New Chinese aesthetics in the era of Shanhai universe remodeling, China Star intelligent dual-engine modeling design exposed

BITECH The treasure of the country, the color of the world, when the magnificent national color meets the pioneer technology, the interpretation of the "Chinese romance" in the new era. On October 12, 2023, the third stop of Geely’s "China Star · Cultural Tourism China Exploration Program" landed in Hangzhou West Lake · Quyuan Fenghe, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine joined hands with "Chinese Traditional Colors" Guo Hao and "Chu He Listening to Fragrance" Chu Yan to open "Drunk Oriental · Stunning World – Song Yunguang National Color Exhibition", using pioneer technology to interpret the national color and natural fragrance of Xizi Lake, and jointly display the beauty of Chinese traditional colors and Chinese design in the new era. At the same time, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine released the new design language of "Shanhai Cosmos" and "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White" for the first time to create two new car colors, integrating modern technology and traditional Chinese culture, and showing the confidence of the integration of Chinese intelligent manufacturing and Chinese culture with a flagship style.

Co-creating "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White", China Star Intelligent Dual Engine X Guo Hao launched the "China Automobile Popular Color" plan

Chinese traditional color contains people’s long-term observation and understanding of all things in the world, and has both the beauty of images and the beauty of concrete images. From ancient Chinese cultural classics to natural mountains, seas, sky light, solar terms, etc., each color word reflects the story of Chinese language and color world. It is not only the Chinese cultural heritage that condenses the oriental aesthetic conception and ancient wisdom, but also carries the timeless national spirit and the essence of Chinese culture.

As the flagship of contemporary Chinese automobiles, Geely China Star has been actively exploring the innovative integration of modern avant-garde technology and traditional Chinese culture, constantly pursuing the organic combination of humanities and technology, sensibility and rationality, and has successively launched many traditional colors such as azure glaze, sky gray, emerald feather blue, lime green, cai qing, and yuandai matte gray, which are created by blending with the aesthetics of the times. It is committed to becoming the best carrier to show China’s "technology, humanities and romance" and write the unique cultural imprint of Chinese automobiles.

This time, China Star Intelligent Double Engine once again crossed the circle and joined hands with Guo Hao, a Chinese color expert, to carry out strategic cooperation in Chinese traditional color X car design, drawing color inspiration from traditional Chinese culture such as "Shanhaijing" and "Book of Songs", and using cutting-edge technology and advanced technology of the times to create two new car colors, "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White".

Among them, "Qingshan Purple" is the exclusive car color of Xingrui L Zhiqing, inspired by "Hibiscus cuts purple mist, waterfalls pour down the blue sky", a touch of Qingshan Purple, the blue sky covers the mountains and seas, and it contains vigorous strength. It is the best condensation of the pride of Chinese landscapes. Coupled with advanced materials and technologies such as advanced pearlescent paint and high-quality spray painting technology, the whole car presents a luster and full gray-purple gradual change color effect, between light and shadow, showing the high-end beauty and noble style of China’s flagship sedan.

"Haoyue White" is the exclusive car color of Xingyue L Zhiqing, which originates from "The bright moon is too breathtaking, and the stars are extremely bright". It means that the bright moon is white and the heart is bright. A touch of Haoyue White, condensing the brilliance of the galaxy, shows the inner core with the softness of the east. And integrating top materials, advanced painting technology and high-precision manufacturing skills, the car paint is integrated into delicate pearl light, adding a beautiful enamel feeling to the elegant plain color, like streamer warm jade, warm and accessible, interpreting the elegant style of China’s flagship SUV.

When Chinese color meets Chinese car, it takes a thousand years to realize the thousands of weather of traditional culture, travel thousands of miles, and see the power and style of contemporary China. At the event site, two Chinese car colors, "Qingshan Purple" and "Haoyue White", were officially included in the "Chinese Traditional Color · National Color Chromatography", and Chu Yan, the costume designer of the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, co-created and designed the theme clothing. With younger, more fashionable and vivid trend art items, it shows the aesthetic model of "Chinese Romance" and "Chinese Elegance".

In addition, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine and "Chinese Traditional Colors" Guo Hao also officially launched the "Geely China Star · China Automotive Popular Color Plan", focusing on the co-creation and integration of "automotive technology and Chinese traditional color culture". Through the innovative form of blending technology and culture, modern and traditional collisions, continue to help expand and improve the Chinese traditional color spectrum, activate and promote Chinese traditional colors with modern technology and craftsmanship, give Chinese traditional colors new vitality and new forms, and work together to show Chinese confidence and Chinese culture. In the future, Geely China Star series will develop and launch more car popular colors with unique Chinese charm, and gradually apply them to subsequent new models, so that gorgeous national colors can enter more people’s lives and further meet the diverse needs of more young users’ cultural confidence.

Combining the origin of Chinese culture and the pioneering technology of the times, China Star Intelligent Dual Engine creates a new design language of "Shanhai Universe"

Looking up at the universe, the galaxy is romantic; visiting the eyes and huai, to view the mountains and seas. The width of the world, the view of all living things; the innovation of science and technology, the intelligent enjoyment of the double engine era. This is the newly created design concept of "Shanhai Universe" by Geely China Star Intelligent Double Engine. Among them, "Shanhai" is inspired by the description of traditional Chinese colors and the style of mountains and seas in traditional Chinese cultures such as "Shanhai Jing" and "Book of Songs", and "Universe" is derived from the continuation and innovation of Geely’s design philosophy of "Universe Recall" all the time. The innovative fusion of the two "Shanhai Universe" contains the inner power of exploration and breakthrough. With "Shanhai", it inspires the strong spirit of the boundary and the transformation of all things, and with "Universe", it inspires the outside world to expand and explore the unknown mission of space.

The infinite extension of "Shanhai Universe", with the innovative integration of modern avant-garde technology and traditional Chinese culture, creates a new design of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine – borrowing the east wind of modern technology, endows "Shanhai Universe" with a new connotation, not only shows the aesthetic and technological exploration in the intelligent digital era, but also inherits its Chinese spirit such as romantic humanities and ambitious aspirations. The smart and elegant posture shows the beauty of blending ancient rhyme and present brilliance. China Star Intelligent Dual Engine uses Chinese colors, Chinese shapes, Chinese patterns and other ingenious wonders to shape the new design aesthetics of "Shanhai Universe", subverts the imaginative boundaries of automobile design, and shows the world the "leap of Chinese design aesthetics".

