Yang Mi’s "face change" video hot AI makes you change whoever you want?

  Recently, some netizens uploaded a video of Yang Mi "changing his face". In the video, the producer used AI technology to change Yang Mi’s face to Zhu Yin’s character Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Hero". The video immediately triggered a heated discussion on the whole network, and there were continuous hot searches. Users said that the video had no sense of inconsistency, and even "thanks to technology, Yang Mi finally has acting skills". In addition to the large-scale amazement of the Internet, this black technology of "changing faces every minute" also makes people think carefully and feel terrifying.

  Yangzi Evening News/Eye Raising Reporter, Kong Xiaoping

  [Event playback]

  "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong" has no flaws

  In the 94th edition of "The Legend of the Condor Hero", Zhu Yin played Huang Rong, who was very smart and playful, and many scenes could be called classics. Bilibili, a UP master named "Brother Face Changer", used AI technology to replace Yang Mi’s face with "Huang Rong" in the play. Looking at it, "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong"’s expression and body movements were very smooth, and no flaws could be seen at all. Because it was too realistic, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet. It is reported that the face-changing brother has previously released a number of videos of changing faces for film and television characters, including Dragon Mom in A Song of Ice and Fire, Rose in Titanic, Liu Piao Piao in King of Comedy, Laura in Tomb Raider, etc., and the replacements are all Yang Mi.

  This is not an exception

  After the video appeared, netizens went from stunned to amazed. There was even a topic on the Internet called "Replace Zhu Yin’s Huang Rong with Yang Mi’s face", and the reading volume actually soared to 110 million, and there were 25,000 discussions. Some netizens said that with the blessing of technology, anyone can become an acting school. Will face-changing technology become a new shortcut for performers? In the future, celebrities don’t need to be present for filming, they can directly sign a license contract "allowing face-changing", and they can produce film and television works.

  In fact, "AI face-changing" did not start with @face-changing brother, but attracted wider attention because of "Yang Mi’s version of Huang Rong".

  The tool used by @Face Changer to make this realistic video was called deepfake. It appeared abroad in 2017. Some people used celebrities to make some indecent videos. Unfortunately, the celebrities who were recruited included Gail Gadot, Scarlett Johansson, etc. At that time, it caused a lot of controversy, and many platforms explicitly banned the dissemination of such videos.

  "It’s simply a technical obscenity, ask for rectification"

  After deepfake was introduced into China, some netizens in China have also made face-changing videos. For example, the female live streaming host that otaku men love to see has been replaced by a domestic popular flower, with hundreds of thousands of views. Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson once predicted that "it is only a matter of time before anyone becomes the target of this technology."

  Therefore, the reporter saw that many sober netizens also realized that public figures only bear the brunt of "technology". If someone maliciously uses and abuses, anyone can become anyone, and it is not safe for everyone. Some netizens said that "face changing" is simply a naked "technical obscenity". Countless netizens called on relevant departments to "seek rectification"!

  The publisher has removed the relevant videos from the shelves.

  On the 27th, the video publisher @facechanger issued an apology on Weibo, saying that it had communicated with Yang Mi’s official studio and removed the relevant video. He also said that ordinary AI face-changing technology may only be used for entertainment purposes, and higher-level AI technology such as military use has high security, and current civilian AI technology will not pose a threat. He also said that this is a warning to everyone that everyone should respect copyright and portrait rights and focus on the technology itself.

  [Chain reaction]

  Thinking about it carefully, I feel very terrifying. Is it safe to pay by brushing your face?

  This incident has undoubtedly caused a certain negative impact on society, but it is terrifying to think about it carefully. Nowadays, AI is used in various scenarios such as autonomous driving, facial recognition, smart cities, and smart homes, including facial recognition systems. However, once the back-end control system is attacked, there will be a large-scale and chain collapse, and the consequences of AI getting out of control will be unimaginable. According to online reports, in January 2019, the Dutch Deeptrace Laboratory released a deepfake development report saying that the number of searches for "deepfake" keywords in 2018 increased by 1,000 times compared with 2017.

