Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India’s Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng M

Alibaba emptied the "India Alipay" Paytm shares and cashed in nearly 300 million US dollars.

On February 12th, according to foreign media reports, according to the data of the stock exchange, Alibaba Group recently sold its remaining shares in Indian digital payment company Paytm for about 13.78 billion Indian Rupee (US$ 167.14 million, about RMB 1.137 billion) through block transactions.

Specifically, Alibaba Singapore E-Commerce Company sold 21.4 million Paytm shares at a price of 642.74 rupees per share on February 10th, representing a 9% discount from Thursday’s closing price. Affected by the news, Paytm’s share price fell nearly 8% on February 10 to close at 650.55 rupees, but it still rose nearly 23% so far this year. In addition, Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd bought 5.42 million shares of Paytm at a price of 640 rupees on February 10th. It is not clear why Alibaba sold its equity. Paytm and Alibaba did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In January this year, Alibaba sold a 3.1% stake in Paytm through a block transaction of 125 million US dollars (currently about 851 million yuan). Prior to this, Alibaba held a 6.26% stake in Paytm 6.26% Since its listing in November 2021, Paytm has been under pressure to make profits. Since its listing, the stock has fallen by about 70% and plunged by 60% in 2022. (IT house)

Lu Weibing: In the past three years, Huawei has flowed out of 80 million users, and Xiaomi has robbed 50 million.

Recently, Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, talked about the development of mobile phone business on the latest Xiaomi Investment Day, and revealed relevant information about high-end. Lu Weibing said that the brand TOM(Top of Mind) continued to improve, and the preference among high-end people accounted for 13%. In the past three years, H Company (Huawei) has exported 80 million users, Xiaomi has robbed 50 million, Apple has robbed 20 million and Glory has robbed 10 million.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

As a supplement, in 2022, Xiaomi shipped about 38.6 million smartphones in the domestic market, ranking fifth in market share; In the global market, smartphone shipments were 152.7 million units, ranking third with a market share of 13%. Lu Weibing said that "Huawei outflows 80 million, Xiaomi grabs 50 million, Apple grabs 20 million, and glory grabs 10 million" should refer to the global market.

Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, mostly R&D engineers.

Recently, two sources said that Arm China, the joint venture company of arm, a chip company of Softbank Group, laid off 90-95 employees last week to cope with the challenging business prospects this year. In addition, the dismissed employees are mainly engineers in the R&D department. Observer. com contacted the China office of Arm about this matter, but probably because of the weekend, no one answered the phone.

Inquiring about ARM China official website, the total number of employees in ARM China has exceeded 900, of which R&D personnel account for 85%, that is, there are at least 700 R&D personnel. R&D products cover SOC, HPC, CPU, AI, multimedia, ISP, VPU and so on.

Netcom Huawei will fully dominate AITO cars, and the official response

Recently, some netizens have noticed that the poster of Jiejie Automobile released by AITO official Weibo has changed the logo in the upper right corner to HUAWEI, even the chrysanthemum logo on Huawei’s signboard. Before that, the position of the logo in the upper left corner of the poster was written AITO. In addition, there are also screenshots of suspected group chats. From the content point of view, it is an important change involving AITO brand words.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

It said that it has recently reached an agreement with the top management of Celeste. In order to strengthen the brand uniqueness, from now on, the brand speech will no longer use "Huawei’s deep empowerment" but be changed to "Huawei’s overall leadership". In this regard, Huawei responded, saying that it misread the part, as follows: This move only highlights Huawei’s long-term deep empowerment of AITO brand, and the long-term deep cooperation between Huawei and Cyrus has not changed. In the future, the two sides will continue to jointly launch more and more competitive new products.

Wang Huiwen, co-founder of the former Meituan: invested 50 million US dollars to enter AI.

