The story of China people | Lei Dongzhu, deputy to the National People’s Congress: Strengthening the construction of public health emergency management system at the grassroots level

  I’m Lei Dongzhu, deputy to the National People’s Congress,Dean of the First People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

  The epidemic situation in COVID-19 is fierce,

  On January 20,

  Our hospital has entered a medical emergency.

  Time is pressing,

  Within a day, we were established.

  Emergency leading group for epidemic prevention and control.

  Within 2 days, fever clinics were started in 3 medical areas of the hospital.

  At that time, medical protective clothing was not enough.

  I spent the night looking for manufacturers,

  Strive for protective clothing for medical staff.

  In those days, I lay down at 2 am almost every day.

  Get up at 4: 00,

  Answer countless phone calls and deal with all kinds of emergencies.

  There are 15 players in our hospital.

  Still fighting in the intensive care unit of Huanggang Hospital.

  Under our long-distance communication,

  They used ECMO technology for the first time,

  Successfully treated a group of COVID-19 patients.

  I know this is a protracted war,

  It is related to everyone’s life and health.

  I dare not slack off.

  In July 1991,I was assigned to work in the First People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City.

  At the age of 23, I chose obstetrics and gynecology.

  I think, hearing the loud cry of new life,

  This should be my most fulfilling moment.

  The once-in-a-century ice disaster in 2008,

  It brought me into the public eye.

  It was a rare low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster.

  Power failure! The water supply is interrupted!

  Traffic is interrupted! Communication is interrupted!

  Chenzhou, the hardest hit area at that time,

  It’s freezing,

  Many pregnant women with big bellies poured into obstetrics,

  I work more than 17 hours a day.

  On the morning of January 31, 2008,

  A pregnant woman infected with syphilis who just left the hospital.

  Re-emergency admission.

  After the baby is born,

  Pale, no crying.

  At this time, the power went out suddenly, and the electric sputum aspirator could not be used.

  Looking at the dying little life,

  I didn’t have time to think about it,

  Quickly bend over to suck amniotic fluid for the newborn,

  And give it mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration.

  There is too much amniotic fluid,

  It sucked into my mouth and choked into my throat.

  At that time, I only had one thought, that is, to save the child!

  Finally the child was saved, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  To prevent syphilis,

  I have been injected with benzathine penicillin for a whole month.

  "As long as there is a glimmer of hope in life,

  You will never give up easily. "

  I think, as long as I’m in obstetrics,

  We must keep this promise.

  It was in that maternity ward with only 49 beds,

  In 12 days, we welcomed 222 "ice babies".

  Created a miracle of life,

  I am also known as "doctor mother".

  Life-cycle health servicesIs the starting point of our major,

  The birthplace of life is in our obstetrics department.

  After all these years as a doctor,

  I have witnessed the tragedy of too many families with defective children.

  Genetic diseases can be prevented, but they are difficult to treat.

  Suffer from chromosomal diseases

  If a child with structural deformity is born,

  The treatment fee for each child will exceed one million yuan.

  This family will also be poor due to illness.

  I think I must do something about it.

  In 2018, I proposed health and poverty alleviation prevention first.

  Suggestions on further promoting citizens’ premarital examination according to law.

  Strengthen the intervention of birth defects to avoid poverty caused by illness.

  This is the sixth year that I have called for attention.

  Prevention and treatment of birth defects.

  Under my persistent appeal,

  The two districts of Beihu and Suxian in Chenzhou City were fully launched.

  Free non-invasive prenatal fetal DNA testing,

  Interventional prenatal diagnosis

  And thalassemia genetic testing project.

  In 2019, I proposed again

  Suggestions on prevention and treatment of rare diseases,

  Because rare diseases involve heredity, children,

  Adults and other disciplines,

  Many doctors have limited knowledge about this.

  Therefore, there are high misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

  Patients often go to several hospitals and cannot be diagnosed.

  I propose to attach importance to tertiary prevention of rare diseases,

  Change passive diagnosis into active prevention.

  The child’s defects,

  Behind it are the hidden injuries of families.

  The prevention and control of birth defects has a long way to go.