  On the night of the 27th, @AliSecurity made a popular science and response on Weibo. Jue Ao, an advanced algorithm expert at AliSecurity Turing Lab, pointed out in the video that the current mainstream face-changing technology is based on deep learning models, and its core is an "autoencoder". Specifically, through face detection technology, it takes thousands to tens of thousands of faces to capture the faces of two people in the video, such as Zhu Yin and Yang Mi. After training, enter Zhu Yin’s face to generate Yang Mi’s face.

  What kind of problems will the application of this technology cause? Jue Ao said that in addition to the moral and ethical issues caused by face changing, the "black and gray industry" uses AI to change faces, which is a common attack method. "In the facial recognition system, the technology of recognizing face changing is called live detection technology, which is an attack and defense confrontation technology, that is, using AI means to solve AI attacks." Jue Ao also said that through deep learning technology, training models can be identified by the difference in texture, skin color, reflection and other characteristics of the two. It can be achieved in milliseconds to find fake faces, and the current recognition accuracy rate is 99.9%. At the same time, he also pointed out, "In recent years, due to the rapid development of deep learning, the technology of attack and defense has been constantly improving. This is a process of continuous and dynamic confrontation, and we have the confidence and ability to do it well."

  To this end, @Ali security said that Ali’s facial recognition live detection technology can be identified in milliseconds, the success rate is as high as 99.9%, and there are still prevention and control technologies.

  [Reporter interview]

  New technologies cannot break through the legal bottom line

  Xu Difeng, a professor and doctoral director at Nanjing University Law School, said in an interview with reporters that there have been infringement acts of imitating the voices of celebrities in the past. He believes that there is no right or wrong for "AI face-changing" as a technology. AI face-changing celebrities are similar to the behavior of using other people’s photos without permission, and they are all suspected of infringing the right of portrait. Platforms and individuals who use technology unreasonably should be bound by the law.

  Where are the boundaries of the application of "face changing"? Xu Difeng said that in the past, it was PS photos, but now face changing is PS videos, and the legal awareness that other people’s photos and videos cannot be used casually is also gradually developing. In addition, this AI face changing technology has certain latent risks, and there are currently legal norms applicable to it.

  In the interview, some experts in communication also said that the development of AI technology allows ordinary people to enjoy the convenience brought by technology, but new technologies should drive the renewal and iteration of benign cultural creativity, avoid using crooked roads, and do not break through the bottom line to challenge public order and good customs.

Q World will release the new M7 model, how long is Huawei’s "car building" window?

According to the first financial news, AITO is accelerating the pace of new car launches. Huawei End Point announced on September 10 that it will release the five-seat new car of the Q Jie M7 on September 12. With the release of the new car, the AITO Q Jie model matrix will include M5, M5 pure electric version, M5 smart driving version, M5 pure electric smart driving version, M7, M7 five seats, and AITO Q Jie plans to release M9 in the fourth quarter.

AITO Q & A is a brand jointly launched by Huawei and Cyrus. At present, Q & A’s sales volume is far from that of the leading new car-making forces. As a representative of Huawei’s smart car model, Huawei urgently needs to prove Q & A’s ability.

In August, the sales volume of nine new car-making forces, including Ai’an, Ideal, NIO, and Deep Blue, exceeded 10,000, and the delivery volume of AITO was 5018.

In the face of sluggish sales, Huawei’s automotive business has shown signs of more progress recently. In addition to speeding up the launch of new cars, in June this year, Huawei also acquired 21 "Q Jie" trademarks, which was interpreted by the industry as saying that Huawei will have the dominant right to Q Jie trademarks, and Q Jie may become a unified brand name for Huawei’s smart car model in the future. In July, the "AITO Q Jie Sales Service Joint Working Group" established by Sailis Automobile and Huawei began to be fully responsible for end-to-end closed-loop management of marketing, sales, delivery, service, and channels, marking the strengthening of cooperation between the two parties. From the perspective of products in the second half of the year, the new M7 and M9 models are undoubtedly the most concerned.

