by the United States to ensure that they are not affected by 5G interference may cause the industry to lose at least 637 million US dollars (currently about 4.338 billion yuan). IATA said in its comments to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the cost would be much higher than the agency’s estimated $26 million (currently about 177 million yuan). The organization warned last week that many airlines are at risk of not meeting the deadline.

Scientists have found receptors that prevent Covid-19 infection.

Scientists at the University of Sydney found a kind of protein in the lungs, which can prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and form a natural protective barrier in the human body. Protein, known as LRRC 15 (Leucine-Rich Repeating-Containing Protein 15), can bind to SARS-CoV-2 without spreading infection. Teams from Oxford, England, Brown and Yale University in the United States have independently found receptors in LRRC15 protein.

SARS-CoV-2 virus mainly infects human cells by binding with ACE2 receptors, while lung cells have high levels of ACE2 receptors, so the virus mainly infects the lungs and causes serious problems. LRRC15, like ACE2, is the receptor of SARS-CoV-2, but the difference is that it does not support infection, and prevents other fragile cells from being infected by sticking to the virus. It will form a barrier to isolate the virus from the most vulnerable lung cells. (geek Solidot)

Vayve Eva, India’s first solar electric car, was unveiled and can run 12 kilometers without spending money every day.

On February 12th, Vayve Mobility, an electric vehicle startup headquartered in Pune, India, announced that it plans to launch India’s first solar electric vehicle Eva in 2024, and delivery will begin in mid-2024.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

As can be seen from the picture, Vayve Eva is an ultra-small city commuter car, which can accommodate two adults and one child. Eva is equipped with a bunch of solar panels with rated power of 150W on the roof, which can increase the cruising range by 10~12 kilometers every day. Vayve Eva is also equipped with a 14kWh battery pack, with a total battery life of 250 kilometers, and can be fully charged within 4 hours using a home wall socket charger. (IT house)

Leifeng net(WeChat official account: Leifeng. com)

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How to reset the tire pressure of Mercedes e300?

The steps to reset the tire pressure of Mercedes-Benz e300 are as follows: 1. Start the car and enter the maintenance interface through the multi-function buttons on the steering wheel; 2. Find the tire pressure function option in the maintenance interface and enter it; 3. Select the tire pressure reset function and enter after confirmation; 4. According to the prompt, select "Yes" through the buttons on the steering wheel to confirm the tire pressure reset; 5. Finally, press the Enter key to complete the tire pressure reset. Mercedes-Benz e300 is a luxury car tailored by Beijing Benz for China market. Its front face is unique in design, and the lines of far and near lights are sharp, showing a strong sense of movement, while the LED light group under the front of the car adds a fashionable atmosphere.

Chery Tiggo 8: I tried my best. The medium-sized SUV only sells for 85 thousand.

In recent years, the domestic development is very rapid, especially in the field, the sales performance is very bright, and it ranks among the top three in the sales list all the year round, which brings great pressure to the joint venture brand. Among them, Changan,, and have become the hottest independent brands in the market, but their sales performance has been relatively low because they are not good at design and marketing. At present, although the independent development is very rapid, the core technologies are all purchased from foreign countries and can be independently developed. There are not many car companies with these three core components, but domestic leaders, especially the 1.6T, whose comprehensive performance is close to the global mainstream level. Take this medium-sized model as an example. With its excellent product strength and cost performance, its sales volume has been stable at around 10,000 vehicles for many months, and it has gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive market. It is the family’s sales responsibility and achieved sales volume and double harvest. Next, Rui Ge will give you a detailed introduction to the comprehensive performance of this car and whether it is worth starting.

First of all, from the aspect of appearance, following the family design language, the large-size polygonal air intake grille almost occupies the whole front face, and the lattice chrome trim in the middle net and a flying wing trim perfectly connect the logo in series, which is full of grade. The headlights with full shapes on both sides look awkward and have a high degree of recognition. The penetrating lower enclosure and C-shaped air intakes on both sides, with blackened grille, dot-matrix fog lights and chrome trim, make the front face full of aggression.