  Especially after the "two-child" policy is fully liberalized,

  We have to make more efforts,

  Let more babies be born safely.

  This year I brought these suggestions:

     Recommendation 1:

  Accelerate the construction of "popularization of settings and specialization of teams" in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, and establish a public emergency medical center with the emergency department and the Department of Critical Care Medicine as the backbone to protect people’s lives.

  Recommendation 2:

  Led by the government, with the participation of finance, civil affairs, social security, health care and other departments, we will integrate medical and social resources, guide public hospitals to actively invest in the cause of old-age care, accelerate the high-quality development of the public welfare medical and nursing industry, and help build a healthy China.

  Recommendation 3:

  Strengthen the construction of grass-roots public health emergency management system. Construct a timely and accurate monitoring and early warning information system. Cultivate high-quality emergency teams and do a good job in emergency training. Strengthen the construction of emergency medical rescue bases. Revise and improve relevant laws and regulations.

  This year’s nurses’ day,The general secretary pointed out that after the COVID-19 outbreak,

  The vast number of nurses went out without hesitation and went retrograde.

  White clothes carry armor and do not bear great trust.

  Bravely and fearlessly rushed to home and abroad.

  The front line of the epidemic prevention and control struggle,

  In order to win the China epidemic prevention and control war,

  Ensure the safety of people in all countries.

  And make important contributions to health,

  Practiced it with practical actions

  Respect life, heal the wounded and rescue the dying,

  The lofty spirit of dedication and boundless love.

  In this epidemic test,

  Young medical staff have touched me too much.

  On February 11th, our hospital was informed that,

  15 medical staff need to be sent to Wuhan for support.

  In just two hours,

  256 medical staff signed up,

  I was moved to tears.

  I suddenly realized,

  In my eyes, these once immature children,

  Grow up in an instant,

  They can stand up and join.

  Protect the health of ordinary people,

  The ranks of life safety.

  Doctors are a sacred profession,

  The happiness it brings us is irreplaceable.

  Life is supreme,

  What we can do is to save lives with peace of mind.

  I look forward to more young people joining the medical profession.

  Try to be a good doctor to save lives.

  Winter bamboo is like bamboo in winter.Even if it’s freezing,

  Also stick to the original heart of the doctor.

  Always be a doctor close to patients,

  Commitment is gold, to be a good doctor;

  Be a good dean by honoring promises and keeping promises;

  Keep your word and be a good representative.

  Today’s Lei Dongzhu,

  Represents the hopes and expectations of more people,

  Her life path,

  Destined to walk with the times.

  China Youth Daily China Youth Network

  China young writers newspaper

  China Communication University School of Journalism

  China Academy of Social Sciences University Media College Constructive Journalism Workshop

  Zhejiang Communication University School of Journalism and Communication

  Guangdong University of Finance and Economics College of Humanities and Communication

  Joint production

  Reporter: Li Huihui Zang Xiuer (Internship)

  Planning: Wang Hai Yang Yue

  Design: Gong Yiyue (Internship) Meng Xiao (Internship) Shi Xuejie (Internship) Cao Ruohong (Internship) Shi Yufeng (Internship)

  Video: Lin Huihong (Internship) Wu Ao (Internship) Li Yiting (Internship) Liu Jiayin (Internship) Chen Jiaxin (Internship) Liu Hao (Internship) Peng Gaochun (Internship)

Balloon volleyball likes the doctor! Appropriate exercise and mental health are recommended keywords.

