(The two sessions are authorized to release) The Fourth Session of the Thirteenth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference. The CPPCC General Assembly is scheduled to

(Two sessions) (1) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the press spokesman of the conference, introducing the relevant information of the conference at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 3rd The press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of March 3rd. Guo Weimin, spokesman of the Congress, announced that the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on March 4th and close on the afternoon of March 10th.

  At the news conference held by online video, the spokesperson communicated with Chinese and foreign journalists from a distance and answered 12 questions from Chinese and foreign journalists in more than an hour.

(Two sessions) (2) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xing Guangli photo

  Continue last year’s experience: shorten the duration, streamline documents, and combine offline and online.

  According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work of the conference, this press conference was held in the form of online video. The main conference venue is located in the Great Hall of the People, and the sub-conference venue is located in the Media Center.

  Despite the "cloud meeting", the enthusiasm of Chinese and foreign journalists has not diminished. Nearly 100 reporters arrived at the sub-venue early, and cameras, cameras, mobile phones and other equipment took turns to broadcast the press conference to all parts of the world in real time.

  The duration of this year’s CPPCC meeting was reduced to six and a half days. On the one hand, it summarized the experience of last year’s meeting, on the other hand, it took into account the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. "Last year, many staff members were reduced, documents were streamlined, and online and offline were combined. The conference was very successful and was widely praised by all walks of life." Guo Weimin introduced.

  Guo Weimin said that this year’s conference will further improve relevant practices, and strive to enhance efficiency and improve quality on the basis of strengthening the concept of time and optimizing process design. In the future, we will further summarize and sort out innovative measures and effective practices, and continue the good experience and good work style to ensure that the meeting is clean, pragmatic and efficient.

  Continuing last year’s practice, some speeches and media interviews at this year’s conference still rely on online video. Guo Weimin introduced that during this conference, there will be an opening meeting, a closing meeting and two speeches, one of which will be held by video conference. Arrange three "Committee channel" interview activities through online video. In addition, online video interview rooms have been set up in the resident of each Committee member.

(Two sessions) (3) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the spokesman of the conference, answering a reporter’s question at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  A new atmosphere of consultation and discussion: more channels for video research, remote discussion and performance of duties.

  Last year, the CPPCC General Assembly was postponed, the work cycle between the two conferences was shortened, and some offline activities were not held due to epidemic prevention and control. How to show a new atmosphere through consultation and discussion?

  Guo Weimin cited a string of figures: 23 important consultation and deliberation activities were held in the whole year, such as special discussion meetings of the Standing Committee, special consultation meetings and biweekly consultation forums, 80 inspections and investigations were organized, more than 7,500 pieces of information on various CPPCC committees were submitted, and more than 5,900 members’ proposals were put forward.

  The topics of consultation and discussion include major decision-making arrangements such as the formulation of the 14 th Five-Year Plan and decisive battle against poverty, as well as hot issues of social livelihood such as food safety supervision in the take-away industry. "The handling of proposals has been intensified, the quality has also improved, there are many innovations, and good results have been achieved." Guo Weimin said.

  Guo Weimin said that at present, important consultation and deliberation activities will invite relevant responsible comrades of government departments to participate and have in-depth exchanges, and the channels for the CPPCC to perform their duties are more abundant, and the effectiveness of consultation and deliberation is more remarkable.

  He also introduced that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference conducted extensive video surveys and remote discussions, which used to be "point-to-point", but now it is "point-to-multipoint" and "multipoint-to-multipoint" to carry out joint consultation, which has significantly enhanced the effectiveness and interactivity of the work and fully released the potential and efficiency of specialized consultation institutions.

  Facing the new situation and new tasks, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference carried forward the tradition, built a new platform, and organized and guided members to carry out reading activities. "It is of great significance to improve self-cultivation, improve the ability to perform their duties, create an atmosphere of’ scholarly CPPCC’, and then promote the construction of’ scholarly society’." Guo Weimin said.