On the side, the line shape looks tough, and the side adopts double waistline design, and a waistline continues from the back of the headlight to the tail in a slightly rising form; Another raised waistline runs from the lower edge to the tail, and two angular lines make the side look fashionable and dynamic. Multi-amplitude movement and raised wheel eyebrows make the side full of tough guys. In terms of details, the upper and lower edges are decorated with chrome trim strips, which greatly enhances the sense of grade.

At the rear of the car, the through running taillights, with the blessing of blackening, have a very sci-fi and cool visual effect. Surrounded by a U-shape, with a silver guard and bilateral chrome plating, it looks dignified and atmospheric. In terms of details, a spoiler on the roof adds sports attributes. As far as the design is concerned, it belongs to the dignified and atmospheric type, and at the same time, a large number of chrome-plated materials are used in the details, which enhances the sense of grade and conforms to the aesthetics of consumers of all ages. It is a model suitable for all ages.

In terms of size, the positioning is medium-sized, which is divided into 5-seat version and 6-seat version. The overall width and height are 4700*1860*1746mm, which is 2710mm, and the size is medium in this level. In the actual riding experience, the front seat is adjusted to the standard position, the longitudinal space of the rear leg is close to the allowance of three punches, and the head has the allowance of one punch and two fingers, so you can easily tilt your legs. Although the 6-seat version is slightly inferior to the 5-seat version in the back row, it is more practical and there is no need to worry about overloading and being full. At the same time, the rear seats also support proportional reclining, which can bring the experience of a large double bed. For consumers who run long distances, they can not only carry a lot of luggage, but also provide spacious rest space, which is very practical.

In terms of interior, the latest interior design of the family is followed, and the well-defined "T"-shaped center console looks full of grade. Full-LCD and suspended LCD central control panel, the display effect is very eye-catching, which supports the interconnection of Carplay and CarLife vehicles, and can display GPS navigation, vehicle driving status, multimedia entertainment, APP application and other functions. The three-position flat-bottomed steering wheel and the compact electronic gear lever fully reflect the sense of movement and technology. In terms of materials, the seat is wrapped in leather, and the stitching process of diamond plaid is very high-grade, both in touch and visual sense. The center console is covered with soft material, with several chrome trim strips and piano paint panel, which makes the interior atmosphere look fashionable, exquisite and upscale.

In terms of power, it is equipped with 1.5T and 1.6T four cylinders respectively, which are in line with the national six, with 156/197 horses and 230/290 Nm respectively, and the transmission is matched with 6-speed manual /6-speed and 7-speed. Both versions have abundant power output, especially the 1.6T version, which has obvious push-back feeling and is suitable for young consumers to control. This model has been greatly improved, which is 7.3L, but actually it is about 8-9L. For a medium-sized model, the performance is still very good. On the other hand, the former McPherson is adopted, and the overall adjustment is not bad, taking into account the handling and comfort, and the driving quality is excellent. For a medium-sized car with a size of less than 100,000, it is still very kind after carrying it.

To sum up, as a domestic medium-sized product, it has excellent comprehensive product strength with the advantages of dignified and atmospheric appearance, scientific and technological interior atmosphere, spacious seating space, excellent power output and good adjustment. At present, this car only sells for 85 thousand after the discount, which is very cost-effective for a medium-sized car. Therefore, many riders regret that they bought it early and should wait to buy it. The configuration is richer and the price is cheaper. What do netizens think about this? Welcome to leave a comment.

BYD Han EV’s monthly sales exceeded 10,000, and the fuel vehicle was officially discontinued.

BYD announced on April 3, 2022 that it officially became the first car company in the world to stop producing fuel vehicles. It is worth mentioning that at last year’s COP26 climate conference, many car companies around the world jointly stated that the production of fossil fuel vehicles will be gradually stopped worldwide by 2040. Among them are BYD, Ford, General Motors, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and other enterprises. BYD is the only China car company that is a signatory. At the same time, BYD has also become the fastest one to fulfill its promise.

In addition to the heavy news that fuel vehicles stopped production, BYD also announced its sales results in March. It is reported that BYD sold more than 100,000 vehicles in March, and the sales volume of BYD Han alone broke Wanda to 12,359 vehicles, an increase of 33% from the previous month. Among them, the sales volume of Han EV bicycles exceeded 10,000, reaching 10,178; Han DM sales increased by 524.9% month-on-month. By March, 2022, the cumulative sales volume of BYD Han family had exceeded 190,000, ranking firmly in the Top1 of China brand medium and large cars. BYD can be said to be a new energy leader.