Volleyball has been widely concerned in China. However, due to the fact that hard volleyball in traditional competitions requires certain skills and strength, it has not become a very popular sport. Zi Niu news reporter recently learned that a new member of the volleyball family-gas volleyball is gradually coming into people’s sight and has been praised by many experts. Proper exercise, less sports injury, enriching social interaction and improving reaction ability are all keywords recommended by doctors.
Why can balloon volleyball "capture" people’s hearts? Lightweight, easy to use and not easy to get hurt.
"I didn’t expect balloon volleyball to be really addictive." Ms. Cheng, a post-90s banker, likes all kinds of sports and fitness at ordinary times. Not long ago, she "into the pit" a new sport with her friends, that is air volleyball. "I think that the sports I used to do were all done by one person, such as yoga and swimming. I found it very interesting after contacting balloon volleyball." In Ms. Cheng’s view, this ball game, which requires teamwork, is light, handy and interesting, and can be regarded as a combination of sports, leisure and entertainment. More importantly, compared with hard volleyball, it is painless, which is undoubtedly "suitable for all ages."
Netizen sharing
There are thousands of notes on the keyword "air volleyball" entered on the sharing platform, and tens of thousands of videos on the video website share the air volleyball technology. Why can balloon volleyball "capture" people’s hearts? Similar to Ms. Cheng’s idea, Wang Bo, a college student, played balloon volleyball because it was less risky. "I used to love watching volleyball games, but I never really touched volleyball, thinking that I couldn’t fight at all. I didn’t expect balloon volleyball, which is a better choice for our non-professional enthusiasts. It is not easy to get hurt and has a high participation rate of all ages. " The reporter learned that as a new sport, balloon volleyball has been favored by more and more students. In many colleges and universities, balloon volleyball has gradually become one of the sought-after courses.
Proper exercise is good for mental health, and balloon volleyball is also praised by experts.
It is reported that nearly 200 million people in the world are attracted by balloon volleyball, while nearly 10% people in China are involved in balloon volleyball, which is second only to football and basketball. So what is balloon volleyball? The reporter learned that balloon volleyball, which is purely made in China, can be traced back to about 40 years ago. At first, a unit organized retired workers to play with balloons on the volleyball court, then changed to children’s soft plastic balls and revised the rules with reference to six-person volleyball. Finally, balloon volleyball came into being. As one of the five major sports events of the National Sports Association for the Aged, it has been well promoted in Zhejiang, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing and other places since its launch.
So specifically, how is balloon volleyball different from conventional volleyball? According to reports, first of all, as the name implies, the materials are different. Balloon volleyball is made of soft plastic, and most of the volleyball liners are made of PU, and the weight of the ball is 100-150 grams lighter than that of ordinary volleyball. The net of balloon volleyball is low, the height of men is 2.1 meters, the height of women is 1.9 meters, and the mixed net is 2 meters. The hard volleyball net is 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women. It is no wonder that a fan told reporters that he can easily control balloon volleyball when he is 1.6 meters tall.
At the same time, balloon volleyball is not so demanding on the venue. Badminton courts can be used. The venue is 13.4 meters long and 6.1 meters wide, and activities can be carried out indoors and outdoors. However, regular volleyball requires an 8-meter *9-meter rectangle with an open space of at least 3 meters around, and there must be no obstacles at least 7 meters above the field. It is worth mentioning that although the playing and scoring methods of balloon volleyball are basically the same as those of ordinary volleyball, the rules are relatively loose. All parts of the human body can touch the ball, as long as the ball is hit above the ground in the opponent’s court according to the rules. Because you can get started without long-term and systematic training, it is more convenient to fight.
"Popular" and "grounded" balloon volleyball is not only flying into the homes of ordinary people, but has also been praised by some professionals in recent days. "The amount of exercise is more appropriate." Relevant sports medical experts believe that gas volleyball activities include running, jumping, squatting and turning, which makes the brain, eyes, hands, waist and feet move, but the amount of activities is not large, and the probability of sports injuries is much lower than other ball games, which is conducive to fitness and strong body.
Tuyuan vision china
Wang Chunxue, chief physician of Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, also pointed out that balloon volleyball is helpful for mental health. In Wang Chunxue’s view, balloon volleyball is characterized by the participation of many people, with strong continuity and few interruptions, which makes the sport itself more interesting. Just like the experience of Ms. Cheng and Wang Bo, this team sport has also set up a new scene for social interaction. You take me "into the pit", I pull you into the group, and the players work closely together. At the same time, the competition between teams is also a good opportunity for individuals to learn to overcome difficulties and forge ahead. Experts also said that the skills and tactics repeatedly used in the competition can produce rich signal stimulation to the neural network and nerve cells of the brain, which is helpful to improve the cognitive ability of quick response and flexible thinking. Applied to work and study, it is an improvement to the quality of life and health level.
Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Lu Yanlin
Proofread Li Haihui

Power rent-seeking is getting worse, and the real estate industry has become the hardest hit by collusion between officials and businessmen.