(two sessions) (4) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  Opinions and suggestions are translated into policy measures: poverty alleviation, business environment and information protection.

  From the national strategy to the livelihood of the people, more than 2,100 CPPCC members from 34 sectors have played their respective professional expertise and performed their duties, which has played an important role in the formulation of relevant policies.

  Guo Weimin introduced that since the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, poverty alleviation has been the focus of consultation and deliberation every year, and consultations and deliberation have been carried out in depth around the key issues in poverty alleviation through various means, such as holding special deliberation standing committee meetings, biweekly consultation forums, field and video research, and submitting and supervising proposals.

  "Many of our suggestions and suggestions have been translated into policy measures, which have made important contributions to helping poverty alleviation." Guo Weimin said that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will also organize special consultations, inspections and investigations, strive to solve the problem of preventing poverty, help the poverty-stricken population and poverty-stricken areas to develop continuously, and help the rural revitalization strategy to be effectively implemented.

  There are also economic situation and business environment issues, which CPPCC members often discuss and study. Guo Weimin said that in January, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held the first biweekly consultation forum this year around "continuously optimizing the business environment". CPPCC leaders, relevant members, experts and representatives of small, medium and micro enterprises had in-depth discussions and discussions with responsible comrades of the State Council authorities.

  CPPCC members not only care about "major events", but also care about the "personal affairs" of the masses.

  For example, public concerns about personal information security and privacy protection, Guo Weimin introduced that last year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference specially held a remote consultation meeting on "Strengthening the protection of personal information in the era of big data" and held a biweekly consultation forum on "Science and technology ethics and legal issues in the development of artificial intelligence".

  "Some people in charge of Internet companies among CPPCC members also participated in the discussion of related topics, and also said that it is necessary to strengthen industry self-discipline, handle the relationship between service and management, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users." Guo Weimin said.

  In addition, many CPPCC members put forward proposals on how to make the elderly better adapt to the intelligent era. Guo Weimin introduced that Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has conducted many special investigations on the problem of population aging, held biweekly consultation forums, and invited members and responsible comrades of relevant departments to conduct face-to-face consultations, exchanges and discussions. This year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has included "actively responding to the aging population and promoting the balanced development of the population" in the key consultation plan, and will organize CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research and discussion to provide reference for government decision-making.

  "The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a new political party system, has unique advantages and distinctive features." Guo Weimin said.

(Two sessions) (5) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  The circle of friends is constantly expanding: vaccine assistance, preparations for the Winter Olympics, and active foreign exchanges.

  By the end of February, China had received more than 52 million doses of vaccine-the data was released by Guo Weimin at the press conference. He also said that by the end of February, China had provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and 2 international organizations and exported vaccines to 28 countries, and the number was still increasing.

  "Some people question that China wants to use vaccine exports to expand its geopolitical influence. This statement is very narrow." Guo Weimin pointed out that China’s international cooperation in vaccines is to help the international community overcome the epidemic and practice the concept of a community of human destiny.

  For some time, some anti-China politicians have smeared China, which has had a negative impact. Guo Weimin introduced that many members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference actively voiced their opinions, explained China’s position, refuted false remarks, and safeguarded national sovereignty, security and development interests. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will give full play to the unique advantages and characteristics of CPPCC organizations and actively carry out foreign exchanges.

  In response to a question about the Beijing Winter Olympics, Guo Weimin said that at present, all the competition venues have been completed, and the preparations for the Winter Olympics have entered a critical period of all-out sprint. The relevant departments will make overall efforts to prevent and control the epidemic and prepare for the Winter Olympics, and strive to overcome various difficulties to ensure that all the preparations before the games can be fully prepared.

  "Individual foreign politicians politicize sports in an attempt to interfere with the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics. These practices violate the spirit of the Olympic Charter. Such a move is not supported by the international community, it is futile, and it is doomed to fail. " Guo Weimin said.

