"The Wild Goose Lake" is released, Hu Ge Guilun Magnesium gathers for the New Year

1905 movie network news On December 6th, the film was officially released, and the word-of-mouth video of "All Seas Gathering" was also released simultaneously. The film was directed by Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, and Liao Fan and Wan Qian were specially starred, starring in Qidao. With fresh crime elements, in-depth interpretations of powerful casts and exquisite audio-visual language, the film was not only shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 72nd Cannes International Film Festival, but also gained a good reputation in domestic multi-city screenings. Audience expectations continued to rise. On December 5th, the film held a special premiere in Shanghai, and the film director Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei appeared in the studio to interact with fans in depth.

Fully upgraded, Diao Yinan’s new ritual crime will be released on December 6

early2014In 2008, Diao Yinan directed the works in the first64The Berlin International Film Festival won the Best Film Golden Bear Award and the Best Actor Silver Bear Award, becoming the second film in the history of Berlin to receive both golden bears and silver bears. "The Wild Goose Lake", as a sincere work of Diao Yinan’s five years of hard work, was also shortlisted for the first place with excellent standards72Dozens of important international film festivals, including the main competition section of the Cannes International Film Festival, have been praised by foreign media as "Ingenious crime epic","Brilliant film noir, romantic and exciting".

It is reported that the film was filmed in Wuhan. In order to ensure the immersion and immersion of the performance, the director not only required the starring actor to use Wuhan dialect dialogue throughout the whole process, but also used the "Dashun Shooting" method to shoot.With exquisite audio-visual language, it presents a very local style of light and shadow wonders.Reproduce the miniature landscape of Wuhan from the inside out.

In this regard, Diao Yinan believes: "Such a space can lead the characters and stories, waiting for them to open up." Whether it is genre elements, audio-visual presentation or pre-shooting, the film "The Wild Goose Lake" can be regarded as a unique ritual crime genre film, and has also been called by film critics as "an upgrade of the director’s personal style".

A good show gathers, Hu Ge Guilun Magnesium Liao Fan Wanqian goes to the puzzle together

As the latest masterpiece of director Diao Yinan’s comprehensive upgrade, the film has the strength of a "top match" cast in a crime genre film: Hu Ge once won the Magnolia Best Actor Award for his TV series "Langya List", and the literary and artistic Gui Lun Magnesium also has wonderful performances in commercial films. Liao Fan is the first Chinese actor to win the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, and Wan Qian and Qi Dao have also been nominated for major TV film festivals. A group of people who are "good plays" will surely contribute to wonderful "good plays".

In addition, the difficulty of the performance of this film made several powerful actors dare not take it lightly: Hu Ge broke through himself, interpreting the little people struggling on the edge, drying the lamp every day, practicing fighting, and even deliberately maintaining a state of anxiety and exhaustion, just to get close to the character; Gui Lunmei came to Wuhan to live in advance, visiting the streets and alleys to experience the living environment of the characters; Liao Fan often communicated with local vendors to feel the necessary market atmosphere of the local police; Wan Qian spent two weeks learning carpentry for a few seconds of footage.

Vigorous and strange, the whole process of urban "story meeting" is romantic and high-energy

The movie "The Wild Goose Lake" tells the story of Zhou Zenong, the leader of a car theft gang, who embarks on the road of escape under a heavy reward and sets up a game with Liu Aiai, an accompanying swimming girl, in order to obtain the bounty. In addition to the dramatic core of the "story club", high-energy scenes in the film are also abundant. Famous scenes such as "street racing", "enclave gunfights" and "gang infighting" make the audience shout: "See the heart pounding!" According to director Diao Yinan, the inspiration for the story originally came from unintentional ideas. It was not until seeing similar cases in the coverage that reality and fantasy became portrayals of each other that they decidedseriousLet’s turn this idea into a movie.

As the star Gui Lunmei said: "Crime and love are one and the same." In this crime film full of temptations and suspicions, Diao Yinan tries to create more mysterious characters and emotional trends: Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai meet by chance, and in the end they have mutual pity and become accomplices; he and his wife Yang Shujun have not seen each other for several years, but they are determined to die for their wife and children. From Zhou Zenong’s "life return run" to Liu Aiai’s inner kindness awakening, the film’s human glimmer conveys the director’s realistic care.

Talking about the deeper meaning of the characters in the film, Hu Ge said: "From these little characters on the edge, I can see that every individual is equal, has the instinct to survive, and struggles with fate. At the same time, we can also see the warmth in them and the brilliance of humanity in this process. Although they are very distant and unfamiliar characters from me, I can still be deeply moved by them." Gui Lunmei also shared her understanding: "The most fascinating thing about Liu Aiai’s character for me is that she still maintains a very simple part. In the end, she can make moral choices because of her simplicity."

The movie "The Wild Goose Lake" is currently being screened nationwide.

Yang Mi’s "face change" video hot AI makes you change whoever you want?

  Recently, some netizens uploaded a video of Yang Mi "changing his face". In the video, the producer used AI technology to change Yang Mi’s face to Zhu Yin’s character Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Hero". The video immediately triggered a heated discussion on the whole network, and there were continuous hot searches. Users said that the video had no sense of inconsistency, and even "thanks to technology, Yang Mi finally has acting skills". In addition to the large-scale amazement of the Internet, this black technology of "changing faces every minute" also makes people think carefully and feel terrifying.

  Yangzi Evening News/Eye Raising Reporter, Kong Xiaoping

  [Event playback]

  "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong" has no flaws

  In the 94th edition of "The Legend of the Condor Hero", Zhu Yin played Huang Rong, who was very smart and playful, and many scenes could be called classics. Bilibili, a UP master named "Brother Face Changer", used AI technology to replace Yang Mi’s face with "Huang Rong" in the play. Looking at it, "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong"’s expression and body movements were very smooth, and no flaws could be seen at all. Because it was too realistic, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet. It is reported that the face-changing brother has previously released a number of videos of changing faces for film and television characters, including Dragon Mom in A Song of Ice and Fire, Rose in Titanic, Liu Piao Piao in King of Comedy, Laura in Tomb Raider, etc., and the replacements are all Yang Mi.

  This is not an exception

  After the video appeared, netizens went from stunned to amazed. There was even a topic on the Internet called "Replace Zhu Yin’s Huang Rong with Yang Mi’s face", and the reading volume actually soared to 110 million, and there were 25,000 discussions. Some netizens said that with the blessing of technology, anyone can become an acting school. Will face-changing technology become a new shortcut for performers? In the future, celebrities don’t need to be present for filming, they can directly sign a license contract "allowing face-changing", and they can produce film and television works.

  In fact, "AI face-changing" did not start with @face-changing brother, but attracted wider attention because of "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong".

