What is the function of BYD Hanche key?


In addition to the traditional induction car keys, BYD Hanche keys also have a set of truck keys. It uses NFC induction technology, and the car can be easily unlocked by placing the card near the rearview mirror shell, thus avoiding the trouble of carrying larger traditional car keys.

Regarding the hold button of BYD Hanche key, the following is some information:

1. Introduction:

Press the hold key for a few seconds to open the trunk, so as to avoid accidents caused by pressing the hold key when the vehicle is driving, so it is called "hold".

2. Other functions:

The hold key is not the trunk open key, but the remote engine start button. Within a long distance, press and hold for 2 to 3 seconds, and the car will start automatically. This function can adjust the temperature inside the car in advance in winter and summer, so that you can enjoy a comfortable temperature before entering the car.

Interview with delegates | Be a good young man in the new era with ideals, courage to take responsibility, endurance and willingness to struggle.

  Be a good young man in the new era who has ideals, dares to take responsibility, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle.

  — — Interview with delegates to 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Liu Xiuxiang, Deputy Secretary and Vice President of the Party Branch of Wangmo Experimental High School.

  Editor’s note:The Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress is a political declaration and program of action that our Party unites and leads the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to uphold and develop Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and new journey. It must be carefully studied, understood and resolutely implemented. Focusing on studying and implementing the Party’s Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, Qiushi.com reporter specially invited delegates to 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Liu Xiuxiang, deputy secretary and vice president of the Party branch of Wangmo Experimental High School in Guizhou Province, to accept an exclusive interview and share their knowledge and experience.

  The picture shows that on August 26, 2022, Liu Xiuxiang chatted with the students during the military training for freshmen. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Xuanni/photo

  [Introduction to Representative]

  Liu Xiuxiang was born in a small mountain village in Wangmo County, Guizhou Province. His father died of illness when he was 4 years old, and his mother suffered from intermittent mental illness and lost her ability to take care of herself. The suffering of fate didn’t crush him. He studied hard and made a living by collecting waste products. After being admitted to a university thousands of miles away, in order to take care of his mother, he "carried his mother to college thousands of miles away", and the story of his humble son touched countless people.












  (记者:旷思思 审核:李艳玲)

North Korea and the United States shouted experts at the end of the year: it is expected that North Korea will not cross the "red line" of the United States

  The end of this year is the deadline set by the DPRK for the denuclearization negotiations between the DPRK and the United States, but the DPRK-US dialogue has still not made progress. The outside world is worried that both sides will take action because the deadline is approaching, but at the same time, it is also expected that both sides can release positive signals and change the current situation.

  The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is a top priority in North Korea at present. This is the second time that the WPK has held a plenary session for more than two consecutive days after 29 years. According to a report by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea entered the agenda for the third day on the 30th, and Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, continued to give a report.

  This photo provided by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019 shows that Kim Jong-un spoke at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The eyes of the outside world focused on the latest statement of the meeting: "Actively take measures to comprehensively safeguard national sovereignty and security" is the Chinese version of Korean Central News Agency’s statement, while literal translation of the original text should be "positive and offensive measures". The word "offensive" has aroused widespread concern. Lee Sang-min, spokesman of South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said on December 30th that regarding the so-called "offensive measures" mentioned by the DPRK at this meeting, the ROK will pay close attention to the contents and resolutions of the follow-up meeting of the DPRK.

  At the same time, the United States’ recent tough stance toward the DPRK has not relaxed at all. In an interview with the media on December 29th, White House National Security Adviser O ‘Brien said, "If North Korea takes action, the United States, as a major military and economic power, will take appropriate actions to respond." He added, "There are many choices in the American toolkit".

  In addition to the "offensive" expression, we should also pay attention to others.