As the flagship palanquin of China Xingrui L Zhiqing, under the blessing of the design concept of "Mountain Sea Universe", Xingrui L Zhiqing interprets the symbiosis and integration of traditional Chinese culture and modern technology to the extreme. In terms of appearance, Xingrui L Zhiqing adopts a new front face design of "Galaxy Exhibition Volume", such as the heaven and earth exhibition volume, with simple and powerful lines, so that the majestic momentum of the whole vehicle is ready to come out; the front barrier of the "Falling Waterfall" is refined into the form of "high mountains and flowing water", such as the waterfall speeding down, the momentum is extraordinary, and it is shocking at a glance. The new "Light Years Away" headlights echo the "Vast Galaxy" through-type tail lights, exploring the vastness and mystery of the universe with a rhythmic rhythm of light and language. There are also flowing body lines and blackened night flying shadow wheels that complement each other, making the forward posture more elegant.

Coming to the car, Xingrui L Zhiqing extends the art of Shanhai cosmic energy infinitely into the cabin, and gives a more extreme and delicate artistic expression. The new Cosmic Galaxy Smart Enjoy cockpit integrates high-end materials and elegant colors from the nature of the universe into the cockpit, bringing a new Chinese flagship elegant new environment that organically integrates functionality, comfort and intelligence. Qingshan Lanyue’s exclusive interior color is elegant in color and smart in atmosphere, making the comfortable atmosphere feel out; coupled with 13.2-inch intelligent central control screen + 10.2-inch full LCD digital instrument, tilting optical flow shadow ambient light, intelligent multi-function steering wheel and luxury electronic Huaiblock and other rich technologies, creating a full-scene immersive intelligent interactive experience, making you feel like you are in a comfortable universe of stars.

And China Xingyue L Zhiqing · Flagship SUV – Xingyue L Zhiqing also inherits the new design aesthetic of "Mountain and Sea Universe", adopts the family-style waterfall grille and galaxy exhibition roll front face, and the new long-wind multi-sports wheels are more forceful, full of power, creating a stable and forceful self-confidence aura. In terms of interior, Xingyue L Zhiqing has created a new Oriental both white and white cockpit, white + gray color matching interior style, just like the high-altitude sky at the moment when the sun jumps out of the horizon at dawn, which not only contains the spirit of exploration of the mountain and sea universe, but also shows the magnificent moments, magnificent lines and bright colors of the sunrise in the east between the cockpits, showing the luxurious texture of calmness, elegance and atmosphere. Then match the "Galaxy Painting Eaves" ambient light inspired by the "eaves" element in traditional architecture, which is radiant and colorful, like a galaxy broken flowing between the eaves of the painting, which is very smart and colorful; there is also a new "Clothes and Wind" comfortable seat inspired by the traditional wide-sleeved elements, such as the clothes are graceful and the wind is in the arms, injecting a new connotation of comfort, breathability and relaxation into the Xingyue L Smart Engine.

Drawing on all things in the mountains and seas, and taking care of all things in the universe! This time, the launch of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine will revitalize the thousand-year-old culture with pioneering technology, continue the national color and natural fragrance with the power of science and technology, and make Chinese cars and Chinese designs burst out of the vigorous vitality of the integration of tradition and the times. With all-round advancements in power, intelligence, safety and quality, we believe that China Star Intelligent Dual Engine will use more Chinese design, more advanced technology and smarter technology to support cultural confidence, lead fuel vehicles to leap to a generation, and lead the future of Chinese cars.

Driving "lost" man self-driving drunk, or fined 5 years not to drive

Traffic police inspect drivers of passing vehicles. Photo courtesy of Hunan Traffic Police

  Changsha Evening News, August 25th (All Media Reporter, Liu Qi, Correspondent, Wu Duola) On the evening of August 24th, in order to continue to promote the "60 Days of Fighting, Loyalty to Safeguard Daqing" traffic safety operation, Zhuzhou City Traffic Police Detachment, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Provincial Public Security Department Traffic Police Corps, actively carried out traffic road violations. The reporter learned from the Provincial Public Security Department Traffic Police Corps that on that day, the province’s public security traffic police department investigated and dealt with 15,761 cases of various traffic violations.

  During the operation, Zhuzhou traffic police adopted a combination of fixed-point inspections and mobile remediation, targeting key areas and key roads, concentrating police forces to strictly investigate key traffic violations such as drunk driving, drunk driving, drug driving, unlicensed driving, and license-related violations. Every vehicle in the past must be checked, and resolutely find and punish them together. "Zero tolerance" penalties are in place.

  At about 20:00 on the same day, just four minutes after the rectification operation began, the traffic police investigated and dealt with a white car that had not even had a license plate. The driver was drinking and driving a motor vehicle, and his blood alcohol content was 48 milligrams/100 milliliters. "I had a gathering with my classmates at night and drank a bottle of beer. I didn’t expect that I would be stopped as soon as I drove the car out of the place where I ate," said the driver Hu. Peng Shuai, a police officer from the Lusong Brigade of the Zhuzhou City Traffic Police Detachment, said that Hu would face a fine of 2,000 yuan, 12 points on the driver’s license and six months of suspension. At that time, he would need to retake the test subject 1

  Less than half an hour after Hu was punished, another driver, Wang, who claimed he "didn’t drink much" but couldn’t even walk steadily, was taken to the monitoring point by the police. Wang said he was eating with his family in a nearby mall and had called a driver, but the driver couldn’t find the way to the underground parking lot of the mall, so he drove out. After a breathalyzer test, the instrument showed that Wang’s blood alcohol content reached 109 milligrams/100 milliliters, which is driving a motor vehicle after being drunk. According to the police, if the blood test confirms that Wang is drunk driving, he will have his driver’s license revoked and cannot be re-obtained within 5 years, and will also face criminal punishment. " Wang was driving a car with his family in it. His behavior is quite dangerous, not only irresponsible to his family, but also affects the safety of other vehicles on the road. "Peng Shuai said that after a driver drinks alcohol, the reaction speed and reaction ability of the motor vehicle will be greatly affected. Data show that more than 70% of major traffic accidents are caused by key traffic violations such as drunk driving and fatigue driving.

  On August 24, the Hunan Provincial Public Security Traffic Police Department dispatched a total of 7,967 police officers and 2,157 police cars, with a total of 15,761 violations and 14 administrative detentions.

Decision of the Ministry of Transport and other departments on amending the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services

The Ministry of Transport website reported on December 5 that the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration of Market Regulation, and the Cyberspace Administration of China issued a decision on amending the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services. The Ministry of Transport said that on July 30, the "Decision of the State Council on Canceling and Adjusting a Batch of Fines" (Guo Fa [2022] No. 15, hereinafter referred to as the "Decision") was issued and implemented. " The Decision explicitly cancels "fines for failing to carry online booking taxi transportation licenses and online booking taxi driver licenses in accordance with regulations," and reduces the amount of "fines for failing to obtain online booking taxi transportation licenses and online booking taxi driver licenses for engaging in online booking car business activities without authorization or in disguise." In order to implement the requirements of the Decision, the fine provisions for failing to carry online booking taxi transportation licenses and driver licenses in accordance with regulations have been deleted, and the fines for failing to obtain online booking taxi transportation licenses and driver licenses for engaging in online booking car business activities have been reduced.