  The tool used by @Face Changer to make this realistic video was called deepfake. It appeared abroad in 2017. Some people used celebrities to make some indecent videos. Unfortunately, the celebrities who were recruited included Gail Gadot, Scarlett Johansson, etc. At that time, it caused a lot of controversy, and many platforms explicitly banned the dissemination of such videos.

  "It’s simply a technical obscenity, ask for rectification"

  After deepfake was introduced into China, some netizens in China have also made face-changing videos. For example, the female live streaming host that otaku men love to see has been replaced by a domestic popular flower, with hundreds of thousands of views. Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson once predicted that "it is only a matter of time before anyone becomes the target of this technology."

  Therefore, the reporter saw that many sober netizens also realized that public figures only bear the brunt of "technology". If someone maliciously uses and abuses, anyone can become anyone, and it is not safe for everyone. Some netizens said that "face changing" is simply a naked "technical obscenity". Countless netizens called on relevant departments to "seek rectification"!

  The publisher has removed the relevant videos from the shelves.

  On the 27th, the video publisher @facechanger issued an apology on Weibo, saying that it had communicated with Yang Mi’s official studio and removed the relevant video. He also said that ordinary AI face-changing technology may only be used for entertainment purposes, and higher-level AI technology such as military use has high security, and current civilian AI technology will not pose a threat. He also said that this is a warning to everyone that everyone should respect copyright and portrait rights and focus on the technology itself.

  [Chain reaction]

  Thinking about it carefully, I feel very terrifying. Is it safe to pay by brushing your face?

  This incident has undoubtedly caused a certain negative impact on society, but it is terrifying to think about it carefully. Nowadays, AI is used in various scenarios such as autonomous driving, facial recognition, smart cities, and smart homes, including facial recognition systems. However, once the back-end control system is attacked, there will be a large-scale and chain collapse, and the consequences of AI getting out of control will be unimaginable. According to online reports, in January 2019, the Dutch Deeptrace Laboratory released a deepfake development report saying that the number of searches for "deepfake" keywords in 2018 increased by 1,000 times compared with 2017.

  On the night of the 27th, @AliSecurity made a popular science and response on Weibo. Jue Ao, an advanced algorithm expert at AliSecurity Turing Lab, pointed out in the video that the current mainstream face-changing technology is based on deep learning models, and its core is an "autoencoder". Specifically, through face detection technology, it takes thousands to tens of thousands of faces to capture the faces of two people in the video, such as Zhu Yin and Yang Mi. After training, enter Zhu Yin’s face to generate Yang Mi’s face.

  What kind of problems will the application of this technology cause? Jue Ao said that in addition to the moral and ethical issues caused by face changing, the "black and gray industry" uses AI to change faces, which is a common attack method. "In the facial recognition system, the technology of recognizing face changing is called live detection technology, which is an attack and defense confrontation technology, that is, using AI means to solve AI attacks." Jue Ao also said that through deep learning technology, training models can be identified by the difference in texture, skin color, reflection and other characteristics of the two. It can be achieved in milliseconds to find fake faces, and the current recognition accuracy rate is 99.9%. At the same time, he also pointed out, "In recent years, due to the rapid development of deep learning, the technology of attack and defense has been constantly improving. This is a process of continuous and dynamic confrontation, and we have the confidence and ability to do it well."

  To this end, @Ali security said that Ali’s facial recognition live detection technology can be identified in milliseconds, the success rate is as high as 99.9%, and there are still prevention and control technologies.

  [Reporter interview]

  New technologies cannot break through the legal bottom line

  Xu Difeng, a professor and doctoral director at Nanjing University Law School, said in an interview with reporters that there have been infringement acts of imitating the voices of celebrities in the past. He believes that there is no right or wrong for "AI face-changing" as a technology. AI face-changing celebrities are similar to the behavior of using other people’s photos without permission, and they are all suspected of infringing the right of portrait. Platforms and individuals who use technology unreasonably should be bound by the law.

  Where are the boundaries of the application of "face changing"? Xu Difeng said that in the past, it was PS photos, but now face changing is PS videos, and the legal awareness that other people’s photos and videos cannot be used casually is also gradually developing. In addition, this AI face changing technology has certain latent risks, and there are currently legal norms applicable to it.

  In the interview, some experts in communication also said that the development of AI technology allows ordinary people to enjoy the convenience brought by technology, but new technologies should drive the renewal and iteration of benign cultural creativity, avoid using crooked roads, and do not break through the bottom line to challenge public order and good customs.

"Young Soldier" makes its debut, Jackie Chan abandons his son and elects Wang Leehom

Wang Leehom and Jackie Chan "Hello brothers"

Leehom Wang

Jackie Chan

Actress Lin Peng

Wu Yue

Jia Qi, Deputy Director of the Movie Channel Program Center

group photo of the main creator

  Movie Network News (Text/Xie Yawei, Photo/Yang Liu) On April 2, Jackie Chan’s new work "Young Soldier" held a media meeting in Beijing. Led by Jackie Chan, including director Ding Sheng, actors Wang Leehom, Liu Chengjun, Xu Dongmei, Lin Peng and other main creators made their first collective appearance. Jia Qi, deputy director of the film channel, also attended as a guest. Although the film has always maintained a very low-key attitude, on that day, Jackie Chan, the eldest brother, was quite interested. Not only did he sing a cappella on the spot, but he also broke out his nickname for his son Jaycee Chan – "Little House". He talked a lot of behind-the-scenes stories, and he liked to make fun of everyone.

  "Young Soldier" tells the story of the Warring States Period, when an ordinary soldier captured a general and planned to take him back to his own country. On the way back, many interesting or tragic stories happened. Jackie Chan was the "soldier", and Wang Leehom played the "young general".

Jackie Chan abandons "small house"

  Jackie Chan revealed that there were three candidates for the role of "Junior General": Jaycee, Daniel Wu, and Leehom Wang. At that time, his wife Lin Fengjiao strongly recommended that his son play the role, but Jackie Chan abandoned the Jaycee name, "’Little House’, Jaycee. If he played, the audience would just stare at him to see how he resembled me, and they couldn’t get into the movie at all. Wu Yanzu just worked with me on" Shinjuku Incident ", so Leehom Wang is the most suitable." Jackie Chan said that the three people’s image and temperament are quite similar. At this time, the host joked: "No, Jaycee’s eyes are not as big as Wang Leehom’s." The humorous Jackie Chan also pretended to be angry and confronted him, which attracted a lot of laughter from the audience.