  Editor’s Note: Today’s real estate industry in China is the hardest hit by collusion between officials and businessmen. Jiang Renjie, the former vice mayor of Suzhou, took bribes of more than 100 million yuan, mainly from real estate developers. Recently, it is far more than this one who has been pulled down by developers: Zhu Zhigang, the former vice minister of finance, was "double-regulated" and helped his relatives buy low-priced houses, involving many people in the real estate industry in Beijing; Liu Zhihua, the former vice mayor of Beijing, was sentenced to death with a suspended sentence for taking bribes of nearly 7 million yuan. He accepted a lot of bribes from real estate developers … The arms of corrupt officials "warmed" real estate developers, and the wealthy real estate developers "fed back" individual officials again and again. The essence behind this "mutual benefit" is only two words: power and benefit.

  There are deep roots behind the fact that officials are willing to do anything for developers at the risk of guillotine.

  Why are individual officials keen to be "friends" with developers? Why is the problem of illegal land getting worse and worse? In fact, as long as there is soil or space for power rent-seeking, corruption will grow like weeds cut one after another, which has been clearly verified in the real estate market. Originally, there was a "symbiosis" phenomenon between developers and urban construction officials. Developers were both "performance promoters" of individual urban construction officials and "troublemakers" who induced corruption. When the two sides share the same rotten tastes, they often form an "interest alliance", and land development has thus become a high-risk area for corruption. There are deep roots behind the fact that individual officials are willing to do anything for developers at the risk of going to the guillotine.

  The government plays a dual role; The hierarchical administrative structure makes the power lack of restraint.

  To a certain extent, the government plays a dual role. On the one hand, the government, as the representative of public interests, formulates policies, regulates economic activities and acts as a referee. The government has the power to examine and approve infrastructure, industry, real estate and other projects. The construction of these projects requires land. Some unscrupulous developers want to obtain low-priced land and rent from individual government officials who can’t resist the temptation.

  On the other hand, the government has a huge amount of resources and directly participates in economic activities as a subject and acts as an athlete. All local governments shoulder the heavy responsibility of developing local economy. In the performance evaluation of local government officials, GDP is the most critical indicator, which intensifies their impulse to manage land. Because they can only use land to attract investment, set up industrial parks and carry out infrastructure construction. In these activities, the pricing power of land resources is in the hands of relevant officials. Even the public bidding and auction of land can not completely overcome the transfer of interests. The direct investment attraction of individual local party and government departments is more likely to aggravate the difficulty of curbing land violations and corruption.

  In addition, the hierarchical administrative structure makes the top leaders of local governments and the direct leaders in charge of land have too much power and lack of supervision and checks and balances. China’s land authorities are land departments at all levels, but the land department is a subordinate department of the government. The director of land and resources should be led by the deputy mayor in charge, and the deputy mayor in charge should be led by the mayor and the secretary. If the deputy mayor, mayor and secretary in charge directly grant land or intervene in land transactions, it will be difficult for the land department to effectively restrain them, and the discipline inspection and supervision departments will also encounter difficulties and resistance when investigating. High-ranking officials who are dismissed because of land corruption are basically deputy mayors and district heads in charge of land, urban construction or major construction projects. Unrestricted power naturally leads to corruption.

  The relevant laws do not strictly define the public interest.

  On the one hand, the constitution stipulates that urban land belongs to the state and rural land belongs to farmers’ collectives, which means that all the new land needs of urbanization and industrialization, whether the needs of public interests or non-public interests, must be met through the state’s land acquisition behavior (that is, transforming rural collectively owned land into state-owned land); On the other hand, the constitution also emphasizes that the state can only expropriate or requisition agricultural land for the needs of public interests.

  It is precisely because the relevant laws do not strictly define the public interest, and the government must expropriate farmers’ land for non-public welfare needs such as economic development and urban construction. Although many land expropriation acts of individual local governments are illegal, the judicial department usually refuses to accept most legal proceedings caused by illegal land expropriation by the government, which to some extent opens the door for land corruption of individual local government officials.

