Tiggo 9 Compared with Volkswagen Tiguan L, who is the best choice for medium-sized SUV?

  Although the compact SUV can meet the general car demand of families, the medium-sized SUV is definitely the Bai Yueguang in the hearts of countless families. Nowadays, the price of medium-sized SUVs has gradually dropped. In the past, more than 200,000 people could touch it, and now less than 200,000 people can realize their dreams. Many families also hope to enjoy the high-quality travel experience brought by medium-sized SUVs in one step. Xiaobian today brought two hot-selling medium-sized SUV— — Chery Tiggo 9 2023 2.0T automatic four-wheel drive to Zhen version (manufacturer’s guide price is 183,900 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Tiggo 9) and Volkswagen Tiguan L 2024 330TSI automatic two-wheel drive intellectual enjoyment version (manufacturer’s guide price is 229,700 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Volkswagen Tiguan L) to see who is more suitable for China family’s "travel physique".

  Spatial dynamics P K , Tiggo 9 Practical sense "Better.

  When many families buy medium-sized SUVs, space and power are the only two hard-core indicators that must be considered absolutely. In terms of space, the body of Tiggo 9 is 4820mm, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. The body of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 4733mm, and the wheelbase is 2791mm. Obviously, the sense of space of Tiggo 9 is more sufficient, and it is more comfortable when it is full, which reflects the space performance that a medium-sized SUV should have. In addition, the trunk volume of the Tiggo 9 can be expanded up to 2021L L. Although the Volkswagen Tiguan L can also be expanded, it is only 1780L L. It is clear at a glance who is more knowledgeable when going out for a long trip.

  In terms of power, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng 2.0T GDI, with a horsepower of 261 and a torque of 400 N m. The highest horsepower of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 186, which is obviously inferior, and the explosive power is completely defeated. Not to mention that Tiggo 9 has a powerful four-wheel drive system, which can easily control a variety of road conditions, but the city can be wild, so that the family can travel without worry.

  Cockpit comfort p K , Tiggo 9 "leapfrog feeling" more outstanding

  A medium-sized SUV is actually the ceiling of many families’ cars, so users naturally want the cockpit to be more comfortable and luxurious, and relatives and friends get into the car, showing that they know the car very well and have more face. Tiggo 9 specially created the "C-PURE Chery Clean Cube Green Cockpit" for users. The owner can automatically purify the air inside the car before and after the car is locked, so that the cockpit can always be kept in a pure state, and the freshness is always online. It is equipped with 3 independent blowers and 27 air outlets, creating a 540 stereo surround air conditioning system. Under the premise of the same air volume setting, the air volume is distributed more evenly through multiple air outlets, which avoids the occurrence of local supercooling or overheating, and allows drivers and passengers to enjoy softness without direct blowing. In contrast, the wind sense of Volkswagen Tiguan L is somewhat "tough".

  Tiggo 9 also has a zero-gravity extrasensory co-pilot and a second row of leapfrog care, which is more suitable for human body curves and is not tired after long-distance travel. Front row heating+ventilation, two rows heating, it can be seen that Tiggo 9 is devoted to the care and consideration of users in each row of seats. This delicate demand is met, and Volkswagen Tiguan L has not done it.

  Science and technology intelligence p K , Tiggo 9 "Future Sense" is even more outstanding.

  In this era of technology explosion, even if you buy a mini-car, you should pay attention to the technology configuration, let alone a medium-sized SUV. Tiggo 9 has its own unique views on scientific and technological intelligence, that is, both hardware and software should be outstanding. As for the hardware, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip, the top level in the industry, is adopted, which lays a silky computing foundation and makes the cockpit boot speed, recognition ability and response speed comparable to that of mobile phones. Tiggo 9 is also equipped with full road visual AIDS, using the industry-leading 50-inch AR-HUD with a projection distance of 7.5 meters, allowing drivers to experience the peace of mind in front of them.