  Both sides seem to have a tendency to wait for opportunities. Liu Tiancong, an associate researcher at the Northeast Asia Institute of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said in an interview with The Paper, "It seems that both sides are showing strength, but this is not the case. The two sides still have some tacit understanding. The upper limit of US-DPRK relations depends on the United States, and the lower limit depends on North Korea. Specifically, whether we can talk about it and talk about the results depends on the United States; Whether it will collapse depends on North Korea. "

  Wang Junsheng, a researcher at the Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences, also pointed out in an interview with The Paper that "since 2018, North Korea has made great contributions to easing the situation on the peninsula, but it has not received the expected return from the United States. North Korea assessed that the United States hopes to crush North Korea through pressure, so it said ‘ Active and offensive ’ The key meaning of is to express ‘ We can’t be crushed ’ But in any case, the DPRK still puts constructive and positive words in front, and it is also releasing signals to the outside. "

  In fact, it must be noted that the discussion on the military and national security aspects is only a part of this domestic meeting in North Korea, which also involves many other contents, among which the economy is still the most concerned aspect. According to Korean Central News Agency’s report on December 31, 2019, Kim Jong-un emphasized the principle of strengthening party building and enhancing the role of cadres, and spent seven hours making a comprehensive report on the work of the CPC Central Committee, national construction, economic development and military construction of the DPRK.

  Korean Central News Agency said that Kim Jong-un "anatomically" comprehensively analyzed a series of problems in the overall national construction, such as current national management and economic construction.

  Wang Junsheng believes that the shift of North Korea’s strategic center to economic construction in 2018 is a new thing for North Korea, because in the process of transformation, there may be problems that have not appeared before. The analysis of these problems is an important part of this meeting, and besides, it is necessary to unify thoughts and cognition internally.

  Liu Tiancong said that although there are some tough messages in the content of the Fifth Plenary Session, it is prudent and continuous on the whole, and the fields involved are comprehensive and extensive. Most of the content is to emphasize economic development and party building, not just to show strength to the outside world. As an important meeting held at this important stage, the outcome of the Fifth Plenary Session will determine North Korea’s domestic and foreign policies for a long time to come.

  The fluctuation of US-DPRK relations stems from the lack of basic trust.

  Just before this meeting, the seventh the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Workers’ Party of Korea just held its third enlarged meeting and decided to further strengthen the overall armed forces of the Korean People’s Army and other countries politically and militarily. This signal is the epitome of the whole December 2019. In the past 30 days, the DPRK and the United States have intensively tested each other with tough tone and practices, including two "major tests" conducted by the DPRK at the West Sea satellite launch site one week apart, and a series of threatening targeted remarks made by the US from President Trump to Secretary of Defense Esper to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Millie.

  On December 16, 2019, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Beagan was in Seoul. In sharp contrast to the Xinhua News Agency, the State Council’s special representative for North Korea policy, Beagan, visited South Korea, Japan and China in mid-December 2019, and finally failed. Previously, the contact with North Korean officials was finally dashed. In fact, this can be foreseen as early as an expression by Myong gil Kim, the visiting ambassador of the DPRK Foreign Ministry in November, when he said, "If the United States only holds talks to successfully get through the end of the year, then North Korea is not interested in such talks."

  In Singapore in June 2018, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reached a four-point consensus in the joint statement signed jointly, and the outside world generally had more positive expectations for the DPRK-US relations. However, in 2019, the DPRK-US relations have been fluctuating repeatedly. First, from the Hanoi summit in February, Trump crossed the "38th parallel" and became the first incumbent US president to enter North Korea. Then, in October, the Swedish working talks between the two sides ended without results, and the DPRK-US relations were full of twists and turns like a roller coaster.

  On June 30, 2019, US President Trump (right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held talks at the "Freedom House" on the Korean side of Panmunjom. Xinhua News Agency data map Liu Tiancong believes that the fundamental reason for the intermittent relationship between the United States and the DPRK lies in: on the one hand, there are fundamental differences between the two sides on the issue of denuclearization that are difficult to reconcile; On the other hand, the two countries, mainly the United States, need to maintain the basic atmosphere of dialogue in order to obtain political interests. For more than a year, even if the relationship between the United States and North Korea was warm for a while, it was just a political need, which was difficult to last and even more difficult to go deep.

