Amazing! The beauty of the four seasons in the 24 pictures, is there a scene you are familiar with?

Spring rain shocks spring and clears the valley sky

Summer and summer are connected

Autumn dew and autumn frost fall

Winter Snow Snow Winter Small Cold

The year changes, the seasons are reincarnated

Everything is busy and has its own season

The twenty-four solar terms accurately reflect the changes in natural rhythms and play an extremely important role in people’s daily lives. It is not only hailed as "China’s fifth great invention", but also included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. As an important part of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation, the twenty-four solar terms reflect our unique "Chinese-style romance" and the cultural confidence that flows in every Chinese DNA.

Since last year, we have captured the beauty of Maqiao’s 24 solar terms with our cameras. After a year, this group of 24 solar terms has finally been assembled! Through the change of seasons and seasonal changes, we have recorded the grass and trees, clouds, people coming and going, and fireworks in Maqiao…

Beginnings of Spring



vernal equinox

Qingming Festival

Grain Rain




Summer Solstice

Slight Heat

Great Heat

Beginning of Autumn

summer vacation

White Dew

autumnal equinox

Cold Dew


Beginning of Winter

Light Snow

heavy snow

Winter Solstice

Slight Cold

Great Cold

Photo: Maqiao Town

Editor: Xu Yuxin

Tiggo 9 Compared with Volkswagen Tiguan L, who is the best choice for medium-sized SUV?

  Although the compact SUV can meet the general car demand of families, the medium-sized SUV is definitely the Bai Yueguang in the hearts of countless families. Nowadays, the price of medium-sized SUVs has gradually dropped. In the past, more than 200,000 people could touch it, and now less than 200,000 people can realize their dreams. Many families also hope to enjoy the high-quality travel experience brought by medium-sized SUVs in one step. Xiaobian today brought two hot-selling medium-sized SUV— — Chery Tiggo 9 2023 2.0T automatic four-wheel drive to Zhen version (manufacturer’s guide price is 183,900 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Tiggo 9) and Volkswagen Tiguan L 2024 330TSI automatic two-wheel drive intellectual enjoyment version (manufacturer’s guide price is 229,700 yuan, hereinafter referred to as Volkswagen Tiguan L) to see who is more suitable for China family’s "travel physique".

  Spatial dynamics P K , Tiggo 9 Practical sense "Better.

  When many families buy medium-sized SUVs, space and power are the only two hard-core indicators that must be considered absolutely. In terms of space, the body of Tiggo 9 is 4820mm, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. The body of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 4733mm, and the wheelbase is 2791mm. Obviously, the sense of space of Tiggo 9 is more sufficient, and it is more comfortable when it is full, which reflects the space performance that a medium-sized SUV should have. In addition, the trunk volume of the Tiggo 9 can be expanded up to 2021L L. Although the Volkswagen Tiguan L can also be expanded, it is only 1780L L. It is clear at a glance who is more knowledgeable when going out for a long trip.

  In terms of power, the Tiggo 9 is equipped with Kunpeng 2.0T GDI, with a horsepower of 261 and a torque of 400 N m. The highest horsepower of Volkswagen Tiguan L is 186, which is obviously inferior, and the explosive power is completely defeated. Not to mention that Tiggo 9 has a powerful four-wheel drive system, which can easily control a variety of road conditions, but the city can be wild, so that the family can travel without worry.

  Cockpit comfort p K , Tiggo 9 "leapfrog feeling" more outstanding

  A medium-sized SUV is actually the ceiling of many families’ cars, so users naturally want the cockpit to be more comfortable and luxurious, and relatives and friends get into the car, showing that they know the car very well and have more face. Tiggo 9 specially created the "C-PURE Chery Clean Cube Green Cockpit" for users. The owner can automatically purify the air inside the car before and after the car is locked, so that the cockpit can always be kept in a pure state, and the freshness is always online. It is equipped with 3 independent blowers and 27 air outlets, creating a 540 stereo surround air conditioning system. Under the premise of the same air volume setting, the air volume is distributed more evenly through multiple air outlets, which avoids the occurrence of local supercooling or overheating, and allows drivers and passengers to enjoy softness without direct blowing. In contrast, the wind sense of Volkswagen Tiguan L is somewhat "tough".

  Tiggo 9 also has a zero-gravity extrasensory co-pilot and a second row of leapfrog care, which is more suitable for human body curves and is not tired after long-distance travel. Front row heating+ventilation, two rows heating, it can be seen that Tiggo 9 is devoted to the care and consideration of users in each row of seats. This delicate demand is met, and Volkswagen Tiguan L has not done it.

  Science and technology intelligence p K , Tiggo 9 "Future Sense" is even more outstanding.