  In terms of software, there is iFLYTEK engine XTTS 3.0 intelligent voice interaction system, which realizes deep voice customization, provides a more realistic interactive experience with human pronunciation, accurately recognizes continuous voice commands, and supports voice control of 28 categories and 429 functions. Controlling a car through sound, this kind of interaction only knows how wonderful it is after you experience it yourself. In addition, the remote function of Tiggo 9′ s mobile APP is richer than that of Volkswagen Tiguan L, with voice interaction.

  There are still some users who blindly worship the joint venture, but when these two cars are compared, it is obvious that they are better than the joint venture at the same level. Just last year, with a global sales volume of 1.43 million+,Chery became the global sales champion of China SUV in 2023. With an absolute advantage of 940,000 vehicles, the Tiggo series will become the global sales champion of China brand fuel SUV in 2023. How can such achievements not make Chinese people proud? As Chery’s flagship comfortable SUV, Tiggo 9 definitely deserves to be ranked in the top two of your car purchase list.

"Nezha" was released overseas, and netizens struggled for translation.

  The movie "Nezha", which has made great strides at the box office, has been released in North America and Australia recently, which has triggered new topics. Netizens are quite worried about how to translate these funny traditional cultural stalks, such as "hurry as a law" and "my life is up to me", in order to convey the original flavor of traditional culture and let foreigners understand it. And launched the "Nezha Speeches Translation Contest" on the Internet. When interviewed by Yangzi Evening News, many translation experts affirmed the talents of netizens. However, the translation of "as urgent as a law" into "fast fast biu biu" is accused of being unreliable — — "It’s interesting to do this, but foreign audiences can’t understand it.

  "Urgent as a law"?

  This question has been searched in Weibo.

  Netizens set off the "Nezha Speaks Translation Contest", which became a hot topic on the Internet. The most discussed is the phrase "as urgent as a law" by the greasy uncle Taiyi in the film. It is said that "the sun and the moon are born together, a thousand spirits are heavy, and the heavens and the earth are boundless, and it is as urgent as a law." This is a spell in Taoist culture in China. How to translate it so that foreigners can understand the meaning? Netizens lamented that there is no hot search in this world. The problem that one person couldn’t figure out originally became a hot search when there were more people who couldn’t think of it.

  Among them, "fast fast biu biu" is regarded as a serious nonsense: "fast fast" follows the word "hurry" in the original text and translates the "letter" in the three principles of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"; The "biu biu" in the back is even more brilliant, which is the powerful point of using onomatopoeia to express spells and achieve the "da" in "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance".

  The answer given by netizens with wide brains is chicken chicken like green zero, which literally translates as "chicken is like green zero". Some people also popularize science, which means that the speed of transmitting orders is as fast as that of laws, and it is best translated as speed is like lvling. Although the meaning of "fast" has been conveyed, it seems that there is a little lack of spell feeling.

  Stunned by Nezha’s classic lines

  Netizens laugh at themselves for "exhausting their English skills all their lives"

  Another example is "My life depends on me", which is translated by some netizens as I am the master of my fate. Some people think that it is not domineering enough. Such a bloody scene, we must stress the sentence and walk! That is me to be the master of me! Again, such as "although a little baby fat, but also can not hide my compelling handsome", "dragon survival, just between your thoughts" have also triggered discussions.

  The funny thing is, "Then you go to … … Don’t come back when you go. "How do you translate Shen Gongbao’s tongue-tied lines that cause all kinds of misunderstandings? “If you go… … Gone, never come back "is well received because it also distinguishes the verb tense before and after stuttering."

  As for Nezha, the first little poet in Chentangguan, doggerel comes with his mouth open, and his sad and lazy voice and expression are too powder-sucking. "I am a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt." "Life is full of tears, and the more you struggle, the more unlucky you are. If you are tired of dying, it is better to sleep in bed. " This rhyming and humorous limerick in Chinese is translated into English, which also inspires netizens to use their life-long English skills.

  The translation teacher suggested

  JI-ji-ru-lv-ling can be transliterated directly.