  "There is a lack of the most basic trust between the DPRK and the United States." Wang Junsheng believes that this is the core issue that caused this situation. "The DPRK and the United States have reached a consensus on the direction of solving the Korean Peninsula issue, but this year’s issue is how to implement it, in other words, who will take the first step. North Korea is unwilling to declare its nuclear weapons program first and abandon its nuclear program first, fearing that the United States will strike, while the United States is worried that North Korea will renege after lifting sanctions. " Wang Junsheng pointed out that this situation not only requires the persistence of both sides, but also urgently requires the intervention of a third party.

  The international community actively promotesword

  At the same time, all parties in the international community hope that the tense fire of DPRK-US relations in 2019 will spread to the upcoming New Year as little as possible.

  On December 30th, the UN Security Council held an informal meeting to discuss the second round of the proposal put forward by China and the Russian Federation to partially lift sanctions against North Korea. Although the final result of the proposal is unknown, and there are many predictions that the attitude of the United States will not be reversed at all, it is an attempt to solve the peninsula problem politically in any case. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference on the 31st that at this meeting, all parties further exchanged views on the draft resolution and were willing to keep in touch with each other on the next step of negotiation.

  On December 24th, when asked about the relevant issues, the spokesman of the UN Secretary-General said, "Our message to North Korean leaders is to commit to peace and stability on the peninsula and resume working-level dialogue with the United States."

  At the previous meeting of leaders of China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries also reiterated that denuclearization of the peninsula and lasting peace in Northeast Asia are the common goal of the three parties, and dialogue and consultation are the only effective way to solve the peninsula problem. They also said that they should strengthen communication and coordination among the three countries on peninsula affairs and play a constructive role in realizing denuclearization of the peninsula and long-term stability in Northeast Asia.

  Late at night on December 21st, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said after a telephone conversation with US President Trump that Japan will strive to promote North Korea’s efforts to achieve denuclearization of the peninsula through peaceful dialogue, and Japan fully supports the US-DPRK negotiations on denuclearization of the peninsula.

  At 6: 30 pm local time on February 27, 2019, the second US-DPRK summit was unveiled at Sofitel Legend Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. Under the eyes of everyone, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walked into the venue and smiled and shook hands. Liu Tiancong predicted that according to the current situation, North Korea is not expected to do anything too outrageous, such as resuming nuclear tests. North Korea may show toughness by launching short-and medium-range land-based missiles, submarine-launched missiles and even satellites, but these will not touch the red line of the United States and will not lead to the collapse of the US-DPRK dialogue. As long as North Korea does not cross the line, Trump will not take the initiative to worsen US-DPRK relations and find trouble for himself before the election. Therefore, it is quite possible for the situation on the peninsula to maintain the current situation and even further resume the dialogue between the United States and the DPRK.

  Wang Junsheng believes that all parties should strive for the common denominator as much as possible, try to continue discussing the reversible clauses of resolutions concerning the DPRK within the framework of the UN Security Council, and work out a clear road map for lifting sanctions, and then try to deal with the contents related to the humanitarian field first.

2021 Chang ‘an Avenue Good Book | Annual Recommended Cadre Learning List of Chang ‘an Avenue Reading Club (Classic)

  "2021 Chang ‘an Street Good Books" is led by the comprehensive group of Chang ‘an Street Reading Club. According to the performance data of more than a thousand issues of good books and new books columns pushed by publishing units and media departments in the past year on the theoretical learning platform of Chang ‘an Street Reading Club, it has been jointly evaluated by experts such as publishing group, media group, cadre education group and doctoral group, and with reference to Party building group, Zhongzhi group, Jingzhi group, political and legal group, enterprise cadre group and health group.

  1. A Brief History of communist party, China

  Publishing House: People’s Publishing House, CPC History Publishing House.

  Author: writing group of this book

  "A Brief History of communist party, China" is a concise reader of party history compiled in accordance with the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and to cooperate with the whole party in carrying out the study and education of party history. In the process of writing the manuscript, the central leading comrades repeatedly put forward clear requirements for drafting and revision.