The revised Interim Measures provide that Article 34 is amended to read: "In violation of these regulations, anyone who engages in online taxi-hailing business activities without authorization or in disguise, and commits any of the following acts shall be ordered to make corrections, given a warning, and fined in accordance with the following provisions; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law: (1) Failure to obtain the" Online Booking Taxi Business Permit "shall impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan on the online car-hailing platform company; (2) Failure to obtain the" Online Booking Taxi Transportation Permit "shall impose a fine of not less than 3,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan on the parties; (3) Failure to obtain the" Online Booking Taxi Driver Permit "shall impose a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan on the

Attached original text:

The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Cyberspace Administration of China have decided to amend the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration for Market Regulation, Order No. 46 of 2019 of the Cyberspace Administration of China) as follows:

Amend Article 34 to read: "Whoever violates these Provisions and engages in online car-hailing business activities without authorization or in disguise, and commits any of the following acts, shall be ordered to make corrections, given a warning, and fined in accordance with the following provisions by the administrative department for taxis at or above the county level; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

(1) Failure to obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Business License" shall impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan on the online car-hailing platform company;

(2) Failure to obtain the "Online Rental Car Transport Certificate" shall impose a fine of not less than 3,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan on the parties concerned;

(3) Failure to obtain the "Online Rental Car Driver’s License" shall be punished with a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan.

Anyone who forges, alters, or uses forged, altered, or invalid "Online Booking Taxi Transportation License" and "Online Booking Taxi Driver License" to engage in online car-hailing business activities shall be fined in accordance with the provisions of Items (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph. "

Delete the first paragraph of Article 36.

Article serial numbers shall be adjusted accordingly.

This decision shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services shall be amended accordingly and reissued in accordance with this Decision.

Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services

(Issued by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China on July 27, 2016, according to the December 28, 2019 "Decision of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the State Cyberspace Administration of China on Amending the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" for the first time, according to the November 30, 2022 "Decision of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the State Cyberspace Administration

Chapter I, General Provisions

Article 1: In order to better meet the diverse travel needs of the public, promote the integrated development of the taxi industry and the Internet, standardize the operation and service behavior of online taxi booking, and ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers, these measures are formulated in accordance with relevant national laws and administrative regulations.

Article 2: Those who engage in online taxi booking (hereinafter referred to as online car-hailing) business services shall abide by these Measures.

The term online car-hailing business service as mentioned in these Measures refers to the business activities of building a service platform based on Internet technology, integrating supply and demand information, using qualified vehicles and drivers, and providing non-cruise booking taxi services.

The term "online booking taxi operator" (hereinafter referred to as "online car-hailing platform company") as mentioned in these Measures refers to an enterprise legal person that builds a network service platform and engages in online car-hailing business services.

Article 3: Adhere to giving priority to the development of urban public transportation and the appropriate development of taxis, and develop online car-hailing in an orderly manner in accordance with the principles of high-quality service and differentiated operation.

Online car-hailing freight rates are subject to market-regulated prices, except where the city people’s government deems it necessary to implement government-guided prices.

Article 4 The transportation department of the State Council shall be responsible for guiding the national management of online car-hailing.

The competent departments of transportation of the people’s governments of all provinces and autonomous regions, under the leadership of the people’s governments at the same level, are responsible for guiding the management of online car-hailing within their respective administrative regions.

Under the leadership of the people’s government at the same level, the municipal or county-level transportation department directly under the Central Government or the other taxi administrative department designated by the people’s government (hereinafter referred to as the taxi administrative department) shall be responsible for the specific implementation of online car-hailing management.

Other relevant departments shall, in accordance with their statutory duties, exercise relevant supervision and management over online car-hailing.

Chapter 2, Online Car-hailing Platform Company

Fifth, those who apply to engage in online car-hailing operations shall have online and offline service capabilities and meet the following conditions:

(1) having the status of an enterprise legal person;

(2) Possessing the Internet platform for conducting online car-hailing business and the information and data exchange and processing capabilities appropriate to the business to be carried out, having the conditions for traffic, communications, public security, taxation, network information and other relevant regulatory departments to retrieve and inquire about relevant network data information according to law, the network service platform database is connected to the taxi administrative department supervision platform, the server is set up in the Chinese mainland, and there are cyber security management systems and security protection technical measures that meet the regulations;

(3) Where electronic payment is used, agreements shall be signed with banks and non-bank payment institutions to provide payment and settlement services.

(4) having a sound operating management system, production safety management system, and service quality assurance system;

(5) having a corresponding service organization and service capabilities at the service location;

(6) Other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

Foreign-invested online car-hailing operations, in addition to meeting the above conditions, shall also comply with relevant foreign investment laws and regulations.

Article 6: Those who apply to engage in online car-hailing business shall submit an application to the corresponding taxi administrative department according to the business area, and submit the following materials:

(A) online booking taxi business application form (see attachment);

(2) The identity of the investor, the person in charge, the credit certificate and its photocopy, the identity certificate of the handler and its photocopy and the engagement letter;

(3) The business license of an enterprise legal person shall also be submitted if it belongs to a branch.

(4) Information on the office space, responsible personnel, and management personnel where the service is located;

(5) Proof materials for having Internet platforms and information data interaction and processing capabilities, proof materials for transportation, communications, public security, taxation, network information and other relevant regulatory departments to retrieve and inquire about relevant network data and information conditions according to law, description of database access, description of the situation where the server is set up in the Chinese mainland, proof materials for establishing and implementing cyber security management systems and security protection technical measures according to law;

(6) Where electronic payment is used, payment and settlement service agreements signed with banks and non-bank payment institutions shall be provided.

(7) the text of the operation management system, production safety management system, and service quality assurance system;

(8) Other materials required by laws and regulations.

Those who engage in online car-hailing business for the first time shall apply to the corresponding taxi administrative department at the place where the enterprise is registered. The relevant online service capability materials in items (5) and (6) of the preceding paragraph shall be reviewed and identified by the provincial transportation department at the place where the online car-hailing platform company is registered, and the departments of communications, public security, taxation, online information, and the People’s Bank of China and other departments at the same level shall review and identify, and provide the corresponding identification results. The identification results shall be valid nationwide. If an online car-hailing platform company applies for engaging in online car-hailing business outside the place of registration, it shall submit the results of the online service capability identification in items (5) and (6) of

Other offline service capability materials shall be reviewed by the taxi administrative department that accepts the application.

Article 7 The taxi administrative department shall make a decision on whether to license or not to license within 20 days from the date of acceptance. If a decision cannot be made within 20 days, it may be extended for 10 days with the approval of the person in charge of the implementing authority, and the applicant shall be informed of the reasons for the extension.