Jackie Chan thinks Wang Leehom is "annoying"

  "Young Soldier" is Wang Leehom’s second film since "Lust and Caution," and the talented singer is also outstanding in performance. "Ten years ago, I saw him play the piano, violin, erhu, drums, and speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. I thought, how can this person know anything?" Jackie Chan and Wang Leehom have known each other for ten years, saying that if he were a girl, he would definitely fall in love with him. The eldest brother is full of praise for Wang Leehom, but when it comes to singing, he calls him "very annoying". "After I captured him in the film, I was very happy and sang the hometown tune. He always beat me behind me and corrected the rhythm. I couldn’t sing well. It was really annoying." After the joke, Jackie Chan hung his throat a few times and sang the "hometown tune" at the scene. This time, Wang Leehom didn’t dare to make trouble.

Xu Dongmei "Strong Kiss" Wang Leehom

  Jackie Chan’s female disciple Xu Dongmei plays a strong woman in the film, with a wild and unrestrained personality, similar to her own personality and temperament. Xu Dongmei’s first scene in the crew turned out to be kissing Wang Leehom. Talking about this matter, the fledgling she was a little embarrassed: "I love face very much. When I was told to kiss Wang Leehom, although I still acted cool and relaxed, I was already very nervous."

  The film’s other female lead, Lin Peng, who played a teacher at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, described her joining as a dream, while Jackie Chan said it was "purely accidental." "Lin Peng walked past me in the corridor of the Olympic venues, and I just thought, isn’t she that character?" In this way, "teacher" Lin Peng turned into "gentle woman" and had an emotional entanglement with Wang Leehom.

Big brother and Ding Sheng, fellow villagers meet fellow villagers

  Jackie Chan and Ding Sheng have worked together on four commercials, and it was the collaboration that made Jackie Chan fall in love with the young director many years ago. "I saw Ding Sheng’s work status on the scene at that time. He has a very clear idea and strong ability. Maybe because he is from Shandong, his personality is also very similar to mine, and I admire him very much." Jackie Chan said that he has been shooting movies for decades, and just by looking at the director’s work status on the scene, you can know whether he has real skills. "As soon as an expert makes a move, you will know if there is any." In a hurry, Jackie Chan burst into Cantonese. "This is the first time I have used a mainland team to shoot my own film. As the boss, I asked them to stop and rest four times. They are really dedicated." Jackie Chan said that in the near future, he will work with Ding Sheng again.

  At the scene, Jackie Chan’s disciple "New Seven Xiaofu" performed the theme song of "Little Soldier", which made people’s eyes shine with cool costumes and dances with martial arts movements. Director Ding Sheng revealed that the film has been shooting in Yunnan since it started shooting on February 3, and is now in Beijing. There are still three days to complete the pre-shooting.

Next page: More wonderful pictures of the press conference

[Movie Network]www.1905.comExclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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     [PConline Xi’an Railway Station Quotes]HUAWEI P7Using its own HiSilicon Kirin 910T 1.8GHz quad-core processor, 1.8GHz frequency, 2GB RAM+ 16GB ROM, supports maximum 64GB memory expansion. 5.0 inch 1080P resolution IPS screen, using in-cell technology, front and back body covering the third generation Corning Gorilla Glass. 13 million pixel rear + 8 million pixel front-facing camera, the main camera adopts F2.0 aperture, Sony 4th generation stacked sensor. Based onAndroid 4.4.2 customized Emotion 2.3 operating system and 2500mAh capacity battery. Support 5-mode 10-band, supportTD-LTE,TD-SCDMA, GSM,FDD-LTE,WCDMA(The latter two are only supported by international roaming). Today, the author learned from the store merchants that the dual-card quad-core machine Huawei P7 National Bank Asia is priced at 2888 yuan. Friends who like it may wish to pay more attention.

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[Reference quotation]: 2888 yuan (National Bank)
[Sales merchant]: Yasai mobile network Xianyang store [The price is subject to the day]
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[Quote inquiry]:Xi’an mobile phone market
[Quote inquiry]:Xi’an mobile phone quotation 

2014 Beijing Auto Show: BYD Tang was officially released at the auto show.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

Test drive Jietu traveler: intelligent four-wheel drive blessing, making off-road easier

Since the pre-sale of Chengdu Auto Show started, Jetway travelers have gained great attention and nearly 20,000 orders, which is quite good. On October 22nd, Jetway Traveler ushered in the listing in Sichuan, Chongqing and Tibet and started the delivery of the first batch of car owners. The guide price of the new car was 139,900-184,900 yuan, and six models were provided. So, why can Jetway travelers win the favor of so many people? Is the product really so powerful? Let’s get to know each other better with Brother Circle today.

Hardcore and fashion fit perfectly.

For Jetway Traveler, this car is no longer strange to everyone. The design of the whole square box of the new car is full of off-road atmosphere, which gives people a strong visual impact. Jietu Traveler’s middle net is designed with blackening, and equipped with English logo of Jietu, so the whole front of the car is highly recognizable. At the same time, the new car adopts matrix design in the headlights on both sides, with tough front bumper and fluorescent green trailer hook to create a tough SUV atmosphere.

The side style of the new car is a well-made domestic small guard. The overall simple design style is matched with the design elements such as wide black wheel eyebrows, suspended roof and angular window frame, which gives people the feeling that toughness and fashion are just right. The rear part adopts the design of "small schoolbag" and side-opening electric suction door, which shows the strong off-road nature of the new car.

Comfort and technology configuration are full

Entering the car, Jietu has made great efforts to build the interior of travelers. The overall design is T-shaped and straight. The central control adds a horizontal metal wire drawing panel, a door handle, a square handle with a full grip and a D-shaped steering wheel, which greatly enhances the texture and driving desire in the car. The 10.23-inch LCD instrument and the 15.6-inch central control large screen support intelligent voice control, 3D VPA intelligent assistant and FOTA intelligent upgrade, so that the technological sense of the new car is still online.

In addition, in terms of new car configuration, it provides lane departure warning system, active braking/active safety system, DMS fatigue driving warning, DOW door opening warning, 50W mobile phone wireless charging, rollover prevention system, 540-degree panoramic image, L2.5-level assisted driving, automatic parking and other technological configurations, which will also be equipped according to different models.

Let’s look at the space again. The length, width and height of Jetway travelers are 4785/2006/1780 mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2800 mm. Brother Quan is close to 1.75 meters tall and keeps my comfortable driving posture in the front row. I can get a spacious sitting space in the back row, and my legs are close to 3 punches, so I can easily cock my legs.

At the same time, the seat material of the whole rear row is consistent with that of the front row, and the design of combining imitation leather with suede-like material is adopted, so it is very comfortable to sit up. Even when you experience the cross-country venue in the morning, you won’t feel uncomfortable in your hips and waist because of the sharp ups and downs of the vehicles. This really deserves a compliment to the travelers.

Diversified power boosts comfortable driving.