At present, it is a global consensus to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality, and emission standards are being tightened around the world. BYD is also actively following the national "double carbon" strategic goal to promote the green and low-carbon development of the automobile industry. BYD’s super hybrid vehicles have completely surpassed fuel vehicles in terms of performance and fuel consumption. Take BYD’s latest Han DM-i/DM-p as an example. It is equipped with BYD’s blade battery, DiSus-C intelligent electronically controlled active suspension, DiLink 4.0(5G) intelligent network connection system, DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, maximum 80kW safe boost DC fast charging and high-efficiency heat pump air conditioning in wide temperature range.

Among them, the acceleration of the Han DM-p model can reach an astonishing 3.7s per 100 km, while the pure battery life of the Han DM-p model can reach 242KM, the fuel consumption is 4.2L/100KM, and the comprehensive battery life is 1300KM. Commuting to and from work in urban areas is completely pure electricity to save money. Even when you go back to your hometown and go on road trip on holidays, the fuel consumption is lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles. In this way, for most consumers, with DM-i/DM-p models, there is no point in buying traditional fuel vehicles at all.

Due to the mixed production of PHEV and fuel vehicles, from the perspective of development, stopping the production of fuel vehicles now will not only have no commercial losses, but also transfer the production capacity to new energy vehicles. It is obviously a win-win situation for DM-i models to be delivered to consumers faster. From the brand point of view, it can be upgraded from a brand in the era of fuel vehicles to a completely pure new energy vehicle enterprise, and from the brand image point of view, it will become more vigorous.

New energy vehicles are the biggest catch for our national automobile industry to overtake in corners. It is precisely because BYD has the determination to burn its bridges that we have the opportunity to catch up with or even surpass the automobile industries in Germany, Japan and the United States. Whoever is unwilling to change will be eliminated by the times. Other traditional fuel vehicle manufacturers also understand this truth, but most of them are reluctant to part with the existing fuel vehicle market.

To sum up, BYD, as the "first brother" of the current domestic new energy vehicle enterprises. It is a very bold and decisive decision to establish the brand tonality of pure electric vehicles. After unloading the "historical burden" of fuel vehicles, BYD’s pure electric vehicles and DM-i super hybrid "walk on two legs" and have infinite potential in the future.

What is the function of BYD Hanche key?

In addition to the traditional induction car keys, BYD Hanche keys also have a set of truck keys. It uses NFC induction technology, and the car can be easily unlocked by placing the card near the rearview mirror shell, thus avoiding the trouble of carrying larger traditional car keys.

Regarding the hold button of BYD Hanche key, the following is some information:

1. Introduction:

Press the hold key for a few seconds to open the trunk, so as to avoid accidents caused by pressing the hold key when the vehicle is driving, so it is called "hold".

2. Other functions:

The hold key is not the trunk open key, but the remote engine start button. Within a long distance, press and hold for 2 to 3 seconds, and the car will start automatically. This function can adjust the temperature inside the car in advance in winter and summer, so that you can enjoy a comfortable temperature before entering the car.

After 92 years of inheritance, Volvo S90 is still familiar!

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Only choose the right one! Test Volvo S90 T4 Zhiyuan Edition Evaluation Editor-Qi Zixin:

The design has its own personality, and the active safety system is also very easy to use. Although the 2.0T engine is a low-power version, it is still not slow. Sensitive throttle and steering settings are actually not suitable for me. For a medium and large car, maturity is more important. In the whole S90 series, I think the low-priced models are more cost-effective, meet daily needs and save more money.

Evaluation Editor-Sheng Yuanjun:

Volvo S90 T4 Zhiyuan Edition can be said to be the most cost-effective model in the S90 system at present. Although it is a low-power version of the T4 model, its power performance can be completely reassuring. The configuration level is one of the highlights of this car. In addition to all kinds of conventional comfort configurations, advanced safety configurations such as adaptive cruise and urban safety system are also available, which is the place where it is ahead of its peers. In short, in S90 series, this car is worthy of priority recommendation.