  In this regard, the translation teacher Zhang Wenqin told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that "fast fast biu biu" is a bit like Chinglish, showing the sense of humor of domestic netizens, but foreigners certainly can’t understand it. In fact, you can also directly use Pinyin to translate spells and promote China culture. Even if foreign audiences can’t understand it so quickly when watching movies, they can understand it by consulting materials.

  In addition, the method that people in the industry agree with is "transliteration without translation, and foreigners will recite spells in the future." Like Pumbaa and Timon in the movie "The Lion King", the phrase "Hakula matata" that they often say is quite pleasing to the ears of China audiences, isn’t it? Such transliteration is acceptable to young people.

  David from Russia is a graduate student of Tsinghua University Institute of Humanities, and the champion of the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. He came up with a variety of translation methods, such as literal translation: let my order be carried out immediately. Or directly translated into JI-ji-ru-lv-ling in Pinyin. You can also find similar words in English allusions, such as abrakadabra, which was originally an Arabic spell from Arabian Nights. Later, many languages transliterated the word directly. All spells are rhythmic, rhythmic and often written. For example, the word "Nezha" can also be translated in Pinyin or into Latin.

  Translation should also stick to the style of cooperation.

  The movie lines "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" are the most important.

  Fu Yu, who graduated from the English Department of NTU with a master’s degree and is currently engaged in editing work in a publishing house, thinks that netizens are very talented, which is really a variety of whimsy. "The movie lines are mainly to express clear meaning, mainly to be faithful and expressive, like ‘ Urgent as a law ’ In this way, I think translation is still needed to convey ‘ Quick ’ I think it’s quite good. "

  Fu Yu said that biu biu can also be used in movie subtitles. It is cute and funny, and the memory is deep, which is also in line with this movie. In fact, translation should also stick to the cooperative style. Generally, if the translation in the book is more elegant, rhymes and literary allusions can be used, and it is good to explain it in the form of notes. Of course, biu biu is quite out of the context of foreigners, and it must be confusing to look at it alone, but it should be understandable if it is combined with movies and sounds.

  Fu Yu said that Ang Lee’s translation of the title of eat drink man woman and the English name crouching tiger and hidden dragon are relatively direct. At first glance, they don’t seem to convey the meaning of Chinese, but with the rich content of the film, this unfamiliar phrase in the English context is endowed with a unique color of China culture.

  According to various translation theories in his study, David gave advice, "whether it’s literary works or film and television works, the overall translation style should be taken into account when translating specific words, so there is no 100% answer, so how to translate that sentence?" In his view, engaging in the translation of literary and artistic works is different from doing ordinary translation. Besides understanding the national conditions and languages of other countries, we also need to learn the theory of literary translation. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhang Nan)

North Korea and the United States shouted experts at the end of the year: it is expected that North Korea will not cross the "red line" of the United States

  The end of this year is the deadline set by the DPRK for the denuclearization negotiations between the DPRK and the United States, but the DPRK-US dialogue has still not made progress. The outside world is worried that both sides will take action because the deadline is approaching, but at the same time, it is also expected that both sides can release positive signals and change the current situation.

  The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is a top priority in North Korea at present. This is the second time that the WPK has held a plenary session for more than two consecutive days after 29 years. According to a report by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea entered the agenda for the third day on the 30th, and Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, continued to give a report.

  This photo provided by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019 shows that Kim Jong-un spoke at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The eyes of the outside world focused on the latest statement of the meeting: "Actively take measures to comprehensively safeguard national sovereignty and security" is the Chinese version of Korean Central News Agency’s statement, while literal translation of the original text should be "positive and offensive measures". The word "offensive" has aroused widespread concern. Lee Sang-min, spokesman of South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said on December 30th that regarding the so-called "offensive measures" mentioned by the DPRK at this meeting, the ROK will pay close attention to the contents and resolutions of the follow-up meeting of the DPRK.

  At the same time, the United States’ recent tough stance toward the DPRK has not relaxed at all. In an interview with the media on December 29th, White House National Security Adviser O ‘Brien said, "If North Korea takes action, the United States, as a major military and economic power, will take appropriate actions to respond." He added, "There are many choices in the American toolkit".

