Are online celebrity products really worth buying?

According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People's Vision)

  According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People’s Vision)

Screenshot recommended for the homepage of an APP on a grass planting platform in online celebrity.

Guo Dexinzuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  "All girls!" "Too cheap!" "Grab it! Grab it! Grab it! " On October 21st, just a few hours before the first day of the pre-sale of Tmall double 11, Li Jiaqi, the first brother of lipstick, brought 30 million viewers in the webcast room into the atmosphere of "double 11" shopping spree in advance. That night, Li Jiaqi reached the top of the Taobao live broadcast anchor list, and the sales of 10,000 lipsticks in Zhong Chao were amazing. More brands have sold more than 100 million yuan in 6 minutes in the live broadcast.

  A similar legend of online celebrity’s goods delivery is staged on the e-commerce live broadcast platform every day. Correspondingly, on various social networking platforms, online celebrity products are recommended in a dazzling array. online celebrity, who has a large number of fans, recommended various online celebrity products to fans through illustrated notes on "planting grass", vivid videos on "planting grass" or live broadcast. Words such as "pro-test is easy to use", "must-buy list" and "online celebrity explosion" have stirred up the consumption desire of social platform users.

  In August this year, Xiaohongshu APP (mobile phone software) was removed from the shelves of major application malls. The official said that it would start a comprehensive investigation and rectification of the content in the station, conduct in-depth self-examination and self-correction, actively cooperate with relevant departments, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the Internet environment. Xiaohongshu, which has over 200 million users and advocates young lifestyle sharing, has become one of the most representative social platforms of "planting grass with goods". The development of Xiaohongshu is also the epitome of the whole online celebrity market with goods. While online celebrity, with goods, gathers huge traffic and drives huge sales, the uneven online celebrity products gradually expose the industry chaos behind the "sales miracle".

  influencer marketing

  Fans of professional online celebrity realized.

  Who is the top online celebrity that is now all over the network? The answer to this question will be updated every once in a while.

  In recent 20 years, the development of online celebrity has experienced a rapid iteration from 1.0 era to 4.0 era. Nowadays, online celebrity is gradually becoming a specialized profession, and online celebrity’s management mode has also changed from individual creation to team and enterprise management. Publishing content on social networking platforms, accumulating fans, creating personal brand influence, and realizing the realization of fan traffic through commercial channels have become the way for many first-tier online celebrity to get rich.

  According to the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019 released by Crowley, in 2018, the number of netizens reached 829 million, and the number of online shopping users reached 610 million. On average, 73 out of every 100 netizens chose online shopping. Since 2015, the proportion of online retail sales of physical goods in the total retail sales of social consumer goods in China has soared from 8.04% to 18.4% in 2018. A huge number of online shopping users, huge online shopping demand and fast-growing online shopping market provide a fertile land for professional online celebrity.

  Online celebrity, a professional who is eager to realize the flow, is a loyal fan with spending power. "When the golden wind meets the dew," online celebrity brings goods as the times require.

  In the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019, online celebrity is defined as "online celebrity E-commerce", that is, content producers (network celebrities) with network influence recommend and sell products to users through content or e-commerce platforms. The main bodies of e-commerce in online celebrity include self-media, live anchors, stars, celebrities, shopkeepers, professionals and grassroots celebrities.

  With the deepening cooperation between e-commerce platform and online social platform, online celebrity’s goods delivery gradually moves towards the category of "social e-commerce". Online celebrity brings goods on social platforms and interacts with fans in e-commerce live broadcast, which is a common way to bring goods in online celebrity at present.

  According to the "2019 Taobao Live Ecological Development Trend Report" released by Taobao List and Taobao Live, the number of anchors who joined Taobao Live in 2018 increased by 180% year-on-year, and the Taobao Live Platform brought over 100 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of nearly 400%. There are more than 400 live broadcast rooms with a monthly delivery scale of more than 1 million.

  "online celebrity’s delivery of goods is essentially a new way of docking supply and demand: consumers and businesses are docked through online celebrity. These online celebrity attract fans to conduct business activities through their own characteristics and high-quality content." Wang Xintian, a lecturer at the Business School of Ningbo University, said in an interview that the essence of online celebrity’s economy is to rely on social platforms to promote, form a loyal fan base by gathering a lot of attention, and derive various consumer markets around online celebrity, and finally form an economic model with a complete industrial chain.

  According to relevant data, the main influencing factor of 83% young consumers’ purchase decision is the "online celebrity" and "Talent" sharing. On social media, it is normal for stars to bring goods, and fans are more willing to "plant grass" to buy products endorsed or recommended by stars.

  "The essence of online celebrity’s delivery is still a marketing method, which transforms the gathered fans into actual product consumers through socialization and entertainment." Liao Huaixue, a lawyer of Taihetai Law Firm, analyzed in an interview that in this "consumption transformation" mode, online celebrity with goods, as an assumed consumer, directly uses, explains and displays goods. Compared with the traditional one-way static dissemination of goods information by e-commerce, this mode can interact with consumers and narrow the distance between them. "As a new format of e-commerce development, online celebrity’s delivery of goods enriches consumers’ shopping methods and has great development potential, but at the same time, there are frequent chaos in the industry, and it is urgent to standardize governance."

  Grey secret

  There are many routines and chaos.

  The cat’s claw cup, the double yellow egg ice cream, and the exotic enzyme … … On the social platform of planting grass in online celebrity, you can find rich and detailed notes on "planting grass", whether it is cheap and easy to get daily snacks and good things in life, expensive and professional cosmetics and health products, or various international luxury brands.

  Online celebrity with goods has become an artificial identification filter for mass products, with personal reputation and word of mouth as the guarantee, recommending various goods worth buying for its fans. However, due to the uneven quality of online celebrity, the different screening mechanisms of e-commerce platforms and social platforms, and the lag in supervision of relevant institutions, there are various problems hidden behind the phenomenon of online celebrity bringing goods.

  Wei Wei, who works in a state-owned enterprise, is worried about losing weight recently. On a grass planting platform in online celebrity, Wei Wei planted a popular Japanese enzyme. Bloggers in online celebrity recommend this enzyme to decompose fat and sugar well and help to lose weight without affecting diet. After buying it and trying it twice, Wei Wei found that this enzyme is not as "fantastic" as bloggers said.

  "Let’s not talk about the effect of losing weight. Every time I eat enzymes, I start to feel chest tightness and nausea. This is also the case when I asked some friends around me. " Wei Wei said, "These products are under the banner of being beneficial to health, and many bloggers in online celebrity have personally experienced them. The recommendations seem particularly convincing, and hundreds of comments are basically praised and applauded, which makes people easily believe them. However, the instructions on the product are all in Japanese, and there is no detailed Chinese translation. After we buy it back, the specific method of taking it depends on the blogger’s recommendation notes, which actually has certain security risks. "

  The quality and safety of products can not be guaranteed, the product promotional pictures are inconsistent, and the data such as praise forwarding on the platform are falsified … … While online celebrity is in full swing, more and more users have discovered the gray "secret" behind the popularity of online celebrity products.

  Xiao Zhao, a graduate student in Hongkong, has always been a loyal user of online celebrity Grass Planting Platform and Short Video Social Platform. A while ago, after watching the live broadcast of a beauty blogger, she bought a online celebrity neck cream. "The biggest highlight of this neck cream is that it has a push-pull roller, and it feels particularly good to watch the live broadcast. After buying it back, I found that the composition of this neck cream is similar to that of ordinary moisturizer, and the effect is also very general, and the actual utilization rate is not high. " Xiao Zhao said frankly that watching the live broadcast of "planting grass" often leads to impulsive consumption. The live broadcast can show the products very intuitively and concretely, but there are often cases where the live broadcast does not match the real thing.

  Wang Xintian believes that the chaos in these industries is on the one hand an issue of industry evaluation mechanism. The intensification of industry competition in online celebrity has led to the increasingly obvious drawbacks of the evaluation mechanism on the mainstream online celebrity platform. For example, on some platforms, online celebrity is ranked by likes and sales volume, which leads some companies to "brush data" in order to get higher exposure. On the other hand, it is the problem of supervision mechanism. If "brushing data" can also be regarded as a kind of online marketing behavior, then false advertising is suspected of commercial fraud and needs the intervention of market supervision departments. At present, this aspect needs to be strengthened urgently.

  Have a scale in mind

  Governing by law and strengthening identification

  "It is a comprehensive management process to solve all kinds of problems existing in online celebrity’s goods delivery." Liao Huaixue believes that at present, China’s Advertising Law, Electronic Commerce Law, Anti-unfair Competition Law, Product Quality Law, Food Safety Law and Consumer Rights Protection Law have relatively perfect provisions on legal issues such as false propaganda, data fraud, product quality, food safety and consumer rights protection. In online celebrity, different subjects involved in the behavior of carrying goods should participate in the link of governance according to law.