Recently, Wang Huiwen, the former co-founder of Meituan, was suspected of coming back. In his WeChat circle of friends, he wrote, "I will enter the artificial intelligence track, and at the same time said that individuals will also take out 50 million US dollars to join the group, regardless of salary and position." Below the comment area, several people liked it, including Shen Peng, founder and CEO of Shuidi Company.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Shen Peng also commented that "it is so unpretentious and boring for big bosses to invest". It is understood that Wang Huiwen was a representative of the early Internet industry in China, and he was a continuous Internet entrepreneur. He founded the intranet (now Renren), the caller network, Taofang, and Meituan.

Weibo big V Lin Dengwan responded to the question that Apple futures "can’t be flat": some things are for marketing.

Recently, many futures people have said that from the current futures market, the statement that "Lin Dengwan’s position can’t be closed" is not accurate. Futures speculators and Weibo V@ Lin Dengwan responded to the question that 1,500 tons of apple futures "can’t be flat". "We have some things that are true, and some things are for marketing, and marketing needs means." Some futures veterans said that Lin Dengwan and others may be involved in joint market manipulation. In this regard, Lin Dengwan said, "It is not convenient to give a specific answer for the time being. We are currently silent. At present, the most important thing is to turn the apples that everyone is speculating on weekdays into real food and sell them to the public. " (per meridian)

"WeChat avatar faded" reached the top of Weibo hot search, and the official response said that "related functions have been optimized"

On February 12th, news came that "the WeChat avatar faded" ranked first in Weibo’s hot search, and some netizens reported that the WeChat avatar faded. Compared with the original picture, the photo of the avatar used for a period of time became dim in definition and color. Some netizens also speculated that it was caused by compressed image quality.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

It is understood that the image format of WeChat avatar is PNG, which is a bitmap format using lossless compression algorithm. However, WeChat itself will compress the avatar images uploaded by users, thus reducing the file size. In this regard, WeChat official responded to Caijing Technology: "There are a small number of Android users’ feedback. Select" View previous avatar "in the avatar setting interface to switch back to the original avatar, and the color of the avatar set many times will fade. Related functions have been optimized and will be restored as soon as possible. "

Cao Cao changed coaches: Zhou Hang stepped down as chairman and Geely veteran Yang Jian took over.

A few days ago, the chairman of Hangzhou Youxing Technology Co., Ltd., the main operator of Cao Cao’s trip, changed from Zhou Hang to Yang Jian. Yang Jian has worked in Geely Group for many years. According to official website of Geely Group, Yang Jian joined Geely Group in 1996, and held several important positions successively, including the positions of President of Geely Automobile Research Institute, Executive Vice President of Geely Holding Group and President of Geely Holding Group.

Zhou Hang was the founder of Yizhi. In April 2022, Zhou Hang became the chairman of Cao Cao Travel. At that time, Cao Cao’s travel did not disclose Zhou Hang’s responsibilities, and the daily operation of the company was still presided over by CEO Gong Xin. Today, Zhou Hang has been the chairman of Cao Cao Travel for less than a year.

The domestic C-magazine states that concealing the use of ChatGPT will be rejected or withdrawn.

Recently, Journal of Jinan (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) published a note on the use of artificial intelligence writing tools: for the time being, it will not accept any articles signed separately or jointly by large-scale language model tools (such as ChatGPT). Relevant tools have been used in paper creation, which need to be put forward separately, and how to use them in detail and demonstrate the author’s own creativity in the article. For articles that cite artificial intelligence writing tools as references, the author should be asked to provide detailed citation arguments. (Zhongxin. com)

Yunda Express: Recently, "more than 2,000 outlets are closed" and "the company is going to close down" are all untrue contents.