  When answering a question about China’s international image, Guo Weimin said, with more and more foreigners visiting China, and at the same time, we also strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation, more and more people will like China, and the international community’s goodwill towards China will continue to increase.

  "China has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more and more countries and regions and constantly expanded our’ circle of friends’." Guo Weimin said. (Reporter Dong Ruifeng, Liu Kaixiong, Zheng Mingda, Sun Wei)

What should some operators do if they start to reduce the frequency of 2G networks and still use 2G mobile phones?

  BEIJING, April 18 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that China Unicom would close its 2G network. China Unicom issued an announcement in response, and is promoting the frequency reduction of 2G networks in an orderly manner. What is frequency reduction in 2G networks? Will it affect consumers and why?

  Multi-operators start network frequency reduction

  For the frequency reduction of 2G networks, the reporter consulted the three major operators respectively. China Unicom said,The frequency reduction of 2G network can’t be called closing 2G network, because users are still on 2G network, but there is a process of frequency reduction and slimming step by step..

  Some insiders who don’t want to be named said that the gradual frequency reduction of 2G is actually the gradual withdrawal of 2G from the network, and the complete disappearance of 2G base stations means that 2G is completely withdrawn from the network; At present, the three major operators are still in a state where 2G, 3G and 4G networks coexist.

  According to an insider of China Mobile,China Mobile has no plans to quit the network for 2G at present.. As of press time, China Telecom has no reply.

  However, Fu Liang, an independent telecom analyst, revealed in an interview with Zhongxin.com that in fact, all three major operators are doing network frequency reduction work, and China Unicom is still the latest; Among them, China Mobile is doing 3G network frequency reduction.

  Will consumers be affected?

  According to the data released by China Unicom, by the end of February, there were 289 million users in China Unicom, including 187 million 4G users. It is reported that China Unicom’s 2G users account for about 2% of its total users, which means that China Unicom has more than 500 million 2G users.

  Will these users be affected by the frequency reduction of 2G networks? China Unicom said that it willTake various preferential measures, such as replacing mobile phone cards for free, giving away experience traffic, and offering preferential purchase, to assist existing 2G customers to upgrade to 4G networks.In this process, the existing 2G customer service will not be affected.

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, believes that the frequency reduction of the 2G network of China Unicom is not affected by the vast majority of consumers.

  Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for 2G users to have no impact at all. It can only be said that it is less affected. After frequency reduction, 2G network coverage may be insufficient in some places, "butFrequency reduction does not mean that the 2G network cannot be used, because there are still 2G base stations.. "

  The reporter noted that, despite the current 4G era, 2G or 3G networks still play a role. Some users said in an interview with Zhongxin.com, "I still feel that the existence of 2G networks is better becauseIn some places, there is no 4G network coverage. When passing through these places, the mobile phone will automatically switch to 3G or 2G networks, and there is still a process of connecting when using it, or it will be disconnected."

  Data Map: There are more and more 4G users. The picture shows Shenyang citizens using the 4G network to surf the Internet for free on the bus. China News Agency issued by Haiyang Photo

  Why do you want network frequency reduction?

  Since there are still users, why do you want to reduce the frequency of 2G networks?

  Fu Liang said that it turned out that2G network occupies some frequency bands, and some frequency bands are scarce, which can be said to be valuable resources. After reuse, it can be used in 4G network construction., which is conducive to improving network quality and network wide-area coverage.

  China Unicom also indicated that the bandwidth resources will be used for higher 4G networks and deployment.

  "In addition, with the decrease of 2G and 3G users, its network capacity is more and more surplus, and its base station and other facilities are increasingly uneconomical to invest in operation and maintenance, which is another reason." Fu Liang said.

  This is true. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of February, the number of mobile phone users of the three major operators reached 1.44 billion, of which the total number of 4G users reached 1.03 billion, and 4G users accounted for 71.6% of mobile phone users.