  First of all, online celebrity with goods should improve the ability to control the quality of goods, carefully choose cooperative brands, and merchants should standardize the supply chain, work hard on the quality of goods, and ensure after-sales service. Secondly, the short video live broadcast platform should earnestly fulfill its responsibilities, strengthen the audit of live broadcast content, establish a "blacklist" system for online celebrity with goods and sellers, implement a platform ban system for online celebrity and merchants who infringe on consumers’ interests, standardize consumers’ payment methods, and establish and improve the platform order tracking system. The regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision. If online celebrity’s goods-carrying behavior infringes on the interests of consumers, the merchants and the goods-carrying online celebrity should share the responsibility. At the same time, if the short video live broadcast platform fails to fulfill the corresponding regulatory obligations and platform management responsibilities, the live broadcast platform should also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

  "Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. I will trust evaluation bloggers who have more fans, more pertinent evaluations, advantages and disadvantages, and choose products from reliable brands. " Xiao Ning, who often browses the evaluation videos of skin care products on the short video platform, has her own experience in identifying online celebrity’s "planting grass". "After watching the video, first brush the comments under the video, then check the ingredients of the products on the special software, choose the products that really suit you, and then go to the e-commerce platform to search and buy." Strengthening the ability to identify products with goods in online celebrity and improving the network literacy of users of e-commerce and social platforms is a self-defense technique for netizens to deal with the problem of goods with goods in online celebrity.

  From June to November this year, the State Administration of Market Supervision and other eight departments jointly launched the 2019 special action of online market supervision (Network Sword Action) to severely crack down on online sales of counterfeit and shoddy products, unsafe food and counterfeit drugs. From September to December next year, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, State Administration of Market Supervision and National Medical Products Administration will jointly carry out "Implementing Food and Drug Safety ‘ The four strictest ’ Request "special action, to online celebrity food safety violations. National laws and supervision of relevant departments are "racing" with illegal activities in online celebrity.

  The authenticity of online celebrity products is being tested by consumers and the market; Online celebrity’s routine of bringing goods is also gradually being found out by users and supervision platforms; Online celebrity’s brand image has become more and more true after the flushing of flow realization. With the improvement of consumers’ discriminating ability, the tightening of platform supervision and the strengthening of law enforcement, online celebrity will eventually return to its original intention: let more high-quality goods meet people who really need them.

News observation: "quantity" and "quality" rise together, and the consumption of new energy vehicles in China is getting better and better

CCTV News:Data show that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said on March 26th that the new energy automobile industry in China has gradually entered the market-driven stage. In the new development era, vehicle enterprises will not add new production capacity until the existing base reaches a reasonable scale. While promoting the accelerated development of the new energy automobile industry, it pays more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand.

The proportion of private consumption of new energy vehicles increased from 47% to 78%.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles will be driven by both market and policy. Compared with the initial period of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the proportion of private consumption has increased from 47% to 78%, and the proportion of private consumption in non-restricted cities has increased from 40% to 70%. While the degree of marketization is increasing year by year, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Lin Nianxiu, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:Guide industries to gather in areas and main bodies with good development foundation and full capacity utilization, and focus on building internationally competitive industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing and other regions. (In addition, vehicle enterprises should highlight the key layout, rely on the development of existing production bases, and no new production capacity will be distributed until the existing bases reach a reasonable scale.

China strengthens clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu said that China will also strengthen the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles, and investigate and deal with illegal behaviors such as unapproved construction, zero-batch construction, and construction while approving. At the same time, standardize the merger and reorganization of vehicle enterprises, and vigorously promote the withdrawal of backward enterprises and ineffective production capacity.

By the end of the first quarter, the cumulative promotion is expected to exceed 10 million vehicles.

It is reported that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. New progress has been made in key technologies of new energy vehicles, positive progress has been made in sodium ion batteries and modular power exchange, and the computing power of artificial intelligence has reached the international advanced level. At the same time, new energy vehicles still have some shortcomings in terms of quality and safety, low-temperature adaptability, etc. The integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking needs to be continuously deepened.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:In 2021, China enterprises obtained more than 30,000 patents related to new energy vehicles, accounting for 70% of the global total, and saw new achievements in comprehensive income. By the end of 2021, the cumulative consumption of new energy vehicles was about 1.6 trillion yuan, driving the output value of upstream and downstream industrial chains to about 4.8 trillion yuan, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100 million tons.

We will continue to strengthen top-level design and optimize supporting policies.

Lin Nianxiu said that the steady growth of the automobile industry has provided strong support for reviving the industrial economy. In particular, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved new breakthroughs and become a new bright spot for the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, problems such as blind investment and disorderly development of new energy vehicles still exist to varying degrees. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the top-level design, continuously optimize supporting policies such as scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, tax incentives, and infrastructure construction for charging and replacing electricity, and pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand while promoting the accelerated development and growth of the new energy vehicle industry.

"Hot Search" exposes new posters, Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin stage a game of public opinion field.

1905 movie network news On November 8th, a poster of the "topic cage" was released by the film directed, supervised and starring. In the poster, huge topic symbols cut the picture, just like a cage trapping a girl in the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin have sharp eyes and their own worries. Three groups of topics have uncovered the corner of the interest chain of wealthy businessmen in choosing a concubine. Girls are put on the "wine table" from the "desk", and public opinion is manipulated behind the money potential, so the voice of justice faces many obstacles. In addition, the girls who fell on the stairs, stood on the rooftop and were in the dark of the corridor in the middle of the picture are also worrying, and they can’t help wondering what unspeakable experiences they have. How can the truth break through the manipulation of power and get a voice? This battle of cyber justice with disparity in strength is about to start, and the filmWill be inIt will be released on December 1st.

Girls fall into the whirlpool of public opinion and jump off a building, which leads to the industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus. 

For the first time, Xin Yukun focused on the topic of network reality and resonated.

In the movie "Hot Search", the rich dinner was exposed to be suspected of sexually assaulting female students. In order to cover up the scandal and manipulate public opinion with power, the girl sought to speak out, but was trapped in the framed "helping girl" carefully designed by the capital crocodile, and was pushed to the topic center and jumped off the building under the pressure of public opinion. Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, stumbled upon the help-seeking information sent by female students, and involved the shocking campus princess selection industry chain behind the incident. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and investor Peng Yue (Justin) are also involved.

With the help of Xin Yukun, a well-known director, this time, the breakthrough point is placed in a more contemporary topic of the times, and the well-known network is used as a carrier to explore the confrontation between good and evil hidden in modern cities, with a fresh but sharp perspective. Xin Yukun said: "The film is actually a confrontation between two waves of forces, focusing on both sides of the confrontation and showing how they put pressure on each other through public opinion." Behind the network topic, power dominates public opinion, and the weak fight for their lives, which staged a realistic game of strong and weak public opinion field.

Zhou Dongyu risked his life to tear open the fig leaf of power.

Justin, Song Yang brought new surprises and sharply staged the "network public opinion war"  

In the movie, Zhou Dongyu changed the screen image in the past and performed Chen Miao, the self-media editor who is full of mature and cool atmosphere. Rich businessmen used money to design "artificial truth" to control public opinion, while Chen Miao tore open the fig leaf of the powerful group to fight for the "girl in the dinner party". Talking about the role of Chen Miao, Zhou Dongyu said in an interview: "After Zhang Xiaosui committed suicide by jumping off a building, she personally realized the evil of some people, which completely inspired her deepest goodness."

Song Yang and Justin also showed a different side from the past. Song Yang said that He Yan, who he played, faced a middle-aged crisis in the film, "slowly compromised with the increase of age and social pressure", and became a cold and numb conservative who was trapped by powerful interests, and faced a complicated human struggle between good and evil. Yuan Hong blessed devil wears prada Peng Yue, who played an evil role in the end, and paid for his life by relying on his power. The oppressive feeling from the inside out made the audience call out "I really want to beat him" and "I don’t like acting". How to launch this public opinion confrontation on the internet is expected.

The film "Hot Search" will be released nationwide on December 1st.

Interpretation of "National Fitness Guide"

I. Background

  Since the 21st century, with the rapid development of China’s economy and society, people’s work and lifestyle have changed, and the physical activity of residents has decreased significantly. Insufficient physical activity is the fourth independent factor leading to human death. Sports activities have become the most active, effective and economical way of life to enhance the national physique and improve the health level.
  Our government attaches great importance to the important role of sports activities in strengthening physical fitness and improving health level. In 1995, the State Council promulgated and implemented the Outline of the National Fitness Program; In 2007, the State Council issued "Opinions on Strengthening Youth Sports to Enhance Youth Physical Fitness"; In 2014, the State Council issued "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Sports Industry and Promoting Sports Consumption"; In 2016, the State Council issued the Outline of Healthy China 2030, which made clear arrangements for developing mass sports activities, advocating the new fashion of national fitness and promoting the construction of a healthy China.  
  Since the implementation of the National Fitness Program in 1995, China’s mass sports undertakings have developed vigorously, sports administrative departments at all levels have actively implemented the Outline of the National Fitness Program, and the youth sports work has been continuously promoted, and the awareness of sports activities has been significantly enhanced; The average area of gymnasiums and gymnasiums in China is 1.57 square meters, and the proportion of people who regularly participate in sports activities is 33.9%. The forms of sports activities for the elderly are rich and colorful, and the quality of life is improved. According to the data of the sixth census, the average life expectancy in China is 74.9 years. The social atmosphere in which sports activities have become an important means to keep fit has been formed.
  However, we should be aware that the role of sports activities in strengthening the national physique and improving the health level has not been fully exerted, and there is still a big gap from the requirements of a healthy China. According to relevant national survey data, although the proportion of people who regularly participate in sports activities in China has increased year by year, the overweight rate and obesity rate of residents have also continued to increase, and the changes of indicators such as adolescent endurance, adult muscle strength and endurance, and elderly muscle strength are not optimistic. The incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes is on the rise, and many research results of sports activities in the field of health promotion have not been fully applied to practice. Most residents have great blindness when participating in sports activities. There is still much room for improvement in physical fitness and disease prevention and control. Therefore, it is urgent to issue an authoritative guide to physical fitness activities at the national level to guide residents to engage in physical fitness activities scientifically.
  According to the actual situation of China residents’ participation in physical fitness activities, the National Fitness Guide systematically summarizes and integrates the relevant national research results in the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, and is compiled based on the measured data of China residents’ physical fitness. It mainly includes the effect of physical fitness activities, the test and evaluation of sports ability, the principles of physical fitness activities, the guiding scheme of physical fitness activities and so on.