Eighth Article: Where the taxi administrative department makes an administrative license decision on the application for online car-hailing business, it shall clarify the business scope, business area, business period, etc., and issue the "Online Booking Taxi Business License".

Article 9 If the taxi administrative department makes a decision not to grant administrative license to an application that does not meet the prescribed conditions, it shall issue a "Decision Not to Grant Administrative License" to the applicant.

Article 10 An online taxi-hailing platform company shall conduct relevant business only after obtaining the corresponding "Online Booking Taxi Business License" and applying to the provincial communications authority at the place where the enterprise is registered for the filing of Internet information services. The filing content includes the real identity information of the operator, access information, and the "Online Booking Taxi Business License" issued by the taxi administrative department. Those involved in the operation of telecommunications business shall also comply with the relevant provisions on telecommunications management.

The online car-hailing platform company shall, within 30 days from the date of the official connection of the network, go through the filing formalities at the receiving organ designated by the public security organ of the provincial people’s government where the management and operation organ of the online car-hailing platform company is located.

Article 11 If an online car-hailing platform company suspends or terminates its operation, it shall report in writing to the taxi administrative department where the service is located 30 days in advance, explain the relevant situation, notify the owner and driver of the vehicle providing the service, and make an announcement to the public. If the operation is terminated, the corresponding "Online Booking Taxi Business License" shall be returned to the original licensing authority.

Chapter 3, Online Car-hailing Vehicles and Drivers

Article 12 Vehicles that plan to engage in online car-hailing operations shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Passenger cars with 7 seats or less;

(2) Install vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions;

(III) The technical performance of the vehicle meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety.

The specific standards and operating requirements for vehicles shall be determined by the corresponding taxi administrative department in accordance with the development principle of high-quality service and differentiated operation, taking into account the actual local situation.

Article 13: The taxi administrative department at the location where the service is located shall, upon application by the vehicle owner or the online car-hailing platform company, and after review according to the conditions stipulated in Article 12, issue a "Online Booking Taxi Transport Certificate" to the vehicles that meet the conditions and are registered as reserved for rental passenger transportation.

If the city people’s government has other provisions on the issuance of the "Online Booking Taxi Transport Certificate" for online car-hailing, such provisions shall prevail.

14th Article: Drivers who engage in online ride-hailing services shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and have more than 3 years of driving experience;

(2) No record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring periods;

(3) No violent criminal record;

(4) Other conditions stipulated by the city people’s government.

15th Article: The municipal taxi administrative department in the district where the service is located shall, upon application by the driver or the online taxi platform company, verify and assess according to the conditions stipulated in Article 14, issue the "Online Booking Taxi Driver Certificate" to the qualified and qualified drivers.

Chapter 4, Online Car-hailing Business Behavior

Article 16: The online ride-hailing platform company assumes the responsibility of the carrier and shall ensure the safety of operation and protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

17th Article: Online car-hailing platform companies shall ensure that the vehicles providing services have legal operating qualifications, are in good technical condition, have reliable safety performance, and have relevant insurance for operating vehicles, ensure that the vehicles providing services online are consistent with the vehicles actually providing services offline, and report the vehicle-related information to the administrative department of the taxi service location.

Article 18 The online car-hailing platform company shall ensure that the drivers providing services have legal professional qualifications, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, sign various forms of employment contracts or agreements with the drivers according to the characteristics of working hours, service frequency, etc., to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. The online car-hailing platform company shall safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers, carry out pre-job training and daily education on relevant laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, safe operation, etc., to ensure that the drivers providing services online are consistent with the drivers actually providing services offline, and report the relevant information of the driver to the taxi administrative department where the service is located.

Online car-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, online logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and car-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up.

Article 19: Online ride-hailing platform companies shall announce and determine the metering methods that comply with relevant state regulations, clarify service items and quality commitments, establish a service evaluation system and a passenger complaint handling system, and truthfully collect and record driver service information. When providing online ride-hailing services, provide driver names, photos, mobile phone numbers, service evaluation results, and vehicle license plates.

Article 20: Online car-hailing platform companies shall reasonably determine the online car-hailing freight rates, implement clear pricing, and provide passengers with corresponding taxi invoices.

Article 21: Online ride-hailing platform companies shall not impede fair competition in the market, nor infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of passengers or the public interest.

Online car-hailing platform companies shall not engage in unfair price behaviors such as crowding out competitors or monopolizing the market, disrupting the normal market order at a price lower than the cost, harming the interests of the state or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and shall not engage in price violations.

Article 22: Online car-hailing shall engage in business activities within the licensed business area. If it exceeds the licensed business area, the origin and destination points shall be within the licensed business area.

Article 23: Online ride-hailing platform companies shall pay taxes according to law, purchase carrier liability insurance and other related insurance for passengers, and fully protect the rights and interests of passengers.

Article 24: Online ride-hailing platform companies shall strengthen security management, implement operational and network security measures, strictly protect and manage data security, improve security prevention and anti-risk capabilities, and support relevant departments in relevant work.

Article 25: Online ride-hailing platform companies and drivers providing business services shall comply with relevant national operating service standards, shall not dump passengers on the way or deliberately detour, shall not charge illegally, and shall not retaliate against passengers who report, complain about the quality of their services, or make unsatisfactory evaluations of their services.

Article 26 An online car-hailing platform company shall, through its service platform, inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, riders and passengers in a prominent manner. Without the express consent of the information subject, an online car-hailing platform company shall not use the aforementioned personal information for other business purposes.

Online ride-hailing platform companies shall not collect personal information of drivers, riders, and passengers beyond the scope necessary to provide online ride-hailing services.

Except for cooperating with state organs in exercising supervision and inspection powers or criminal investigation powers in accordance with the law, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not provide any third party with the names, contact information, home addresses, bank accounts or payment accounts, geographical locations, travel routes and other personal information of drivers, ride-hailing and passengers, and shall not disclose sensitive information related to national security such as geographical coordinates and geographical markers. After information leakage occurs, online ride-hailing platform companies shall promptly report to the relevant competent authorities and take timely and effective remedial measures.

Article 27: Online car-hailing platform companies shall abide by the relevant provisions of the national network and information security, the personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland, and the retention period shall not be less than 2 years.

Online car-hailing platform companies shall not use their service platforms to publish information prohibited by laws and regulations, and shall not provide convenience for enterprises, individuals, and other groups and organizations to publish harmful information, and take effective measures to filter and block the dissemination of harmful information. If it is discovered that others use their online service platforms to disseminate harmful information, it shall immediately stop the transmission, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant state organs.

Online car-hailing platform companies shall, in accordance with the law, provide necessary technical support and assistance for the public security organs to carry out national security work and prevent and investigate illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law.

