The beautiful picture ahead! At 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word "small" is not because of the height, but because of…


It is surrounded by flat ground on the ground

A raised geomorphic area with large absolute and relative heights

The height of the mountain is usually more than 100 meters above the ground

Including low mountains, mid-mountains and high mountains

But whether it’s called "mountain" or not depends on what the locals call it


Xiao Kunshan, which is only 53.8 meters high

Also a member of the "Mountain" family

A bird’s-eye view of Xiaokunshan Mountain

The terrain is low and flat

The maximum relative elevation difference is about 2 meters

It is in the east and the northwest

The trend of low middle and southwest films

The mountain is completely covered by lush vegetation

Full of life

Baidu: Elevation refers to the distance from a certain point in the direction of the plumb line to the absolute base surface, called absolute elevation, referred to as elevation.

So how did the small and exquisite Little Kunshan come into being?

Who gave birth to it?

And how did it give birth to the greenness of life?


The birth of Xiao Kunshan

Late Mesozoic, 70 million years ago

With the Cretaceous Yanshan Movement

Magma along the crustal fault line northwest of Songjiang

gush out of the surface

After long-term weathering and solidification into mountains

When the mountains in future generations have names

According to Ming Zhengde’s "Songjiang Mansion"

All the mountains in the mansion come from Hangtianmu

It has been proven to be true

Xiaokunshan is the remnant of Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang

It is an earlier area in Shanghai

The ruins of Tangcun Temple and Yaojiaguan are 5,000 years old

Witness the long history of Xiaokunshan

Speaking of the name of Xiao Kunshan

The word "small" is not due to the low altitude and small mountain

The original Little Kunshan name Kunshan

There is also another name for Yushan.

Lu Rong’s "Miscellaneous Notes on Makeup Garden" records:

Kunshan is in the Huating border of Songjiang

The Jinluji brothers gave birth to it

All have literature

Time and People Compared to Kungang Jade

The first year of Emperor Wu of Liang (335)

Kunshan County (because of the territory of Kunshan, hence the name).

Tang Tianbao established Huating County in 751.

Kunshan County was moved to Ma’anshan (now Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province).

At that time, in order to avoid the trouble of two Kunshan duplications,

So before Kunshan, the word "small" was crowned to distinguish,

The name of Xiaokunshan originated from this.

Horizontal screen to watch the whole picture of Xiaokunshan Town???


Xiaokunshan is full of treasures

The Xiaokunshan mountain body is mainly composed of Mesozoic lava and pyroclastic stone bodies, mainly composed of granite, granite, chu gray stone and normal rock.

The rocks contained a small amount of pyrite, a brass-colored tetragonal particulate mineralization.

This pyrite (FeS2) is often mistaken for gold due to its light brass color and bright metallic luster, so it is also known as "fool’s gold". It is a very cheap ancient gem.

In addition to being used for grinding gemstones, it can also be used as a base for jewelry, jade, and other handicrafts.

Although Little Kunshan does not produce pyrite, its rich internal resources are a natural wealth that cannot be ignored.


The Birth of Xiaokunshan

Xiaokunshan is located in the west of the ancient coastline and the lower reaches of Taihu Lake Basin, which is one of the lowest areas in Shanghai.

The ocean and rivers and lakes carry sediment and sediment into lake floodplain and lake floodplain, with a thickness of about 300 meters.

Encyclopedia: Lake floodplain facies and tidal floodplain facies are the names of sedimentary facies. Sedimentary facies are the sum of the formation environment, formation conditions, and characteristics of sediments. Rocks with the same composition form the same facies, and those in the same geographical area form the same group.

The wetness of the ocean and rivers and lakes makes the land fertile in the territory. The main parent materials are lake sediments, mainly yellow mud, black mud, blue-purple mud and ditch dry mud. It provides unique and favorable conditions for the growth of crops.

The surface of Xiaokunshan mountain is permeated soil layer, mainly distributed in the western mountainside of the mountain. The depth of the soil layer is between 30 and -50 cm, and the soil is yellow-brown and viscous.