Second, the effect of physical fitness activities

  In ancient China, there was a written record of improving human health through introduction. A large number of modern research results have confirmed that regular participation in physical fitness activities can effectively enhance physical fitness, prevent diseases, and improve study and work efficiency.

  (A) to enhance physical fitness, improve health.

  Constitution refers to the comprehensive and relatively stable characteristics of human morphological structure, physiological function and psychological factors on the basis of heredity and acquisition. Physical fitness activities can improve the cardiopulmonary function, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and reaction ability of human body, and improve body composition, so as to achieve the effect of enhancing physical fitness and improving health level.

  1. Improve cardiopulmonary function

  Cardiopulmonary function is one of the core factors affecting physical fitness and health. Low cardiopulmonary function can lead to an increased risk of premature death. Regular physical activities can improve cardiac contractility and vital capacity, regulate blood pressure, improve blood lipids, have a good impact on cardiopulmonary function, and obviously improve the cardiopulmonary function and health level of teenagers, middle-aged people and the elderly.

  2. Improve body composition

  Body composition refers to various substances that make up the body and their proportions, which are generally expressed by body fat content and muscle weight and their ratios. Studies have confirmed that excessive body fat, especially abdominal fat, can induce cardiovascular diseases and metabolic diseases. Physical activities based on aerobic exercise can increase fat consumption, reduce body fat content, increase muscle weight and improve body composition.

  3. Increase muscle strength

  Strength training can improve muscle strength and muscle fatigue resistance, promote the growth and development of teenagers, make their physique stronger, prevent symptoms such as waist pain, shoulder and neck pain caused by muscle strength attenuation, improve body balance, prevent the elderly from falling, maintain bone health, and prevent and delay osteoporosis.

  4. Improve flexibility

  Flexibility is not only an important sports skill, but also an important activity ability in daily life. Regular traction exercises can improve the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, increase the range of physical activities of teenagers, have beautiful body posture, reduce muscle strain, and prevent and treat joint diseases of middle-aged and elderly people.

  5. Improve the happiness index

  Physical exercise is an effective means of psychological intervention. Physical fitness activities can increase people’s sense of pleasure, make people relax, relieve stress, form a good psychological state, get physical and psychological satisfaction, make teenagers full of vitality, middle-aged and elderly people full of vitality, and improve happiness index.

  (B) prevention and treatment of diseases, improve the quality of life

  Physical activity can improve the functional level of human organs, enhance the body’s immunity and prevent diseases, especially for chronic non-communicable diseases. Chronic non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis, are important diseases that endanger the health of Chinese residents. Regular physical activities can effectively control the inducing factors of chronic non-communicable diseases, prevent the occurrence of chronic non-communicable diseases, and at the same time, it is also an effective means to treat chronic non-communicable diseases, improve the quality of life and reduce premature death caused by improper lifestyle and insufficient physical activity.

  1. Cardiovascular disease

  The prevalence of cardiovascular disease among Chinese residents is on the rise, and cardiovascular death ranks first among the total causes of death among urban and rural residents. Regular physical activities can reduce the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases and promote the rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases by improving heart function and vascular elasticity, lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammatory factors and regulating blood lipids.

  2. Diabetes

  Diabetes is one of the common chronic diseases, and type 2 diabetes is the most common. Regular physical activity can regulate glucose metabolism, reduce blood sugar, improve the sensitivity of target cells to insulin, effectively prevent and treat type 2 diabetes, and delay the occurrence and development of complications. Physical activity can enhance the physique of diabetic patients and improve their quality of life.

  3. Overweight and obesity

  Overweight and obesity are characterized by weight gain and are usually expressed by body mass index (BMI). Overweight and obesity are related to many chronic diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and various musculoskeletal diseases. The most effective means to prevent and reduce obesity are physical activity and diet balance. Physical activity is the most active method to prevent and control obesity, which can help obese people control their weight, improve their physiological function, prevent weight rebound after losing weight and reduce the occurrence of chronic diseases related to obesity.

  4. Osteoporosis

  Osteoporosis is a bone tissue disease characterized by decreased bone density, changes in microstructure of bone tissue, and increased fracture susceptibility. Physical activity helps to increase bone mass, improve bone structure, slow down the loss of bone mass caused by aging, prevent falls and reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures by enhancing muscle strength and balance.

  5. Cancer

  Cancer, also known as malignant tumor, ranks second among the total causes of death among Chinese residents. Physical activity can reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers, relieve the pain of postoperative treatment of cancer patients, and improve the survival rate and quality of life of cancer patients. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 30% of cancers can be prevented by physical activities.

  6. Depression

  Depression, also known as depressive disorder. In recent years, the incidence of depression in China is on the rise. Physical fitness activities can change the chemical composition of the brain, cause good emotional and state responses, effectively prevent depression, and have a positive intervention effect on patients with mild to moderate depression.

  (C) improve the efficiency of study and work

  Physical fitness activities can improve people’s cognitive ability and make people concentrate. Regular physical fitness activities can reduce the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters, delay central fatigue, have a good impact on the nervous system, help improve the learning efficiency and academic performance of teenagers, extend the effective working hours of adults and improve work efficiency.

Third, the sports ability test and evaluation

  Sports ability refers to the ability of the human body to engage in sports activities. The sports ability test and evaluation of this guide includes single sports ability test and evaluation and comprehensive sports ability evaluation. Before engaging in sports activities, the human body should comprehensively test and evaluate the indexes related to sports ability, so as to scientifically formulate personalized sports activities programs. At different stages of engaging in sports activities, we should regularly carry out sports ability tests to objectively evaluate the effect of sports activities and ensure the safety and effectiveness of sports activities.

  (A) individual sports ability test and evaluation

  Single exercise ability test includes aerobic exercise ability, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and reaction ability test. The evaluation of individual sports ability adopts a five-point system, with 5 being excellent, 4 being good, 3 being medium, 2 being poor and 1 being poor.

  1. Aerobic exercise ability

  Aerobic exercise ability reflects the ability of human body to carry out aerobic exercise for a long time, which is closely related to cardiopulmonary function. Strong aerobic exercise ability indicates good cardiopulmonary function. Good aerobic exercise ability is an important sign of good health. Regular participation in sports activities can maintain and improve the aerobic exercise ability of human body.

  Maximum oxygen uptake is an important index to evaluate aerobic exercise ability.

  2. Muscle strength

  Muscle strength is the ability of muscle to overcome or resist resistance when it is tense or contracting. Muscle strength test indicators include grip strength, back strength, push-ups, sit-ups, vertical jump test and so on.

  3. Flexibility, balance and reaction ability

  Flexibility refers to the range of motion of each joint during physical activity and the elasticity and stretching ability of ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin and other tissues across the joint. Good flexibility can increase the range of motion and reduce sports injuries.

  ② Balance refers to the ability to maintain body posture or control the center of gravity. Balance ability is the basis of static and dynamic activities. Good balance ability can effectively prevent all kinds of injuries caused by falls.

  ③ Reaction ability mainly refers to the ability of the human central nervous system to consciously control the rapid movement of the skeletal muscle system after receiving certain instructions or stimuli, which embodies the coordination between the nerve and the muscle system.

  (2) Comprehensive sports ability evaluation

  Cardiopulmonary function is one of the most important factors affecting human health, and aerobic exercise ability is closely related to cardiopulmonary function. Therefore, aerobic exercise ability is ranked first in the comprehensive exercise ability evaluation system, with a weight of 40%.

  Obesity can induce a variety of chronic diseases and become an important risk factor for public health. BMI is an index reflecting the degree of obesity. In view of the important role of BMI in the evaluation system of physical fitness and health, and its obvious influence on sports ability, BMI is included in the comprehensive evaluation system of sports ability, with a weight of 20%.

  The calculation formula of BMI is: weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m) [BMI= weight (kg)/height 2 (m 2)]. The normal range of China people’s BMI is greater than 18.5 and less than 24, with BMI equal to or greater than 24 being overweight and equal to or greater than 28 being obese.