Article 28 No enterprise or individual shall provide information docking to vehicles and drivers who have not obtained legal qualifications to carry out online car-hailing business services. It shall not provide online car-hailing business services in the name of private passenger car sharing.

Online car-hailing vehicles and drivers shall not provide operation services through network service platforms that have not obtained a business license.

Chapter V, Supervision and Inspection

Article 29 The taxi administrative department shall build and improve the government supervision platform to share information with the online car-hailing platform. Shared information shall include basic information about vehicles and drivers, service quality, and passenger evaluation information.

Taxi administrative departments should strengthen the supervision of the online car-hailing market, and strengthen the qualification review and certificate issuance management of online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles, and drivers.

Taxi administrative departments shall regularly organize and conduct online ride-hailing service quality assessments, and promptly publish to the public the basic information of local online ride-hailing platform companies, the results of service quality assessments, and the handling of passenger complaints.

Taxi administrative supervisors, public security and other departments have the right to obtain and consult relevant data such as the registration, operation and transactions of online car-hailing platform companies within their jurisdiction according to management needs.

Article 30: Communications departments, public security, and cyber information departments shall, in accordance with their respective duties, investigate and punish online car-hailing platform companies for illegally collecting, storing, processing, and using relevant personal information, violating relevant regulations on Internet information services, endangering network and information security, and using online car-hailing service platforms to publish harmful information or providing convenience for enterprises, individuals, and other organizations to publish harmful information, and cooperate with the taxi administrative department to deal with online car-hailing platform companies that are found to have violated laws and regulations.

Public security organs and cyber information departments shall, in accordance with their respective duties, supervise and inspect the implementation of cyber security management systems and security protection technical measures, and prevent, investigate and punish relevant illegal and criminal activities.

Article 31: Departments of development and reform, pricing, communications, public security, human resources and social security, commerce, the People’s Bank of China, taxation, market supervision, and online information shall, in accordance with their respective duties, conduct relevant supervision and inspection of online car-hailing operations, and deal with illegal acts according to law.

Article 32 All relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and incorporate them into the national credit information sharing platform. At the same time, the credit information such as administrative licenses and administrative penalties of online car-hailing platform companies shall be publicized on the national enterprise credit information publicity system.

Article 33: Taxi industry associations shall establish a list of online ride-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records, and strengthen industry self-discipline.

Chapter VI, Legal Liability

Article 34: Anyone who violates these Provisions by engaging in online car-hailing business activities without authorization or in disguise, and commits any of the following acts, shall be ordered by the administrative department for taxis at or above the county level to make corrections, given a warning, and fined in accordance with the following provisions; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law:

(1) Failure to obtain the "Online Booking Taxi Business License" shall impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan on the online car-hailing platform company;

(2) Failure to obtain the "Online Rental Car Transport Certificate" shall impose a fine of not less than 3,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan on the parties concerned;

(3) Failure to obtain the "Online Rental Car Driver’s License" shall be punished with a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan.

Anyone who forges, alters, or uses a forged, altered, or invalid Online Booking Taxi Transport Certificate or Online Booking Taxi Driver’s License to engage in online car-hailing business activities shall be fined in accordance with the provisions of items (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph.

Article 35: Where an online car-hailing platform company violates these Provisions and commits any of the following acts, the administrative department for taxis at or above the county level and the pricing department shall, in accordance with their duties, order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan for each violation; if the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan shall be imposed:

(1) The service vehicle has not obtained the "Online Booking Taxi Transportation Certificate", or the online service vehicle is inconsistent with the offline service vehicle.

(2) The driver providing the service has not obtained the "Online Booking Taxi Driver License", or the driver providing the service online is inconsistent with the driver actually providing the service offline.

(3) Failure to ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition as required.

(4) The origin and destination are not engaged in online car-hailing business activities in the licensed business area;

(5) Failure to report the relevant information of the vehicle and driver providing the service to the taxi administrative department where the service is located in accordance with regulations;

(6) Failure to formulate Service Quality Standards and establish and implement complaint reporting systems in accordance with regulations;

(7) Failure to provide shared information in accordance with regulations, or failure to cooperate with the taxi administrative department in retrieving and consulting relevant data information;

(8) Failure to fulfill management responsibilities, and serious violations of relevant national operating service standards such as dumping customers, deliberately detouring, and illegally charging fees.

If an online car-hailing platform company no longer has the ability to provide online and offline services or has committed serious illegal acts, the administrative department for taxis at or above the county level shall order it to suspend business for rectification and revoke relevant licenses in accordance with the relevant provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

36th Article: Where an online ride-hailing driver violates these Provisions and falls under any of the following circumstances, the administrative department for taxis at or above the county level and the pricing department shall order them to make corrections according to their duties, and impose a fine of not less than 50 yuan but not more than 200 yuan for each violation:

(1) Dumping passengers on the way or deliberately taking a detour;

(2) Illegal charges;

(3) Acts of retaliation against passengers who report, complain about the quality of their services, or make unsatisfactory evaluations of their services.

If an online taxi driver no longer has the conditions for employment or has committed serious illegal acts, the taxi administrative department at or above the county level shall revoke or revoke the license certificate in accordance with the relevant provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

The information on administrative penalties for online ride-hailing drivers is included in the credit records of drivers and online ride-hailing platform companies.

37th Article: Where an online car-hailing platform company violates the relevant provisions of Articles 10, 18, 26, and 27 of these Provisions, it shall be punished by the network information department, the public security organ, and the communications department according to their respective duties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations; if it causes losses to the information subject, it shall bear civil liability according to law; if it is suspected of committing a crime, it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

Online ride-hailing platform companies and online ride-hailing drivers who illegally use or disclose the personal information of ride-hailing people and passengers shall be fined not less than 2,000 yuan but not more than 10,000 yuan by the public security, online information and other departments in accordance with their respective duties; if losses are caused to the information subject, they shall bear civil liability according to law; if suspected of committing a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

If an online car-hailing platform company refuses to perform or fails to provide technical support and assistance for the public security organs to carry out national security work according to law, prevent or investigate illegal and criminal activities, it shall be punished by the public security organs according to law; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Chapter VII, Supplementary Provisions

Article 38: Private passenger car sharing, also known as carpooling and ride-sharing, shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the city people’s government.

39th, when the mileage of the network car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped. When the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the network car business.

Small and micro non-operating passenger cars registered as scheduled rental passenger transportation will be scrapped according to the online car-hailing scrapping standard. Other small and micro-operating passenger cars registered as scheduled rental passenger transportation will be scrapped according to the standards reached first in the scrapping standards for operating passenger cars of this type and the online car-hailing scrapping standards.

The relevant departments of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate specific regulations on the scrapping standards for online car-hailing in light of local actual conditions, and report them to the departments of commerce, public security and transportation of the State Council for the record.