  In addition to the "offensive" expression, we should also pay attention to others.

  Both sides seem to have a tendency to wait for opportunities. Liu Tiancong, an associate researcher at the Northeast Asia Institute of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said in an interview with The Paper, "It seems that both sides are showing strength, but this is not the case. The two sides still have some tacit understanding. The upper limit of US-DPRK relations depends on the United States, and the lower limit depends on North Korea. Specifically, whether we can talk about it and talk about the results depends on the United States; Whether it will collapse depends on North Korea. "

  Wang Junsheng, a researcher at the Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences, also pointed out in an interview with The Paper that "since 2018, North Korea has made great contributions to easing the situation on the peninsula, but it has not received the expected return from the United States. North Korea assessed that the United States hopes to crush North Korea through pressure, so it said ‘ Active and offensive ’ The key meaning of is to express ‘ We can’t be crushed ’ But in any case, the DPRK still puts constructive and positive words in front, and it is also releasing signals to the outside. "

  In fact, it must be noted that the discussion on the military and national security aspects is only a part of this domestic meeting in North Korea, which also involves many other contents, among which the economy is still the most concerned aspect. According to Korean Central News Agency’s report on December 31, 2019, Kim Jong-un emphasized the principle of strengthening party building and enhancing the role of cadres, and spent seven hours making a comprehensive report on the work of the CPC Central Committee, national construction, economic development and military construction of the DPRK.

  Korean Central News Agency said that Kim Jong-un "anatomically" comprehensively analyzed a series of problems in the overall national construction, such as current national management and economic construction.

  Wang Junsheng believes that the shift of North Korea’s strategic center to economic construction in 2018 is a new thing for North Korea, because in the process of transformation, there may be problems that have not appeared before. The analysis of these problems is an important part of this meeting, and besides, it is necessary to unify thoughts and cognition internally.

  Liu Tiancong said that although there are some tough messages in the content of the Fifth Plenary Session, it is prudent and continuous on the whole, and the fields involved are comprehensive and extensive. Most of the content is to emphasize economic development and party building, not just to show strength to the outside world. As an important meeting held at this important stage, the outcome of the Fifth Plenary Session will determine North Korea’s domestic and foreign policies for a long time to come.

  The fluctuation of US-DPRK relations stems from the lack of basic trust.

  Just before this meeting, the seventh the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Workers’ Party of Korea just held its third enlarged meeting and decided to further strengthen the overall armed forces of the Korean People’s Army and other countries politically and militarily. This signal is the epitome of the whole December 2019. In the past 30 days, the DPRK and the United States have intensively tested each other with tough tone and practices, including two "major tests" conducted by the DPRK at the West Sea satellite launch site one week apart, and a series of threatening targeted remarks made by the US from President Trump to Secretary of Defense Esper to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Millie.

  On December 16, 2019, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Beagan was in Seoul. In sharp contrast to the Xinhua News Agency, the State Council’s special representative for North Korea policy, Beagan, visited South Korea, Japan and China in mid-December 2019, and finally failed. Previously, the contact with North Korean officials was finally dashed. In fact, this can be foreseen as early as an expression by Myong gil Kim, the visiting ambassador of the DPRK Foreign Ministry in November, when he said, "If the United States only holds talks to successfully get through the end of the year, then North Korea is not interested in such talks."

  In Singapore in June 2018, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reached a four-point consensus in the joint statement signed jointly, and the outside world generally had more positive expectations for the DPRK-US relations. However, in 2019, the DPRK-US relations have been fluctuating repeatedly. First, from the Hanoi summit in February, Trump crossed the "38th parallel" and became the first incumbent US president to enter North Korea. Then, in October, the Swedish working talks between the two sides ended without results, and the DPRK-US relations were full of twists and turns like a roller coaster.