Sales are under pressure

Huawei Managing Director, End Point BG CEO, Smart Car Solutions BU CEO Yu Chengdong has previously revealed some information on the new M7 model. According to its Weibo, the model has 3338mm interior space and 686L trunk volume. Yu Chengdong also focused on the safety attributes of the new M7. In addition, the full-size SUV Q M9 will also be launched at the end of the year.

The launch of new cars is crucial to driving up sales in the industry. Since the beginning of this year, sales in the industry have been under pressure. According to the production and sales data of Cyrus, sales of Cyrus cars in July and August this year fell by 45.69% and 67.52% year-on-year, which affected the sales decline in the first eight months of this year. The reporter learned from the Cyrus Securities Department that in its production and sales express, sales of Cyrus cars are mainly from the industry.

"The Quarter 1 automotive industry promotion has led to a wait-and-see mood among users, and users’ expectations that the M5 smart driving version will be released in the second quarter have a certain impact on the sales of existing models." This is how Cyrus explained the reason for the decline in sales in the company’s first-half earnings report.

AITO official account no longer discloses monthly deliveries this year. Scattered disclosure data show that in April this year, AITO asked the world to deliver 4585 new cars, delivered 5629 cars in May, and delivered 5018 cars in August. There is no good news that the monthly delivery has exceeded 10,000. Compared with August last year, the delivery volume exceeded 10,000 cars, and reached the peak of 12,000 cars in October.

According to the data of the Passenger Federation, in the wholesale sales rankings of new energy passenger cars in August this year, Sailis sold 5018 units, not ranked in the 20th, lagging behind the new car-making forces of GAC Aian, Ideal, NIO, Zero Run, Xiaopeng, and Nezha with monthly sales of over 10,000.

At the same time as the sales problem is anxious, since the delivery of the world, Cyrus and Huawei have not yet tasted the sweetness of performance. In 2022, thanks to the higher price of M5 and M7 and the increase in sales volume, Cyrus revenue doubled year-on-year, but due to the increase in sales expenses and investment in research and development, the loss doubled year-on-year, reaching 3.832 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, Cyrus did not turn around, and revenue fell by 11.14% year-on-year.

It is also doubtful how much the car business can bring to Huawei’s performance. In 2022, Huawei’s smart car solutions business revenue was 2.077 billion yuan, accounting for only 0.3% of the total revenue. If the accumulated investment in smart car solutions BU since its establishment is 3 billion US dollars, the business is still losing money. In the first half of this year, the smart car solutions business revenue was 1 billion yuan, equivalent to half of last year’s annual revenue, and it seems to be standing still.

The pressure on Yu Chengdong is not small whether he can bring up the sales of Wenjie and set a benchmark for Huawei’s car business. Since the beginning of this year, Yu Chengdong has frequently stood on the platform for Wenjie, and his Weibo twice mentioned investing heavily in the new M7 model, saying that the model "has invested 100 million new upgraded interior and exterior accessories" and "spent 500 million new upgrades to build". In July, Yu Chengdong warmed up the new M7 at an exchange meeting with channel providers and suppliers, and in August he appeared at Chengdu Station to promote the model.

In response to the question of sales, Yu Chengdong previously responded that sales are only the result of a certain stage of development, and the underlying reflection is actually the relationship between users. Due to lack of experience and insufficient experience, some detours have been taken. At this time, it is even more necessary to give full play to its own advantages, have determination, and insist on making the ultimate products. Yu Chengdong revealed that in the face of external shocks, the company will accelerate improvement. Now it will optimize in the fields of retail, service, and delivery, and at the same time optimize the mechanism, increase the number of unannounced visits to stores and other means to improve the overall service capacity.

Partnership adjustment

Since the beginning of this year, there has been frequent speculation about Huawei’s entry into the car industry, and even rumors that Huawei’s car BU wants to seek independence. The root cause of the rumors is that Huawei’s car business has not brought significant growth and the development prospects are not yet clear. In fact, outside of Sailis, which has the deepest cooperation with Huawei, many car companies are considering cooperation with Huawei, and the cooperative relationship has undergone adjustment.