Article 40 These Measures shall come into force on November 1, 2016. All localities may formulate specific implementation rules in accordance with these Measures in light of local actual conditions.

Avita Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.

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Private quiet space

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Rear double multi-function seat

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The axle length ratio is 0.61, close to the golden ratio, the interior is more spacious, the width-to-height ratio is 1.23, the center of gravity is lower, the stability is better, and the wheel height ratio is 0.48, highlighting the ultimate sports performance.

Avatr 11 KV - Side - Declaration Edition final

From starting out to replenishing energy, you can always be one step ahead

0-100Km/h acceleration time is 3.98 seconds, and the charging power can reach up to 240kW.

"The Wild Goose Lake" is released, Hu Ge Guilun Magnesium gathers for the New Year

1905 movie network news On December 6th, the film was officially released, and the word-of-mouth video of "All Seas Gathering" was also released simultaneously. The film was directed by Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, and Liao Fan and Wan Qian were specially starred, starring in Qidao. With fresh crime elements, in-depth interpretations of powerful casts and exquisite audio-visual language, the film was not only shortlisted for the main competition unit of the 72nd Cannes International Film Festival, but also gained a good reputation in domestic multi-city screenings. Audience expectations continued to rise. On December 5th, the film held a special premiere in Shanghai, and the film director Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei appeared in the studio to interact with fans in depth.

Fully upgraded, Diao Yinan’s new ritual crime will be released on December 6

early2014In 2008, Diao Yinan directed the works in the first64The Berlin International Film Festival won the Best Film Golden Bear Award and the Best Actor Silver Bear Award, becoming the second film in the history of Berlin to receive both golden bears and silver bears. "The Wild Goose Lake", as a sincere work of Diao Yinan’s five years of hard work, was also shortlisted for the first place with excellent standards72Dozens of important international film festivals, including the main competition section of the Cannes International Film Festival, have been praised by foreign media as "Ingenious crime epic","Brilliant film noir, romantic and exciting".

It is reported that the film was filmed in Wuhan. In order to ensure the immersion and immersion of the performance, the director not only required the starring actor to use Wuhan dialect dialogue throughout the whole process, but also used the "Dashun Shooting" method to shoot.With exquisite audio-visual language, it presents a very local style of light and shadow wonders.Reproduce the miniature landscape of Wuhan from the inside out.

In this regard, Diao Yinan believes: "Such a space can lead the characters and stories, waiting for them to open up." Whether it is genre elements, audio-visual presentation or pre-shooting, the film "The Wild Goose Lake" can be regarded as a unique ritual crime genre film, and has also been called by film critics as "an upgrade of the director’s personal style".

A good show gathers, Hu Ge Guilun Magnesium Liao Fan Wanqian goes to the puzzle together

As the latest masterpiece of director Diao Yinan’s comprehensive upgrade, the film has the strength of a "top match" cast in a crime genre film: Hu Ge once won the Magnolia Best Actor Award for his TV series "Langya List", and the literary and artistic Gui Lun Magnesium also has wonderful performances in commercial films. Liao Fan is the first Chinese actor to win the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, and Wan Qian and Qi Dao have also been nominated for major TV film festivals. A group of people who are "good plays" will surely contribute to wonderful "good plays".

In addition, the difficulty of the performance of this film made several powerful actors dare not take it lightly: Hu Ge broke through himself, interpreting the little people struggling on the edge, drying the lamp every day, practicing fighting, and even deliberately maintaining a state of anxiety and exhaustion, just to get close to the character; Gui Lunmei came to Wuhan to live in advance, visiting the streets and alleys to experience the living environment of the characters; Liao Fan often communicated with local vendors to feel the necessary market atmosphere of the local police; Wan Qian spent two weeks learning carpentry for a few seconds of footage.

Vigorous and strange, the whole process of urban "story meeting" is romantic and high-energy

The movie "The Wild Goose Lake" tells the story of Zhou Zenong, the leader of a car theft gang, who embarks on the road of escape under a heavy reward and sets up a game with Liu Aiai, an accompanying swimming girl, in order to obtain the bounty. In addition to the dramatic core of the "story club", high-energy scenes in the film are also abundant. Famous scenes such as "street racing", "enclave gunfights" and "gang infighting" make the audience shout: "See the heart pounding!" According to director Diao Yinan, the inspiration for the story originally came from unintentional ideas. It was not until seeing similar cases in the coverage that reality and fantasy became portrayals of each other that they decidedseriousLet’s turn this idea into a movie.

As the star Gui Lunmei said: "Crime and love are one and the same." In this crime film full of temptations and suspicions, Diao Yinan tries to create more mysterious characters and emotional trends: Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai meet by chance, and in the end they have mutual pity and become accomplices; he and his wife Yang Shujun have not seen each other for several years, but they are determined to die for their wife and children. From Zhou Zenong’s "life return run" to Liu Aiai’s inner kindness awakening, the film’s human glimmer conveys the director’s realistic care.

Talking about the deeper meaning of the characters in the film, Hu Ge said: "From these little characters on the edge, I can see that every individual is equal, has the instinct to survive, and struggles with fate. At the same time, we can also see the warmth in them and the brilliance of humanity in this process. Although they are very distant and unfamiliar characters from me, I can still be deeply moved by them." Gui Lunmei also shared her understanding: "The most fascinating thing about Liu Aiai’s character for me is that she still maintains a very simple part. In the end, she can make moral choices because of her simplicity."

The movie "The Wild Goose Lake" is currently being screened nationwide.

An auto show ignites a city, and 2023 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition continues Chengdu’s strength.

On September 3rd, 25 days after the end of the Chengdu Universiade, the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition also came to an end.

The wonderful hosting of the Chengdu Universiade has brought Chengdu to the world and the world to Chengdu at the same time. This year’s Chengdu Auto Show not only continues the popularity of Chengdu, but also demonstrates the strength and value of Chengdu as an engine city in western China.
The 10-day Chengdu Auto Show attracted 902,000 visitors and generated 35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. ……
As the Chengdu Auto Show, which shoulders the important mission of driving the kinetic energy recovery of the automobile industry, boosting market confidence and promoting the expansion of domestic demand, this answer sheet is not only excellent, but also hard-core.
In the eyes of many media people, this year’s Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition represents "whether car companies can outperform the auto market in the second half of the year".
Insufficient consumer confidence and weak market; "Golden September and Silver 10" is approaching, who can seize the opportunity … … All these make the Chengdu Auto Show, which is famous for its "good effect and popularity", attract attention and feel pressure.
On August 3rd, at noon on the closing day of the auto show, looking at the audience who are still in an endless stream and the sales staff who are still busy at the booth, Ms. Yang Huilan, the general manager of Chengdu Century City Exhibition Group Exhibition Company, the organizer of the auto show, was somewhat emotional: "I really appreciate our consumers and exhibitors. They have contributed a lot to the success of Chengdu Auto Show today."
The international style is full and the fireworks are full. This is the most commented on Chengdu International Auto Show in recent years. It can not only achieve scale, grade and high level, but also achieve popularity, sell cars and achieve good results. To be honest, this kind of auto show is welcome to all aspects.