  However, the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also showed that as of the end of February,The total number of mobile broadband users (namely 3G and 4G users) reached 1.17 billion. This means that there are still 270 million 2G users, which is still a huge number..

  In view of this, Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for the three major operators to shut down the 2G network at once. Network frequency reduction is a gradual process, and 2G users do not have to worry too much.

  "It should also be pointed out that if the equipment used by 2G users supports WCDMA, even if China Unicom shuts down the 2G network, it will still have no impact on them." Fu Liang said. (End)

An auto show ignites a city, and 2023 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition continues Chengdu’s strength.

On September 3rd, 25 days after the end of the Chengdu Universiade, the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition also came to an end.

The wonderful hosting of the Chengdu Universiade has brought Chengdu to the world and the world to Chengdu at the same time. This year’s Chengdu Auto Show not only continues the popularity of Chengdu, but also demonstrates the strength and value of Chengdu as an engine city in western China.
The 10-day Chengdu Auto Show attracted 902,000 visitors and generated 35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. ……
As the Chengdu Auto Show, which shoulders the important mission of driving the kinetic energy recovery of the automobile industry, boosting market confidence and promoting the expansion of domestic demand, this answer sheet is not only excellent, but also hard-core.
In the eyes of many media people, this year’s Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition represents "whether car companies can outperform the auto market in the second half of the year".
Insufficient consumer confidence and weak market; "Golden September and Silver 10" is approaching, who can seize the opportunity … … All these make the Chengdu Auto Show, which is famous for its "good effect and popularity", attract attention and feel pressure.
On August 3rd, at noon on the closing day of the auto show, looking at the audience who are still in an endless stream and the sales staff who are still busy at the booth, Ms. Yang Huilan, the general manager of Chengdu Century City Exhibition Group Exhibition Company, the organizer of the auto show, was somewhat emotional: "I really appreciate our consumers and exhibitors. They have contributed a lot to the success of Chengdu Auto Show today."
The international style is full and the fireworks are full. This is the most commented on Chengdu International Auto Show in recent years. It can not only achieve scale, grade and high level, but also achieve popularity, sell cars and achieve good results. To be honest, this kind of auto show is welcome to all aspects.

At this year’s auto show, BYD occupied almost the entire Hall 3 with four brands: Wangwang, Tengshi, BYD and Equation Leopard, which made many people think that BYD moved its home from Shenzhen to Chengdu. "Chengdu Auto Show not only has great influence, but also has great purchasing power." Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Automobile, said: "In fact, our investment in Chengdu Auto Show has never been spared."
"In Geely’s eyes, Chengdu Auto Show has always been a battleground." On August 25th, Lin Jie, senior vice president of Geely Automobile Group, who brought the highly anticipated Galaxy L6 to the Chengdu Auto Show, told the media that "it can not only display the brand and realize sales, but also radiate the whole western region."
For the 26-year-old Chengdu International Auto Show, this is undoubtedly the first auto show that can best reflect the "hundred struggles, the first to struggle": 129 domestic and foreign brands participated in the exhibition, more than 1,600 exhibition cars were unveiled, 68 new cars were launched, and 3,412 media reported.