Evaluation Editor-Zhu Lishen:

Even the 2.0T low-power version of T4, the power performance is still good, and the acceleration performance is still satisfactory. Although the official said that the adjustment of the S90 China version is the softest and most comfortable setting, compared with mainstream models such as BMW 5 Series, its vibration reduction setting is naturally very sporty, and the feeling of throwing away is still obvious when passing through a big bump.

Stars who "perform" in the live broadcast room

Author | Uncle Cat

It’s hard to imagine that the live broadcast of goods that the big coffee was ashamed of two years ago has now become a common practice in the entertainment industry.

Especially in 2021, the stars who stayed in the live broadcast circle became more and more bottomless.

The star’s job was originally acting, but now the main battlefield of many stars is no longer movies and TV series, but has become a live broadcast room with goods.

Moreover, the "cannibalism" of stars with goods is sometimes uglier than that of online celebrity.

The stars performed in the live broadcast room

On November 27th, a well-known actress surnamed Huang was in the live broadcast room, holding a Hetian jade necklace with a price of 1,280 yuan and sincerely shouting: "299 yuan."

The merchant was incoherent with anger: "Do you know what this is? This is Hotan Jasper, and this is the ceiling in nephrite! This is Russia’s No.7 mine, and No.7 mine was extinct in 2008 … "

The actress surnamed Huang didn’t speak, but slowly touched the jade pendant of the necklace. The merchant quickly said, "If you really want to sell 299 yuan, I really can’t put the bill. Well, I can only put 300 bills at most."

Actress surnamed Huang: "Then I think you should be cheaper."

The actress surnamed Huang responded with a hundred words, and the netizens in the live broadcast shouted for the price. The actress surnamed Huang looked at the screen and said with enthusiasm: "Did someone say 199 yuan? I think some people say 118 yuan, ok, just 118 yuan! "

Embarrassed, at this time, no one on the screen shouted for 199 and 118, but 9.9 yuan, 29 yuan and 99 yuan.

Finally, this necklace is priced at 118 yuan, and it is also bought for one get one free. After it is put on the shelves, it is not limited to 300 orders, but you can buy it at will.

Obviously, this is a good play starring actress Huang and merchants. The so-called asking netizens to bid is just a process atmosphere.

The price reduction from 1280 yuan to 118 yuan is really arbitrary. Merchants are shouting limited, loss-making, and subsidies. In fact, they are all fooling netizens to place orders.

In fact, there are more and more stars who "perform" in the live broadcast room like actress Huang.

Live broadcast with goods has become a mirror for all kinds of demons.Originally a paradise for online celebrity anchors, it has now been seized by major stars.

Even Pan Changjiang, a venerable elder, stepped into the muddy water of live broadcast with goods after staged a slapstick farce of "the turn of the Pan Ga", which was repeatedly questioned, but it was out of control, and was complained by netizens that his last days were in jeopardy.

Even more embarras,Those "routines" with goods, which have long been played badly by online celebrity people, are now grounded and learned by the stars.

This has also led to the fact that although the stars "performed" very hard in the live broadcast room, the effect is getting worse and worse, the audience is getting worse and worse, and the effect of bringing goods is getting worse every day.

The "script with goods" is the same, which is a great test of star acting.

The biggest problem that makes people embarrassed is that most stars’ "scripts with goods" are the same.

Netscape Internet (ID: WXS360) found that,Among them, there are two scripts with goods, which are repeated by stars in the live broadcast room.Because of too many performances, it is a great test for actors’ acting skills.

1. Performance quarrels with merchants

The flow of this script is:

1) The first scene: the merchant quotes, the anchor is not satisfied, and bargains on the spot;

2) The second act: the merchant sells badly, tells the selling point of the product and refuses to reduce the price;

3) Act III: The anchor gets angry, loses his mind, directly releases the fracture price, and says that he subsidizes the fans;

4) The merchants were forced to meet the anchor conditions and promised limited supply;

4) Ending: The anchor called on fans to place orders quickly.