The soil of the hill belongs to zonal acidic soil, which is suitable for the growth of evergreen broad-leaved forest or mixed evergreen and deciduous forest. This makes Xiaokunshan evergreen in all seasons and pleasant scenery.

Xiao Kunshan, which collects the spiritual energy of heaven and earth

Young little Kunshan

Little Kunshan full of vitality

Information: Xiaokunshan Town

Original title: "Beautiful picture ahead! 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word" small "is not because of the height, but comes from…"

Read the original text

Eight departments prevent and control teenagers’ myopia: regulate the total amount of online games, and ban mobile phones in class.

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 31 (Xinhua) On the 30th, the "Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents" formulated by the Ministry of Education and National Health Commission was announced. For example, ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day, prohibit students from bringing electronic products such as mobile phones into the classroom, and control the number of new online games. The plan lists a series of hard measures to "protect their eyes" for children and adolescents.

  — — By 2030, the myopia rate of high school students will drop below 70%

  The plan proposes that by 2023, we will strive to reduce the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide by more than 0.5 percentage points per year on the basis of 2018, and the provinces with high incidence of myopia will reduce by more than 1 percentage point per year.

  By 2030, the rate of new-onset myopia among children and adolescents in China will be significantly reduced, and the overall level of children and adolescents’ visual health will be significantly improved. The myopia rate of 6-year-old children will be controlled at around 3%, the myopia rate of primary school students will be reduced to below 38%, the myopia rate of junior high school students will be reduced to below 60%, the myopia rate of senior high school students will be reduced to below 70%, and the excellent rate of national students’ physical health standards will be over 25%.


  — — Children are exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  The plan requires that a good family sports atmosphere should be created, and children should be actively guided to engage in outdoor activities or physical exercise, so that they can be exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  Encourage and support children to participate in various forms of sports activities, urge children to conscientiously complete sports homework in winter and summer vacations, enable them to master 1-2 sports skills, and guide children to develop lifelong exercise habits.

  — — The cumulative use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 1 hour per day.

  The plan reminds parents to control the use of electronic products, and consciously control their children, especially preschool children, to use electronic products. The single use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes, and the cumulative time should not exceed 1 hour every day. After studying with electronic products for 30-40 minutes, they should take a rest and relax for 10 minutes. The younger they are, the shorter the continuous use of electronic products should be.

  — — Ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day.

  The plan requires that parents should supervise and correct their children’s bad reading and writing posture at any time, and the continuous eye use time for reading and writing should not exceed 40 minutes.

  Parents should cooperate with the school to effectively reduce the burden on their children. Don’t blindly participate in extracurricular training and follow the trend. They should make reasonable choices according to their hobbies to avoid reducing the burden on schools and families.

  Guarantee children’s sleep time, and ensure that primary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students 9 hours, and senior high school students 8 hours.

  — — Not assigning homework in the first and second grades of primary school should not make students’ homework become parents’ homework.

  The plan requires that schools should reduce students’ academic burden. There is no written homework for the first and second grades of primary school, and the completion time of written homework for the third to sixth grades should not exceed 60 minutes, and it should not exceed 90 minutes for junior high school. The homework time should also be reasonably arranged for senior high school. Strengthen practical homework, reduce mechanical and repetitive training, and prevent students’ homework from evolving into parents’ homework.

  — — Grade one and grade two exams shall not exceed once per semester, and other grades shall not exceed twice.

  The plan stipulates that the number of unified examinations in the compulsory education stage should be resolutely controlled. The first and second grades of primary school should not exceed once per semester, and other grades should not exceed twice per semester. It is strictly forbidden to publish students’ test scores and rankings in any form or manner; It is strictly forbidden to use the award-winning certificates of various competitions, academic competition results or grading certificates as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly forbidden to organize examinations to select students in various names.

  — — Adjust the seat every month according to the change of students’ vision, and adjust the seat height every semester.

