Black industry is eyeing malicious claims for "takeaway compensation"

  Recently, many netizens reported on social platforms that some people were selling tutorials related to malicious "takeaway compensation". A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily found that criminals charged 50 to 300 yuan to openly teach others how to make up a complaint to the merchant and ask for compensation on the grounds that they ate foreign objects in the takeaway. The takeaway platform said that it has established a malicious claims governance team, and the platform has linked with the police to complete the handling of many cases. Legal sources said that malicious claims are suspected of extortion, and the sale of related tutorials may be suspected of teaching criminal methods and will be investigated for legal responsibility.

  "Takeaway Payment" Tutorial Can I eat "Free Lunch"?

  Beijing Youth Daily reporters searched online platforms such as Tieba and found that there were many tutorials dedicated to selling "takeaway refunds" and a large number. In Baidu Tieba, Beiqing Daily reporters saw that there was a special "Meituan Refund Bar", with a cumulative number of posts having exceeded 6,000, of which the top-ranked posts were related to the sale of "Raiders": "Meituan Takeaway Refund" "A pack of cigarettes teaches how to return for free, and pays for direct teaching"… In some posts, some netizens asked "how to contact", the owner asked for private messages, and some even left their QQ numbers.

  In the QQ group, there are also many special "compensation groups". In a QQ group called "Food Payment Group", the group owner will ban all members, but keep sending personal WeChat QR codes, accompanied by screenshots of the compensation balance he has received, saying that he can "Meituan will lose 100 yuan in half an hour, and if you want, you can directly add WeChat".

  After the reporter from Beiqing Daily joined the community, he expressed his desire to buy a tutorial and start communicating in detail with the group owner. The seller said that the course will teach how to ask for compensation from the takeaway merchant. After placing an order on Meituan, and other platforms, after receiving the takeaway, he provided relevant photos as evidence on the grounds of eating "bugs", "hair" and other foreign objects, and applied to complain to the merchant and ask for certain compensation. The specific compensation amount varies. The fee charged for the course is mostly around 50 to 200 yuan. According to different prices, different amounts of compensation can be applied for, including with and without compensation.

  However, on Tieba, there are also netizens who say they have been deceived: "There is a liar in the bar, he asked me to use his number to place an order and go to Xianyu. After I received the goods, he asked me Xianyu to confirm receipt, he said he would return it tomorrow, and then I chose to believe him. The funds were frozen, and I also helped him lift it, and today I found out that he ran away." Some netizens said I have also encountered it.

  Merchants choose compensation for those who settle down

  Beiqing Daily reporter saw that these compensation is a loophole in the food safety protection policy of the takeaway platform. Meituan’s "Eat with confidence" service agreement shows that there are foreign objects in the food, food deterioration and physical discomfort after using the food. The specific compensation liability and compensation standard are subject to the insurance policy and insurance terms provided by the underwriting insurance company to the merchant who orders takeaway products from the user. The insurance claim amount will be determined with reference to the amount of the food in question and the actual situation. also said that there is "food safety insurance". If you find that the food has deteriorated, there are foreign objects or you can apply for a claim. The claims that can be applied for include the following three categories: 1. There are foreign objects: the food is mixed with inedible foreign objects; 2. Food deterioration and expiration: raw, charred, deteriorated, exceeded the shelf life, etc.; 3. Medical treatment: food poisoning, suffering from other foodborne diseases. Just submit the proof picture as required in the app.

  Businesses have complained bitterly about malicious bad reviews. Located in Jiayuan Sanli Underground Food City in Fengtai District, one merchant said it had also received several complaints about foreign objects in takeaways. "Customers" opened their mouths and demanded a claim of 1,000 yuan under the Food Safety Law. "We can’t make 1,000 yuan a day, but if we don’t compensate them, they keep calling and harassing." Another victim, Mr. Wang, said, "One day I lost 1,800 yuan, so angry that I really want to close the store."

  The manager of a nationally renowned Sichuan restaurant chain, Ms Zhang, said that her store, located in Lize Tianjie, Fengtai District, Beijing, was the victim of a malicious professional claim. According to the store manager, Ms Zhang, she once received a photo of a "customer" with a bleeding mouth, saying that a stone had been eaten in the takeaway and his mouth was torn. She claimed 1,000 yuan and asked for compensation for medical expenses. But when Ms Zhang asked the "customer" to come to the store to negotiate a solution and provide a medical certificate, she was decisively rejected. Finally, after reporting to the headquarters, she compensated 800 yuan before it was settled. Later, Ms. Zhang accidentally found in the internal work group that her brand’s stores in Chaoyang District and Shijingshan District also had the same claims, and the photos of "customer" feedback were exactly the same as what she had received before.

