AITO Wenjie M5 Series Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition officially went on the market.

  AITO Wenjie M5 series Huawei advanced intelligent driving version has been officially launched recently, with 4 models, with the price ranging from 279,800 yuan to 309,800 yuan. This is also the first product equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system.

  AITO Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition was jointly designed by Celestial Motors and Huawei, with an acceleration of 4.4 seconds from zero to 100 kilometers. It is equipped with technologies such as HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive platform and HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system, and realizes high-speed and high-order intelligent driving functions in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps. Under the urban road conditions, the M5 version of Zhijie can actively avoid all kinds of vehicles occupying the road and effectively deal with scenes such as "opening the door to kill" and "ghost probe". In the automatic parking scene, Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition can handle more than 160 parking scenes, including dead-end road parking/parking, automatic vehicle parking, low-speed automatic parking, parking service assistance, etc., with a parking recognition rate as high as 96% and a parking success rate of 95%.

  In addition, a number of brand-new software and hardware technologies have also enabled the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition to realize "mobile whole house intelligence". Spatial audio technology combined with 19 units of professional-grade audio makes users feel as if they are at the performance site of the Grand Theatre. In the back row, HUAWEI MagLinkTM magic suction car interface realizes multi-device linkage, which makes the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in the world become the exclusive study, game hall or conference room for users. The PC car-machine interconnection function makes the temporary office in the car more efficient, and the car-machine navigation can be carried out at the touch of the mobile phone.

  At the same time, the M9, the first full-size flagship SUV of AITO brand, also made a heavy appearance. The extended range version and pure electric version will be scheduled on April 17, and will be officially released in the fourth quarter of 2023. The estimated price range is 500,000-600,000 yuan. As a full-scale flagship SUV, Wenjie M9 provides 3-6 seats, all-aluminum chassis and air spring and CDC damping system as standard, which brings better ride comfort and safety. As the flagship product of Huawei’s deep empowerment, Wenjie M9 is fully equipped with Huawei smart car full-stack technology solutions, including Huawei megapixel smart headlights, HUAWEI AR-HUD, AI big model and other black technologies. (Reporter Li Zhiyong)

Today, the sunshine returns briefly, and the temperature will still be low tomorrow morning, and there will be thin ice in the suburbs of MINUS 1 degree to 0 degree! The weather next week →

The temperature continues to be low.
It snowed in most parts of Shanghai today.
Chongming, Qingpu, Minhang, Jiading,
Pudong, Yangshan Port and Xujiahui Station
Light sleet or light snow was observed.
Because the lowest temperature in the morning is generally 0℃ to MINUS 1℃, there is slight snow or ice on the elevated and shady sections. During the day, the surface temperature is above 0℃, and snow or ice does not last long. The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory lifted the yellow warning signal of road icing at 12: 15 today.
In the afternoon, sunshine appeared in some areas. The highest temperature in the city was generally around 3℃, and Xujiahui Station was 3.7℃.
It’s cloudy to cloudy tonight, with sporadic light rain or sleet in the east. It will be cloudy to cloudy tomorrow, with short-term light rain in some areas. It is a northerly wind of grade 3~4. The temperature will still be low tomorrow morning,The urban area is about 1℃, and the suburban area is 1℃ to 0℃ below zero, with thin ice. During the day, with the sunshine, the temperature will rise rapidly, and the highest temperature is expected to be around 7℃.The relative humidity is 90%-50%. The sense of body is still cold.
Affected by the intersection of cold and warm air,It will be rainy and rainy in Shanghai next week.On the 27th, the precipitation will be suspended, and there will be obvious precipitation from the night of the 28th to the 29th. On March 1st, it will gradually stop raining and turn cloudy to cloudy, and the weekend is generally cloudy to cloudy. The temperature fluctuated slightly next week, showing an overall upward trend. On March 1st, the temperature dropped slightly by 4~8℃ throughout the day, and the highest temperature on weekends quickly rose to around 10℃.
Freezing rain in Hubei, Hunan and other places weakened today.
At the end of the month, there will be a large-scale rain and snow weather process in China.
Affected by the continuous intersection of warm and humid airflow and cold air, most of the south will maintain rainy and snowy weather before the beginning of March. Today, the freezing rain weather in Hunan, Guizhou and other places has weakened and the scope has narrowed. However, there are still rainy and snowy weather along the Yangtze River and its southern areas, and the precipitation phase is complicated.
It is estimated that there will be moderate to moderate rain (snow) in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, eastern Northwest China, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northeastern and southwestern China, Jianghan, western Jianghuai, Jiangnan, southern China and western and eastern Tibet from 25th to 27th. On 25th, there will be moderate to heavy snow in eastern Tibet and Daba Mountain area.
The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in Hetao area and central and eastern Inner Mongolia, western and southeastern Tibet, northern North China, western Jianghuai, central and eastern Guizhou and western Hunan. There is freezing rain in high altitude areas in central Guizhou and western Hunan. There is light rain in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, central and western South China and most parts of Guizhou.
From February 28 to March 1, China will welcome a wide range of rain and snow weather, with small to medium snow or sleet in the eastern part of northwest China, western North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and northwestern Jiangnan. There are small to moderate rains in eastern and southern Jiangnan, southern China and Guizhou, and heavy rains in some areas.
In the next 10 days, the number of precipitation days in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and South China will generally be more than 6 days, with parts of Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other provinces and regions exceeding 8 days. At present, it is still during the return trip to Spring Festival travel rush. It is raining and snowing along the Yangtze River, and the rainy and snowy weather in many places will be very long. The public should pay attention to the changes of traffic information such as flights and trains, drive to widen the distance, reduce the speed, and beware of vehicle skidding.
Xinmin Evening News (xmwb1929) integrated CCTV news and Shanghai weather release.
Editor: Shi Yu