"Hot Search" exposes new posters, Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin stage a game of public opinion field.

1905 movie network news On November 8th, a poster of the "topic cage" was released by the film directed, supervised and starring. In the poster, huge topic symbols cut the picture, just like a cage trapping a girl in the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin have sharp eyes and their own worries. Three groups of topics have uncovered the corner of the interest chain of wealthy businessmen in choosing a concubine. Girls are put on the "wine table" from the "desk", and public opinion is manipulated behind the money potential, so the voice of justice faces many obstacles. In addition, the girls who fell on the stairs, stood on the rooftop and were in the dark of the corridor in the middle of the picture are also worrying, and they can’t help wondering what unspeakable experiences they have. How can the truth break through the manipulation of power and get a voice? This battle of cyber justice with disparity in strength is about to start, and the filmWill be inIt will be released on December 1st.

Girls fall into the whirlpool of public opinion and jump off a building, which leads to the industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus. 

For the first time, Xin Yukun focused on the topic of network reality and resonated.

In the movie "Hot Search", the rich dinner was exposed to be suspected of sexually assaulting female students. In order to cover up the scandal and manipulate public opinion with power, the girl sought to speak out, but was trapped in the framed "helping girl" carefully designed by the capital crocodile, and was pushed to the topic center and jumped off the building under the pressure of public opinion. Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, stumbled upon the help-seeking information sent by female students, and involved the shocking campus princess selection industry chain behind the incident. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are also involved.

With the help of Xin Yukun, a well-known director, this time, the breakthrough point is placed in a more contemporary topic of the times, and the well-known network is used as a carrier to explore the confrontation between good and evil hidden in modern cities, with a fresh but sharp perspective. Xin Yukun said: "The film is actually a confrontation between two waves of forces, focusing on both sides of the confrontation and showing how they put pressure on each other through public opinion." Behind the network topic, power dominates public opinion, and the weak fight for their lives, which staged a realistic game of strong and weak public opinion field.

Zhou Dongyu risked his life to tear open the fig leaf of power.

Justin, Song Yang brought new surprises and sharply staged the "network public opinion war"  

In the movie, Zhou Dongyu changed the screen image in the past and performed Chen Miao, the self-media editor who is full of mature and cool atmosphere. Rich businessmen used money to design "artificial truth" to control public opinion, while Chen Miao tore open the fig leaf of the powerful group to fight for the "girl in the dinner party". Talking about the role of Chen Miao, Zhou Dongyu said in an interview: "After Zhang Xiaosui committed suicide by jumping off a building, she personally realized the evil of some people, which completely inspired her deepest goodness."

Song Yang and Justin also showed a different side from the past. Song Yang said that He Yan, who he played, faced a middle-aged crisis in the film, "slowly compromised with the increase of age and social pressure", and became a cold and numb conservative who was trapped by powerful interests, and faced a complicated human struggle between good and evil. Yuan Hong blessed devil wears prada Peng Yue, who played an evil role in the end, and paid for his life by relying on his power. The oppressive feeling from the inside out made the audience call out "I really want to beat him" and "I don’t like acting". How to launch this public opinion confrontation on the internet is expected.

The film "Hot Search" will be released nationwide on December 1st.

Xi ‘an High-tech Zone: Focus on the "Six Building Goals" and Strive to Build the World’s Leading Science and Technology Park

"To ‘ Fourteenth Five-Year Plan ’ At the end, the total output value exceeded 480 billion yuan, the total output value of advanced manufacturing reached 420 billion yuan, and the total income of producer services exceeded 150 billion yuan … …” On the afternoon of May 19th, Guo Xiaohui, deputy director of Xi ‘an Hi-tech Zone Management Committee, introduced the main tasks of Hi-tech Zone in the next five years and the key work in nine aspects this year at a series of press conferences held in Xi ‘an.

According to reports, Xi ‘an High-tech Zone focuses on the city’s "six building" objectives and tasks, and strives to build a national independent innovation demonstration zone and a hard science and technology innovation demonstration zone, focusing on high-tech industries, Qin Chuangyuan platform construction, institutional mechanism optimization, first-class business environment, and integration of production and city development, and strive to build a world-leading science and technology park.

The output value of five leading industrial clusters exceeded 450 billion by the end of the year.

According to reports, Xi’ an High-tech Zone will adhere to the principle of "establishing a real economy and strengthening an advanced manufacturing industry", focusing on five major industries: optoelectronics, automobiles, intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, new energy and new materials, and around the "55611" modern industrial system and 19 key industrial chains, implement the actions of "strengthening the chain, supplementing the chain and extending the chain" to build 10 billion enterprises, 100 billion industries and 100 billion parks; We will continue to optimize the industrial structure, promote a substantial increase in economic aggregate and quality and efficiency, accelerate the construction of a modern and open industrial system with international competitiveness and regional driving force, and be the main position of the city’s economic construction.