February 12th news, recently, the abnormal delivery of Yunda Express caused a large number of netizens to vomit, resulting in delayed delivery and abnormal delivery, and even boarded the hot search in Weibo. On the evening of the 12th, Yunda Express officially released the "Clarification Announcement on Recent Internet Rumors", indicating that the courier brother of individual outlets did not go back to visit relatives for several years due to the epidemic, and the rework after the holiday was not timely, resulting in short-term shortage of staff, which caused the delay in dispatching parts in the area where individual outlets were located. Yunda Express also said that the closure of more than 2,000 outlets on the Internet was untrue. As for "customer service is not accepted", "revenue is not profitable" and "the company is going to close down", they are all untrue words.

Yu Chengdong responded to the suspension of Huawei BU Wang Jun: personnel adjustment does not affect the strategic direction of the car.

Recently, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei Car BU, responded to the recent news that "Huawei Car BU Wang Jun was suspended", saying that (this time) it was a normal personnel adjustment change and there was no change in the direction of (Huawei’s car business). There are voices that the personnel transfer is related to the unsatisfactory business progress of Wang Jun. Yu Chengdong called many speculations about the strategic adjustment of Huawei’s automobile "online hype". (CBN)

Details of layoffs at Dell’s China headquarters are exposed.

A few days ago, foreign media reported that Dell will lay off about 6,650 people, accounting for about 5% of the total number of employees worldwide. According to many sources in Time Finance, the layoffs have spread to China District. At present, Dell’s headquarters in Xiamen’s China District has started layoffs, and the branches in Shanghai and Dalian have not yet confirmed them. An employee of Dell Xiamen Company said that on February 9, the department heads had a meeting to announce the layoffs, claiming that it was in line with the Group’s global layoffs plan, and many departments had layoffs targets.

An employee of the sales department of Dell Xiamen Company said that there are currently 10 people in the team, two of whom are already on the list of this wave of layoffs. After that, the leaders will have one-on-one interviews with employees, and it is expected that two more people will be laid off. As far as she knows, the compensation plan may be "n+2", but the exact situation will not be known until the personnel interview. She mentioned that laid-off employees will receive resignation notice in March, with a buffer period of more than one month, and they can work from home before. It is reported that some employees’ compensation schemes are "n+1". (Time Finance)

QQ’s first user exposure: the number is only five digits.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Recently, on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of QQ’s birth, an interview with Robert, the first user of QQ, was announced. Robert, 45, now lives overseas, QQ number is 10201. He once met Tencent team and studied various online chat tools in his early days. He worked on the Internet 24 years ago, and now he still remembers the excitement when he first experienced QQ in 1999.

After Meguiar’s announcement of 10% layoffs, the top management paid a salary cut of up to 20% and suspended bonuses.

On February 12th, according to foreign media reports, the Board Committee of Micron Technology approved to reduce the basic annual salary of some senior executives in FY 2023 and suspend the bonuses of all senior executives. This pay cut plan will make Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of the company, face a 20% salary cut, with the executive vice president’s salary cut of 15% and the senior vice president’s salary cut of 10%.

It is understood that Mehrotra’s basic salary in fiscal year 2022 is 1.41 million US dollars, and the total salary is as high as 28.8 million US dollars (currently about 196 million yuan), most of which comes from stock awards. Micron Technology made this decision in response to the decline in demand for electronic products and chips. Micron announced last year that it would lay off 10% of its employees in 2023 and suspend the payment of bonuses in 2023. Micron pointed out that this layoff will reduce the target cash remuneration of senior executives by 53%-75%, and it will also reduce more senior salaries. As for the non-employee members of the board of directors, the cash remuneration will also be reduced by 20%. (IT house)

Microsoft promotes the plan to lay off 10,000 people: involving HoloLens, Surface and Xbox departments.