At present, Huawei’s cooperation with car companies is divided into three categories, namely vertical parts supply, HI (HuaweiInside) and Huawei Smart Selection. The HI model provides full-stack smart car solutions for car companies. The Huawei Smart Selection model involves Huawei in product definition, styling, marketing, user experience and other links. The depth of cooperation between these three models ranges from shallow to deep.

In the cooperation between car companies and technology manufacturers, it is a matter of debate who has the "soul", especially Huawei, which has always been strong in product control, and car companies inevitably choose carefully. Some auto industry analysts told reporters that as the competition for new energy vehicles enters the second half, profits will gradually shift to electronic and intelligent, and automakers are afraid of cooperating with technology manufacturers.

In March this year, the GAC Aian AH8 project changed its HI cooperation model with Huawei to a parts supplier model, and AH8 will be independently developed by Aian. Some car companies have made two preparations. In April this year, the cooperation model between BAIC Extreme Fox and Huawei changed from the HI model to the smart car model. At the same time, BAIC started its own research. At the end of August, BAIC Extreme Fox Koala started pre-sale, and this model is positioned as the world’s first smart parent-child car. The reporter learned from BAIC Blue Valley Securities Department that Koala has no cooperation with Huawei. In addition, Chery, JAC and Huawei Smart Choice have all cooperated. Among them, Chery has cooperated with Huawei to launch a number of smart electric vehicle models. Chery is also developing an independent new energy brand iCAR.

Huawei is well aware of the challenges it faces. At the "China Electric Vehicle 100 Forum 2023" in April this year, Yu Chengdong admitted that among domestic partners, new forces are unlikely to choose Huawei in terms of intelligence, and international giants will not choose for some reason. If traditional car companies are afraid of losing their souls, they will not choose, which makes Huawei face great challenges.

Even in the face of the dynamic adjustment of the cooperative relationship with car companies, in recent years, Huawei has emphasized the stability of cash flow and given up heavy assets to enter the car production, Huawei has still responded many times, denying the path of independent car production. At the beginning of this year, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei issued a decision announcement, emphasizing that "Huawei" or "HUAWEI" cannot be used to extend the time limit of "Huawei does not build cars" for 5 years in the promotion and appearance of the whole vehicle.

In this case, in the limited cooperation with car companies, how Huawei can achieve the most benefits and achieve the most ideal commercialization goals has become a core issue. In August, it was reported that Huawei had strategically adjusted its car BU business to reduce non-core business investment and spend money on the edge. But Huawei officials did not respond to this news.

In terms of business strategy, in the foreseeable future, Q & A will continue to be the most important focus of Huawei’s car business. The new M7 and M9 to be released on the 12th will become the biggest focus of Q & A in the second half of the year.

Original title: Q World will release the new M7 model, how long is Huawei’s "car building" window?

The real endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in extremely cold environment triggered a heated discussion!

   Recently, an extreme endurance test drive of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM super-native hybrid vehicle has attracted wide attention. Although the new car has not yet been listed, there has been a discussion of various attitudes between the automobile circle and the audience, from affirmation to doubt, from praise to denial, and public opinion is boiling water. So, what about this test drive?

  Usually, the long endurance test drive of pure electric and hybrid vehicles has become a "traditional reserved track". Some people pay attention, but few people pay attention; If you don’t do it, you feel something is missing. Why can Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM stir up this stagnant water? The "long endurance test" of other brands often presents the same beautiful scenery, the route is smooth and silky, and three core elements must be met: suitable temperature, minimizing load (even an extra charging line is considered redundant), and maintaining a stable speed. Although the test results under these customized conditions are good, consumers are increasingly indifferent to this "long endurance test". However, the long test drive of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM has attracted great attention from the media and users, because it uses a full-time live broadcast of a mirror. Let’s review it together, and there are many interesting reasons worthy of our study and discussion.