  The plan requires that the phenomenon of "large class size" be eliminated quickly. The compliance rate of school classroom lighting hygiene standards is 100%. According to the viewing angle of students’ seats, the lighting situation in the classroom and the changes of students’ eyesight, the students’ seats are adjusted every month, and the height of students’ desks and chairs is adjusted individually every semester to adapt to the growth and development of students.

  According to the plan, ensure that primary and secondary school students have more than one hour of physical activity time every day at school. Strictly implement the national physical education and health curriculum standards, and ensure that the first and second grades of primary school have 4 class hours per week, the third to sixth grades and junior high school have 3 class hours per week, and the senior high school has 2 class hours per week. Primary and secondary schools arrange 30 minutes of big recess sports activities every day.

  — — Students are strictly forbidden to bring electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets into the classroom.

  According to the plan, schools should prohibit students from bringing personal mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom, and those brought into the school should be kept in a unified way. In school education, electronic products are used reasonably according to the principle of demand, and teaching and assignment are not dependent on electronic products. In principle, the teaching time using electronic products should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time, and paper homework should be used in principle.

  — — Textbooks, test papers and other font papers should protect their eyesight and push mandatory standards before the end of next year.

  According to the plan, before the end of 2019, National Health Commission will, together with relevant departments, issue relevant mandatory standards to strictly regulate the fonts and papers of textbooks, teaching AIDS, examination papers, exercise books, newspapers and other printed materials and publications for children and adolescents, as well as study lamps, so as to protect their eyesight.

  — — Regulating the total amount of online games and controlling the number of online games newly added.

  According to the plan, the State Press and Publication Administration should regulate the total number of online games, control the number of new online games, explore an age-appropriate reminder system in line with national conditions, and take measures to limit the use time of minors.

  In addition, the State Administration of Market Supervision should strictly supervise the optometry and glasses industry, standardize the glasses market, and prevent unqualified glasses from entering the market. Strengthen advertising supervision and investigate and deal with false and illegal advertisements for myopia prevention and control products according to law.

  — — Prevention and control of myopia, overall myopia rate and physical health are included in the government performance appraisal.

  According to the plan, the State Council authorized the Ministry of Education, the National Health and Wellness Commission and the provincial people’s governments to sign responsibility letters for comprehensively strengthening the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and local people’s governments at all levels signed responsibility letters step by step. The prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the overall myopia rate and physical health status will be included in the government performance appraisal.

  Incorporate vision health into quality education, incorporate children’s physical and mental health and schoolwork burden into the national compulsory education quality monitoring and evaluation system, and hold local governments and schools accountable according to laws and regulations for the decline of children’s physical health for three consecutive years.

The company accountant embezzled 8.9 million reward female anchors to save face and brush 200 "rockets" at a time.

  Cctv news Married, accountant, introverted, with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, this is a portrait of 28-year-old Wang Dong (a pseudonym). However, to everyone’s surprise, he actually used his position to misappropriate 8.9 million yuan of public funds for "rewarding" female network anchors, and individual anchors received more than 1.6 million yuan of "rewarding" online.

  How is this money spent? Can it be recovered? For the webcast platform, what does the anchor earn?

  Spending 100 thousand on "200 rockets" at a time is very face-saving

(Video screenshot)

(Video screenshot)

  Originally, the company wanted to conduct a year-end audit, but the company accountant disappeared the day before the audit. The employees of a real estate company in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, who felt that the situation was serious immediately reported the case. Wang Dong, the company accountant, may have misappropriated public funds, and now he can’t contact, asking the public security organs to investigate.

  After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation and found that Wang Dong used his position to misappropriate public funds for more than 10 times, reaching 8.9 million yuan.

  So, where did Dong Wang embezzle so much money?

  It turned out that 8.9 million yuan was basically used to "reward" more than 10 network anchors, and the most female anchors were rewarded with 1.6 million yuan. After learning that the company was going to audit the accounts, he knew that not only would he be unable to conceal the embezzlement, but he would also be unable to repay it. So, he took the high-speed train to Shanghai to meet the female anchor "Yu Keer" he met online, and then cut his wrist at the hotel to commit suicide.