On February 12 th, informed sources revealed that Microsoft laid off employees in departments such as Surface devices, HoloLens mixed reality hardware and Xbox last week, and implemented a plan to lay off 10,000 people announced last month. People familiar with the matter said that the massive layoffs of the HoloLens hardware team made people doubt whether the company would produce the third generation of smart glasses. In addition, in the Xbox game department, the marketing and Xbox game ecosystem teams are laying off employees. In this regard, Microsoft declined to comment, but said that it is still committed to the mixed reality field and the current HoloLens 2 version. (IT house)

ChatGPT was revealed to have hired data labeled "sweatshop"

According to reports, OpenAI reached a cooperation with an outsourcing company Sama at the end of 2021, and OpenAI sent tens of thousands of text fragments to Sama, containing a lot of content about murder, abuse and even more unbearable. According to qualifications and performance, the actual salary of data annotators employed by Sama for OpenAI is about $1.32 to $2 per hour. The interviewed employees all said that this job left them with "mental trauma". Although they were able to participate in the group psychological counseling organized by the company, the counseling did not provide any help. In 2022, Sama terminated its cooperation with OpenAI. (science and technology innovation board Daily)

Japan Yahoo, LINE and Z Holdings will merge this year.

Recently, Japan Z Holding Company said that it will merge with its two subsidiaries, LINE and Yahoo, within this year. It is reported that in the future, Z Holdings will be the parent company and LINE· Yahoo will be the core wholly-owned subsidiary to promote the expansion of tripartite collaboration. Promote the strengthening and merger of various services, thereby improving the speed of business decision-making and boosting the rapid development of business. Kawabe Kentaro and Izawa Gang, who previously served as CEO of Z Holdings, will take office as president and president and CEO respectively on April 1.

Musk fired Twitter senior engineers at the meeting because he heard that his popularity was declining.

According to foreign media reports, Musk recently fired a senior engineer of Twitter on the spot at an internal meeting, just because the engineer told him that his popularity on the Twitter platform was declining. Musk met with several engineers on Twitter on Tuesday to discuss the statistics of the number of views of his personal account on Twitter. In recent months, the number of views on his account has been declining.

Previously, Musk also arranged staff to investigate whether his ability to reach users on Twitter platform was limited by potential problems of Twitter algorithm. Sources familiar with the meeting said that Musk told employees at the meeting: "This is ridiculous. I have more than 100 million fans, but the published content has only tens of thousands of exposures. "

Apple’s service business income exceeds Nike McDonald’s combined.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

Recently, according to the latest analysis report released by market research firm Finbold, the revenue of Apple’s service business will reach 79.4 billion US dollars in 2022, and this market segment alone will surpass many Fortune 500 companies. In addition, Apple’s revenue from service business alone exceeds the combined revenue of Nike and McDonald’s ($72.1 billion). It is understood that Apple’s service business includes: subscription service (Apple One), advertising revenue (Apple search engine and App Store) and handling fee income (App Store).

The data shows that the US 5G upgrade rules may cause the aviation industry to lose 637 million US dollars.

On February 12, according to foreign media reports, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said last week that the requirement of modifying aircraft altimeters proposed by the United States to ensure that they are not affected by 5G interference may cause the industry to lose at least 637 million US dollars (currently about 4.338 billion yuan). IATA said in its comments to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the cost would be much higher than the agency’s estimated $26 million (currently about 177 million yuan). The organization warned last week that many airlines are at risk of not meeting the deadline.

Scientists have found receptors that prevent Covid-19 infection.

Scientists at the University of Sydney found a kind of protein in the lungs, which can prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and form a natural protective barrier in the human body. Protein, known as LRRC 15 (Leucine-Rich Repeating-Containing Protein 15), can bind to SARS-CoV-2 without spreading infection. Teams from Oxford, England, Brown and Yale University in the United States have independently found receptors in LRRC15 protein.

SARS-CoV-2 virus mainly infects human cells by binding with ACE2 receptors, while lung cells have high levels of ACE2 receptors, so the virus mainly infects the lungs and causes serious problems. LRRC15, like ACE2, is the receptor of SARS-CoV-2, but the difference is that it does not support infection, and prevents other fragile cells from being infected by sticking to the virus. It will form a barrier to isolate the virus from the most vulnerable lung cells. (geek Solidot)

Vayve Eva, India’s first solar electric car, was unveiled and can run 12 kilometers without spending money every day.