Finally, there is the power part. Just before the event started, Brother Circle had a good experience of the power and off-road ability of Jietu travelers in a professional off-road venue. In terms of power, Jietu Traveler is really strong in the same class. The new car offers three power combinations: 1.5TD+7DCT, 2.0TD+7DCT and 2.0TD+8AT, which consumers can choose as needed.

Brother Quan’s test drive is a top-of-the-line model with a price of 184,900 yuan, that is, a power combination of 2.0T+8AT. Its engine has a maximum output of 254 HP and a peak torque of 390 Nm. Is this power performance very good? At the first feeling of getting the car, the car is easy to drive and the steering wheel is light. Even the female driver can control the whole car well. On the paved road in the previous section, Brother Quan stepped on the accelerator and gave a good feeling of pushing back, and the connection of the whole power was smooth, which still gave a big surprise.

Jietu Traveler did not adopt the non-loaded body of the traditional off-road vehicle, but pioneered the cage body of "integrated left and right double door knockers" and "integrated laser tailor welding", which can lower the center of gravity and reduce the weight. Therefore, when driving, the whole car gives the feeling of the circle brother, without the hard feeling of the traditional hard-core off-road SUV, which brings the feeling of partial comfort. Moreover, the high-strength steel accounts for 80% of the whole vehicle, and the integrated laser tailor-welded steel cage structure makes the torsional stiffness of the whole vehicle reach 31000 Nm/deg, which means that the deformation of the vehicle body is smaller and the durability will be higher when we are in light off-road.

Intelligent four-wheel drive makes off-road easier

Here, we must focus on the four-wheel drive system. Jetway Traveler is equipped with XWD automatic intelligent four-wheel drive, as well as Borgwarner’s multi-piece clutch intelligent torque manager and limited slip differential lock. Share a scene: On the hump, Brother Quan deliberately stopped on the slope before starting, but Jietu travelers can face such road conditions very calmly, which is mainly due to the intervention of the four-wheel drive system.

In addition, Jietu travelers have the off-road requirements of 28 approach angle, 30 departure angle, 220mm minimum ground clearance and 700mm wading depth. Let Jietu travelers not only climb mountains and climb hills easily, but also get into the river. At this point, it is no problem to satisfy most of our off-road scenes.

After crossing the hump road, there are bullet holes and muddy roads, especially when the vehicles slip easily. If it is an ordinary four-wheel drive system, we need to adjust the front lock, rear lock and central differential lock at this time. If it happens to be a cross-country white, it will definitely look awkward at this time.

When the circle brother is driving the Czech traveler through the muddy road, it seems very calm and calm. At this time, it is only necessary to turn on the X mode of the Czech traveler. At this time, travelers can automatically adjust the locking and torque distribution of front and rear wheels, so that drivers can easily cope with various complex road conditions.

In addition, travelers also provide a variety of driving modes such as sports, standards, economy, grass, mud, rocks, crawling and so on, which can not only meet our daily driving in the city, but also meet our travel needs of going out for cross-country fun on weekends.

In the view of "Car Circle", Jietu Traveler is a hexagonal warrior model with value, strength (comparable to that of hard-core off-road SUV), comfort (comparable to that of urban SUV) and intelligence, and the price of four-wheel drive version has come to 159,900 yuan. Will it be the first off-road vehicle in your life for Jietu travelers?

(The two sessions are authorized to release) The Fourth Session of the Thirteenth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference. The CPPCC General Assembly is scheduled to

(Two sessions) (1) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the press spokesman of the conference, introducing the relevant information of the conference at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 3rd The press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of March 3rd. Guo Weimin, spokesman of the Congress, announced that the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on March 4th and close on the afternoon of March 10th.

  At the news conference held by online video, the spokesperson communicated with Chinese and foreign journalists from a distance and answered 12 questions from Chinese and foreign journalists in more than an hour.

(Two sessions) (2) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xing Guangli photo

  Continue last year’s experience: shorten the duration, streamline documents, and combine offline and online.

  According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work of the conference, this press conference was held in the form of online video. The main conference venue is located in the Great Hall of the People, and the sub-conference venue is located in the Media Center.

  Despite the "cloud meeting", the enthusiasm of Chinese and foreign journalists has not diminished. Nearly 100 reporters arrived at the sub-venue early, and cameras, cameras, mobile phones and other equipment took turns to broadcast the press conference to all parts of the world in real time.

  The duration of this year’s CPPCC meeting was reduced to six and a half days. On the one hand, it summarized the experience of last year’s meeting, on the other hand, it took into account the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. "Last year, many staff members were reduced, documents were streamlined, and online and offline were combined. The conference was very successful and was widely praised by all walks of life." Guo Weimin introduced.

  Guo Weimin said that this year’s conference will further improve relevant practices, and strive to enhance efficiency and improve quality on the basis of strengthening the concept of time and optimizing process design. In the future, we will further summarize and sort out innovative measures and effective practices, and continue the good experience and good work style to ensure that the meeting is clean, pragmatic and efficient.

  Continuing last year’s practice, some speeches and media interviews at this year’s conference still rely on online video. Guo Weimin introduced that during this conference, there will be an opening meeting, a closing meeting and two speeches, one of which will be held by video conference. Arrange three "Committee channel" interview activities through online video. In addition, online video interview rooms have been set up in the resident of each Committee member.

(Two sessions) (3) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the spokesman of the conference, answering a reporter’s question at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  A new atmosphere of consultation and discussion: more channels for video research, remote discussion and performance of duties.

  Last year, the CPPCC General Assembly was postponed, the work cycle between the two conferences was shortened, and some offline activities were not held due to epidemic prevention and control. How to show a new atmosphere through consultation and discussion?

  Guo Weimin cited a string of figures: 23 important consultation and deliberation activities were held in the whole year, such as special discussion meetings of the Standing Committee, special consultation meetings and biweekly consultation forums, 80 inspections and investigations were organized, more than 7,500 pieces of information on various CPPCC committees were submitted, and more than 5,900 members’ proposals were put forward.

  The topics of consultation and discussion include major decision-making arrangements such as the formulation of the 14 th Five-Year Plan and decisive battle against poverty, as well as hot issues of social livelihood such as food safety supervision in the take-away industry. "The handling of proposals has been intensified, the quality has also improved, there are many innovations, and good results have been achieved." Guo Weimin said.

  Guo Weimin said that at present, important consultation and deliberation activities will invite relevant responsible comrades of government departments to participate and have in-depth exchanges, and the channels for the CPPCC to perform their duties are more abundant, and the effectiveness of consultation and deliberation is more remarkable.