On the one hand, BYD, Ideality, Weilai, Tucki and many other new energy vehicle companies show their muscles, and on the other hand, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Buick, Ford and other traditional joint venture brands strive to break through; Independent brands are collectively arrogant, and multinational car companies seek common transformation; Luxury brands are in full bloom, and hard-core cross-country is competing for beauty; New models are on the market, and the price war is filled with smoke. ……
All this, of course, is not only due to the popularity of the automobile consumption market in Chengdu, but also the engine position of the western city of China represented by Chengdu.
Just as Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said a few years ago: "As far as the whole country is concerned, Chengdu Auto Show is undoubtedly the most regional auto show. The western auto market depends not only on Chengdu, but also on the national auto market."
Chengdu Auto Show is a window and a bridge.
On August 25th, the first day of the auto show, Shi Xiaolin, deputy secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of Chengdu Municipal Committee, visited the exhibition site in person, and had a discussion with the representatives of the participating industries, and listened carefully to their opinions and suggestions on the auto show and the development of Chengdu’s auto industry. Shi Xiaolin pointed out that Chengdu Auto Show should not only be an important window to display new automobile products, new technologies and the image of Chengdu, but also a bridge to promote industrial development and enhance exchanges and cooperation.
The 26-year-old Chengdu Auto Show has become the city card of Chengdu, which is inseparable from the strategic planning and foresight of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. At the World Cultural City Conference held in Chengdu in 2018, Chengdu formally put forward the idea of building "three cities and three capitals", among which "building an international convention and exhibition capital with high quality" was impressively listed.
As one of the most important exhibitions in the "Exhibition Capital" every year, every Chengdu Auto Show can be described as the general mobilization of the whole city: from the municipal government, Tianfu New District to the Expo Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, and the Transportation Bureau ….. In order to run the auto show well, it can be described as a game of chess, and all the people are United.

Take this year’s auto show as an example, in addition to the "convenience and benefit enterprises" team sent by Chengdu traffic police stationed at the auto show, a mobile service car was set up; There is also a civilian auxiliary police organized by Chengdu Tianfu Public Security Traffic Police Detachment, which provides a series of convenience services for exhibitors and visitors.
As a result of concerted efforts, Chengdu Auto Show has not only consolidated its position in the domestic A-class auto show, but also brought Chengdu’s automobile industry to the fast lane of development in the past ten years. More than ten leading automobile manufacturing enterprises such as FAW-Volkswagen, Volvo, Geely, Polar Star, Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen have set up factories in Chengdu.
On June 25th this year, the Office of the Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing City in Chengdu made it clear in the Development Plan of New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry in Chengdu (2023-2030) that by 2025, the overall scale of Chengdu’s automobile industry will strive to reach 300 billion yuan, and the overall local output of automobiles will reach 1 million (excluding the output of foreign molecular companies).
No wonder some people say that the growth of Chengdu Auto Show is the growth of Chengdu’s automobile industry, which not only promotes Chengdu’s automobile consumption and promotes the popularization of automobile culture, but also contributes to the development of Chengdu’s automobile industry.
On August 23rd, "China Communications Broadcasting" took an article "Hefei, Need a" Chengdu Auto Show "! ",gave a high evaluation of Chengdu Auto Show. The article wrote: "On the one hand, new cars are competing for the top, and on the other hand, exhibitions are promoted by exhibitions, and exhibitions are promoted by sales; On the one hand, the organizers regard the auto show as a festival, and on the other hand, the exhibitors regard the auto show as the Spring Festival Evening. The opening of the auto show, not only the industry is agitated, the city is jubilant, and countless citizens and families are enjoying it … This is the grand occasion of the Chengdu Auto Show and our expectation for the Hefei Auto Show. "

This year, many viewers have found that Chengdu Auto Show is not only willing to give up but also looks better than in previous years, and the exhibition experience is better. Ten-day auto show, a car purchase prize of 49,999 yuan every day "No history ‘ Money ’ Example "; The free bus shuttle bus that beckons and stops, the luggage storage office that you can see when you enter the room, and the elegant and eye-catching consulting service office are very considerate. The venue planning is scientific and reasonable, the brand distribution is tight and orderly, the supporting services are meticulous, and the atmosphere creation pays more attention to taste and details.
"China Auto Pioneer Forum" is the highlight of every Chengdu Auto Show. This year’s forum’s hot theme, high specifications and large scenes have made many participants feel refreshed.
Liu Xiaoyong, one of the organizers of the forum and the president of Auto Watch magazine, is an old friend of Chengdu Auto Show, and he is well aware of the development and changes of Chengdu Auto Show. "The scale of many exhibitions has declined this year, and the scale of the Chengdu Auto Show has not declined, which is very rare. But what is even more gratifying is the change of this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, which is more and more emphasis on grades and humanities. It is not easy for an exhibition that is known for its sales. "
"In fact, seeking change has always been the normal state of Chengdu Auto Show." Yang Huilan said: "From 1998 to today, Chengdu Auto Show has changed its location, from local exhibitions to A-class auto shows, from industry events to urban festivals, all of which are the result of change."
35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. At the moment when the overall consumption is weak and the market is seriously involuted, this answer sheet handed over by Chengdu Auto Show this year is precious. It shows us that Chengdu, as a gold medal car market, is still active in purchasing power and consumption power, and its people are still optimistic about the future and calm about the present. It also shows us that Chengdu, which is taking building an international consumer-oriented central city as its future development direction, is making great strides.