On February 12th, Vayve Mobility, an electric vehicle startup headquartered in Pune, India, announced that it plans to launch India’s first solar electric vehicle Eva in 2024, and delivery will begin in mid-2024.

Lu Weibing said that Xiaomi took away 50 million users of Huawei; Alibaba emptied India's Alipay shares, accumulating nearly $300 million; Arm China was exposed to lay off nearly 100 people, Leifeng Morning Post.

As can be seen from the picture, Vayve Eva is an ultra-small city commuter car, which can accommodate two adults and one child. Eva is equipped with a bunch of solar panels with rated power of 150W on the roof, which can increase the cruising range by 10~12 kilometers every day. Vayve Eva is also equipped with a 14kWh battery pack, with a total battery life of 250 kilometers, and can be fully charged within 4 hours using a home wall socket charger. (IT house)

Leifeng net(WeChat official account: Leifeng. com)

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Geely xingrui l/xingyue l zhiqing edition officially went on sale for 126,700 yuan.

[Aika Auto Domestic New Car Original]

On December 3rd, Geely’s flagship models, China Star Series, Xingrui L and Xingyue L Intelligent Engine Edition, were officially launched, and both new cars were equipped with China Xingzhi Engine-Oil Mixing System.Xingrui L Zhiqing has pushed three versions, with a price range of 12.67-14.67 million yuan; Xingyue L Zhiqing has launched two versions with a price range of 16.77-17.77 million yuan., and provide Tiangong optional package.

Xingrui l zhiqingbancar make and modelGuide price (ten thousand yuan)Xingyun Edition 12.67 Xinghe Edition 13.67 Tiangong Edition 14.67 Aika Auto Network Watchmaking Xingyue l zhiqing editioncar make and modelGuide price (ten thousand yuan)Xinghe Edition 16.77 Tiangong Edition 17.77 Aika Auto Network Watchmaking

From now on, the purchase of Xingyue L Zhiqing can enjoy the free use right of NOA intelligent navigation assistance system for 2 years (free for the first owner); Before December 31, heavy replacement rights and interests will be introduced for Geely’s old users, and the replacement subsidy will be 10,000 yuan; Before 24: 00 on February 9, 2024, you can enjoy the New Year’s red envelope benefit of 3,000 yuan when you buy the models of Xingrui L Zhiqing Edition and Xingyue L Zhiqing Edition.

Xingrui L Zhiqing adopts a brand-new design language, and the front face of the new car is equipped with a waterfall grille to create a more three-dimensional full, exquisite and profound front face shape. The headlights on the left and right sides can realize the functions of water steering, light show, car search, welcome and farewell. The side lines of the car body are smooth and slender, and the rear part adopts a new penetrating taillight with 280 light sources, which makes it light up better. At the same time, Xingrui L Zhiqing has a brand-new exclusive car color "Qingshan Purple". In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4825*1880*1469mm and the wheelbase is 2800mm respectively.

The interior design style of the new car is simple and bright, and the brand-new "white+purple contrast color" design style is used. The highlight trim strips in the car are extended to both sides, which extends the visual width of the overall interior, and with double large screens, it creates an experience of combining exquisiteness with a sense of technology. There is an electronic blocking mechanism on the back of the multifunctional steering wheel. These changes make the armrest platform have a larger storage space, and it is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging unit.

As a modified model, Xingyue L Zhiqing also adopts the design concept of "Mountain and Sea Universe". The front face is replaced with a new style of front grille, and the interior is decorated with straight waterfall elements, making the overall shape more stable. The side shape of the car body has not changed, but it has been replaced with a new style of wheels, which highlights the texture. The rear of the car uses a penetrating taillight, and the overall shape is very atmospheric. At the same time, Xingyue L also has a brand-new "Haoyue White" body color scheme.