  In this era of technology explosion, even if you buy a mini-car, you should pay attention to the technology configuration, let alone a medium-sized SUV. Tiggo 9 has its own unique views on scientific and technological intelligence, that is, both hardware and software should be outstanding. As for the hardware, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 smart chip, the top level in the industry, is adopted, which lays a silky computing foundation and makes the cockpit boot speed, recognition ability and response speed comparable to that of mobile phones. Tiggo 9 is also equipped with full road visual AIDS, using the industry-leading 50-inch AR-HUD with a projection distance of 7.5 meters, allowing drivers to experience the peace of mind in front of them.

  In terms of software, there is iFLYTEK engine XTTS 3.0 intelligent voice interaction system, which realizes deep voice customization, provides a more realistic interactive experience with human pronunciation, accurately recognizes continuous voice commands, and supports voice control of 28 categories and 429 functions. Controlling a car through sound, this kind of interaction only knows how wonderful it is after you experience it yourself. In addition, the remote function of Tiggo 9′ s mobile APP is richer than that of Volkswagen Tiguan L, with voice interaction.

  There are still some users who blindly worship the joint venture, but when these two cars are compared, it is obvious that they are better than the joint venture at the same level. Just last year, with a global sales volume of 1.43 million+,Chery became the global sales champion of China SUV in 2023. With an absolute advantage of 940,000 vehicles, the Tiggo series will become the global sales champion of China brand fuel SUV in 2023. How can such achievements not make Chinese people proud? As Chery’s flagship comfortable SUV, Tiggo 9 definitely deserves to be ranked in the top two of your car purchase list.

The Artificial Intelligence Conference staged a "Double Horse" dialogue: How does AI affect the future?

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

   Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan, Li Wenliang) On August 29th, at the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference with the theme of "Smart World, Unlimited Possibilities", Ma Yun, co-chairman of the United Nations High-level Group on Digital Cooperation, and elon musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla Company, had a strong dialogue for 45 minutes around the development direction of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and employment, education and life.

  Topic 1: Where will artificial intelligence go in the next 100 years?

  Regarding the future of AI, Ma Yun said: "It is very difficult to predict the future today, especially difficult." I am not a high-tech person, but a person who talks about life. He feels that AI can open a new chapter for the whole world and the whole society, so that everyone can better understand themselves instead of fully understanding the outside world.

  Many people are worried about artificial intelligence, but Ma Yun is optimistic. He doesn’t think AI is a threat and thinks that human beings need to have more confidence. "Many problems today have no solutions, and there will be in the future."

  "Human civilization has a history of 7,000 years. From the perspective of civilization, the ups and downs are very severe. I am not a natural optimist or pessimist, but the future development of science and technology will surpass our ability to understand it. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. " Musk said that most people underestimate the ability of artificial intelligence, and they think it may be like a smart person. In fact, artificial intelligence may be smarter than the smartest people.

  Topic 2: What new jobs will artificial intelligence create?

  Ma Yun believes that people are worried about every technological innovation. In the past 100 years, they have been worried that new technologies will take away employment opportunities, but in fact they have created many employment opportunities.

  In the next 20 years, human life will be longer. Ma Yun said that there is no need to worry too much about work. "First of all, we will have a lot of work; Secondly, we won’t need a lot of work; The third interesting point is that the average life expectancy in the agricultural era is about 30 or 35 years old. After the technological revolution in the industrial era, people can live to 70 years old. In the artificial intelligence era, people may live to 100 years. We have no way to predict the future, but we should be prepared. " Ma Yun said.

  Musk believes that the development of artificial intelligence will make the work meaningless in the future. Perhaps the last job is to write AI software, and even AI itself can write software. Therefore, it is recommended that you study engineering, physics or do some work that interacts with people.

  Topic 3: What knowledge or skills will be more advantageous in the future?

  Ma Yun believes that there will be no artificial intelligence professionals in the future. People often worry about work, while he is worried about education. All the education systems teach children things and the teaching methods are mainly designed for the industrial age. Ma Yun believes that machines will be smarter and will be much smarter than people in the future. He said, how can people do better and become smarter and smarter? It should be to change the way of education and the content of teaching. "In the past, we focused on memory, but computers can remember better and calculate faster than you. You want to run faster, but machines can run faster than you. Therefore, human beings should be more creative and constructive. How to teach children to be more creative and constructive is the key to education. "

  Musk believes that we should learn as much as possible so that we can better predict and create the future. The best way to predict the future is to create it. He said: "We should evaluate what we are learning, whether we can predict the future and reduce mistakes. We can think about education in this way."

  Topic 4: Can artificial intelligence help realize environmental sustainable development?

  Musk believes that China is a leader in environmental sustainable development, and its achievements are amazing. Human beings can solve the problem of environmental sustainable development, but it is not easy. We must take a lot of actions and keep it going.

  At this point, Ma Yun believes that artificial intelligence can completely help us achieve environmental sustainability. Because when people know themselves better, they will become wiser and smarter.

  "People like technology very much and have illusions about technology. I think technology should coexist with dreams. It is not technology that changes our world, but the dreams behind it really change our world." Ma Yun hopes that eventually people can use technology to create a better life.