  He also introduced that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference conducted extensive video surveys and remote discussions, which used to be "point-to-point", but now it is "point-to-multipoint" and "multipoint-to-multipoint" to carry out joint consultation, which has significantly enhanced the effectiveness and interactivity of the work and fully released the potential and efficiency of specialized consultation institutions.

  Facing the new situation and new tasks, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference carried forward the tradition, built a new platform, and organized and guided members to carry out reading activities. "It is of great significance to improve self-cultivation, improve the ability to perform their duties, create an atmosphere of’ scholarly CPPCC’, and then promote the construction of’ scholarly society’." Guo Weimin said.

(two sessions) (4) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  Opinions and suggestions are translated into policy measures: poverty alleviation, business environment and information protection.

  From the national strategy to the livelihood of the people, more than 2,100 CPPCC members from 34 sectors have played their respective professional expertise and performed their duties, which has played an important role in the formulation of relevant policies.

  Guo Weimin introduced that since the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, poverty alleviation has been the focus of consultation and deliberation every year, and consultations and deliberation have been carried out in depth around the key issues in poverty alleviation through various means, such as holding special deliberation standing committee meetings, biweekly consultation forums, field and video research, and submitting and supervising proposals.

  "Many of our suggestions and suggestions have been translated into policy measures, which have made important contributions to helping poverty alleviation." Guo Weimin said that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will also organize special consultations, inspections and investigations, strive to solve the problem of preventing poverty, help the poverty-stricken population and poverty-stricken areas to develop continuously, and help the rural revitalization strategy to be effectively implemented.

  There are also economic situation and business environment issues, which CPPCC members often discuss and study. Guo Weimin said that in January, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held the first biweekly consultation forum this year around "continuously optimizing the business environment". CPPCC leaders, relevant members, experts and representatives of small, medium and micro enterprises had in-depth discussions and discussions with responsible comrades of the State Council authorities.

  CPPCC members not only care about "major events", but also care about the "personal affairs" of the masses.

  For example, public concerns about personal information security and privacy protection, Guo Weimin introduced that last year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference specially held a remote consultation meeting on "Strengthening the protection of personal information in the era of big data" and held a biweekly consultation forum on "Science and technology ethics and legal issues in the development of artificial intelligence".

  "Some people in charge of Internet companies among CPPCC members also participated in the discussion of related topics, and also said that it is necessary to strengthen industry self-discipline, handle the relationship between service and management, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users." Guo Weimin said.

  In addition, many CPPCC members put forward proposals on how to make the elderly better adapt to the intelligent era. Guo Weimin introduced that Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has conducted many special investigations on the problem of population aging, held biweekly consultation forums, and invited members and responsible comrades of relevant departments to conduct face-to-face consultations, exchanges and discussions. This year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has included "actively responding to the aging population and promoting the balanced development of the population" in the key consultation plan, and will organize CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research and discussion to provide reference for government decision-making.

  "The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a new political party system, has unique advantages and distinctive features." Guo Weimin said.

(Two sessions) (5) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  The circle of friends is constantly expanding: vaccine assistance, preparations for the Winter Olympics, and active foreign exchanges.

  By the end of February, China had received more than 52 million doses of vaccine-the data was released by Guo Weimin at the press conference. He also said that by the end of February, China had provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and 2 international organizations and exported vaccines to 28 countries, and the number was still increasing.

  "Some people question that China wants to use vaccine exports to expand its geopolitical influence. This statement is very narrow." Guo Weimin pointed out that China’s international cooperation in vaccines is to help the international community overcome the epidemic and practice the concept of a community of human destiny.

  For some time, some anti-China politicians have smeared China, which has had a negative impact. Guo Weimin introduced that many members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference actively voiced their opinions, explained China’s position, refuted false remarks, and safeguarded national sovereignty, security and development interests. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will give full play to the unique advantages and characteristics of CPPCC organizations and actively carry out foreign exchanges.

  In response to a question about the Beijing Winter Olympics, Guo Weimin said that at present, all the competition venues have been completed, and the preparations for the Winter Olympics have entered a critical period of all-out sprint. The relevant departments will make overall efforts to prevent and control the epidemic and prepare for the Winter Olympics, and strive to overcome various difficulties to ensure that all the preparations before the games can be fully prepared.

  "Individual foreign politicians politicize sports in an attempt to interfere with the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics. These practices violate the spirit of the Olympic Charter. Such a move is not supported by the international community, it is futile, and it is doomed to fail. " Guo Weimin said.

  When answering a question about China’s international image, Guo Weimin said, with more and more foreigners visiting China, and at the same time, we also strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation, more and more people will like China, and the international community’s goodwill towards China will continue to increase.

  "China has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more and more countries and regions and constantly expanded our’ circle of friends’." Guo Weimin said. (Reporter Dong Ruifeng, Liu Kaixiong, Zheng Mingda, Sun Wei)

Tiggo 9 Compared with Volkswagen Tiguan L, who is the best choice for medium-sized SUV?

  Although the compact SUV can meet the general car demand of families, the medium-sized SUV is definitely the Bai Yueguang in the hearts of countless families. Nowadays, the price of medium-sized SUVs has gradually dropped. In the past, more than 200,000 people could touch it, and now less than 200,000 people can realize their dreams. Many families also hope to enjoy the high-quality travel experience brought by medium-sized SUVs in one step. Xiaobian today brought two hot-selling medium-sized SUV— — Chery Tiggo 9 2023 2.0T automatic four-wheel drive to Zhen version (manufacturer’s guide price is 183,900 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Tiggo 9) and Volkswagen Tiguan L 2024 330TSI automatic two-wheel drive intellectual enjoyment version (manufacturer’s guide price is 229,700 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Volkswagen Tiguan L) to see who is more suitable for China family’s "travel physique".

  Spatial dynamics P K , Tiggo 9 Practical sense "Better.

  When many families buy medium-sized SUVs, space and power are the only two hard-core indicators that must be considered absolutely. In terms of space, the body of Tiggo 9 is 4820mm, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. The body of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 4733mm, and the wheelbase is 2791mm. Obviously, the sense of space of Tiggo 9 is more sufficient, and it is more comfortable when it is full, which reflects the space performance that a medium-sized SUV should have. In addition, the trunk volume of the Tiggo 9 can be expanded up to 2021L L. Although the Volkswagen Tiguan L can also be expanded, it is only 1780L L. It is clear at a glance who is more knowledgeable when going out for a long trip.

  In terms of power, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng 2.0T GDI, with a horsepower of 261 and a torque of 400 N m. The highest horsepower of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 186, which is obviously inferior, and the explosive power is completely defeated. Not to mention that Tiggo 9 has a powerful four-wheel drive system, which can easily control a variety of road conditions, but the city can be wild, so that the family can travel without worry.