In terms of interior, the Star Yue L Smart Engine continues the design of the existing Star Yue L, and the "Oriental White" cockpit composed of white and gray contrasts has a very warm and elegant interior atmosphere. The super-large screen composed of three large screens is the highlight of the interior, which is amazing. At the same time, the car is equipped with a 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system. In addition, the new car is also equipped with L2 intelligent driving assistance system, and NOA intelligent navigation assistance is optional.

In terms of power, both cars are equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder hybrid engine with a maximum power of 120kW(163 HP) and a peak torque of 255Nm. The engine is matched with a 3-speed DHT gearbox. P1 motor has a maximum power of 60kW and a maximum torque of 180Nm, and is mainly responsible for power generation and start-up; P2 motor has a maximum power of 100kW and a peak torque of 320Nm, and is mainly responsible for driving and kinetic energy recovery. The comprehensive fuel consumption of Xingrui L intelligent engine is 4.22L/100km, and the acceleration of 0-100km/h is 7.5 seconds; The comprehensive fuel consumption of Xingyue L intelligent engine is 4.79L/100km, and the acceleration of 0-100km/h is 7.9 seconds.

Editor’s comment: The launch of Geely Xingrui L Intelligent Engine and Xingyue L Intelligent Engine has realized the joint intelligent engine matrix of Geely’s SUV+ sedan, further consolidating the advantages of Geely Automobile in the fuel vehicle market.

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English Test Band 4 registration time in the first half of 2024.

Thirty-one regions in China have specified the registration time of CET-4 and CET-6 in the second half of 2023.

Heilongjiang province: from 14: 00 on September 18th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Changjiang professional college, Sichuan: 8: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th, 2023.

Guizhou area: from 12: 00 on September 13th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Inner Mongolia: 10: 00 on September 15th-17: 00 on September 25th.

Ningxia: From 14:00 on September 14th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Anhui: 10: 00 on September 19th-17:00 on September 26th.

Guangdong-south university of science and technology of china: 12: 00 on September 18th-17:00 on September 26th.

Jilin: 10: 00 on September 18th, 2023-17: 00 on September 26th.

Hebei area: it starts at 6:00 am on September 19th and ends at 16:00 pm on September 26th.

Jiangxi: From 14: 00 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 22nd.

Hainan: September 13th to September 22nd.

Guangxi: From 14:00 on September 14th to 12:00 on September 20th.

Shanghai: From 14:00 on September 14th to 14:00 on September 26th.

Henan —— Henan Agricultural University/Henan Polytechnic University: 8: 30 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 22nd.

Hubei: From 11:00 on September 15th to 17:00 on September 25th.

Shanxi: The start time is 8:00 on September 18th, and the deadline is subject to the regulations of each test center.

Liaoning: from 10: 00 on September 14th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Zhejiang: 6: 00 on September 14th-17:00 on September 26th.

Jiangsu: 12: 00 on September 14th-17:00 on September 23rd, 2023.

Fujian-Xiamen University: 9: 00 on September 13th-17:00 on September 23rd.

Hunan-Hunan College of Medicine: from 15:00 on September 15th to 16:00 on September 22nd.

Shaanxi-Xijing College: from 14: 00 on September 16th to 17: 00 on September 26th.

Gansu: 10: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th.

Qinghai: From 12: 00 on September 18th to 17: 00 on September 21st.

Xinjiang-Xinjiang Communications Vocational and Technical College: 10: 00 on September 12th-23:00 on September 17th.

Beijing: From 10: 00 on September 13th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Tianjin: From 14: 00 on September 18th to 17:00 on September 26th.

Yunnan-Haiyuan College of Kunming Medical University: 13: 00 on September 18th-12:00 on September 26th.

Chongqing-Chongqing Jiaotong University: 15: 00 on September 15th-17:00 on September 26th.

Shandong: 9: 00 on September 19th-17:00 on September 26th.

Tibet: 10: 00 on September 19th-18:00 on September 26th.