  The test lasted for more than 18 hours, which gradually made the audience feel that the test results did not seem so important to Xingtu brand. In fact, they are conducting a reality show, with real life scenes, real driving speed, real travel breaks, and even real lunch and a car full of happy friends. No matter whether the manufacturer designed it intentionally or at will, they let everyone see the real endurance test. Because only testing like daily life can truly evaluate the performance of vehicles and provide real reference for users’ future use.

  In the test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, the most lively place is the comment area in the live broadcast room. The pros and cons have a clear-cut stand, and the focus of debate revolves around whether the test is successful or not. Some people think that failing to reach the challenge goal of 1300 kilometers is a failure, although everyone witnessed the difficulties in the whole process of testing; Others think that 1300 kilometers is only the ideal data calculated according to WLTC working conditions. Under such extremely cold environment and high-speed driving test conditions, considering these losses, it is qualified to actually reach 900 kilometers, not to mention the actual cruising range of 1200 kilometers, which should be regarded as a great success. People have their own opinions, and there are certain reasons. However, I am more concerned about the performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in the test drive. Through many details of the live broadcast, we can see that many people have a heated discussion about the endurance test results of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM. The reason why this test has attracted widespread attention is that it uses a live broadcast of a mirror to the end, presenting real life scenes and driving conditions. Different from the customized long endurance test of other brands, this test is closer to the daily use conditions, enabling consumers to truly evaluate the performance of vehicles.

  The whole test lasted more than 18 hours, during which the real driving speed, road rest and dining situation were displayed. The endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is not only to show its cruising range, but also like a reality show, which makes the audience feel the real driving experience. This real test method makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the performance of vehicles and provides practical reference for future use.

  After all, the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is only slightly different from the target value of 1300km under WLTC. Considering that WLTC is tested under ideal conditions, and there are various complicated environmental and road conditions in actual driving, this gap can be said to be minimal. Compared with other similar models, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM performs better in endurance. Secondly, the gold content of this endurance performance lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  In fact, through the details of the live broadcast, we can see the performance of the vehicle in extremely cold environment and high-speed driving conditions. These details show the characteristics of vehicle driving comfort, dynamic response and energy consumption control. According to these details, the audience can judge whether the vehicle meets their own needs and expectations.

  The gold content of this endurance performance also lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  This live broadcast test makes the outstanding performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in battery life lay a solid foundation for its future development. Through continuous innovation and technological upgrading, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is also expected to become a leading brand in the field of new energy vehicles, and provide users with more reliable, efficient and intelligent travel solutions.

Real estate weekly and first-tier cities are expected to lead the real estate market to stabilize and recover.