  Seeing the continuous outflow of blood, Wang Dong had a desire to survive again. After calling "Yu Keer", he was sent to the hospital for rescue.

  After leaving the hospital, Wang Dong voluntarily surrendered himself and confessed to his misappropriation of funds. Subsequently, he was criminally detained by the public security organs according to law.

  Why is it that the misappropriated money is reluctant to give a penny to my family, but I am willing to reward the female anchor?

  Wang Dong said that his family condition is very ordinary. He has been living with his parents since he got married. When he rewarded the anchor, 500 yuan got a "rocket" in cash. He spent 100,000 yuan to brush "200 rockets" for the female anchor at one time, so everyone thought he was a "rich second generation", which made him feel very proud.

  The police said that Wang Dong not only showed off on the Internet, but in reality, as he and two female anchors developed into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, he stayed in the presidential suite of a high-end hotel when he was dating with public funds, and each time he spent about 30,000 yuan.

  The police said that at present, it is very difficult to recover the funds misappropriated by Wang Dong, and they are actively looking for these anchors.

  Network female anchor: no money, no gifts.

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(Video screenshot)

  The female anchor "Yu Keer" said that she has changed many live broadcast platforms, but Wang Dong will follow suit.

  For many young people, the new career of network anchor is highly sought after by them. So, what are the main income channels of anchor?

  The network anchor "Yu Keer" is one of Wang Dong who brushes the most gifts and develops into a boyfriend and girlfriend. She said that for network anchors, people who have no money and brush less gifts simply don’t care.

  Yu Keer said that Wang Dong was a "local tyrant" every time he was rewarded. Although they were no longer in the same city, they still exchanged micro-signals with each other and later met offline. Regarding the relationship with Wang Dong, "Yu Keer" said that this is what everyone needs. I regard live broadcast as a profession, and the other party will "reward" myself more, so naturally I will say a few more words and meet each other.

  Expert: the anchor should not touch the moral bottom line at will

  Why are there so many network platforms? As a new format, what qualities should it have? What kind of content is output?

  Zhang Bin, a reporter from china national radio, said that when webcasting just started, the anchor could win the public’s favor by "face value". Later, in addition to spelling the face value, the anchor spelled out talents such as singing, dancing and magic. Now, when the webcasting platform is getting bigger and bigger, as the general public who has neither "face value" nor talent, they play different and wonderful forms such as live drunk driving and eating glass. Such examples are not uncommon.

  Zhang Bin said that there are a large number of teenagers and minors behind the network, and the harm caused by exporting content with incorrect values and wrong orientation may be enormous. But in fact, the anchor can become a "positive online celebrity" by imparting knowledge and explaining the contents of professional fields. Secondly, the low cost of webcasting is the primary reason for the emergence of network platforms and anchors one after another. "online celebrity" wants to make more money, and will take some side-stepping forms. If the platform wants to make more money, it will tolerate or even acquiesce in "online celebrity" playing the sideline.

  "When the truth is still wearing shoes, rumors have spread around half the world." Cheng Ligeng, a well-known scholar at China Youth University for Politics, said that the Internet can relieve stress and kill boring time, but the content of "three customs" must not exist. Because the information transmitted by the network is spread in geometric progression and virus, the network anchor must follow two principles: those who violate laws and regulations, those who violate public order and good customs, and those who touch the moral bottom line and transmit bad content. (Text/wanglili)

Counterfeiter Wang Hai posted a post questioning the official response of Dalian in the investigation process of "100 acres of cherry tree death"

  Dalian, China, November 14 (Reporter Wang Song) On the 13th, professional counterfeiter Wang Hai posted on the Internet that since 2020, hundreds of acres of cherry trees have died after farmers used the cherry plant protection scheme of Dalian Dianlong Company; The post questioned the relevant investigation and disposal process of Dalian Agricultural and Rural Bureau. On the 14th, Dalian Agriculture and Rural Bureau answered the questions raised in Wang Hai’s release.