  On June 30, 2019, US President Trump (right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held talks at the "Freedom House" on the Korean side of Panmunjom. Xinhua News Agency data map Liu Tiancong believes that the fundamental reason for the intermittent relationship between the United States and the DPRK lies in: on the one hand, there are fundamental differences between the two sides on the issue of denuclearization that are difficult to reconcile; On the other hand, the two countries, mainly the United States, need to maintain the basic atmosphere of dialogue in order to obtain political interests. For more than a year, even if the relationship between the United States and North Korea was warm for a while, it was just a political need, which was difficult to last and even more difficult to go deep.

  "There is a lack of the most basic trust between the DPRK and the United States." Wang Junsheng believes that this is the core issue that caused this situation. "The DPRK and the United States have reached a consensus on the direction of solving the Korean Peninsula issue, but this year’s issue is how to implement it, in other words, who will take the first step. North Korea is unwilling to declare its nuclear weapons program first and abandon its nuclear program first, fearing that the United States will strike, while the United States is worried that North Korea will renege after lifting sanctions. " Wang Junsheng pointed out that this situation not only requires the persistence of both sides, but also urgently requires the intervention of a third party.

  The international community actively promotesword

  At the same time, all parties in the international community hope that the tense fire of DPRK-US relations in 2019 will spread to the upcoming New Year as little as possible.

  On December 30th, the UN Security Council held an informal meeting to discuss the second round of the proposal put forward by China and the Russian Federation to partially lift sanctions against North Korea. Although the final result of the proposal is unknown, and there are many predictions that the attitude of the United States will not be reversed at all, it is an attempt to solve the peninsula problem politically in any case. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference on the 31st that at this meeting, all parties further exchanged views on the draft resolution and were willing to keep in touch with each other on the next step of negotiation.

  On December 24th, when asked about the relevant issues, the spokesman of the UN Secretary-General said, "Our message to North Korean leaders is to commit to peace and stability on the peninsula and resume working-level dialogue with the United States."

  At the previous meeting of leaders of China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries also reiterated that denuclearization of the peninsula and lasting peace in Northeast Asia are the common goal of the three parties, and dialogue and consultation are the only effective way to solve the peninsula problem. They also said that they should strengthen communication and coordination among the three countries on peninsula affairs and play a constructive role in realizing denuclearization of the peninsula and long-term stability in Northeast Asia.

  Late at night on December 21st, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said after a telephone conversation with US President Trump that Japan will strive to promote North Korea’s efforts to achieve denuclearization of the peninsula through peaceful dialogue, and Japan fully supports the US-DPRK negotiations on denuclearization of the peninsula.

  At 6: 30 pm local time on February 27, 2019, the second US-DPRK summit was unveiled at Sofitel Legend Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. Under the eyes of everyone, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walked into the venue and smiled and shook hands. Liu Tiancong predicted that according to the current situation, North Korea is not expected to do anything too outrageous, such as resuming nuclear tests. North Korea may show toughness by launching short-and medium-range land-based missiles, submarine-launched missiles and even satellites, but these will not touch the red line of the United States and will not lead to the collapse of the US-DPRK dialogue. As long as North Korea does not cross the line, Trump will not take the initiative to worsen US-DPRK relations and find trouble for himself before the election. Therefore, it is quite possible for the situation on the peninsula to maintain the current situation and even further resume the dialogue between the United States and the DPRK.

  Wang Junsheng believes that all parties should strive for the common denominator as much as possible, try to continue discussing the reversible clauses of resolutions concerning the DPRK within the framework of the UN Security Council, and work out a clear road map for lifting sanctions, and then try to deal with the contents related to the humanitarian field first.

The movie My Last Year with Mom: Incomplete fireworks in the sky

Special feature of 1905 film network According to statistics, every three seconds, there will be another patient with Alzheimer’s disease in the world. For a long time, filmmakers have been thinking about how to tell the story of Alzheimer’s disease from different perspectives. On the eve of Mother’s Day, a Japanese film released on May 12th showed this theme again, telling how a son who lacks maternal love can understand his mother’s story by witnessing half of the fireworks. After the film was released, there was a polarization of word of mouth. Some viewers thought it was mysterious, slow-paced, far-fetched to go to the meeting, and the editing was sparse. Another part of the audience thinks that sincerity is delicate and has great stamina.