  Cockpit comfort p K , Tiggo 9 "leapfrog feeling" more outstanding

  A medium-sized SUV is actually the ceiling of many families’ cars, so users naturally want the cockpit to be more comfortable and luxurious, and relatives and friends get into the car, showing that they know the car very well and have more face. Tiggo 9 specially created the "C-PURE Chery Clean Cube Green Cockpit" for users. The owner can automatically purify the air inside the car before and after the car is locked, so that the cockpit can always be kept in a pure state, and the freshness is always online. It is equipped with 3 independent blowers and 27 air outlets, creating a 540 stereo surround air conditioning system. Under the premise of the same air volume setting, the air volume is distributed more evenly through multiple air outlets, which avoids the occurrence of local supercooling or overheating, and allows drivers and passengers to enjoy softness without direct blowing. In contrast, the wind sense of Volkswagen Tiguan L is somewhat "tough".

  Tiggo 9 also has a zero-gravity extrasensory co-pilot and a second row of leapfrog care, which is more suitable for human body curves and is not tired after long-distance travel. Front row heating+ventilation, two rows heating, it can be seen that Tiggo 9 is devoted to the care and consideration of users in each row of seats. This delicate demand is met, and Volkswagen Tiguan L has not done it.

  Science and technology intelligence p K , Tiggo 9 "Future Sense" is even more outstanding.

  In this era of technology explosion, even if you buy a mini-car, you should pay attention to the technology configuration, let alone a medium-sized SUV. Tiggo 9 has its own unique views on scientific and technological intelligence, that is, both hardware and software should be outstanding. As for the hardware, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip, the top level in the industry, is adopted, which lays a silky computing foundation and makes the cockpit boot speed, recognition ability and response speed comparable to that of mobile phones. Tiggo 9 is also equipped with full road visual AIDS, using the industry-leading 50-inch AR-HUD with a projection distance of 7.5 meters, allowing drivers to experience the peace of mind in front of them.

  In terms of software, there is iFLYTEK engine XTTS 3.0 intelligent voice interaction system, which realizes deep voice customization, provides a more realistic interactive experience with human pronunciation, accurately recognizes continuous voice commands, and supports voice control of 28 categories and 429 functions. Controlling a car through sound, this kind of interaction only knows how wonderful it is after you experience it yourself. In addition, the remote function of Tiggo 9′ s mobile APP is richer than that of Volkswagen Tiguan L, with voice interaction.

  There are still some users who blindly worship the joint venture, but when these two cars are compared, it is obvious that they are better than the joint venture at the same level. Just last year, with a global sales volume of 1.43 million+,Chery became the global sales champion of China SUV in 2023. With an absolute advantage of 940,000 vehicles, the Tiggo series will become the global sales champion of China brand fuel SUV in 2023. How can such achievements not make Chinese people proud? As Chery’s flagship comfortable SUV, Tiggo 9 definitely deserves to be ranked in the top two of your car purchase list.

Eight departments prevent and control teenagers’ myopia: regulate the total amount of online games, and ban mobile phones in class.

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 31 (Xinhua) On the 30th, the "Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents" formulated by the Ministry of Education and National Health Commission was announced. For example, ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day, prohibit students from bringing electronic products such as mobile phones into the classroom, and control the number of new online games. The plan lists a series of hard measures to "protect their eyes" for children and adolescents.

  — — By 2030, the myopia rate of high school students will drop below 70%

  The plan proposes that by 2023, we will strive to reduce the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide by more than 0.5 percentage points per year on the basis of 2018, and the provinces with high incidence of myopia will reduce by more than 1 percentage point per year.

  By 2030, the rate of new-onset myopia among children and adolescents in China will be significantly reduced, and the overall level of children and adolescents’ visual health will be significantly improved. The myopia rate of 6-year-old children will be controlled at around 3%, the myopia rate of primary school students will be reduced to below 38%, the myopia rate of junior high school students will be reduced to below 60%, the myopia rate of senior high school students will be reduced to below 70%, and the excellent rate of national students’ physical health standards will be over 25%.


  — — Children are exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  The plan requires that a good family sports atmosphere should be created, and children should be actively guided to engage in outdoor activities or physical exercise, so that they can be exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  Encourage and support children to participate in various forms of sports activities, urge children to conscientiously complete sports homework in winter and summer vacations, enable them to master 1-2 sports skills, and guide children to develop lifelong exercise habits.

  — — The cumulative use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 1 hour per day.

  The plan reminds parents to control the use of electronic products, and consciously control their children, especially preschool children, to use electronic products. The single use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes, and the cumulative time should not exceed 1 hour every day. After studying with electronic products for 30-40 minutes, they should take a rest and relax for 10 minutes. The younger they are, the shorter the continuous use of electronic products should be.

  — — Ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day.

  The plan requires that parents should supervise and correct their children’s bad reading and writing posture at any time, and the continuous eye use time for reading and writing should not exceed 40 minutes.

  Parents should cooperate with the school to effectively reduce the burden on their children. Don’t blindly participate in extracurricular training and follow the trend. They should make reasonable choices according to their hobbies to avoid reducing the burden on schools and families.

  Guarantee children’s sleep time, and ensure that primary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students 9 hours, and senior high school students 8 hours.

  — — Not assigning homework in the first and second grades of primary school should not make students’ homework become parents’ homework.

  The plan requires that schools should reduce students’ academic burden. There is no written homework for the first and second grades of primary school, and the completion time of written homework for the third to sixth grades should not exceed 60 minutes, and it should not exceed 90 minutes for junior high school. The homework time should also be reasonably arranged for senior high school. Strengthen practical homework, reduce mechanical and repetitive training, and prevent students’ homework from evolving into parents’ homework.

  — — Grade one and grade two exams shall not exceed once per semester, and other grades shall not exceed twice.

  The plan stipulates that the number of unified examinations in the compulsory education stage should be resolutely controlled. The first and second grades of primary school should not exceed once per semester, and other grades should not exceed twice per semester. It is strictly forbidden to publish students’ test scores and rankings in any form or manner; It is strictly forbidden to use the award-winning certificates of various competitions, academic competition results or grading certificates as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly forbidden to organize examinations to select students in various names.

  — — Adjust the seat every month according to the change of students’ vision, and adjust the seat height every semester.

  The plan requires that the phenomenon of "large class size" be eliminated quickly. The compliance rate of school classroom lighting hygiene standards is 100%. According to the viewing angle of students’ seats, the lighting situation in the classroom and the changes of students’ eyesight, the students’ seats are adjusted every month, and the height of students’ desks and chairs is adjusted individually every semester to adapt to the growth and development of students.