At this year’s auto show, BYD occupied almost the entire Hall 3 with four brands: Wangwang, Tengshi, BYD and Equation Leopard, which made many people think that BYD moved its home from Shenzhen to Chengdu. "Chengdu Auto Show not only has great influence, but also has great purchasing power." Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Automobile, said: "In fact, our investment in Chengdu Auto Show has never been spared."
"In Geely’s eyes, Chengdu Auto Show has always been a battleground." On August 25th, Lin Jie, senior vice president of Geely Automobile Group, who brought the highly anticipated Galaxy L6 to the Chengdu Auto Show, told the media that "it can not only display the brand and realize sales, but also radiate the whole western region."
For the 26-year-old Chengdu International Auto Show, this is undoubtedly the first auto show that can best reflect the "hundred struggles, the first to struggle": 129 domestic and foreign brands participated in the exhibition, more than 1,600 exhibition cars were unveiled, 68 new cars were launched, and 3,412 media reported.

On the one hand, BYD, Ideality, Weilai, Tucki and many other new energy vehicle companies show their muscles, and on the other hand, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Buick, Ford and other traditional joint venture brands strive to break through; Independent brands are collectively arrogant, and multinational car companies seek common transformation; Luxury brands are in full bloom, and hard-core cross-country is competing for beauty; New models are on the market, and the price war is filled with smoke. ……
All this, of course, is not only due to the popularity of the automobile consumption market in Chengdu, but also the engine position of the western city of China represented by Chengdu.
Just as Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said a few years ago: "As far as the whole country is concerned, Chengdu Auto Show is undoubtedly the most regional auto show. The western auto market depends not only on Chengdu, but also on the national auto market."
Chengdu Auto Show is a window and a bridge.
On August 25th, the first day of the auto show, Shi Xiaolin, deputy secretary of Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of Chengdu Municipal Committee, visited the exhibition site in person, and had a discussion with the representatives of the participating industries, and listened carefully to their opinions and suggestions on the auto show and the development of Chengdu’s auto industry. Shi Xiaolin pointed out that Chengdu Auto Show should not only be an important window to display new automobile products, new technologies and the image of Chengdu, but also a bridge to promote industrial development and enhance exchanges and cooperation.
The 26-year-old Chengdu Auto Show has become the city card of Chengdu, which is inseparable from the strategic planning and foresight of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. At the World Cultural City Conference held in Chengdu in 2018, Chengdu formally put forward the idea of building "three cities and three capitals", among which "building an international convention and exhibition capital with high quality" was impressively listed.
As one of the most important exhibitions in the "Exhibition Capital" every year, every Chengdu Auto Show can be described as the general mobilization of the whole city: from the municipal government, Tianfu New District to the Expo Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, and the Transportation Bureau ….. In order to run the auto show well, it can be described as a game of chess, and all the people are United.

Take this year’s auto show as an example, in addition to the "convenience and benefit enterprises" team sent by Chengdu traffic police stationed at the auto show, a mobile service car was set up; There is also a civilian auxiliary police organized by Chengdu Tianfu Public Security Traffic Police Detachment, which provides a series of convenience services for exhibitors and visitors.
As a result of concerted efforts, Chengdu Auto Show has not only consolidated its position in the domestic A-class auto show, but also brought Chengdu’s automobile industry to the fast lane of development in the past ten years. More than ten leading automobile manufacturing enterprises such as FAW-Volkswagen, Volvo, Geely, Polar Star, Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen have set up factories in Chengdu.
On June 25th this year, the Office of the Leading Group for Building a Powerful Manufacturing City in Chengdu made it clear in the Development Plan of New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry in Chengdu (2023-2030) that by 2025, the overall scale of Chengdu’s automobile industry will strive to reach 300 billion yuan, and the overall local output of automobiles will reach 1 million (excluding the output of foreign molecular companies).
No wonder some people say that the growth of Chengdu Auto Show is the growth of Chengdu’s automobile industry, which not only promotes Chengdu’s automobile consumption and promotes the popularization of automobile culture, but also contributes to the development of Chengdu’s automobile industry.
On August 23rd, "China Communications Broadcasting" took an article "Hefei, Need a" Chengdu Auto Show "! ",gave a high evaluation of Chengdu Auto Show. The article wrote: "On the one hand, new cars are competing for the top, and on the other hand, exhibitions are promoted by exhibitions, and exhibitions are promoted by sales; On the one hand, the organizers regard the auto show as a festival, and on the other hand, the exhibitors regard the auto show as the Spring Festival Evening. The opening of the auto show, not only the industry is agitated, the city is jubilant, and countless citizens and families are enjoying it … This is the grand occasion of the Chengdu Auto Show and our expectation for the Hefei Auto Show. "

This year, many viewers have found that Chengdu Auto Show is not only willing to give up but also looks better than in previous years, and the exhibition experience is better. Ten-day auto show, a car purchase prize of 49,999 yuan every day "No history ‘ Money ’ Example "; The free bus shuttle bus that beckons and stops, the luggage storage office that you can see when you enter the room, and the elegant and eye-catching consulting service office are very considerate. The venue planning is scientific and reasonable, the brand distribution is tight and orderly, the supporting services are meticulous, and the atmosphere creation pays more attention to taste and details.
"China Auto Pioneer Forum" is the highlight of every Chengdu Auto Show. This year’s forum’s hot theme, high specifications and large scenes have made many participants feel refreshed.
Liu Xiaoyong, one of the organizers of the forum and the president of Auto Watch magazine, is an old friend of Chengdu Auto Show, and he is well aware of the development and changes of Chengdu Auto Show. "The scale of many exhibitions has declined this year, and the scale of the Chengdu Auto Show has not declined, which is very rare. But what is even more gratifying is the change of this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, which is more and more emphasis on grades and humanities. It is not easy for an exhibition that is known for its sales. "
"In fact, seeking change has always been the normal state of Chengdu Auto Show." Yang Huilan said: "From 1998 to today, Chengdu Auto Show has changed its location, from local exhibitions to A-class auto shows, from industry events to urban festivals, all of which are the result of change."
35,028 orders, with a turnover of 6.087 billion yuan. At the moment when the overall consumption is weak and the market is seriously involuted, this answer sheet handed over by Chengdu Auto Show this year is precious. It shows us that Chengdu, as a gold medal car market, is still active in purchasing power and consumption power, and its people are still optimistic about the future and calm about the present. It also shows us that Chengdu, which is taking building an international consumer-oriented central city as its future development direction, is making great strides.