  A Brief History of communist party, China consists of 10 chapters, 70 sections and about 362,000 words. It fully absorbs the latest achievements in the study of party history, and focuses on describing and evaluating major historical events and important historical figures, major principles and policies, important strategic arrangements, major theoretical innovations and their development process in the form of combining history with theory. Explain why the Communist Party of China (CPC) can, why Marxism can and why Socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. Focus on carrying forward the lofty revolutionary spirit and demeanor of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people; A profound interpretation of the inherent logic contained in historic changes, the advantages of roads, theories, systems and cultures behind historic achievements, and a simple and easy-to-understand style of writing are important reading materials for the whole party, especially grassroots party member cadres, to learn the history of the Party.

  2. History of Marxism in China.

  Publishing House: Fujian People’s Publishing House

  Author: Li Junru

  The History of Marxist Thought in China takes the Chinese nation’s "stand up", "get rich" and "get strong" as perspectives and clues, and comprehensively and systematically studies the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, insisting on closely combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s reality and characteristics of the times, constantly promoting theoretical innovation and practical innovation, and constantly advancing the ideological process of China Marxism; It reveals a series of basic concepts, basic categories and their internal relations and logical relations formed and put forward in the process of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of China. It is a recent masterpiece of studying Marxism in China and its ideological history in China.

  3. Twelve Lectures on the History of the Communist Party of China

  Publishing House: Life Reading Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore

  Author: Xie Chuntao, etc

  This book is written and edited by Xie Chuntao, vice president of the Central Party School. He and Luo Pinghan, Gao Zhonghua, Lu Yi, Liu Baodong, Zhang Xudong, Li Qinggang, and Shen Chuanliang, eight experts in the field of party history and party building, talked about twelve topics, namely: why the Communist Party of China (CPC) "can", Zhu Mao’s Red Army and Gutian meeting, Zunyi meeting and the victory of the Long March, the unity and unity between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Yan ‘an rectification and the party, the historical experience of the party in seizing state power, and the idea and practice of establishing a new China. The transition from new democracy to socialism, the Party’s exploration of China’s socialist construction road, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party and the great historical turning point, and the historic achievements and changes since the 18th CPC National Congress. These twelve lectures highlight the course of revolution, construction, reform and important nodes of the new era that the CPC has gone through in the past 100 years.

  4. Understanding the 14th Five-Year Plan: Reform Agenda under the New Development Pattern

  Press: CITIC Publishing Group

  Author: Liu Shijin

  During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, China will embark on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. In order to achieve high-quality development, build a modern economic system and improve the country’s modern governance system, forward-looking thinking, overall planning and strategic layout are needed to promote reform and break through. This book is edited by Liu Shijin, deputy director of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Economic Commission and former deputy director of the State Council Development Research Center. With a high sense of historical responsibility, profound theoretical foundation and professional spirit, the authors deeply analyze the background, challenges, opportunities and key areas of reform and breakthrough in the 14 th Five-Year Plan from three dimensions: new development stage, new development pattern and new development concept, and comprehensively expound the development concept, guiding principles, main objectives and strategic layout of this period.

  5. Outline of Double Cycle

  Publishing House: Guangdong People’s Publishing House

  Authors: Cai Fang et al.

  The tide of globalization has ended, the world economy has been stagnant for a long time, and the window of reshaping the global value chain is coming. How can China’s economy seize new opportunities and achieve contrarian growth? The domestic economic stage has entered a period of high-quality development, and the "troika" of economic growth has undergone profound changes. How to improve the "potential growth rate" and realize the double cycle of the national economy? Under the double-cycle long-term strategy, China will form a brand-new development pattern in the next decade, which includes macro-propositions such as high-level opening to the outside world, industrial chain remodeling, financial reform, regional balance, aging challenges, and also involves key areas related to your daily life, such as pension, common prosperity, income distribution and consumption. Cai Fang, the chief expert of the national high-end think tank of China Academy of Social Sciences, and senior experts from various fields of the Academy of Social Sciences jointly "diagnosed" the new situation of China’s development, and went deep into the national economic fields such as population, agriculture, investment and finance, providing authoritative answers to ten key issues that China’s economy is about to face.