  According to the plan, ensure that primary and secondary school students have more than one hour of physical activity time every day at school. Strictly implement the national physical education and health curriculum standards, and ensure that the first and second grades of primary school have 4 class hours per week, the third to sixth grades and junior high school have 3 class hours per week, and the senior high school has 2 class hours per week. Primary and secondary schools arrange 30 minutes of big recess sports activities every day.

  — — Students are strictly forbidden to bring electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets into the classroom.

  According to the plan, schools should prohibit students from bringing personal mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom, and those brought into the school should be kept in a unified way. In school education, electronic products are used reasonably according to the principle of demand, and teaching and assignment are not dependent on electronic products. In principle, the teaching time using electronic products should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time, and paper homework should be used in principle.

  — — Textbooks, test papers and other font papers should protect their eyesight and push mandatory standards before the end of next year.

  According to the plan, before the end of 2019, National Health Commission will, together with relevant departments, issue relevant mandatory standards to strictly regulate the fonts and papers of textbooks, teaching AIDS, examination papers, exercise books, newspapers and other printed materials and publications for children and adolescents, as well as study lamps, so as to protect their eyesight.

  — — Regulating the total amount of online games and controlling the number of online games newly added.

  According to the plan, the State Press and Publication Administration should regulate the total number of online games, control the number of new online games, explore an age-appropriate reminder system in line with national conditions, and take measures to limit the use time of minors.

  In addition, the State Administration of Market Supervision should strictly supervise the optometry and glasses industry, standardize the glasses market, and prevent unqualified glasses from entering the market. Strengthen advertising supervision and investigate and deal with false and illegal advertisements for myopia prevention and control products according to law.

  — — Prevention and control of myopia, overall myopia rate and physical health are included in the government performance appraisal.

  According to the plan, the State Council authorized the Ministry of Education, the National Health and Wellness Commission and the provincial people’s governments to sign responsibility letters for comprehensively strengthening the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and local people’s governments at all levels signed responsibility letters step by step. The prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the overall myopia rate and physical health status will be included in the government performance appraisal.

  Incorporate vision health into quality education, incorporate children’s physical and mental health and schoolwork burden into the national compulsory education quality monitoring and evaluation system, and hold local governments and schools accountable according to laws and regulations for the decline of children’s physical health for three consecutive years.

Are online celebrity products really worth buying?

According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People's Vision)

  According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People’s Vision)

Screenshot recommended for the homepage of an APP on a grass planting platform in online celebrity.

Guo Dexinzuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  "All girls!" "Too cheap!" "Grab it! Grab it! Grab it! " On October 21st, just a few hours before the first day of the pre-sale of Tmall double 11, Li Jiaqi, the first brother of lipstick, brought 30 million viewers in the webcast room into the atmosphere of "double 11" shopping spree in advance. That night, Li Jiaqi reached the top of the Taobao live broadcast anchor list, and the sales of 10,000 lipsticks in Zhong Chao were amazing. More brands have sold more than 100 million yuan in 6 minutes in the live broadcast.

  A similar legend of online celebrity’s goods delivery is staged on the e-commerce live broadcast platform every day. Correspondingly, on various social networking platforms, online celebrity products are recommended in a dazzling array. online celebrity, who has a large number of fans, recommended various online celebrity products to fans through illustrated notes on "planting grass", vivid videos on "planting grass" or live broadcast. Words such as "pro-test is easy to use", "must-buy list" and "online celebrity explosion" have stirred up the consumption desire of social platform users.

  In August this year, Xiaohongshu APP (mobile phone software) was removed from the shelves of major application malls. The official said that it would start a comprehensive investigation and rectification of the content in the station, conduct in-depth self-examination and self-correction, actively cooperate with relevant departments, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the Internet environment. Xiaohongshu, which has over 200 million users and advocates young lifestyle sharing, has become one of the most representative social platforms of "planting grass with goods". The development of Xiaohongshu is also the epitome of the whole online celebrity market with goods. While online celebrity, with goods, gathers huge traffic and drives huge sales, the uneven online celebrity products gradually expose the industry chaos behind the "sales miracle".

  influencer marketing

  Fans of professional online celebrity realized.

  Who is the top online celebrity that is now all over the network? The answer to this question will be updated every once in a while.

  In recent 20 years, the development of online celebrity has experienced a rapid iteration from 1.0 era to 4.0 era. Nowadays, online celebrity is gradually becoming a specialized profession, and online celebrity’s management mode has also changed from individual creation to team and enterprise management. Publishing content on social networking platforms, accumulating fans, creating personal brand influence, and realizing the realization of fan traffic through commercial channels have become the way for many first-tier online celebrity to get rich.

  According to the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019 released by Crowley, in 2018, the number of netizens reached 829 million, and the number of online shopping users reached 610 million. On average, 73 out of every 100 netizens chose online shopping. Since 2015, the proportion of online retail sales of physical goods in the total retail sales of social consumer goods in China has soared from 8.04% to 18.4% in 2018. A huge number of online shopping users, huge online shopping demand and fast-growing online shopping market provide a fertile land for professional online celebrity.

  Online celebrity, a professional who is eager to realize the flow, is a loyal fan with spending power. "When the golden wind meets the dew," online celebrity brings goods as the times require.

  In the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019, online celebrity is defined as "online celebrity E-commerce", that is, content producers (network celebrities) with network influence recommend and sell products to users through content or e-commerce platforms. The main bodies of e-commerce in online celebrity include self-media, live anchors, stars, celebrities, shopkeepers, professionals and grassroots celebrities.

  With the deepening cooperation between e-commerce platform and online social platform, online celebrity’s goods delivery gradually moves towards the category of "social e-commerce". Online celebrity brings goods on social platforms and interacts with fans in e-commerce live broadcast, which is a common way to bring goods in online celebrity at present.

  According to the "2019 Taobao Live Ecological Development Trend Report" released by Taobao List and Taobao Live, the number of anchors who joined Taobao Live in 2018 increased by 180% year-on-year, and the Taobao Live Platform brought over 100 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of nearly 400%. There are more than 400 live broadcast rooms with a monthly delivery scale of more than 1 million.

  "online celebrity’s delivery of goods is essentially a new way of docking supply and demand: consumers and businesses are docked through online celebrity. These online celebrity attract fans to conduct business activities through their own characteristics and high-quality content." Wang Xintian, a lecturer at the Business School of Ningbo University, said in an interview that the essence of online celebrity’s economy is to rely on social platforms to promote, form a loyal fan base by gathering a lot of attention, and derive various consumer markets around online celebrity, and finally form an economic model with a complete industrial chain.

  According to relevant data, the main influencing factor of 83% young consumers’ purchase decision is the "online celebrity" and "Talent" sharing. On social media, it is normal for stars to bring goods, and fans are more willing to "plant grass" to buy products endorsed or recommended by stars.