What is even more rare is that in just one month, from international competitions to international auto shows in Chengdu, one is to make youth with sports, and the other is to control the future with wisdom and electricity, each of which shines and sets each other off. If the success of the Chengdu Universiade has shown the world the myriad weather of China in the new era, then the success of the Chengdu Auto Show has made the world understand China in the new era full of hope.
On the evening of September 3rd, Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition released the news of the closing of the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition with the theme of "Highlighting the New Paradigm of Vitality and Accelerating to Lead the New Future". Many exhibitors and consumers left messages: "Looking forward to the 2024 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition" and "Meet again in 2024" … …
An auto show ignites a city, and the legend of auto show in Chengdu will continue to be written. (Qin Tongzi)

Heavy! There will be these changes in the examination of expanding the recruitment scale of civil servants in many provinces.

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 12 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces intensively launched the recruitment of civil servants in 2020. Compared with last year, the recruitment scale of many provinces has increased, and some regions have also set aside some positions specifically for college graduates. In addition, various localities also put forward targeted measures for epidemic prevention and control during the examination to ensure the smooth examination and the health of candidates.

  Data map: A civil servant test center, candidates lined up to enter the examination room. Photo by Wu Junjie

  The enrollment of civil servants in many provinces is close to 400%

  Recently, a number of provinces have intensively released the 2020 civil service recruitment announcement. Compared with previous years, the scale of civil service recruitment in various places has increased significantly.

  On June 9, the Civil Service Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the general rules for the recruitment of civil servants (public employees) in the 2020 examination for party and government organs (public participation units). Inner Mongolia plans to recruit a total of 7,270 civil servants (public employees) this time, which is close to 400% compared with 1,471 in the previous year.

  In addition to Inner Mongolia, Shandong, which started the recruitment of civil servants in April this year, plans to recruit 7,360 people, an increase of more than 140% compared with the recruitment scale of 3,047 people last year. Fujian plans to recruit 3,724 civil servants this year, an increase of more than 50% compared with 2,471 last year. Henan plans to recruit 9,837 people this year, an increase of over 30% compared with 7,478 people last year.

  In addition, Hubei Province, which has not officially started the recruitment of civil servants, has previously made it clear that the recruitment plan for civil servants will increase by 20% in 2020 and that for Selected Graduates will increase by 50%.

  "Due to the reform of local institutions, many provinces reduced the recruitment scale of civil servants last year, which is this year ‘ Enrollment expansion ’ The premise background. " Zhang Xiaolong, an expert in chalk education public examination, analyzed that the staffing plan of civil servants has remained stable as a whole. This year, the recruitment scale of some provinces has been expanded, largely due to the resumption of the recruitment plan previously affected by institutional reform, and the normal personnel replenishment has been realized.

  In addition, Zhang Xiaolong said that this year, affected by the epidemic, grass-roots public service departments in some areas need to appropriately strengthen their strength and enrich their personnel, which is also one of the factors of enrollment expansion.

  Data Map Photo by Huang Weiming

  With the expansion of civil servants, are there more opportunities for fresh graduates?

  In the annual civil service recruitment examination, fresh graduates are an important part of the army. This year, the number of college graduates reached 8.74 million, a record high. Then, under the background of the expansion of civil servants in many places, is the probability of fresh graduates becoming public higher?