  Except for a few stocks of state-owned land, all new urban construction land must be acquired through land acquisition, and the main body of land acquisition is only the government. The circulation of village collective land is strictly restricted to agricultural use, so the government has mastered the supply of construction land. In the case of rising demand, developers understand that only by "fixing" government officials can they obtain land at a lower cost. This is why some government officials "wave upon wave" fall on land violations. Monopoly of land supply has created institutional space for individual corrupt officials to use land for illegal interests.

  Under the tax-sharing system, local governments are constantly looking for income from outside the budget, and land lease income is not included in the financial budget management.

  After the implementation of the tax-sharing system in 1994, the central government quickly took the leading position, and its concentration capacity became stronger and stronger, and its concentration ratio became higher and higher, accounting for about 55% of the total tax revenue. The central government is rich in money and the local government is poor in money, but the pattern of division of powers between the central and local governments has not changed much. Local governments use about 45% of their relative fiscal revenue to support about 75% of their relative expenditure responsibilities. This induces local governments to constantly look for sources of income from outside the budget. When local governments found that land was an important way to make money, they began to sell land to raise financial revenue for themselves.

  The tax classification of the tax-sharing system also gives local governments an incentive to develop the real estate industry and constantly push up housing prices. According to the tax-sharing arrangement, urban land use tax, property tax, stamp duty, land value-added tax, paid use income of state-owned land and other taxes are collected by local governments. Therefore, the more active the real estate market is, the more this part of tax revenue will be. This has stimulated the impulse of local governments to develop the real estate industry and collected a large number of agricultural land to develop the real estate industry. While the real estate industry is developed, the pockets of government officials who control the land are more "developed".

  Li Jinhua, former auditor general of the National Audit Office, reported that in 2005, 60 of the 87 development zones in China illegally sold land at low prices. In order to "attract investment", in the State Council, it is forbidden to sell land at a low price, so some places take the means of signing a land transfer contract in accordance with state regulations, and then returning the land transfer fee or giving financial subsidies to sell land at a low price in disguise. This not only enables individual officials and enterprises to transfer benefits to each other, but also leads some enterprises to maliciously occupy and resell land. Take land income as extra-budgetary income and evade the supervision of the National People’s Congress.

  Countermeasures: Give the power of land resources allocation to the market, laws and systems.

  In order to solve the "collusion" between officials and developers and fundamentally reverse this situation, we must take a multi-pronged approach, start with the system, legal system and mechanism, introduce and improve external supervision, and hand over the power of land resource allocation to the market, law and system. Some suggestions are put forward.

  It is necessary to cut off the hand of government officials reaching out to the land. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the government’s intervention in microeconomic activities, especially to fundamentally change the behavior of individual local governments in using land to accumulate wealth, accumulate wealth and generate wealth, ban land finance, and all state-owned land transfer fees will be included in the fiscal budget. Establish an official’s property and income declaration system, and the part and consumption that exceed the statutory income will be determined as illegal income unless the source can be explained.

  Reform the land expropriation system and strictly demarcate the boundaries of public interests. Strictly stipulate the land acquisition procedures, even if it is a public land acquisition, we should raise the compensation standard for land acquisition in public interest, give reasonable and fair compensation to the land-expropriated farmers, and enable farmers to share the fruits of industrialization and urbanization.

  Strengthen the supervision and restraint of the main leaders of the land management department and the government. Simple moral preaching is not enough. It is necessary to introduce various social forces (especially the masses and news media) into the mechanism to supervise the power of officials and strengthen the transparency of land transactions. Standardize the procedures of land auction, auction and transfer, clarify the trading rules and improve the market operation.

  Change the pattern of interest distribution between the central and local governments. Make the respective powers and financial rights of the central government and local governments correspond, and reverse the internal motivation of local governments to make money by borrowing land. Reform the current tax-sharing system, re-divide the distribution ratio of the current shared tax, and appropriately increase the sharing ratio of local governments (such as value-added tax). (The author is Cai Jiming, director and professor of Tsinghua University Political Economy Research Center)