  "The essence of online celebrity’s delivery is still a marketing method, which transforms the gathered fans into actual product consumers through socialization and entertainment." Liao Huaixue, a lawyer of Taihetai Law Firm, analyzed in an interview that in this "consumption transformation" mode, online celebrity with goods, as an assumed consumer, directly uses, explains and displays goods. Compared with the traditional one-way static dissemination of goods information by e-commerce, this mode can interact with consumers and narrow the distance between them. "As a new format of e-commerce development, online celebrity’s delivery of goods enriches consumers’ shopping methods and has great development potential, but at the same time, there are frequent chaos in the industry, and it is urgent to standardize governance."

  Grey secret

  There are many routines and chaos.

  The cat’s claw cup, the double yellow egg ice cream, and the exotic enzyme … … On the social platform of planting grass in online celebrity, you can find rich and detailed notes on "planting grass", whether it is cheap and easy to get daily snacks and good things in life, expensive and professional cosmetics and health products, or various international luxury brands.

  Online celebrity with goods has become an artificial identification filter for mass products, with personal reputation and word of mouth as the guarantee, recommending various goods worth buying for its fans. However, due to the uneven quality of online celebrity, the different screening mechanisms of e-commerce platforms and social platforms, and the lag in supervision of relevant institutions, there are various problems hidden behind the phenomenon of online celebrity bringing goods.

  Wei Wei, who works in a state-owned enterprise, is worried about losing weight recently. On a grass planting platform in online celebrity, Wei Wei planted a popular Japanese enzyme. Bloggers in online celebrity recommend this enzyme to decompose fat and sugar well and help to lose weight without affecting diet. After buying it and trying it twice, Wei Wei found that this enzyme is not as "fantastic" as bloggers said.

  "Let’s not talk about the effect of losing weight. Every time I eat enzymes, I start to feel chest tightness and nausea. This is also the case when I asked some friends around me. " Wei Wei said, "These products are under the banner of being beneficial to health, and many bloggers in online celebrity have personally experienced them. The recommendations seem particularly convincing, and hundreds of comments are basically praised and applauded, which makes people easily believe them. However, the instructions on the product are all in Japanese, and there is no detailed Chinese translation. After we buy it back, the specific method of taking it depends on the blogger’s recommendation notes, which actually has certain security risks. "

  The quality and safety of products can not be guaranteed, the product promotional pictures are inconsistent, and the data such as praise forwarding on the platform are falsified … … While online celebrity is in full swing, more and more users have discovered the gray "secret" behind the popularity of online celebrity products.

  Xiao Zhao, a graduate student in Hongkong, has always been a loyal user of online celebrity Grass Planting Platform and Short Video Social Platform. A while ago, after watching the live broadcast of a beauty blogger, she bought a online celebrity neck cream. "The biggest highlight of this neck cream is that it has a push-pull roller, and it feels particularly good to watch the live broadcast. After buying it back, I found that the composition of this neck cream is similar to that of ordinary moisturizer, and the effect is also very general, and the actual utilization rate is not high. " Xiao Zhao said frankly that watching the live broadcast of "planting grass" often leads to impulsive consumption. The live broadcast can show the products very intuitively and concretely, but there are often cases where the live broadcast does not match the real thing.

  Wang Xintian believes that the chaos in these industries is on the one hand an issue of industry evaluation mechanism. The intensification of industry competition in online celebrity has led to the increasingly obvious drawbacks of the evaluation mechanism on the mainstream online celebrity platform. For example, on some platforms, online celebrity is ranked by likes and sales volume, which leads some companies to "brush data" in order to get higher exposure. On the other hand, it is the problem of supervision mechanism. If "brushing data" can also be regarded as a kind of online marketing behavior, then false advertising is suspected of commercial fraud and needs the intervention of market supervision departments. At present, this aspect needs to be strengthened urgently.

  Have a scale in mind

  Governing by law and strengthening identification

  "It is a comprehensive management process to solve all kinds of problems existing in online celebrity’s goods delivery." Liao Huaixue believes that at present, China’s Advertising Law, Electronic Commerce Law, Anti-unfair Competition Law, Product Quality Law, Food Safety Law and Consumer Rights Protection Law have relatively perfect provisions on legal issues such as false propaganda, data fraud, product quality, food safety and consumer rights protection. In online celebrity, different subjects involved in the behavior of carrying goods should participate in the link of governance according to law.

  First of all, online celebrity with goods should improve the ability to control the quality of goods, carefully choose cooperative brands, and merchants should standardize the supply chain, work hard on the quality of goods, and ensure after-sales service. Secondly, the short video live broadcast platform should earnestly fulfill its responsibilities, strengthen the audit of live broadcast content, establish a "blacklist" system for online celebrity with goods and sellers, implement a platform ban system for online celebrity and merchants who infringe on consumers’ interests, standardize consumers’ payment methods, and establish and improve the platform order tracking system. The regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision. If online celebrity’s goods-carrying behavior infringes on the interests of consumers, the merchants and the goods-carrying online celebrity should share the responsibility. At the same time, if the short video live broadcast platform fails to fulfill the corresponding regulatory obligations and platform management responsibilities, the live broadcast platform should also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

  "Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. I will trust evaluation bloggers who have more fans, more pertinent evaluations, advantages and disadvantages, and choose products from reliable brands. " Xiao Ning, who often browses the evaluation videos of skin care products on the short video platform, has her own experience in identifying online celebrity’s "planting grass". "After watching the video, first brush the comments under the video, then check the ingredients of the products on the special software, choose the products that really suit you, and then go to the e-commerce platform to search and buy." Strengthening the ability to identify products with goods in online celebrity and improving the network literacy of users of e-commerce and social platforms is a self-defense technique for netizens to deal with the problem of goods with goods in online celebrity.

  From June to November this year, the State Administration of Market Supervision and other eight departments jointly launched the 2019 special action of online market supervision (Network Sword Action) to severely crack down on online sales of counterfeit and shoddy products, unsafe food and counterfeit drugs. From September to December next year, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, State Administration of Market Supervision and National Medical Products Administration will jointly carry out "Implementing Food and Drug Safety ‘ The four strictest ’ Request "special action, to online celebrity food safety violations. National laws and supervision of relevant departments are "racing" with illegal activities in online celebrity.

  The authenticity of online celebrity products is being tested by consumers and the market; Online celebrity’s routine of bringing goods is also gradually being found out by users and supervision platforms; Online celebrity’s brand image has become more and more true after the flushing of flow realization. With the improvement of consumers’ discriminating ability, the tightening of platform supervision and the strengthening of law enforcement, online celebrity will eventually return to its original intention: let more high-quality goods meet people who really need them.