  Muscle strength is closely related to exercise ability and quality of life, and its weight is 20%. The weights of flexibility, balance and responsiveness are 10%, 5% and 5% respectively.

  According to the weights and coefficients of different individual sports ability indexes in the comprehensive sports ability evaluation, the comprehensive sports ability score is calculated, and the calculation method is as follows:

  Comprehensive athletic ability score = aerobic athletic ability score ×8+ muscle strength score ×4+BMI score ×4+ flexibility score ×2+ balance ability score ×1+ reaction ability score ×1.

  The comprehensive sports ability evaluation adopts four grades: 85 or above is excellent, 75 or above is good, 60 or above is qualified, and less than 60 is poor.

Fourth, the principle of physical fitness activities

  Engaged in physical fitness activities, we must follow the following principles and develop good habits of physical fitness activities.

  (A) the principle of safety

  The principle of safety refers to that in the process of physical fitness activities, it is the primary principle to ensure that sports participants do not appear or try to avoid sports injury accidents. Before starting physical fitness activities, you should have a physical examination, comprehensively evaluate your physical condition and sports ability, and make a physical fitness program suitable for your own characteristics. Make full preparations before physical fitness activities, and do a good job of sorting out and relaxing after physical fitness activities.

  (B) the principle of all-round development

  The principle of all-round development means that in physical fitness activities, all parts of the body should participate in sports, so that the functional level of various organ systems can be generally improved, not only to improve cardiopulmonary function and immune ability, but also to improve physical fitness such as muscle strength and flexibility. Therefore, it is necessary to choose physical fitness activities involving the main muscle groups of the whole body to achieve all-round development results.

  (3) The principle of gradual progress

  The principle of gradual progress refers to scientifically and gradually increasing the time and intensity of physical fitness activities. The principle of step by step emphasizes that according to one’s adaptability to physical fitness activities, one should gradually increase the exercise load, so as to improve one’s physical function and athletic ability continuously, so as to achieve the best physical fitness activities.

  (D) the principle of individuality

  The principle of individuation refers to making individualized exercise and fitness programs according to everyone’s genetic characteristics, functional characteristics and exercise habits. When making an exercise and fitness program, it is necessary to carry out necessary medical examination and exercise ability test in order to understand everyone’s specific situation and make the exercise and fitness program more personalized.

Five, physical fitness program elements

  To make a plan of physical fitness activities, we should mainly consider three basic elements: the way of physical fitness activities, the intensity of physical fitness activities and the time of physical fitness activities.

  (A) Physical fitness activities

  Physical exercise mode is the specific fitness means and methods adopted by physical fitness activists. According to the sports characteristics of different sports and fitness activities, sports and fitness activities can be classified into five categories: aerobic exercise, strength exercise, ball games, traditional sports in China and traction exercise.

  1. Aerobic exercise

  Aerobic exercise refers to the rhythmic periodic exercise in which the main muscle groups of the whole body participate under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply. During aerobic exercise, the main muscle groups of the whole body participate in the work, which can improve the human function in an all-round way and is the most popular way of physical activity at home and abroad. Aerobic exercise is divided into moderate intensity exercise and high intensity exercise. Moderate exercise intensity mainly includes fitness walking, jogging (6 ~ 8 km/h), cycling (12 ~ 16 km/h), mountain climbing, stair climbing, swimming, etc. High-intensity exercise mainly includes running (more than 8 km/h) and cycling (more than 16 km/h). Moderate intensity aerobic exercise has a steady rhythm and is the safest way for middle-aged and elderly people to exercise.

  People should take aerobic exercise as the basic way of physical activity when they are engaged in physical fitness activities. Aerobic exercise is the first choice for physical exercisers whose main purpose is to improve cardiopulmonary function, lose weight, regulate blood pressure and improve blood lipid.

  2. Strength exercises

  Strength training refers to the way that the human body overcomes resistance and improves muscle strength. Strength exercises include non-instrumental strength exercises and instrumental strength exercises. Non-instrumental exercises refer to strength exercises to overcome one’s own resistance, including push-ups, vertical jumping in situ, sit-ups, etc. Instrument strength exercise refers to the strength exercise that the human body carries out on various strength exercise instruments.

  Strength exercises can improve muscle strength, increase muscle volume, develop muscle endurance, and promote bone development and bone health. Teenagers’ strength exercises can obviously improve their physical fitness and make their bodies stronger; After adulthood, with the growth of age, strength exercises should be increased year by year; Strength exercises for the elderly can improve their balance ability and prevent all kinds of accidental injuries caused by physical falls.

  3. Ball games

  Ball games include direct physical contact ball games and indirect physical contact ball games. The former includes basketball, football, rugby, hockey, ice hockey, etc. The latter includes volleyball, table tennis, badminton, tennis, gateball and softball.

  Ball games are interesting, and participants’ interest in sports can be improved through competition and confrontation. Ball games have certain special technical requirements and need good physical fitness as the foundation. Regular participation in ball games can improve the body’s cardiopulmonary function, muscle strength and reaction ability, and adjust the psychological state, which is the first choice for teenagers.

  4. Traditional sports in China.

  Traditional sports in China include Wushu and Qigong. Specific forms of activities include Tai Ji Chuan (sword), Mulan Boxing (sword), martial arts routines, Wuqin Opera, Baduanjin, Yijinjing, Six-character Tactics and so on.

  China’s traditional sports and fitness methods are gentle, soft and rigid, and emphasize the combination of ideas and physical activities, which has a unique health-keeping effect. It can improve the cardiopulmonary function and balance ability of human body, improve the function of nervous system and adjust mental state, and has good safety.

  People, especially middle-aged and elderly people, whose main fitness purpose is to improve their balance, flexibility and coordination, improve their heart and lung functions and adjust their mental state can choose the traditional exercise and fitness methods in China.

  5. Pulling exercises

  Traction exercises include static traction exercises and dynamic traction exercises. Various traction exercises can increase the range of motion of joints, improve sports skills and reduce sports injuries.

  Static traction includes positive pressure leg, side leg press, shoulder pressing, etc. Dynamic traction includes forward kicking, side kicking, waist swinging, etc. Those who take part in physical fitness activities for the first time should focus on static traction exercises, and gradually increase the content of dynamic traction exercises with the improvement of flexibility.

  See Table 1 for the fitness effects of different sports activities.

  Recommend sports activities according to the purpose of sports and fitness;

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to improve their physical fitness and strengthen their bodies choose their favorite physical fitness activities that can be adhered to for a long time, such as aerobic exercise, ball games and traditional China fitness exercises.

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to improve heart and lung function should choose aerobic exercise, ball games and other physical fitness activities in which the whole body muscles participate.

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to reduce weight should choose long-term aerobic exercise. Long-term and moderate-intensity physical fitness activities can increase body fat consumption and reduce fat content. Long-term brisk walking, jogging and cycling are ideal exercise methods to reduce weight.

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to adjust their mental state should choose various recreational ball games and traditional China sports such as Tai Ji Chuan and Qigong, so as to relieve their psychological pressure and improve their sleep.

  — — Sports athletes whose main purpose is to increase muscle strength can choose instrumental strength exercises and non-instrumental strength exercises according to their own fitness needs and conditions. The effect of strength exercises is related to strength load and repetition times. Generally, strength exercises with large load and few repetitions mainly develop muscle strength, while strength exercises with small load and multiple repetitions mainly develop muscle endurance.

  — — Physical exercisers with the main purpose of improving flexibility can choose various pulling exercises, especially in the preparation and relaxation stages, which can not only save physical exercise time, but also achieve better fitness results. Various aerobic exercises, aerobics, Tai Ji Chuan, Qigong and yoga can improve flexibility.

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to improve their balance ability can choose various special balance training methods, including sitting balance ability exercise, standing balance ability exercise and sports balance ability exercise. Tai Ji Chuan (sword), table tennis, badminton, tennis, softball and other sports can also improve the balance ability of the human body.

  — — Physical exercisers whose main purpose is to improve their reaction ability can choose various ball games, such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, football and tennis, which can improve their reaction ability.

  See Table 2 for the recommended sports activities according to the purpose of sports and fitness.

  (B) the intensity of physical fitness activities

  The intensity of physical fitness activities is an important content of making physical fitness activities plan. The intensity is too small, and there is no obvious fitness effect; Excessive intensity is not only bad for fitness, but also may cause sports injuries.

  1, the intensity of physical fitness activities.

  The intensity of physical fitness activities can be divided into three levels: low intensity, medium intensity and high intensity.

  Low-intensity exercise has little stimulation to the body, and the center rate of exercise process is generally less than 100 times/minute, such as walking.

  Moderate intensity exercise stimulates the body moderately, and the center rate of exercise process is generally 100 ~ 140 times/minute, such as walking, jogging, cycling, Tai Ji Chuan, tennis doubles and so on.

  High-intensity exercise can stimulate the body, which can further improve the fitness effect. The sports center rate exceeds 140 times/minute, such as running, fast cycling, fast-paced aerobics and fast mountain climbing, stair climbing, tennis singles, etc.