  Most merchants are afraid of trouble, and in the attitude of doing more than less, they usually choose to calm down. "If you don’t ask too much, you can pay some money." A takeaway merchant said.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned from the Meituan platform that the platform also has the ability to identify some abnormal transaction behaviors. Once malicious claims are found, the platform will not only restrict their rights and interests, but also sort out relevant clues and evidence, and submit them to the market supervision department and the police, and cooperate with relevant departments to crack down. Meituan Takeaway has established a malicious claims governance team. In the past year, it has cooperated with multiple market supervision departments and the police to crack 30 cases, arrested more than 40 people, and helped merchants recover losses of 24 million yuan through platform governance and filing cases.

  Criminals have been detained for similar acts

  Black industry community sold takeaway order food fraud tutorial, not only increased the cost of compensation for businesses and platforms, but also disrupted the normal business environment. Beiqing Daily reporter saw that at present, there are cases of criminals being criminally detained by the public security organs for similar acts. The two men ordered drinks from the takeaway platform, and then caught flying insects and put them in the drink, in order to demand huge compensation from the merchant. After tasting the sweetness, they did the same again and again. In just half a year, the illegal profit was 24,000 yuan. Finally, after the merchant called the police, the two men were sentenced for involvement in extortion.

  Boss Wang, the person in charge of a restaurant, said that he was very aggrieved when he received a similar refund application: "I checked it well before taking it out, it can’t be the problem here!" But because the diner Li was firm and threatened Boss Wang with a bad review, and the amount asked was not large, Boss Wang thought about spending money to ensure safety and hastily refunded the money. But after a while, Boss Wang found that the user with the same address actually initiated a refund to him again for the same reason, and then reported the matter to the platform. After receiving the report from Boss Wang, the platform quickly investigated the user and reported the case to the police. The police investigation found that from March 2021, Li used his mother and his five mobile phone numbers to order takeout, and then put a hair in the meal, and then initiated a refund to the merchant on this grounds. According to police statistics, Li maliciously extorted more than 200 times, involving a total amount of nearly 10,000 yuan. Due to the suspected crime of extortion, compulsory measures have been taken.

  Zhao Zhan, a lawyer at Beijing Jiawei Law Firm, told the Beijing Youth Daily that making up food problems for extortion may involve criminal offenses, such as extortion, while those who teach others to defraud and post bad comments may be involved in teaching criminal methods.

  Lawyer Wang Qiongfei, founding partner of Zhejiang Kenting Law Firm, told Beiqing Daily that if the content of underground industry tutorials is disseminated on online platforms, and the content of teaching involves illegal crimes, the disseminator may be suspected of teaching criminal methods; according to Article 295 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2020), "Anyone who teaches criminal methods shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance; if the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years or life imprisonment."

  At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 8 and Article 10 of the Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, short video platforms, communities, Tieba, etc. as online information content service platforms, shall improve the information release review, real-time inspection, black industry chain information disposal and other systems, find illegal content, take immediate disposal measures, keep records and report to the relevant departments.

  Text/Our reporter, Wen Jing, intern, Mei Jinghan

  Coordinator/Chi Haibo

Hot search first! Just now, Huawei Mate50 was released! The starting price is 4999 yuan, which supports Beidou satellite news.

On the afternoon of September 6th, Huawei Mate50 series mobile phones were officially released, and as many as seven topics rushed to Weibo for hot search.

Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of terminal business and CEO of smart car solutions business group, released Huawei Mate50 series flagship mobile phones. Yu Chengdong said that after two years, Huawei Mate mobile phone is back. According to reports, Huawei Mate50 series is the first mass smartphone in the industry to support Beidou satellite news.

Image source: Weibo

In addition, Huawei also released the M5 EV, the first pure electric smart car of AITO brand, with the standard version starting at 288,600 yuan and the performance version starting at 319,800 yuan.

Mate50 mobile phone released after two years

Huawei Mate40 series flagship mobile phone was released in October 2020. According to the normal release time rhythm, Huawei Mate50 series should have been released in the autumn of 2021, but it was delayed for some reason.

Yu Chengdong said that the Mate series was born in 2013, and it has gone through ten years. In the past ten years, Mate series has been continuously leading the innovation in the mobile phone industry. Yu Chengdong said that the only product that can surpass Mate is Huawei Mate.

Source: Huawei

Previously, the cooperation between Huawei and Leica ended. In July, Huawei launched the Huawei image brand XMAGE, which was first launched on Huawei Mate50 series. In terms of operating system, Huawei Mate50 series was first equipped with Harmony OS 3 operating system.

Huawei also announced the upgrade plan for HarmonyOS 3. The first batch of upgrade devices include Huawei P50 series, Huawei P50 Pocket, Huawei Mate Xs 2 and other smart terminal products such as smart screens, tablets and watches.