Lu Jianing, an associate professor at China Communication University, said: "These two views are reasonable. In a few words, it is very personal and tells a case-by-case emotion; The second word to describe the film is dislocation. The child was abandoned by his mother for a year, and his mother went to a new relationship willfully. The child is always fighting for love with a remembered mother lover. Under this mode, he often makes a cold attitude towards his sick mother. The film makes the trauma particularly serious. Although Alzheimer’s disease runs through, it has become an opportunity to heal the trauma, which is very different from our understanding of the disease. Its privateness makes the film very delicate, and dislocation will make people feel that it is difficult to identify with many times. "

The film will cause such controversy, which is also related to the cultural differences between China and Japan. "My Last Year with Mom" is full of the aesthetic of mourning for things with Japanese characteristics. When touching external things, I feel deeply touched by the scene and naturally reveal deep and quiet feelings. The hero has always been very resistant to his mother’s pursuit of half a firework, thinking that this is because she is missing her past lover. At the beginning, it was for this lover that her mother abandoned herself for a year. But it wasn’t until he witnessed it that he found out that what his mother had been thinking about was the half fireworks she saw through the opposite tall building in her hometown. When Alzheimer’s Harmo’s disease erodes the mother’s brain, but it doesn’t take away her love for herself, the most precious memory in her heart is still the happy time when she accompanied her son to grow up.

It is also witnessing the half fireworks with my own eyes, and the memories of living with my mother are pouring in. At that moment, the fleeting beauty in the sky seems eternal. The film uses extremely delicate techniques to let the audience and the hero experience the beauty of this moment. The fireworks are bright and dark in mid-air, and the inanimate objects resonate with people’s strong emotions, which lights up the constant love between mother and son, and also makes the audience understand this affection that blood is thicker than water. As the theme of the film, the creative team did not highlight the suffering of Alzheimer’s disease, but turned it into a key to lead the mother and son to untie the knot.

Nowadays, more and more film creators in various countries pay attention to Alzheimer’s disease, which leads to the birth of countless excellent films. However, different educational and cultural differences in different countries make this theme have completely different interpretations, reflecting different lives of people in different countries. Japanese people tend to film Alzheimer’s disease as a cure film, which weakens the pain caused by the disease to patients and their families, and pays attention to how patients can change their relationship with others through Alzheimer’s disease. For example, in his works, relevant plots have been set, and the characters who were not liked originally changed their personalities after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, thus repairing the relationship with family and friends. It can be said that such a description will definitely make people feel cured, but it has become an understatement for this disease, lacking profundity and thinking.

Different values present different perspectives, and in European and American films, such as, etc., they are strongly individualistic. In the eyes of western filmmakers, people are lonely individuals. After suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, patients not only lose their memory, but also look at the world in a chaotic way. Even with the meticulous care of their families, it is difficult to enter the inner world of patients. In the context of many western films, move on is emphasized. No matter what happens, people should go on strongly. However, patients with Alzheimer’s disease have lost this strong heart to go on. They are lonely and no longer sure who they are, so their films often make patients full of tragedy. The Father even cried directly to find his mother who died many years ago, which makes people moved.

Influenced by Confucian culture, ethical concepts and realistic aesthetics, China’s creators pay more attention to the blood ties between family idioms when creating related themes, which leads to a more grand view of history and society. Dislocation in the end, let the mother who should have been taken care of heal her daughter with Alzheimer’s disease, no matter how her age changes, maternal love can still make her strong; In the middle school, my son was afraid that his mother with Alzheimer’s disease would get lost, so he connected himself with his mother with a rope, just like an umbilical cord, and took her back to the Mongolian steppe to find her roots. These excellent works reflect the greatest values of China’s family, and also reflect a wider and deeper space on this theme, and express the thoughts of China filmmakers with movies.

Sickness itself is a tragedy, but many people and families presented in the film actually gained another affection in this tragedy and made up for some regret. There is a line saying that life is different from movies, and life is much harder. I hope movies, light and shadow can give you more strength to face this challenge in life together.