Focus on new signals of real estate market
editorial comment/note
Recently, many new signals have appeared in the real estate market. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the signal that the real estate market in first-tier cities stabilized and rebounded in September was obvious. It is worth noting that the central and local policies to stabilize the property market continue to increase, the market is clearing, and normal investment demand has rebounded. In first-tier cities, the policy of "recognizing housing but not loans" is superimposed on the traditional "golden nine and silver ten", and some positive changes have taken place in the real estate market in first-and second-tier cities.
Half-monthly talk on property market
Image source/Xinhua News Agency
■ China Economic Times reporter Xia jinbiao
In the past two months, various support policies for the real estate market have been implemented nationwide, and the policy effects are gradually emerging. The real estate market is showing signs of recovery-the real estate market in first-tier cities is the first to recover.
According to the housing price data of 70 cities published by the National Bureau of Statistics in September, the sales price of new houses in first-tier cities turned flat from 0.2% in August, with Beijing and Shanghai rising by 0.4% and 0.5% respectively, with Shanghai leading the country.
Since the end of August, the easing policies of the real estate market in many places have been continuously released. In particular, the four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have successively implemented the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans", which has obviously boosted the real estate market. Take Shanghai, which led the rise in September, as an example. Following the announcement of the implementation of commercial loans on September 1, on October 17, Shanghai announced the optimization of the criteria for determining the number of housing provident fund loans. If Shanghai has no housing, no provident fund loans in the country or the first provident fund loans have been settled, it will be recognized as the first set of housing … The policy has been continuously exerted, boosting the Shanghai real estate market.
From the perspective of the second-hand housing market, the price of second-hand housing rose by four cities in September, an increase of one city compared with August. First-tier cities turned up for the first time after falling for four consecutive months, with an increase of 0.2%. Among them, Beijing led the national second-hand housing market with an increase of 0.7%; Followed by Shanghai, the price of second-hand housing rose by 0.6%.
Some insiders believe that the price of second-hand houses in Beijing and Shanghai has increased month-on-month, mainly due to the strict implementation of the policy of "recognizing houses and recognizing loans" in Beijing and Shanghai. After the implementation of "recognizing houses but not recognizing loans", the demand potential released is relatively large, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. There are many old second-hand houses, and there is great potential for improved demand, and the activity of second-hand houses has increased.
It should be pointed out that although first-tier cities take the lead in recovery, this recovery is still unstable, and there are still divisions within first-tier cities. The prices of new houses in Guangzhou and Shenzhen continued to fall, with a month-on-month decrease of 0.6% and 0.5% respectively, and a year-on-year decrease of 1.7% and 3%. The price of second-hand houses in Guangzhou decreased by 0.7% month-on-month, while the price of second-hand houses in Shenzhen was flat.
In addition, although the sales price of commercial housing in second-and third-tier cities has increased and decreased year-on-year, the chain is still declining. From the ring comparison, in September, the sales price of new commercial housing in second-tier cities decreased by 0.3% from the previous month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, the same as last month. The sales price of new commercial housing in third-tier cities decreased by 0.3% month-on-month, and the decline rate narrowed by 0.1 percentage point from last month; Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage point higher than that of last month.
At present, the risk release of the real estate supply side continues, and residents’ income and expectations need to be further improved, which has affected the stabilization of the real estate market in second-and third-tier cities to a certain extent, resulting in the decline in house prices in second-and third-tier cities. In addition, the recovery of first-tier cities brought by optimizing real estate policies needs to be further stabilized.
Due to the implementation of policies such as "recognizing houses but not loans", the demand for housing replacement in first-tier cities has been released, which has led to a significant increase in the number of second-hand houses listed in first-tier cities. Under the background of a large increase in supply, the prices of second-hand houses in first-tier cities are still in a downward channel in the short term.
Some insiders believe that whether it is just needed or improving demand, residents usually "buy up and not buy down". At present, consumers’ confidence in housing prices and the market is weak, and they are more cautious and slow to enter the market. In this regard, it is necessary to further optimize the real estate policy, "stabilize housing prices" and "stabilize expectations" and promote the repair of the real estate market.
In the short term, the real estate market is still facing adjustment pressure. However, in the medium and long term, the urbanization rate of permanent residents in China is 65.2%, and the urbanization rate of registered population is only 47.7%, so there is still much room for improvement in urbanization. In addition, although the total number of houses in China has reached about 40 billion square meters, the houses are mainly small and medium-sized units with great improvement potential.
The market expects that the policy is expected to continue to be optimized around stabilizing housing price expectations, activating the replacement chain, and lowering the threshold for reasonable housing demand. In particular, with the further liberalization of policies such as purchase restriction in first-tier cities, hot cities will enter a more solid market recovery stage, which is expected to lead the real estate market out of the bottom area and stabilize and recover.
The copyright of this WeChat official account belongs to China Economic Times. If you reprint or quote the contents of this article, you must obtain permission, and indicate that it was transferred from China Economic Times.

On January 26th, GEM stocks with high turnover rate (attached list)

The GEM index fell 2.23% today to close at 1,682.48 points, and the daily turnover of the GEM was 170.491 billion yuan, 11.054 billion yuan less than the previous trading day. Among the tradable GEM stocks today, 397 stocks closed up, with 7 stocks rising by more than 10%. Among them, 4 stocks, including China Railway Assembly, Tefa Service and Jardine Matheson, rose by 5% to 10%, 12 stocks closed down, 893 stocks closed down, and 2 stocks fell by more than 10%.