  What Wang Hai posted on the Internet (screenshot)

  Question 1: Excuse me, Director Xing Fang of Dalian Agriculture and Rural Bureau, why didn’t the special class set up by your bureau to deal with the death of cherry trees investigate the phytotoxicity of Dalian Dianlong Company?

  In March, 2023, Dalian Special Class for Handling the Death of Cherry Tree in Wafangdian went deep into wafangdian city Dianlong Company, the involved enterprise, and investigated and verified 23 kinds of pesticides and 8 kinds of fertilizers sold since January 1, 2021 by consulting the sales ledger, checking the quality inspection report and taking samples for identification, and entrusted a third party to identify the quality of 15 kinds of pesticides in stock, and traced the quality inspection report of 8 kinds of pesticides and 8 kinds of fertilizers out of stock to the manufacturer. Judging from the inspection report and appraisal results, no quality problems have been found in the above pesticides and fertilizers sold by Dianlong Company.

  On March 29th of the same year, the working class organized 7 experts from Northwest A&F University, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other units to form an expert group, and went to relevant orchards to carry out on-site investigation, guide sampling and expert judgment (a total of 5 orchards). In response to the problem of "copper ion phytotoxicity" reflected by the whistleblower, according to the expert’s suggestion, the city sent the sampling samples to the Environmental Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Tianjin) for testing the total copper and glyphosate content (pesticide residues). On May 6, 2023, the expert group made a comprehensive judgment. According to the field investigation, identification test and test report, the conclusion was given: the main cause of the damage symptoms of cherry tree branches, roots and trunk bark was caused by fungal diseases.

  Question 2: Since 2020, farmers have used the cherries of Dalian Dianlong Company to solve the plant protection scheme, and hundreds of acres of cherry trees have died one after another. You didn’t go to the scene investigation the first time you received the report, and didn’t set up a special work class until this year. Is there anything strange in this?

  According to the working rules, after receiving the report, the relevant departments of the territory are responsible for the investigation. The incident occurred in September, 2022, and its territory was wafangdian city. The relevant departments of wafangdian city will deal with it as soon as possible according to the law. First, on October 11, 2022, wafangdian city Agriculture and Rural Bureau filed an investigation on Dianlong Company’s alleged unauthorized modification of two kinds of fertilizer labels, and finally imposed an administrative penalty of 20,000 yuan. The work class carefully checked the relevant files. The main facts of the case were clear, the evidence was conclusive, the law was accurately applied, and the law enforcement procedure was legal. Wafangdian city Municipal Market Supervision Bureau received five complaints from informants about Dianlong Company on September 2, September 15 and October 20, 2022, and all of them responded within the prescribed time limit.

  In order to verify and supervise the territorial work, the Dalian Municipal Government set up a special work class in March 2023, and went deep into wafangdian city to carry out a 9-day investigation and verification work, forming a work report and reporting it to the Dalian Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. After that, it was reported to the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government in the form of documents of the municipal party committee and the municipal government.

  Question 3: This special class has not been publicized, and it has not been declared whether it has an interest in the investigated object, no instruments and equipment, no appraisal qualification, and no opinions from farmers. What makes it clear that the cherry tree died of fungal infection?

  According to the requirements of the Regulations on the Openness of Government Information in People’s Republic of China (PRC), "the internal affairs information of administrative organs, including personnel management, logistics management, internal workflow and other aspects, may not be disclosed". The work class is a temporary organization for government agencies to handle internal work. Members are all staff of relevant departments, and there is no need for publicity as required. The relevant experts hired are authoritative experts in China, and the relevant testing institutions entrusted are qualified. During the investigation, the working class visited relevant farmers and enterprises, and the expert group hired was based on the on-site investigation, appraisal test and test report.

  Question 4: After filming the forehead, the special class only took samples from cherry trees that had been dead for one or two years, and also entrusted fruit trees without appraisal qualification to do experiments on whether fungi could cause the death of living trees. When entrusting, the disease is used to set the tone first, misleading the fruit trees to draw the wrong conclusion that they are not qualified at all. The bacteria in the corpse can kill people, which proves that this person was killed by bacteria? No matter how you die, it is common sense that all kinds of bacteria that cause death may be detected on rotting corpses. Is this experiment meaningful?