  Judging from the recruitment policies of various places, some areas have released the signal of leaning towards fresh graduates in the recruitment of civil servants.

  For example, the "Several Measures for Further Promoting the Employment of College Graduates in 2020 in Tianjin" recently issued by Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security clearly stipulates that the number of positions for recent college graduates in the recruitment of civil servants should be increased, and civil servants should be recruited by organs below the district level, except for targeted and special demand positions. In principle, they are all for recent college graduates.

  In Shandong, this year, in the recruitment of Shandong civil servants, 1,021 positions were taken out for the first time, specifically for college graduates. Wang Zhimin, director of the Second Division of Civil Servants of the Organization Department of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, told the media that in addition to these positions, there are 90% positions that fresh graduates can also apply for.

  In view of expanding the recruitment of civil servants in many places, Wang Yukai, a professor at the Central Party School (National School of Administration), analyzed that for this year’s large-scale college graduates, the expansion of civil servants will undoubtedly provide them with more opportunities, and encouraging college graduates to join the grassroots line to make contributions is also an important accumulation and experience for their future growth and development.

  "Every year, a certain proportion of positions will be reserved for fresh graduates, and this year’s proportion may increase slightly." Zhang Xiaolong said that compared with the recruitment of civil servants, the local government will be more inclined to the fresh graduates in the recruitment of institutions and teachers.

  Zhang Xiaolong said, from the analysis of the recruitment plans released in various places at present, the overall proportion of fresh graduates and previous graduates in this year’s recruitment requirements will be the same as in previous years.

  However, experts also said that enrollment expansion is undoubtedly a good news for both fresh graduates and previous graduates. "From the current registration situation in some provinces, compared with last year’s reduction, everyone’s ‘ Chenggong ’ The probability will be improved a lot. " Zhang Xiaolong said.

  Data map. Photo by Zhang Bin

  The exam time has been postponed. Is there a "joint exam" this year?

  The recruitment of civil servants organized by provinces has also become a "provincial examination". In recent years, most provinces have concentrated the provincial examination on the written examination in April every year. In recent years, more than 20 provinces have held civil service examinations together, which is also called the "joint examination".

  This year, affected by the epidemic, the recruitment time of civil servants in many places was delayed, and the written test time was relatively scattered.

  Judging from the provinces that have announced the written examination time for provincial examinations, Fujian and Sichuan will arrange the written examination for public subjects on July 25th, Yunnan and Hunan on August 22nd, while Inner Mongolia has made it clear that the written examination for posts in the public security system will be held on July 25th and 26th, and the written examination for posts outside the public security system will be held on August 22nd.

  "Due to the different situations faced by epidemic prevention and control in different places, the written examinations of provincial examinations in different places may not be concentrated on a large scale this year, and there may be two small-scale joint examinations on July 25 and August 22, respectively." Zhang Xiaolong analyzed that the civil service examination requires higher quality of the proposition, and some provinces will still take the joint examination of unified proposition.

  Observing this year’s provincial examination policy for civil servants, all localities have made arrangements for the epidemic prevention and control of the public examination itself. For example, some areas require wearing masks, showing health codes, and some must provide nucleic acid test results.

  It is worth mentioning that Shandong and Zhejiang have clearly reduced the written examination of public subjects to half a day. Shandong also specifically stated that it is necessary to adopt a method of testing admission and seamlessly connecting exams to minimize the gathering of people.

  Zhang Xiaolong reminded that candidates must pay attention to the epidemic prevention requirements of all localities in the provincial examination in special years, and do a good job of self-health management in advance. In addition, they should adjust their work and rest rules in time and make good preparations for the examination.

  "For example, if the" Line Test "and" Shen Lun "are placed in a half-day exam, the intensity of the exam will increase sharply. Candidates need to adjust their biological clocks in advance and adjust their best test status to the test time."