According to statistics of data treasure of Securities Times, in terms of turnover rate, the average turnover rate of GEM today is 2.45%. The interval distribution of turnover rate shows that there are 20 with turnover rate over 20%, 52 with turnover rate between 10% and 20%, 138 with turnover rate between 5% and 10%, 950 with turnover rate between 1% and 5%, and the turnover rate is less than 1%.

The highest turnover rate is CNKI, which closed up 8.39% today, with a turnover rate of 65.61% throughout the day and a turnover of 1.092 billion yuan. Followed by C Maxim, which is a new stock within 5 days of listing, the closing decline is 4.49%, the turnover rate is 53.05%, the daily turnover is 382 million yuan, and the net outflow of main funds throughout the day is 16.2505 million yuan; The top turnover rates are COSCO, Yahua Electronics and Weston, with turnover rates of 52.38%, 48.20% and 40.36% respectively.

Statistics show that among the high turnover stocks with turnover rate exceeding 20%, C Maxim is a new stock listed within 5 days.

From the market performance, among the high turnover stocks, 10 stocks rose today, with the top gainers including China Railway Assembly, Senyuan and SINOMACH, rising by 20.03%, 11.32% and 8.39% respectively, and the top losers including Kaichun, Huashi Technology and Huaru Technology, falling by 9.31%, 8.57% and 8.33 respectively.

In terms of industries, among the stocks whose turnover rate exceeds 20% today, the computer industry has the largest number of stocks, with 4 stocks on the list; Electronics, basic chemicals, etc. followed closely, with 3 and 2 stocks on the list respectively.

According to the public information of the Exchange, there are 6 GEM stocks with high turnover rate on the list today. Among the top business departments, 5 stocks have institutional figures. China Railway Assembly has 2 institutional seats on the list, with a total net purchase of 10,004,700 yuan. International Composite Materials has 1 institutional seat on the list, with a total net sale of 2,976,100 yuan, and COSCO has 2 institutional seats on the list, with a total net sale of 3,027,500 yuan. There are 2 institutional seats in Weston, with a total net sales of 14,580,800 yuan, and 5 institutional seats in Yahua Electronics, with a total net sales of 51,097,200 yuan. Shenzhen Stock Connect has appeared in two dragon and tiger lists, COSCO Stock Connect has a net purchase of 18,505,200 yuan, and CIMC has seized a net sale of 2,669,200 yuan. The top net buyers in the business departments are China Railway Assembly, COSCO and Asia. The net purchase amount was RMB 10,539,700, RMB 9,921,000 and RMB 9,604,600, respectively. The top net sales of the business department were CNKI, International Composite Materials and Weston, with net sales amounts of RMB 26,269,100, RMB 15,114,600 and RMB 8,179,800 respectively.

In terms of capital flow, among the stocks with high turnover rate, 8 stocks received a net inflow of main funds today. Shengtian Network, China Railway Assembly and Senyuan have more net inflows, with net inflows of 128 million yuan, 88,899,800 yuan and 81,435,600 yuan respectively. Tian Yi, CIMC and Huashi Technology have more net outflows of 60,952,600 yuan respectively.

Among the stocks with high turnover rate, one stock has published the annual performance report for 2023, and the one with higher increase in net profit has been recognized by SINOMACH, with an increase of 22.73%. A total of 7 annual performance forecasts for 2023 were announced. Judging from the median increase in net profit, Senyuan shares have the highest increase in net profit, and the estimated median net profit is-100 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 59.16%; China Railway Assembly is close behind, and the median increase of expected net profit is 32.70%. (data treasure)

On January 26th, the turnover rate of GEM was the highest.

Note: Excluding the new shares listed in the last two months. This article is a news report, which does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.
Super complex
Resumption, high turnover, active stocks, activity, growth enterprise market, turnover rate, chips