  People with good exercise habits and good physique can do high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise; People with certain exercise habits and good physique can use moderate intensity exercise; People who participate in physical fitness activities or are weak in physique at the beginning can exercise at moderate or low intensity. Physical exercisers can adjust their exercise intensity scientifically according to their own conditions to adapt to individual conditions when implementing the physical fitness program.

  2. Monitoring the intensity of physical fitness activities

  The indexes for monitoring the intensity of physical fitness activities include exercise center rate, breathing changes during exercise and self-feeling during exercise.

  (1) monitoring the intensity of physical fitness activities with heart rate.

  The greater the intensity of physical fitness activities, the more obvious the body and heart respond to sports stimuli and the faster the heart rate. Generally, the maximum heart rate percentage and the measured heart rate during exercise are commonly used to monitor the intensity of physical exercise.

  The maximum heart rate refers to the fastest heartbeat frequency that can be achieved during human movement, expressed in beats per minute. There are two methods to measure the maximum heart rate: direct measurement and indirect inference. For direct measurement, it is necessary to adopt incremental load exercise testing in special testing institutions, which requires special exercise testing instruments and equipment.

  The maximum heart rate of human body is related to age, and the maximum heart rate of normal people can be calculated by the following formula: maximum heart rate (beats/minute) =220- age (year)

  During physical exercise, the heart rate is 85% or above the maximum heart rate, which is equivalent to high-intensity exercise; The heart rate is controlled in the range of 60% ~ 85% of the maximum heart rate, which is equivalent to moderate intensity exercise; The heart rate is controlled in the range of 50% ~ 60% of the maximum heart rate, which is equivalent to low-intensity exercise.

  In the process of physical fitness activities, when the measured heart rate reaches more than 140 beats/minute, it is equivalent to high-intensity exercise; The heart rate is in the range of 100 ~ 140 beats/min, which is equivalent to moderate intensity exercise, and the heart rate is lower than 100 beats/min, which is equivalent to low intensity exercise.

  (2) Monitoring the intensity of physical fitness activities by breathing.

  Physical fitness activities cause changes in human respiratory frequency and depth, and exercise intensity can be monitored according to the changes in breathing during exercise.

  Breathing easily: compared with the quiet state, the breathing frequency and breathing depth change little during exercise, and breathing is stable, so you can sing. The exercise heart rate in this breathing state is generally below 100 beats/min, which is equivalent to low-intensity exercise.

  Breathing is relatively easy: the breathing depth and breathing frequency increase during exercise, and normal language communication can be achieved. The exercise heart rate is equivalent to 100 ~ 120 beats/min, which is a moderate and small intensity exercise.

  Shortness of breath: you can only speak short sentences during exercise, but you can’t fully express long sentences. The exercise heart rate is equivalent to 130 ~ 140 beats/min, which is a moderate intensity exercise.

  Shortness of breath: it is difficult to breathe during exercise, and you can’t talk in words during exercise. Exercise heart rate generally exceeds 140 beats/min, which is a high-intensity exercise.

  (3) Monitor the intensity of physical fitness activities with subjective physical sense.

  Subjective physical feeling in the process of human exercise can be divided into 6-20 grades. The subjective physical feeling of low-intensity exercise is relaxed (grade 9-10), the subjective physical feeling of moderate-intensity exercise is slightly tired (grade 13-14), and the subjective physical feeling of high-intensity exercise is tired (grade 15-16).

  Subjective physical sensation levels are closely related to heart rate. The number of subjective physical sensation levels during exercise is multiplied by 10, which is equivalent to the heart rate during exercise (times/minute). For example, the number of subjective physical sensation levels in exercise is 12, which is equivalent to the heart rate of 120 beats/minute in exercise.

  Physical exercisers can control exercise intensity through subjective physical feeling. Generally speaking, when doing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, the subjective physical feeling is relaxed or slightly tired.

  See Table 3 for the intensity division and monitoring of physical fitness activities.

  3. Strength training intensity and fitness effect

  The greater the load weight of strength exercises, the greater the exercise intensity. When doing strength exercises, the maximum repetitive load (RM) is often used to indicate the magnitude of load intensity. Maximum repetitive load refers to the maximum number of strength exercises that can be repeated when a certain load is used in muscle strength exercises. For example, when a person flexes and stretches a dumbbell, the maximum load is 20kg, and it can only be repeated once, then 20kg is the maximum repeated load (1RM) of his dumbbell. If he can repeat the flexion and extension of the load-bearing arm for 8 times at most with a load of 15 kg, then 15 kg is the maximum repeated load (8RM) of his load-bearing arm for 8 times. In non-instrumental strength training, a person can complete 8 push-ups, which is equivalent to 8RM, and so on.

  Strength training load intensity can be divided into three levels: low intensity, medium intensity and high intensity, and strength training intensity is closely related to fitness effect.

  High-intensity strength exercises, equivalent to 1 ~ 10rm, each load weight is repeated for 1 ~ 10 times, and each part is repeated for 2 ~ 3 groups, and the interval between groups is 2 ~ 3 minutes. High-intensity strength exercises are mainly used to improve the maximum muscle contraction strength.

  Moderate intensity strength exercise, equivalent to 11 ~ 20rm, the repetition times of each load weight are 10 ~ 20 times, each part is repeated in 3 groups, and the interval between groups is 1 ~ 2 minutes. Moderate intensity strength exercises can be used to improve muscle strength and increase muscle volume.

  Low-intensity strength exercise, equivalent to 20RM or above, each load weight is repeated more than 20 times, each part is repeated in 2 groups, and the interval between groups is 1 minute. Low-intensity strength exercises are mainly used to develop muscle endurance.

  (3) Time for physical fitness activities

  The time of each physical fitness activity directly affects the effect of physical fitness activities. Exercise time is too short, which has little effect on improving physical function; However, if the exercise time is too long, it will easily cause fatigue accumulation and will not further increase the fitness effect. For people who often participate in physical exercise, the effective physical fitness activity time is 30 ~ 90 minutes every day. In the initial stage of participating in physical fitness activities, the exercise time can be slightly shorter; After a period of physical fitness activities, the body can adapt to sports and can extend the exercise time. Physical fitness activities can be carried out once a day or several times separately, and each physical fitness activity should last for more than 10 minutes.

  People who are used to physical fitness activities should exercise for 3-7 days a week, with 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 20-25 minutes of high-intensity exercise every day. In order to achieve the ideal effect of physical fitness activities, we should carry out moderate-intensity exercise for more than 150 minutes or high-intensity exercise for more than 75 minutes every week; If you have good exercise habits, and the comprehensive evaluation of exercise ability test is above good, you can do 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 150 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week, and the fitness effect is better.

Six, the content and arrangement of a physical fitness activity

  A complete physical fitness activity should include three parts: preparation activity, basic activity and relaxation activity, as shown in Table 4.

  (1) Preparatory activities

  Warm-up activities refer to various physical exercises before the start of major physical fitness activities. The main function of warm-up activities is to mobilize the functional potential of heart, lungs, muscles and other organ systems in advance, so as to adapt to the upcoming various fitness activities, obtain the best exercise fitness effect, and effectively prevent acute and chronic sports injuries.

  The preparation time is generally 5 ~ 10 minutes, which mainly includes two aspects. First, carry out proper aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking and jogging, so as to "warm up" various organ systems of the body and enter the working state in advance; The second is to carry out various traction exercises to increase joint mobility, improve the elasticity of soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments, and prevent muscle injury.

  (2) Basic activities Basic activities are the main forms of physical exercise, including aerobic exercise, strength exercise, ball games and traditional China sports and fitness methods, which generally last for 30-60 minutes. In a physical fitness activity, it is necessary to choose a suitable exercise mode and control the appropriate exercise intensity and exercise time. In the arrangement of physical fitness activities in a week, physical fitness activists can have different physical fitness activities and exercise intensity according to their own situation. See Table 5 for the arrangement of exercise intensity, duration and exercise frequency of different physical fitness activities.

  (3) Relaxation activities

  Relaxation activities refer to all kinds of physical activities after the main physical fitness activities, mainly including low-intensity activities such as walking (or jogging) and various pulling exercises. After physical fitness activities, doing some moderate relaxation activities will help to eliminate fatigue, alleviate or avoid some uncomfortable symptoms in the body, and gradually restore the functions of various organs and systems of the body from the exercise state to the quiet state. Doing some traction exercises is conducive to improving the flexibility of the body.

Seven, different stages of physical fitness activities.

  (A) the initial physical fitness program

  People who have just participated in physical fitness activities have less exercise load, and the duration of each physical fitness activity is relatively short, so that the body gradually adapts to the exercise load and the exercise ability is gradually improved. At the beginning of the physical fitness activity plan, you should choose the physical fitness activity mode that you like or conform to the fitness purpose. There should be a comfortable sense of fatigue after exercise, which basically disappears the next day after exercise.

  At the beginning of physical fitness activities, the principle of increasing exercise load is to increase the daily exercise time, then increase the number of days of exercise per week, and finally increase the intensity of exercise.