The script with goods has been performed by countless online celebrity for many times, and it is still imitated by many stars. How many netizens into the pit can be fooled now, which not only tests the anchor’s acting skills and cooperation with the merchants, but also needs to be followed up in a more intense and bottomless way.

Although we all know that the anchor and the merchant signed a contract long before the cooperation, it is impossible not to talk about the price of the goods. However, in the process of quarreling and bargaining, the actors still have to be full of emotions, and the performance should be true and full of tension, bringing a strong sense of substitution and impact to netizens.

2. Pretend to mark the wrong price.

Nowadays, there are goods in the live broadcast room, and the frequency of wrong price is getting higher and higher. So that netizens ridiculed that there is no star who missed the price, and it is not a good star with goods.

The routine of "marking the wrong price" is most used by female stars when they bring goods, and some even mark the wrong price several times in a live broadcast.

The success of "marking the wrong price" mainly depends on the "performance" after the anchor marked the wrong price.Successful "acting skills" usually shout "The price is wrong, the price is wrong, so don’t place an order, I’m going to pay for it …", while acting in a hurry and at a loss.

At this time, the more the anchor is at a loss, the harder netizens place orders, and the IQ tax will be quiet.

Under such circumstances, acting-style live broadcast, script-style selling of goods and other means of curiosity and speculation are flooding the live broadcast rooms of various anchors, including scripts and words, and even the commodity pricing and price reduction are strikingly similar.

When Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker were opened, all the live broadcast rooms became show shows with goods, and the anchors were performing hard and repeatedly under the same script.

The live broadcast bonus disappears, and the industry urgently needs a "new script" 

In 2020, the first year of star live broadcast was ushered in with the help of the epidemic. Tamia Liu, Michael Chen, Yuqi Zhang, Stephy, Li Xiang, Wang Han, Eva Huang, Ye Yixi, Yang Kun, Li Xiaolu, Xue Zhiqian … Many young stars have tried live water to bring goods, and sales of hundreds of millions have become routine operations.

In a year, the live broadcast bonus disappeared. The sales myth of stars, accompanied by constant controversy, overturned several times.

9.9 yuan, a live studio in Jordan chan, sold a gold bar and an autographed photo. As a result, the fans received a golden plastic piece, and the autograph was only printed matter.

Pan Changjiang, Wang Xiaoli, and Xie Mengwei (Gazi) have all sold branded wine with the name of Maotai Town in the live broadcast room. This kind of wine can’t be said to be fake wine, but the name of "Maotai Town" and "Xinghua Village" is somewhat suspected of fooling consumers.

In fact, more and more stars have "killed" into the wine, jewelry and jewelry industries because of the high profits and the inability to uniformly estimate their values. Similar rollover incidents are not uncommon.

Some stars gradually fade out of the live broadcast circle, while some stars do not care about their feathers and the trust of fans in the live broadcast room, and frequently consume the popularity and word of mouth saved by their own entertainment circles.

In the Tucao Conference, Viya made a slightly sarcastic speech:"When the stars have what good, you see these stars, not to live? The destination of stars is to bring goods. "

Hao Lei also said that the live broadcast diverted the stars in the film and television circle. "Thank you very much for the live broadcast. Some people don’t have to go around this detour and must be actors."

At present, the main positions of the first-line strength stars who are getting along well in the film and television circle are still film and television dramas, and they rarely set foot in live broadcasts, such as Bo Huang, Jason Wu, Chen Sicheng, Shen Teng, Ge You and Chen Daoming. Most of the people who have been in the live broadcast circle for a long time are traffic stars, female stars and outdated stars.

An interesting phenomenon is that,If you can’t pick a good script in the film and television circle, it is difficult to pick a good script in the live broadcast circle, and even you can only repeat the bad script.

Even if it is a live broadcast, most stars have no originality and recognition ability. Online celebrity, the head of the company, is still developing a new script, and most of the stars have just embarked on the "homogenization" routine under the planning of the merchants. But when the "scripts" become more and more similar and the hype routine becomes more and more obvious, how long can the audience’s freshness be maintained? How long can the platform tolerate?

There is nothing wrong with the live broadcast, and it is understandable to have a script routine, but the script should also be innovative with the times, and the live broadcast should be more sincere and less deceptive.