  6. National Finance (2nd Edition)

  Publishing House: Peking University Publishing House

  Author: Chen Yunxian

  This book is different from some related national financial affairs issues involved in the general Finance, and it starts with eight issues that are the core of a country’s financial development and urgently need to be solved — — That is, after the top-level layout and supervision mode of national finance are selected, the financial development problems involving countries and places vertically and offshore and onshore horizontally, and facing the financial rise of countries all over the world, how is a country’s finance? In the face of the rapid development of artificial intelligence+blockchain high technology in the world, how does a country’s finance respond? The eternal theme of finance is security, liquidity and profitability. How to prevent and deal with a country’s systemic or regional financial risks? How can a country build and promote a new international financial system and a new international financial order in the face of international financial hegemony? — — They are the subjects that national finance must face. The book is divided into ten chapters, including: introduction, top-level layout of national finance, coordination of national financial supervision, development of national financial hierarchy, internal and external linkage of national finance, overtaking of national financial curve, national financial technological innovation, prevention of national financial risks, international participation of national finance, and eight problems to be solved in China’s financial development.

  7. "Faithful Descendants: How Leading Cadres Inherit and Carry Forward the Party’s Glorious Tradition and Fine Style"

  Press: Party School Press of the CPC Central Committee

  Author: Hong Xianghua

  On March 1, 2021, the General Secretary delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), stressing that the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party are precious spiritual wealth that inspires us to be brave and forge ahead, regardless of the past, present and future. Young cadres are the successors of the cause of the party and the state, and they must be determined to be faithful successors of the glorious tradition and fine style of work of the party. In order to help cadres, especially young and middle-aged cadres, thoroughly study and implement the requirements put forward by the General Secretary, our agency invited Professor Hong Xianghua from the Central Party School (National School of Administration) to write "Faithful Descendants — — How leading cadres inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party. This book closely combines the spirit of the important speech delivered by the General Secretary at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2021, clearly points out that loyalty to the Party is the primary quality of communist party people, and profoundly expounds the value of party member leading cadres in the new era to inherit and continuously carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party. The language style of each chapter is popular and easy to understand, which has both theoretical height and practical breadth. This book is not only suitable as a bibliography for the study and education of Party history, but also as a teaching material for Party schools and party organizations at all levels to train cadres in party member and party member, especially young cadres.

  8. Choice: On-the-spot Documentary Debate on Major Ideological Decisions of the Republic (Commemorative Edition)

  Publishing House: People’s Publishing House

  Authors: Wang Binglin et al.

  Looking back at the glorious history of the Republic, whether it is to open up the road or to innovate in theory, it is inseparable from ideological contention. Whenever the situation changes at a critical juncture, before and after the introduction of major decisions, there will always be some collisions of different views, and there will always be arguments of different opinions. From resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea to peaceful development, from socialist transformation to reform and opening up, from the discussion of truth standards to the struggle in the ideological field … … This book selects major ideological arguments that affect the development process of the Republic, examines the origin of the mirror, and clarifies right and wrong. History is the preferred textbook. By discussing the pros and cons of ideological debate, we can better learn from historical wisdom and strengthen Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s road confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence and cultural confidence.

  9. What about the Civil Code? 》

  Publishing House: China Social Sciences Publishing House

  Author: Sun Xianzhong

  The book How to Look at the Civil Code, written by Professor Sun Xianzhong, a famous civil jurist in China, embodies the author’s academic skill of studying and discussing civil law for decades, and the author, as one of the comprehensive and in-depth participants and legislators in the compilation of civil code, analyzes and interprets important papers and articles of the civil code. The author creatively puts forward the basic approach to the study and implementation of China’s Civil Code from three factors: legal thoughts, legal feelings and legal techniques, which provides readers with abundant information about the past and present life of the birth of China’s Civil Code, the function of governing the country according to law undertaken by the Civil Code, the main system renewal, the main disputes in the compilation process and legislators’ views on these disputes. This book also includes the legislative proposals, suggestions and legislative reports put forward during the compilation of the Civil Code by Professor Sun Xianzhong, a famous jurist, as a deputy to the National People’s Congress and a member of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress, as well as some speeches and published articles about the Civil Code.