  The initial period of physical fitness activities is about 8 weeks, and the specific plan is as follows:

  — — Exercise mode: moderate intensity aerobic exercise, ball games, China traditional exercise mode and flexibility exercise.

  — — Exercise intensity: 55% of the maximum heart rate, gradually increasing to 60%.

  — — Duration: Exercise for 10-20 minutes each time, and gradually increase to 30-40 minutes.

  — — Exercise frequency: 3 days/week, gradually increasing to 5 days/week.

  See Table 6 for an example of the initial physical fitness program.

  (2) Medium-term sports fitness program

  After 8 weeks of physical fitness activities, the human body basically adapts to the exercise load at the initial stage of exercise, and its physical function and exercise ability are improved, so it can enter the middle stage of physical fitness activities. At this stage, continue to increase the intensity and time of exercise, and gradually increase the time of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise to 150 minutes or more per week, so that the body can adapt to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. The medium-term physical fitness activities last about 8 weeks, and the specific plan is as follows:

  — — Exercise mode: maintain the initial mode of physical fitness activities; Increase strength exercises appropriately.

  — — Exercise intensity: aerobic exercise intensity gradually increases from 60% ~ 65% of the maximum heart rate to 70% ~ 80% of the maximum heart rate; Anaerobic exercise can be arranged once a week, and the strength exercise uses a load of more than 20RM, which is repeated 6 ~ 8 times.

  — — Duration: 30 ~ 50 minutes for each exercise; If anaerobic exercise is arranged, exercise for 10 ~ 15 minutes each time; 1 ~ 2 strength exercises once a week, 6 ~ 8 kinds of muscle strength exercises each time, and 1 ~ 2 groups are repeated for 5 ~ 10 minutes.

  — — Exercise frequency: 3 ~ 5 days/week.

  At this stage, the physical fitness program is basically fixed, and gradually transitions to a long-term and stable physical fitness program. See Table 7 for examples of mid-term physical fitness activities.

  (3) Long-term physical fitness program

  When the physical function reaches a higher level and good habits of physical fitness activities are formed, a long-term stable physical fitness activity plan suitable for one’s own characteristics should be established. Long-term and stable physical fitness activities should include at least 200-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week; Carry out strength exercises 2 ~ 3 times a week, and pull exercises no less than 5 times. The specific scheme is as follows:

  — — Exercise mode: maintain the exercise mode in the middle stage of physical fitness activities.

  — — Exercise intensity: moderate intensity exercise is equivalent to 60% ~ 80% of the maximum heart rate, and high intensity exercise reaches more than 80% of the maximum heart rate; Strength exercises are performed with a load of 10 ~ 20 rm and repeated for 10 ~ 15 times; All kinds of pulling exercises.

  — — Duration: 30-60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each time, or 15-25 minutes of high intensity anaerobic exercise, or alternating moderate and high intensity exercise; 8 ~ 10 kinds of muscle strength exercises, each repeated 2 ~ 3 groups, each time for 5 ~ 10 minutes of stretching exercises.

  — — Exercise frequency: exercise for 5 ~ 7 days/week, and high-intensity exercise should not exceed 3 times per week.

  See Table 8 for examples of long-term physical fitness activities.

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North Korea and the United States shouted experts at the end of the year: it is expected that North Korea will not cross the "red line" of the United States

  The end of this year is the deadline set by the DPRK for the denuclearization negotiations between the DPRK and the United States, but the DPRK-US dialogue has still not made progress. The outside world is worried that both sides will take action because the deadline is approaching, but at the same time, it is also expected that both sides can release positive signals and change the current situation.

  The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is a top priority in North Korea at present. This is the second time that the WPK has held a plenary session for more than two consecutive days after 29 years. According to a report by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea entered the agenda for the third day on the 30th, and Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, continued to give a report.

  This photo provided by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019 shows that Kim Jong-un spoke at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The eyes of the outside world focused on the latest statement of the meeting: "Actively take measures to comprehensively safeguard national sovereignty and security" is the Chinese version of Korean Central News Agency’s statement, while literal translation of the original text should be "positive and offensive measures". The word "offensive" has aroused widespread concern. Lee Sang-min, spokesman of South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said on December 30th that regarding the so-called "offensive measures" mentioned by the DPRK at this meeting, the ROK will pay close attention to the contents and resolutions of the follow-up meeting of the DPRK.

  At the same time, the United States’ recent tough stance toward the DPRK has not relaxed at all. In an interview with the media on December 29th, White House National Security Adviser O ‘Brien said, "If North Korea takes action, the United States, as a major military and economic power, will take appropriate actions to respond." He added, "There are many choices in the American toolkit".

  In addition to the "offensive" expression, we should also pay attention to others.

  Both sides seem to have a tendency to wait for opportunities. Liu Tiancong, an associate researcher at the Northeast Asia Institute of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said in an interview with The Paper, "It seems that both sides are showing strength, but this is not the case. The two sides still have some tacit understanding. The upper limit of US-DPRK relations depends on the United States, and the lower limit depends on North Korea. Specifically, whether we can talk about it and talk about the results depends on the United States; Whether it will collapse depends on North Korea. "

  Wang Junsheng, a researcher at the Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences, also pointed out in an interview with The Paper that "since 2018, North Korea has made great contributions to easing the situation on the peninsula, but it has not received the expected return from the United States. North Korea assessed that the United States hopes to crush North Korea through pressure, so it said ‘ Active and offensive ’ The key meaning of is to express ‘ We can’t be crushed ’ But in any case, the DPRK still puts constructive and positive words in front, and it is also releasing signals to the outside. "

  In fact, it must be noted that the discussion on the military and national security aspects is only a part of this domestic meeting in North Korea, which also involves many other contents, among which the economy is still the most concerned aspect. According to Korean Central News Agency’s report on December 31, 2019, Kim Jong-un emphasized the principle of strengthening party building and enhancing the role of cadres, and spent seven hours making a comprehensive report on the work of the CPC Central Committee, national construction, economic development and military construction of the DPRK.

  Korean Central News Agency said that Kim Jong-un "anatomically" comprehensively analyzed a series of problems in the overall national construction, such as current national management and economic construction.

  Wang Junsheng believes that the shift of North Korea’s strategic center to economic construction in 2018 is a new thing for North Korea, because in the process of transformation, there may be problems that have not appeared before. The analysis of these problems is an important part of this meeting, and besides, it is necessary to unify thoughts and cognition internally.

  Liu Tiancong said that although there are some tough messages in the content of the Fifth Plenary Session, it is prudent and continuous on the whole, and the fields involved are comprehensive and extensive. Most of the content is to emphasize economic development and party building, not just to show strength to the outside world. As an important meeting held at this important stage, the outcome of the Fifth Plenary Session will determine North Korea’s domestic and foreign policies for a long time to come.

  The fluctuation of US-DPRK relations stems from the lack of basic trust.

  Just before this meeting, the seventh the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Workers’ Party of Korea just held its third enlarged meeting and decided to further strengthen the overall armed forces of the Korean People’s Army and other countries politically and militarily. This signal is the epitome of the whole December 2019. In the past 30 days, the DPRK and the United States have intensively tested each other with tough tone and practices, including two "major tests" conducted by the DPRK at the West Sea satellite launch site one week apart, and a series of threatening targeted remarks made by the US from President Trump to Secretary of Defense Esper to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Millie.

  On December 16, 2019, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Beagan was in Seoul. In sharp contrast to the Xinhua News Agency, the State Council’s special representative for North Korea policy, Beagan, visited South Korea, Japan and China in mid-December 2019, and finally failed. Previously, the contact with North Korean officials was finally dashed. In fact, this can be foreseen as early as an expression by Myong gil Kim, the visiting ambassador of the DPRK Foreign Ministry in November, when he said, "If the United States only holds talks to successfully get through the end of the year, then North Korea is not interested in such talks."

  In Singapore in June 2018, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reached a four-point consensus in the joint statement signed jointly, and the outside world generally had more positive expectations for the DPRK-US relations. However, in 2019, the DPRK-US relations have been fluctuating repeatedly. First, from the Hanoi summit in February, Trump crossed the "38th parallel" and became the first incumbent US president to enter North Korea. Then, in October, the Swedish working talks between the two sides ended without results, and the DPRK-US relations were full of twists and turns like a roller coaster.

  On June 30, 2019, US President Trump (right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held talks at the "Freedom House" on the Korean side of Panmunjom. Xinhua News Agency data map Liu Tiancong believes that the fundamental reason for the intermittent relationship between the United States and the DPRK lies in: on the one hand, there are fundamental differences between the two sides on the issue of denuclearization that are difficult to reconcile; On the other hand, the two countries, mainly the United States, need to maintain the basic atmosphere of dialogue in order to obtain political interests. For more than a year, even if the relationship between the United States and North Korea was warm for a while, it was just a political need, which was difficult to last and even more difficult to go deep.