It is understood that Huawei Mate50 series launched the "low-power emergency mode", which intelligently started the shaped charge pump at 1% power, and realized the endurance experience of standby for 3 hours, or talking for 12 minutes, or flashing the code for 10 times, or scanning the code for 4 times to solve the urgent needs of users.

At present, due to the shortage of goods, the sales volume of Huawei’s mobile phone business is average, but the quarterly sales volume has increased. According to market research firm Omdia, in the first quarter and second quarter of 2022, Huawei shipped 5.6 million mobile phones and 6.4 million mobile phones respectively.

The industry believes that the release of Mate50 series will drive the growth of Huawei’s mobile phone sales. In terms of selling price, Huawei Mate50 starts at 4,999 yuan, and Huawei Mate50 Pro starts at 6,799 yuan. The pre-sale will start on September 6 and will be on sale on September 21. Huawei Mate50 RS Porsche is designed for 12,999 yuan and will be on sale on September 21st. Huawei Mate50 E starts at 3,999 yuan and will go on sale in October.

Source: Huawei

According to market research firm Counterpoint Research, Huawei’s market share in the price segment above $400 dropped from 13% in 2020 to 6% in 2021. Although Huawei still ranks third in the world, its sales share is greatly squeezed by Apple and Samsung, mainly due to the limited 5G function of Huawei’s mobile phone.

Support Beidou satellite news

Huawei Mate50 first supports Beidou satellite news. According to Yu Chengdong, Huawei Mate50 series supports the hardware capability of Beidou satellite message, and it is the first mass smartphone in the industry to support Beidou satellite message.

Source: Video screenshot

Huawei said that when living in an environment where there is no ground network signal coverage, such as desert no man’s land, sea distress, earthquake rescue, etc., users can send out text and location information through Changlian APP, keep in touch with the outside world, and support multiple locations to generate trajectory maps.

Orient securities believes that with the application of satellite communication in Huawei Mate50, it is expected to drive the development of satellite communication-related industrial chains.

Shen Wan Hongyuan Research Report said that Huawei, Apple, Google and other technology companies are all committed to linking mobile phones with satellites. Apple, in particular, is expected to launch satellite communication function on the upcoming iPhone14, mainly providing emergency SMS/voice service, but there is still uncertainty about whether it will be available. The core problem may be that the business model has not yet been opened.

Shen Wanhongyuan said that the overall mobile satellite communication is still in its infancy, the function and payment model have not yet taken shape, and the business model has not been determined. In fact, the daily satellite communication mainly includes two types: Beidou communication (short message) and satellite Internet. When it is applied to mobile phones, it often refers to Beidou short message communication mode.

Huaan Securities believes that mainstream mobile phone brands will open the commercial trial of satellite short messages or will open the imagination space of C-side. Satellite communication technology is becoming more and more mature, but whether it forms a commercial scale still depends on the user’s balance between use value and cost. The development of the C-end of satellite communication will follow the development path of short message, narrowband communication (call, MMS) and broadband communication, and the development of users and industrial scale will take time.

The release of pure electric version of M5 EV

It is worth noting that on September 6th, Yu Chengdong also released the M5 EV, the first pure electric smart car of AITO brand, with the price of standard version starting at 288,600 yuan and performance version starting at 319,800 yuan.

Image source: Huawei

Wenjie series is a high-end smart car built by Celeste AITO brand and Huawei. It is the main product of Huawei’s smart car selection model and is also sold in Huawei channels. At present, two models, namely M5 and M7, are on sale.

The M5 EV is AITO’s first smart luxury pure electric SUV. It is understood that in terms of power, the Wujie M5 EV is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

According to Huawei, in the fully charged state of the new energy-saving mode, the rear-drive version of Wujie M5 EV can achieve 620 kilometers of CLTC working life, and the four-wheel drive version can achieve 552 kilometers of CLTC working life.

The series "Wen Jie" was the first to be equipped with HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, and its sales volume has been rising since it was launched. Cinda Securities said that Huawei has empowered AITO, and the series of models in the world have sprung up. According to the battle report released by AITO brand, the delivery of the series began in March, and the cumulative delivery in six months reached 35,617 vehicles.

The data shows that in August, the total delivery volume of AITO Jiejie series reached 10,045 vehicles, which was the first time to deliver more than 10,000 vehicles in a single month, creating the fastest record for domestic new energy automobile brands to deliver more than 10,000 vehicles in a single month.

According to CICC, Wenjie series cars have quickly broken through the difficult climbing period of production, channels and consumer cognition that new brands need to experience in the early stage, and successfully realized the product strength into strong production and sales performance. Wenjie M5 EV is expected to further enrich the product matrix.

Citic Jiantou Securities said that the monthly sales volume of Wenjie series models is expected to continue to increase in the second half of the year. With the blessing of Huawei, AITO is expected to be the benchmark for new brands such as Weilai, Tucki and Ideality.