  On March 29th, 2023, the municipal work special class organized an expert group to carry out an on-site investigation on the death of cherry trees. The expert group learned about the symptoms of cherry trees on the spot with growers, and guided the on-site sampling of damaged branches, roots, trunk bark and rhizosphere soil of cherry trees in orchards. After the on-site investigation, the expert group held the first working meeting, and then sent the samples to the Environmental Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Tianjin) for detection of total copper and glyphosate, and the Fruit Research Institute of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Xingcheng, Liaoning) for detection of pathogenic bacteria. Among them, the Environmental Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Tianjin) is a ministerial-level professional quality inspection center in the field of agricultural ecological environment. In 2017, it became the first batch of national agricultural testing benchmark laboratories (pesticide residues), and the Fruit Research Institute of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences is a national scientific research institution, not a fruit research institute without appraisal qualification. After the two testing units respectively issued the Experimental Report on Pathogen Isolation and Identification of Cherry Samples in wafangdian city, Dalian and the Test Report (NO.KY030-2023), on May 6th, the municipal work class organized the expert group to hold another meeting. Based on the inspection and test report, the expert group focused on discussion, consulted the literature and standards, and obtained the comprehensive judgment opinions of experts.

  Question 5: The death of these cherry trees is characterized by yellowing and shedding of leaves, which is not a symptom of fungal infection at all. Why didn’t the special class investigate the problem of drug injury? Afraid of what?

  After the on-the-spot investigation on March 29th, 2023, the expert group held the first working meeting of judgment, and sorted out the main symptoms found in the on-the-spot investigation as follows: the symptoms of branch withered; The damaged parts of the trunk show partial cuticle cracking, ulcer, rot and gumming, which may cause the whole tree to die in severe cases. Some plants showed symptoms of bolting, and a few plants showed symptoms of neck rot. According to the symptoms, the main causes are infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases. In order to further analyze the reasons, the expert group suggested that the sampled samples should be subjected to disease identification and pesticide residue determination, and finally the "Experimental Report on Pathogen Isolation and Identification of Cherry Samples in wafangdian city, Dalian" and "Test Report (NO.KY030-2023)" were formed, and the expert group gave judgment opinions according to the identification results.

Good news is coming! The latest voice of the General Administration of Financial Supervision is related to real estate financing!

On January 26th, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The two departments held a meeting on the same day to deploy a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing.

Earlier on the same day, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, requiring all localities to study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative areas, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

On January 12th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing the Coordination Mechanism of Urban Real Estate Financing (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), requiring cities at or above the local level to establish the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The working meeting held by the General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Central Financial Work Conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

Specifically, the Notice clarifies that the coordination mechanism, based on the development and construction of real estate projects and the qualifications, credit and finance of project development enterprises, puts forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and pushes it to financial institutions within their respective administrative regions. Financial institutions shall evaluate the support objects pushed by the coordination mechanism according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs for projects with normal development and construction, sufficient collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities and guaranteed repayment sources; For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds can be balanced, we should not blindly draw loans, pressure loans or cut off loans, but give greater support through the extension of existing loans, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning Institute, pointed out that the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism this time is to establish a docking platform so that both banks and enterprises can fully communicate, and whether or not loans still need to follow the bank risk control and credit approval process.

Strengthen the closed management of funds and prevent misappropriation.

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, made a "notice" when he attended the press conference on high-quality economic and social development of financial services held by the State Council yesterday. Recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision will hold a relevant work deployment meeting, asking banks to act as soon as possible, and under the lead coordination of the urban people’s government, together with the housing and construction departments, make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy, and more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects.

The General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism should strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation and pre-sale fund supervision in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.

At the same time, the General Administration of Financial Supervision stressed at this meeting that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

"All supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market." The General Administration of Financial Supervision said.

Editor: Wang Yunpeng

Proofreading: Li Lingfeng