  "There is a lack of the most basic trust between the DPRK and the United States." Wang Junsheng believes that this is the core issue that caused this situation. "The DPRK and the United States have reached a consensus on the direction of solving the Korean Peninsula issue, but this year’s issue is how to implement it, in other words, who will take the first step. North Korea is unwilling to declare its nuclear weapons program first and abandon its nuclear program first, fearing that the United States will strike, while the United States is worried that North Korea will renege after lifting sanctions. " Wang Junsheng pointed out that this situation not only requires the persistence of both sides, but also urgently requires the intervention of a third party.

  The international community actively promotesword

  At the same time, all parties in the international community hope that the tense fire of DPRK-US relations in 2019 will spread to the upcoming New Year as little as possible.

  On December 30th, the UN Security Council held an informal meeting to discuss the second round of the proposal put forward by China and the Russian Federation to partially lift sanctions against North Korea. Although the final result of the proposal is unknown, and there are many predictions that the attitude of the United States will not be reversed at all, it is an attempt to solve the peninsula problem politically in any case. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference on the 31st that at this meeting, all parties further exchanged views on the draft resolution and were willing to keep in touch with each other on the next step of negotiation.

  On December 24th, when asked about the relevant issues, the spokesman of the UN Secretary-General said, "Our message to North Korean leaders is to commit to peace and stability on the peninsula and resume working-level dialogue with the United States."

  At the previous meeting of leaders of China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries also reiterated that denuclearization of the peninsula and lasting peace in Northeast Asia are the common goal of the three parties, and dialogue and consultation are the only effective way to solve the peninsula problem. They also said that they should strengthen communication and coordination among the three countries on peninsula affairs and play a constructive role in realizing denuclearization of the peninsula and long-term stability in Northeast Asia.

  Late at night on December 21st, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said after a telephone conversation with US President Trump that Japan will strive to promote North Korea’s efforts to achieve denuclearization of the peninsula through peaceful dialogue, and Japan fully supports the US-DPRK negotiations on denuclearization of the peninsula.

  At 6: 30 pm local time on February 27, 2019, the second US-DPRK summit was unveiled at Sofitel Legend Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. Under the eyes of everyone, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walked into the venue and smiled and shook hands. Liu Tiancong predicted that according to the current situation, North Korea is not expected to do anything too outrageous, such as resuming nuclear tests. North Korea may show toughness by launching short-and medium-range land-based missiles, submarine-launched missiles and even satellites, but these will not touch the red line of the United States and will not lead to the collapse of the US-DPRK dialogue. As long as North Korea does not cross the line, Trump will not take the initiative to worsen US-DPRK relations and find trouble for himself before the election. Therefore, it is quite possible for the situation on the peninsula to maintain the current situation and even further resume the dialogue between the United States and the DPRK.

  Wang Junsheng believes that all parties should strive for the common denominator as much as possible, try to continue discussing the reversible clauses of resolutions concerning the DPRK within the framework of the UN Security Council, and work out a clear road map for lifting sanctions, and then try to deal with the contents related to the humanitarian field first.

Wu Chuan: "Cook glutinous rice balls together to celebrate Yuanxiao" conveys love and warms the hearts of the elderly!

Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is an important traditional festival in China. Every Lantern Festival, every household will cook and eat dumplings. The appearance of dumplings is round, which means that every family is round and sweet. In order to let the old people feel the festive atmosphere and the warm care of the society. On the morning of February 25th, Wuchuan Chuangwen Office and Municipal Civilization Office led more than 20 volunteers, including Tianzhu Huiai Service Team and Tianzhu Life Care Team, to come to Wuchuan Shallow Water Nursing Home to carry out the "Our Festival Lantern Festival" volunteer service activity with the theme of "Cooking glutinous rice balls together to celebrate Lantern Festival" and spend the happy and peaceful Lantern Festival with the elderly in the nursing home.
Accompanied by the resident manager of the nursing home, the condolence team delivered solatium and condolences warmly sponsored by Liang Yaozhong, general manager of Zhanjiang Xipai Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. to the elders.
Volunteers make dumplings and cook them with the elders in the nursing home. The usual silence and long-term loneliness have been broken. From time to time, people burst into laughter and applause, so that they can personally experience the warmth and care given by volunteer service during the Lantern Festival and live a warm and peaceful festival.
Vigorously carrying out voluntary activities is an important embodiment of the progress of contemporary social civilization, the focus of creative work, and the unshirkable responsibility of contemporary youth. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Volunteer service is like flying spring poems, driving away the loneliness of the elderly, like flying Haruka, retaining the joy of the elderly.
Chen Rong, member of the Standing Committee of Wuchuan Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, appealed to the society: "I hope more people can participate in volunteer service activities, provide more care for the elderly who are lonely, and let the elderly have a sense of security, hope and happiness, so that the concept of volunteering can be widely popularized and the spirit of volunteerism can be vigorously promoted."
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Reporter: Guan Jiayu Correspondent: Long Zhisong, Xie Nijun
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Photo Reporter: Guan Jiayu Correspondent: Long Zhisong, Xie Nijun
Guangzhou Daily Full Media Editor: Tong Dan

Today, the sunshine returns briefly, and the temperature will still be low tomorrow morning, and there will be thin ice in the suburbs of MINUS 1 degree to 0 degree! The weather next week →

The temperature continues to be low.
It snowed in most parts of Shanghai today.
Chongming, Qingpu, Minhang, Jiading,
Pudong, Yangshan Port and Xujiahui Station
Light sleet or light snow was observed.
Because the lowest temperature in the morning is generally 0℃ to MINUS 1℃, there is slight snow or ice on the elevated and shady sections. During the day, the surface temperature is above 0℃, and snow or ice does not last long. The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory lifted the yellow warning signal of road icing at 12: 15 today.
In the afternoon, sunshine appeared in some areas. The highest temperature in the city was generally around 3℃, and Xujiahui Station was 3.7℃.
It’s cloudy to cloudy tonight, with sporadic light rain or sleet in the east. It will be cloudy to cloudy tomorrow, with short-term light rain in some areas. It is a northerly wind of grade 3~4. The temperature will still be low tomorrow morning,The urban area is about 1℃, and the suburban area is 1℃ to 0℃ below zero, with thin ice. During the day, with the sunshine, the temperature will rise rapidly, and the highest temperature is expected to be around 7℃.The relative humidity is 90%-50%. The sense of body is still cold.
Affected by the intersection of cold and warm air,It will be rainy and rainy in Shanghai next week.On the 27th, the precipitation will be suspended, and there will be obvious precipitation from the night of the 28th to the 29th. On March 1st, it will gradually stop raining and turn cloudy to cloudy, and the weekend is generally cloudy to cloudy. The temperature fluctuated slightly next week, showing an overall upward trend. On March 1st, the temperature dropped slightly by 4~8℃ throughout the day, and the highest temperature on weekends quickly rose to around 10℃.
Freezing rain in Hubei, Hunan and other places weakened today.
At the end of the month, there will be a large-scale rain and snow weather process in China.
Affected by the continuous intersection of warm and humid airflow and cold air, most of the south will maintain rainy and snowy weather before the beginning of March. Today, the freezing rain weather in Hunan, Guizhou and other places has weakened and the scope has narrowed. However, there are still rainy and snowy weather along the Yangtze River and its southern areas, and the precipitation phase is complicated.
It is estimated that there will be moderate to moderate rain (snow) in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, eastern Northwest China, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northeastern and southwestern China, Jianghan, western Jianghuai, Jiangnan, southern China and western and eastern Tibet from 25th to 27th. On 25th, there will be moderate to heavy snow in eastern Tibet and Daba Mountain area.
The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in Hetao area and central and eastern Inner Mongolia, western and southeastern Tibet, northern North China, western Jianghuai, central and eastern Guizhou and western Hunan. There is freezing rain in high altitude areas in central Guizhou and western Hunan. There is light rain in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, central and western South China and most parts of Guizhou.
From February 28 to March 1, China will welcome a wide range of rain and snow weather, with small to medium snow or sleet in the eastern part of northwest China, western North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and northwestern Jiangnan. There are small to moderate rains in eastern and southern Jiangnan, southern China and Guizhou, and heavy rains in some areas.
In the next 10 days, the number of precipitation days in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River and South China will generally be more than 6 days, with parts of Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other provinces and regions exceeding 8 days. At present, it is still during the return trip to Spring Festival travel rush. It is raining and snowing along the Yangtze River, and the rainy and snowy weather in many places will be very long. The public should pay attention to the changes of traffic information such as flights and trains, drive to widen the distance, reduce the speed, and beware of vehicle skidding.
Xinmin Evening News (xmwb1929) integrated CCTV news and Shanghai weather release.
Editor: Shi Yu

This "America first", everyone is watching a joke.

Only nine months after taking office, Kevin McCarthy, the third person in the United States and Speaker of the House of Representatives, was removed from office on October 3. CNN said that this is the first time in American history that the Speaker of the House of Representatives was voted out.

Not only did he create history when he left office, but McCarthy also staged an embarrassing farce of "once in a hundred years" when he took office at the beginning of this year-after four days and 15 rounds of voting, he barely became the speaker, which was the longest voting in the House of Representatives election for more than 160 years since the Civil War.

Unexpectedly, McCarthy was kicked off the speaker’s position before his ass got hot after he got to the top.