By the end of 2022, the energy level of "55611" modern industry in Xi ‘an High-tech Zone will be continuously improved, and the industrial added value will increase by more than 20%. The annual output value of five leading industrial clusters, such as optoelectronics and intelligent manufacturing, will exceed 450 billion yuan, and the number of "five-up" enterprises will reach 1,500. By the end of the 14 th Five-Year Plan, the region’s GDP had exceeded 480 billion yuan, the total output value of advanced manufacturing industry had reached 420 billion yuan, and the total income of producer services had exceeded 150 billion yuan. Industrial added value accounts for more than 35% of GDP, and the output value of advanced manufacturing accounts for more than 85% of total industrial output value.

Fully releasing kinetic energy, Qin Chuangyuan platform construction has reached a new level.

  At present, the construction of the original platform of Qinchuang in the province is in full swing. Xi’ an High-tech Zone seizes the opportunity, fully releases the advantages of national self-created zone and hard science and technology innovation demonstration zone, pays close attention to the construction of Qin Chuangyuan platform and the improvement of innovation ability, and creates high-energy innovation growth poles such as central innovation zone; Make good use of the "Nine Articles of Science and Technology Innovation" and "Ten Articles of Listing", implement the "Four Training Projects" for science and technology enterprises, promote the "one hospital, one school" model, build two listed enterprise parks, and build an "upgraded version" of the innovation system from R&D to incubation to industrialization, so as to become the core engine of Xi ‘an’s construction of a national innovative city and the strategic fulcrum of national scientific and technological self-reliance.

  By the end of 2022, the region has achieved a technology contract transaction volume of 78 billion yuan, with 3,800 new small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises, 1,600 high-tech enterprises and 10 listed enterprises, and the output value of high-tech industries has increased by 30%. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, R&D investment accounted for 7% of GDP, there were 6,000 high-tech enterprises, and the transaction volume of technology contracts exceeded 110 billion yuan.

  "For the government+effective market" two-wheel drive high-quality development

  In terms of system and mechanism optimization, Xi ‘an High-tech Zone highlights the direction of "two-oriented reform" of de-administration and strong marketization, highlights the economic attributes and service functions of the development zone, completes the "second half of the article" of institutional reform, and builds "four service lines" for departmental service grass-roots, park service enterprises, towns and streets, and state-owned enterprise service development.

  In addition, we will highlight the innovation of development mode, take the lead in implementing the "company system" management mode of the park, accelerate the differentiated reform and transformation of state-owned platform companies, and form a two-wheel drive of "having government and effective market". Highlight the orientation of "taking performance as a hero", "focusing on the front line, efficiency and performance", promote the sinking of strength to the front line of attracting investment and project construction, establish a mechanism for all-staff appointment and selecting and employing people to stimulate competition, return to the source, go into battle lightly, grasp the economy and seek development, and maximize the new vitality of high-quality development.

  Realize "one-stop" approval of key projects for re-optimization of business environment

  The business environment is of great significance to project construction and enterprise development. Xi’ an High-tech Zone will build a market-oriented, rule-based and international business environment around opening up the economy, opening up channels and improving the open environment. Accelerate the innovation policy of free trade zone, and promote the expansion and quality improvement of comprehensive insurance zone; Increase the construction of offshore innovation centers, overseas science and technology service stations, industrial parks and other open platforms, give full play to the synergistic effect of Samsung, Micron and BYD in the industrial chain, better integrate into the global innovation chain and industrial chain system, and create a large international trade channel with low cost, high efficiency and excellent service.

  By the end of 2022, Xi ‘an High-tech Zone will realize 100% government services in the hall and "one-stop" approval of key projects; The total import and export trade reached 330 billion yuan, with more than 130 Fortune 500 enterprises. By the end of the 14 th Five-Year Plan, the total import and export trade of the whole region had exceeded 400 billion yuan, and more than 150 Fortune 500 enterprises had gathered.

  A large number of livelihood projects will be completed and put into use by the end of the year.

  In terms of the integration of production and city development, Xi ‘an High-tech Zone seized the opportunity of the construction of Xi ‘an metropolitan area, insisted on prospering the city with production, promoted the deep integration of people, city, environment and industry, issued "Ten Hard Science and Technology Innovative Talents", built Science and Technology Innovation Fund Park, set up 17 industrial funds, promoted the exchange of resources and platform sharing of science and technology, finance, industry and talents, and made every effort to build high-energy industries such as Silk Road Software City and Silk Road Science City. With the goal of integrated development of urban and rural areas and common prosperity of the people, we will improve the income-increasing ability and social security level of urban and rural residents, create more jobs, increase the supply of high-quality public services such as education, medical care, housing and old-age care, and set a benchmark for sharing a better and happier life.

  In 2022, key projects such as the high-tech to Huyi Expressway composite channel were opened, and the road networks such as Silk Road Science City "Six Horizons and Six Horizons" and Silk Road Software City "Eight Horizons and Eight Horizons" were opened, and a number of high-quality livelihood projects such as the reconstruction and expansion of High-tech No.1 Middle School, the relocation of the First Hospital of the city and Yonganqu Commercial Street were completed and put into use. 73 municipal roads were built, 2,500 shared parking spaces were added, and 6,634 sets of affordable housing were built, with a green coverage rate of 46%. 1,000 beds for the aged were added, 17,000 people were employed in cities and towns, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was less than 3.8%. By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the built-up area of the whole region will reach 200 square kilometers, and millions of science and technology talents will be gathered, which will become a model for the integration of the national central city construction value highland and the western production city.