  10. From Agriculture 1.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Ecological Transformation and Agricultural Sustainability.

  Publishing House: Oriental Publishing House

  Authors: Wen Tiejun, Tang Zhenghua, Liu Yahui, etc

  The Zhu Kezhen hypothesis, which focuses on the influence of climate change on the development of human civilization, is broken. Based on the latest archaeological discovery of "Zhejiang people", this paper discusses the far-reaching influence of climate change and the difference of geographical environment on the origin of agricultural diversity from a grand historical and geographical perspective. The book not only systematically combs the evolution process of agricultural development, but also explains in detail the pattern of the world agricultural development model in modern times, and introduces the rich experience of agricultural sustainable development at home and abroad from the perspective of international comparison.

* ST Oceanwide will delist its shares within 15 trading days after receiving the decision to terminate listing.

*ST Oceanwide (SZ000046, share price 0.38 yuan, market value 1.975 billion yuan) is about to terminate its listing.

On the evening of January 26th, *ST Oceanwide announced that it had received the Decision of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Stock Exchange) on the Termination of Listing of Oceanwide Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE [2024] No.76), and Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company’s shares.

Source: *ST Oceanwide Announcement

According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the daily closing price of *ST Oceanwide shares was lower than that of 1 yuan for 20 consecutive trading days from November 30, 2023 to December 27, 2023, which touched the termination of listing as stipulated in Item (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 9.2.1 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. "According to Article 9.2.5 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the deliberation opinions of the Listing Review Committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this Exchange has decided to terminate the listing of your company’s shares."

At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 9.1.15 and Article 9.6.10, paragraph 2 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, *ST Oceanwide was decided by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to terminate its listing due to the forced delisting of transactions, and will not enter the delisting consolidation period. *ST Oceanwide will be delisted within 15 trading days after Shenzhen Stock Exchange makes the decision to terminate its listing.

*ST Oceanwide said that after the company’s shares are terminated, according to the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Implementation Measures for delisting companies to enter the delisting sector, the company’s shares will be transferred to the delisting sector managed by the National Stock Transfer Company for listing and transfer. The company has hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. to provide share transfer services for the company after the company’s shares are terminated.

On January 23, *ST Oceanwide announced that it hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. as the company’s lead broker, and agreed to sign the Entrusted Stock Transfer Agreement with it, entrusting it to provide share transfer services for the company, and handle the stock withdrawal registration in the market registration and settlement system of the stock exchange, the stock reconfirmation and the share registration and settlement of the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system.

According to the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, a company that is forced to delist its shares shall sign relevant agreements with the sponsoring brokers that meet the prescribed conditions before delisting.

At the same time, the debt problem of *ST Oceanwide is still fermenting.

According to the announcement of *ST Oceanwide on January 23, the company was informed on January 22 that Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch of China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Bohai Bank) was on the grounds of financial loan contract disputes. China Pan Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Pan Group), *ST Oceanwide, the controlling shareholder of the company, China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd., Tonghai Holding Co., Ltd. (the controlling shareholder of China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd.), Beijing Taobo Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Oceanwide Industrial Co., Ltd. were sued to Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court. At the same time, Bohai Bank filed an application for property preservation with the court, and Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court ruled to freeze the above applications.

The cause of the case is that in November 2018, Zhongpan Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of *ST Oceanwide, applied to Bohai Bank for financing of no more than 2 billion yuan. China Pan Group shall repay the remaining outstanding principal and interest of the above financing on November 14, 2023. As of January 23, the disclosure date of the announcement, China Pan Group has not completed the repayment of the remaining principal and interest of the above debts.

national business daily