According to Lv Xiang, an expert on American issues at China Academy of Social Sciences, McCarthy’s dismissal was expected. In the initial campaign tug-of-war, McCarthy agreed to lower the threshold of the "recall motion" in order to win the votes of ultra-conservatives in the party, which in itself laid the groundwork for his stepping down. "The end has long been doomed, but I was not sure when this day would come."

Feeling of being dismissed"great"

Judging from the voting results of the recall motion, there were 216 votes in favor and 210 votes against it. In the House of Representatives, which has a majority of Republican seats, McCarthy obviously lost some of his party support votes, that is, some Republican lawmakers "defected" and voted in favor of the recall of McCarthy together with Democratic lawmakers.

·The picture of the US House of Representatives voting on the resolution to recall Republican Speaker McCarthy.

Why was McCarthy "abandoned" by the Republican Party? The direct cause is the parliamentary dispute over the appropriation bill.

The fiscal year 2023 in the United States ended on September 30, and the Democratic Party and the Republican Party had been fighting endlessly over the federal budget appropriation bill for the new fiscal year. Just at the last moment when the government was on the verge of running out of money and preparing to close the door, the short-term appropriation bill was passed on the evening of September 30, local time, temporarily avoiding the crisis of the US federal government’s lockout again.

In fact, the Republican Party originally wanted to give the Democratic US President Biden a "color" look through the appropriation bill.

Ultra-conservatives in the Republican Party have been pressuring McCarthy not to support any provisional appropriation bill, and even threatened to let McCarthy step down once the provisional appropriation bill was passed.

As a result, the Republicans designed it for a long time, and McCarthy broke the chain at the last minute and compromised with the Democratic Party, so that the appropriation bill was passed.

The appropriation bill was passed, and McCarthy was regarded as "meritorious" on the Democratic side, but it also angered the Republican Party and became the fuse for his dismissal.

After being dismissed, McCarthy held a press conference and said that he felt "great" and that he would not run for the Speaker again.

Some media analysts said that McCarthy’s abandonment of re-election is actually saving face. Although he can run for election again immediately according to the law, since he was elected as the speaker after a full 15 rounds of voting last time, it will definitely not be easy if he runs for election again.

·This is McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republican Party, filmed in Washington, DC on September 29th. Xinhua news agency

During his nine months as Speaker of the House of Representatives, McCarthy was repeatedly challenged by ultra-conservatives in the Republican Party.

Earlier this year, the United States almost defaulted on its debt. McCarthy and Biden reached a compromise in May, and Congress passed a bill on the government debt ceiling. At that time, the ultra-conservatives in the Republican Party thought that McCarthy had not pushed hard enough to cut government spending, and once considered proposing a motion to remove McCarthy.

It’s not that McCarthy hasn’t thought about "saving himself". In September this year, on the issue of impeaching Biden, McCarthy handed out an "olive branch" to the radicals in the Republican Party.

On September 12, McCarthy said in Congress that the investigation of Biden’s family members by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee found that Biden’s family had a "culture of corruption" and there might be "abuse of power, obstruction of justice and corruption", so "I announced today that the House Committee will formally launch an impeachment investigation against President Biden".

According to US media reports, McCarthy announced an impeachment investigation against Biden, to some extent to meet the requirements of the far-right conservatives in the Republican Party in the House of Representatives. Some conservative Republican lawmakers said that the impeachment investigation against Biden was only a "small step" and "we should speed up the pace of action". If McCarthy moves slowly, measures may be taken to "step down".

McCarthy, who was threatened to "step down" without a word, was completely caught.

"An actor with poor acting skills"

We can "unite" Republicans by impeaching Biden, or compromise with Democrats for the benefit. It is precisely because of this characteristic of have it both ways that McCarthy is described by the American media as "the best congressional chameleon".

"McCarthy is a typical opportunist. Generally speaking, he is a Republican, but staunch Republicans don’t trust him. " Lu Xiang said that after McCarthy took office, he tried to get support from many parties, but the Republican party could not understand it. He would also play the idea of the Democratic Party and do something to please it. But in the end, McCarthy, who used to be a "fence-sitter" and "fence-sitter", only ended up being dismissed.

In the American political arena where money is paramount, McCarthy’s history can be described as "another way". He can sit in the "third place" with "excellent interpersonal skills".

In 1965, McCarthy was born into an ordinary family in California. His father was a fireman and his grandfather owned a small ranch. As an adult, McCarthy worked as a worker and opened a sandwich shop. In 1987, 22-year-old McCarthy sold the store and used the money to study at California State University.

During his college years, McCarthy met the "Bole" who changed his fate, then Republican Congressman Bill Thomas. McCarthy followed Thomas into the Republican Party and grew from an intern to a long-term congressman around Thomas.

In 2002, 37-year-old McCarthy was elected to the California House of Representatives. In 2007, he entered the Congress to take over the position of Representative Thomas, and inherited his political legacy.


Since he entered Congress, McCarthy has aimed at the throne of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He brought his "interpersonal skills" into full play.

For example, McCarthy can name all members’ families and even know the birthdays of members’ children. He often appears in non-work places such as the National Assembly Gym, creating opportunities to "bump into" colleagues and talk with them. He can always say the right words at the right time to make the other person feel happy.

However, McCarthy, although he got along well in Congress, was not loved. An insider working in the House of Representatives once said to the American media: Everyone knows this sentence-McCarthy really cares only about himself.

In 2013, the American drama "House of Cards" started shooting, and kevinspacey fowler, the leading actor, found McCarthy to learn from the scriptures. McCarthy later admitted that he had taken Spacey to "experience life" in Congress. Spacey concluded: "The politicians on Capitol Hill are all bad actors."

·Stills of House of Cards.

A "failed country"

This time, it was Matt Gates, a Republican Congressman from Florida, who proposed to recall McCarthy.

Gates has a long history of not liking McCarthy.

In January this year, when McCarthy sprinted for the position of Speaker, Gates was the biggest obstacle.

After the mid-term elections, the Republican Party won 222 seats and successfully controlled the House of Representatives. As the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, McCarthy should have no suspense in taking over as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

However, the original "going through the motions" vote was deadlocked for four days, and McCarthy did not become the speaker until the fifteenth round of voting.

·McCarthy was still not elected after the eleventh round of voting.

In the fourteenth round of voting, at the critical moment when McCarthy was only one vote away from being elected, Gates once again cast an abstention vote.

Seeing Gates "spoiling the game", McCarthy turned pale with anger and got up and went to him to persuade him to change his position. But gates didn’t give in at all, and he held out his finger and choked with McCarthy.

·On January 6, 2023, on the fourth day of the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, McCarthy and Gates quarreled.

In the end, McCarthy was barely elected by one vote, which was behind the compromise he made by abandoning his dignity. One of the compromises is that McCarthy agreed to lower the threshold for initiating a motion to recall the Speaker of the House of Representatives-any member of the House of Representatives can propose it, instead of the previous requirement of obtaining the support of a majority of members of one party.

These compromises were called "the devil’s deal" by the Washington Post. Democratic Rep. McGovern sarcastically said: "McCarthy has given up everything, including dignity."

Wearing shackles, McCarthy became the speaker. I just didn’t expect that the speaker who was elected after 15 rounds of voting was dismissed after one round of voting.

It is worth mentioning that Gates, who constantly advocates putting "shackles" on McCarthy, comes from the far-right liberal party group.

This is a group composed of far-right Republican lawmakers who advocate conservatism and small government, and support budget cuts and decentralization of the House of Representatives. Of the 20 Republican lawmakers who opposed McCarthy’s election as Speaker, 19 were closely related to the Liberal Party. Of the eight Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy, six were members of the Liberal Party.

The number of liberal party members is not large, but the victory lies in unity. If more than 80% of the internal members are against a proposal, others will choose to follow the ticket.

·Before McCarthy took office on January 7th this year, Matt Gates made a speech against McCarthy on January 6th local time.

Lu Xiang believes that the Liberal Party actually inherited the "mantle" of the Tea Party.

Previously, a landmark event of Republican infighting occurred in 2015. At that time, the Tea Party forced john boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives and a Republican, to resign, and the situation was exactly the same as this one.

"The liberal party group is like a small group in the majority party, and it can also be understood as a small shareholder in a large company, and it is a decisive minority shareholder." Lu Xiang believes that the small party groups differentiated within the majority party can achieve the role of "the majority obeys the minority"-although you can’t do anything big, you can’t do anything.

It is difficult for the two parties to cooperate with each other, the internal struggles among political parties continue, and minority groups hold the decision-making power … The American media described the Republicans in the House of Representatives as a "failed country".

Before the new speaker took office, McCarthy temporarily appointed his confidant Patrick McHenry as the interim speaker. The BBC believes that whoever succeeds McCarthy will face a broken mess.

How to deal with the mess for the time being, mchenry’s new official took office, and issued a written order, demanding that former US House Speaker nancy pelosi vacate the office of the Capitol immediately, and that the office should return to the right path, "for the use of the Speaker only".

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Text Editor: Fang Ying

Author: global person Chen Jiali Mao Yufei

Source: vision china

Photo editor: Xu Jiamin