Wu Chuan: "Cook glutinous rice balls together to celebrate Yuanxiao" conveys love and warms the hearts of the elderly!

Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is an important traditional festival in China. Every Lantern Festival, every household will cook and eat dumplings. The appearance of dumplings is round, which means that every family is round and sweet. In order to let the old people feel the festive atmosphere and the warm care of the society. On the morning of February 25th, Wuchuan Chuangwen Office and Municipal Civilization Office led more than 20 volunteers, including Tianzhu Huiai Service Team and Tianzhu Life Care Team, to come to Wuchuan Shallow Water Nursing Home to carry out the "Our Festival Lantern Festival" volunteer service activity with the theme of "Cooking glutinous rice balls together to celebrate Lantern Festival" and spend the happy and peaceful Lantern Festival with the elderly in the nursing home.
Accompanied by the resident manager of the nursing home, the condolence team delivered solatium and condolences warmly sponsored by Liang Yaozhong, general manager of Zhanjiang Xipai Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. to the elders.
Volunteers make dumplings and cook them with the elders in the nursing home. The usual silence and long-term loneliness have been broken. From time to time, people burst into laughter and applause, so that they can personally experience the warmth and care given by volunteer service during the Lantern Festival and live a warm and peaceful festival.
Vigorously carrying out voluntary activities is an important embodiment of the progress of contemporary social civilization, the focus of creative work, and the unshirkable responsibility of contemporary youth. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Volunteer service is like flying spring poems, driving away the loneliness of the elderly, like flying Haruka, retaining the joy of the elderly.
Chen Rong, member of the Standing Committee of Wuchuan Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, appealed to the society: "I hope more people can participate in volunteer service activities, provide more care for the elderly who are lonely, and let the elderly have a sense of security, hope and happiness, so that the concept of volunteering can be widely popularized and the spirit of volunteerism can be vigorously promoted."
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Reporter: Guan Jiayu Correspondent: Long Zhisong, Xie Nijun
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Photo Reporter: Guan Jiayu Correspondent: Long Zhisong, Xie Nijun
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Editor: Tong Dan

* ST Oceanwide will delist its shares within 15 trading days after receiving the decision to terminate listing.

*ST Oceanwide (SZ000046, share price 0.38 yuan, market value 1.975 billion yuan) is about to terminate its listing.

On the evening of January 26th, *ST Oceanwide announced that it had received the Decision of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Stock Exchange) on the Termination of Listing of Oceanwide Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE [2024] No.76), and Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company’s shares.

Source: *ST Oceanwide Announcement

According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the daily closing price of *ST Oceanwide shares was lower than that of 1 yuan for 20 consecutive trading days from November 30, 2023 to December 27, 2023, which touched the termination of listing as stipulated in Item (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 9.2.1 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. "According to Article 9.2.5 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the deliberation opinions of the Listing Review Committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this Exchange has decided to terminate the listing of your company’s shares."

At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 9.1.15 and Article 9.6.10, paragraph 2 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, *ST Oceanwide was decided by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to terminate its listing due to the forced delisting of transactions, and will not enter the delisting consolidation period. *ST Oceanwide will be delisted within 15 trading days after Shenzhen Stock Exchange makes the decision to terminate its listing.

*ST Oceanwide said that after the company’s shares are terminated, according to the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Implementation Measures for delisting companies to enter the delisting sector, the company’s shares will be transferred to the delisting sector managed by the National Stock Transfer Company for listing and transfer. The company has hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. to provide share transfer services for the company after the company’s shares are terminated.

On January 23, *ST Oceanwide announced that it hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. as the company’s lead broker, and agreed to sign the Entrusted Stock Transfer Agreement with it, entrusting it to provide share transfer services for the company, and handle the stock withdrawal registration in the market registration and settlement system of the stock exchange, the stock reconfirmation and the share registration and settlement of the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system.

According to the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, a company that is forced to delist its shares shall sign relevant agreements with the sponsoring brokers that meet the prescribed conditions before delisting.

At the same time, the debt problem of *ST Oceanwide is still fermenting.

According to the announcement of *ST Oceanwide on January 23, the company was informed on January 22 that Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch of China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Bohai Bank) was on the grounds of financial loan contract disputes. China Pan Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Pan Group), *ST Oceanwide, the controlling shareholder of the company, China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd., Tonghai Holding Co., Ltd. (the controlling shareholder of China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd.), Beijing Taobo Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Oceanwide Industrial Co., Ltd. were sued to Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court. At the same time, Bohai Bank filed an application for property preservation with the court, and Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court ruled to freeze the above applications.

The cause of the case is that in November 2018, Zhongpan Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of *ST Oceanwide, applied to Bohai Bank for financing of no more than 2 billion yuan. China Pan Group shall repay the remaining outstanding principal and interest of the above financing on November 14, 2023. As of January 23, the disclosure date of the announcement, China Pan Group has not completed the repayment of the remaining principal and interest of the above debts.

national business daily