What is even more rare is that in just one month, from international competitions to international auto shows in Chengdu, one is to make youth with sports, and the other is to control the future with wisdom and electricity, each of which shines and sets each other off. If the success of the Chengdu Universiade has shown the world the myriad weather of China in the new era, then the success of the Chengdu Auto Show has made the world understand China in the new era full of hope.
On the evening of September 3rd, Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition released the news of the closing of the 26th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition with the theme of "Highlighting the New Paradigm of Vitality and Accelerating to Lead the New Future". Many exhibitors and consumers left messages: "Looking forward to the 2024 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition" and "Meet again in 2024" … …
An auto show ignites a city, and the legend of auto show in Chengdu will continue to be written. (Qin Tongzi)

"State Compensation" Halves "Land Compensation" Cancels New Energy Vehicle Enterprises Facing Survival of the fittest

  The new subsidy policy for new energy vehicles has appropriately raised the threshold of technical indicators, focused on supporting high-quality products with excellent energy consumption and high technical level, and encouraged enterprises to pay attention to safety and consistency.

  At the same time, the implementation of the New Deal has also accelerated the "reshuffle" of the industry. Low-end enterprises that rely on subsidies for survival are doomed to be eliminated. Only by accelerating innovation drive and improving product strength can new energy vehicle companies hedge the impact of subsidies.

  The much-anticipated financial subsidy policy for new energy vehicles has finally been introduced. On the 26th, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on Further Improving the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles, which clarified the subsidy standards and liquidation methods for new energy vehicles in 2019. Compared with the previous subsidy policy, what specific changes will the New Deal have, what impact will it bring to the industry, and how should enterprises respond?

  Pure electric vehicle compensation is reduced by nearly half

  In 2019, the New Deal proposed that the driving range of pure electric passenger cars should not be less than 250 kilometers, that of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) should not be less than 50 kilometers, and that the subsidized driving range should only be divided into "two grades" of 250 to 400 kilometers and more than 400 kilometers, with subsidy amounts of 18,000 yuan and 25,000 yuan respectively, and that of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) should be 10,000 yuan.

  Last year, except for vehicles below 150km, subsidies for pure electric vehicles were divided into "four gears" with cruising range of 150-200km, 200-250km, 250-300km and 300-400km and above, with subsidies of 15,000 yuan, 24,000 yuan, 34,000 yuan and 45,000 yuan respectively. Plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including increase)

  "Compared with the previous year, the subsidy for pure electric passenger cars has been reduced by nearly half." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Association, said that unlike previous years, when the energy density threshold of the power battery system of new energy vehicles was greatly raised, this policy appropriately raised the threshold of technical indicators according to the principles of advanced technology, reliable quality and guaranteed safety, and kept the upper limit of technical indicators basically unchanged, focusing on supporting high-quality products with excellent energy consumption and high technical level, while encouraging enterprises to pay attention to safety and consistency.

  Pre-allocation of subsidy funds in time

  In view of the problem of untimely payment of subsidy funds, the New Deal proposes to improve the liquidation system and improve the efficiency of funds. It is required that from 2019, some funds will be pre-allocated after the vehicles with operating mileage requirements are sold and licensed. After meeting the mileage requirements, they can apply for liquidation according to procedures. After the release of the policy, vehicles with operating mileage requirements will not be subsidized if they run less than 20,000 kilometers within 2 years from the date of registration, and the pre-allocated funds will be deducted at the time of liquidation.

  It is understood that subsidies for new energy vehicles are divided into central financial subsidies and local financial subsidies. After enterprises submit application documents and materials, the central financial subsidies need to be approved and tested by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance; Local financial subsidies involve many cities, and the declaration process is also different. Some enterprises report that compared with central financial subsidies, local financial subsidies have many application links and long processes, and the progress of distribution is more difficult to determine.

  "If there is no cash flow and financing is difficult, it will affect the bank’s guarantee and mortgage. The superposition of layers will increase the investment cost of car companies and bring some pressure to the operation of upstream batteries and other enterprises." Cui Dongshu said that new energy vehicle enterprises themselves need cash flow, and this subsidy policy clarifies the rules for timely payment of subsidy funds, so that enterprises can research and develop and promote the market with peace of mind, thus achieving sustainable development.

  Local financial withdrawal subsidy

  The new policy also clearly states that local governments should improve their policies. After the transition period, they will no longer give purchase subsidies to new energy vehicles (except new energy buses and fuel cell vehicles), and instead use them to support the "short board" construction of charging (hydrogenation) infrastructure and supporting operational services. If the local government continues to grant purchase subsidies, the central government will deduct the relevant financial subsidies accordingly.

  "This means that local finance will withdraw its subsidies to vehicle manufacturers, and the policy based on financial subsidies will shift more to the non-financial system, focusing on optimizing the development environment of new energy vehicles, including road rights, charging facilities, power battery recycling, commercial insurance, used cars and so on. At the same time, it also helps to reduce local protectionism. " Cui Dongshu said that China’s policy of encouraging the development of new energy vehicles is a systematic policy, aiming at realizing the joint support system of national and local new energy vehicle policies, ensuring that after the subsidy is completely withdrawn in 2021, new energy vehicle products still have certain advantages over the policy environment of traditional fuel vehicles, and promoting the establishment of a market-oriented independent new energy vehicle selection system.

  In addition, the transitional policy also allows car companies to have a reasonable layout and time period for calibrating new products.

  The influence of the New Deal has different reactions.

  "The intensity of this slope retreat is expected, and the impact on enterprises is not too great." Zhao Changjiang, general manager of BYD Auto Sales Co., Ltd. said that only by accelerating innovation drive and enhancing product strength can enterprises better hedge the impact of subsidy retreat.

  However, many people in the industry said that with the increase of subsidies, many uncertainties have been added to the original high-speed development of new energy vehicles. Chen Hong, chairman of SAIC, bluntly said that without subsidies, China’s new energy vehicle market would decline significantly.

  "After the subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, car companies can ‘ Complement ’ 。” Jia Xinguang, executive director of china automobile dealers association, pointed out that the power battery occupies a very important position in the manufacturing cost of new energy vehicles. If the battery cost can be reduced through technological innovation, the impact of subsidy retreat on the market will be weakened.

  "It is not necessarily a good thing for a powerful enterprise. Subsidies should be seen dialectically." Gu Huinan, general manager of GAC New Energy, told reporters that with the gradual withdrawal of financial subsidies, the reshuffle of new energy vehicles is coming, and those low-end enterprises that rely on subsidies for survival are doomed to be eliminated. What can stand out must be the outstanding enterprises that actively face the market and can provide products with market competitiveness.