2014 Beijing Auto Show: BYD Tang was officially released at the auto show.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

The real endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in extremely cold environment triggered a heated discussion!

   Recently, an extreme endurance test drive of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM super-native hybrid vehicle has attracted wide attention. Although the new car has not yet been listed, there has been a discussion of various attitudes between the automobile circle and the audience, from affirmation to doubt, from praise to denial, and public opinion is boiling water. So, what about this test drive?

  Usually, the long endurance test drive of pure electric and hybrid vehicles has become a "traditional reserved track". Some people pay attention, but few people pay attention; If you don’t do it, you feel something is missing. Why can Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM stir up this stagnant water? The "long endurance test" of other brands often presents the same beautiful scenery, the route is smooth and silky, and three core elements must be met: suitable temperature, minimizing load (even an extra charging line is considered redundant), and maintaining a stable speed. Although the test results under these customized conditions are good, consumers are increasingly indifferent to this "long endurance test". However, the long test drive of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM has attracted great attention from the media and users, because it uses a full-time live broadcast of a mirror. Let’s review it together, and there are many interesting reasons worthy of our study and discussion.

  The test lasted for more than 18 hours, which gradually made the audience feel that the test results did not seem so important to Xingtu brand. In fact, they are conducting a reality show, with real life scenes, real driving speed, real travel breaks, and even real lunch and a car full of happy friends. No matter whether the manufacturer designed it intentionally or at will, they let everyone see the real endurance test. Because only testing like daily life can truly evaluate the performance of vehicles and provide real reference for users’ future use.

  In the test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, the most lively place is the comment area in the live broadcast room. The pros and cons have a clear-cut stand, and the focus of debate revolves around whether the test is successful or not. Some people think that failing to reach the challenge goal of 1300 kilometers is a failure, although everyone witnessed the difficulties in the whole process of testing; Others think that 1300 kilometers is only the ideal data calculated according to WLTC working conditions. Under such extremely cold environment and high-speed driving test conditions, considering these losses, it is qualified to actually reach 900 kilometers, not to mention the actual cruising range of 1200 kilometers, which should be regarded as a great success. People have their own opinions, and there are certain reasons. However, I am more concerned about the performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in the test drive. Through many details of the live broadcast, we can see that many people have a heated discussion about the endurance test results of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM. The reason why this test has attracted widespread attention is that it uses a live broadcast of a mirror to the end, presenting real life scenes and driving conditions. Different from the customized long endurance test of other brands, this test is closer to the daily use conditions, enabling consumers to truly evaluate the performance of vehicles.

  The whole test lasted more than 18 hours, during which the real driving speed, road rest and dining situation were displayed. The endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is not only to show its cruising range, but also like a reality show, which makes the audience feel the real driving experience. This real test method makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the performance of vehicles and provides practical reference for future use.

  After all, the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is only slightly different from the target value of 1300km under WLTC. Considering that WLTC is tested under ideal conditions, and there are various complicated environmental and road conditions in actual driving, this gap can be said to be minimal. Compared with other similar models, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM performs better in endurance. Secondly, the gold content of this endurance performance lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  In fact, through the details of the live broadcast, we can see the performance of the vehicle in extremely cold environment and high-speed driving conditions. These details show the characteristics of vehicle driving comfort, dynamic response and energy consumption control. According to these details, the audience can judge whether the vehicle meets their own needs and expectations.

  The gold content of this endurance performance also lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  This live broadcast test makes the outstanding performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in battery life lay a solid foundation for its future development. Through continuous innovation and technological upgrading, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is also expected to become a leading brand in the field of new energy vehicles, and provide users with more reliable, efficient and intelligent travel solutions.

Swiss regulations prohibit keeping solitary social animals: keeping a goldfish is illegal (Figure)

  Beijing, August 2 (Xinhua) According to Voice of China’s Global Chinese Broadcasting Network, it has gathered interesting stories and shared interesting stories.

  [A pure natural life]

  There is a legendary cave-dwelling old man in northern Argentina. He lived in a cave on the mountain for 40 years. He lived with roosters and goats every day. When he was hungry, he picked up a shotgun and hunted. When he was thirsty, he went to a nearby stream to drink water. However, the old man is not completely isolated from civilization. He will walk for three hours regularly, collect pensions and buy supplies in the town below the mountain, and some tourists and students visit the mountain.

  It is reported that 79-year-old Luca was raised by her grandfather in a small town below the mountain, and her childhood dream was to live alone. At the age of 14, he left his hometown and made a living by transporting coal to Bolivia. Later, he returned to the town and lived in a cave. He said that he also thought about traveling around the world, but he didn’t have that much time.

  [An extraordinary memory]

  Rebecca Sharrock, a 26-year-old Australian woman, has a "super autobiographical memory" and can clearly remember what she experienced, big or small.

  It is reported that only 80 people in the world have this extraordinary memory. Sharrock is a Harry Potter fan. He can recite all the chapters of the novel word for word, and even tell the nuances of the same dialogue between the novel and the movie.

  Sharrock said that her earliest memory can be traced back to when she was only 12 days old, when her mother was taking her to the driver’s seat to take photos. She can describe in detail what happened and dreams after that.

  However, Sharrock was troubled by his extraordinary memory. Sharrock once suffered from autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every night in the dead of night, all kinds of memory fragments will flood into her brain, and multiple emotions make her unable to sleep. In childhood, Sharrock remembered all the nightmare scenes and often lost control of her emotions, so the original intention of reciting Harry Potter was to distract her and help her get rid of the nightmare.

  [A person who is proficient in donkey language]

  In London, England, there is a "donkey talker" who claims to be able to read the donkey’s mind. He has studied animal behavior habits for more than 20 years. The man named Mark Yin Aisen said that animals are very spiritual, and he hoped that people could learn more about their "hearts".

  Mark is the owner of an entertainment company called "Real Donkey". He now provides donkey riding activities for the British people. But the difference is that riders can listen to the sounds made by donkeys through a special new technology "voice translator". The funniest thing is that these sounds will be translated into English and played to everyone, and some even whole sentences.

  Mark said that donkeys have hooves, and people can express their emotions by lifting a hoof. People can also recognize the behavior of donkeys through their body movements and some facial expressions.

  Although he was suspected, Mark was convinced of his way of doing things. He said, "I love my donkeys very much, and I don’t want to exchange them with anything else."

  [A law prohibiting animals from being lonely]

  Not only people will be sad because of loneliness, but also animals. Therefore, there is a law in Switzerland that "it is forbidden to keep only one gregarious animal". If you only keep one goldfish, be careful not to touch the law.

  In order to protect the rights of animals, Switzerland stipulates that it is forbidden for social animals to keep only one, such as goldfish. Fish are gregarious animals, and they need companions. It is cruel to raise only one and let them grow in a lonely environment, which is equivalent to "abusing" them.

  According to the report, this regulation is not only for fish, but also for social animals such as guinea pigs and budgies.

  In addition, the laws and regulations on the protection of animal rights in Switzerland also stipulate that owners must go through course training and written examination before they can have dogs. If they want to have cats, they must let them move outdoors or see other companions through the window. If they can’t, they must have two cats.