To achieve high-quality development, we need to step up the "short board"

  Cannikin Law tells us that the short board is the key factor to determine the capacity of the whole barrel. No matter how long the short board is, it has no practical significance. The same is true of economic development. Shortcomings not only affect the speed of economic growth, but also restrict the quality of economic development. At the moment when "China’s economy has shifted from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage", in order to effectively improve the quality and efficiency of economic operation, we must make real contributions and see practical results by "complementing the shortcomings".

  There are shortcomings in any period of economic development. In the stage of rapid growth, the main shortcomings of China’s economic operation are lack of materials and supply, and serious supply shortages such as transportation, energy and communication have become "bottlenecks". At the stage of high-quality development, the new shortcomings are highlighted. For example, compared with the economic growth rate, quality and efficiency are shortcomings; Compared with the virtual economy, the real economy is a short board; Compared with urban economy, rural economy is a short board; Compared with the economic field, the people’s livelihood field is a short board; From the point of view that the institutional mechanism adapts to the new requirements of economic and social development, the lack of institutional supply is a shortcoming. Therefore, it is an inevitable choice for China’s economy to move towards high-quality development. We must start from the important areas and key links that seriously restrict economic and social development and the outstanding problems that the people urgently need to solve, and make up for both hard and soft shortcomings, both development shortcomings and system shortcomings.

  From the analysis, focusing on the high-quality economic development, among many shortcomings, three key shortcomings should be given priority: insufficient scientific and technological innovation, lagging system and unsmooth economic cycle.

  Fill in the shortcomings of scientific and technological innovation

  From a macro perspective, the key reason for the short quality of economic development is the lack of innovation drive. Innovation is the propeller of high-quality development. Only by constantly innovating and fully applying innovation results to economic activities can product quality be improved, people’s new needs can be continuously met, economic operation efficiency can be improved, and the economy can embark on the track of high-quality development.




  The second is to make up for the "short" of education. High quality development depends on innovation, innovation depends on talents, and the cultivation of innovative talents depends on education. The key to cultivate more innovative talents is to change the educational concept and the examination-oriented education model. The cultivation of innovative talents must be eclectic and teach students with different interests and talents in accordance with their aptitude. Higher education should allocate more resources to frontier disciplines and the cultivation of innovative talents, so that more talents with open thinking can stand out. To fill the shortcomings of education, we need to continue to increase funding and strengthen the efforts to improve the quality of teachers, so that high-quality teachers can cultivate high-quality students. In order to attract more outstanding talents to join the teaching staff, it is essential to improve the status and treatment of teachers. Moreover, the cultivation of innovative talents also needs the help of family education. Good family education is the soil for cultivating students’ exploration spirit, independent thinking ability and habits.

  Fill in the shortcomings of the system

  To achieve high-quality economic development, we must also fill in the shortcomings of the system. Without a matching system, high-quality development cannot be achieved. To a certain extent, the intensity of system reform determines the progress of high-quality development. The reform of the economic system must be accelerated, deepened in an all-round way, and key breakthroughs must be made to provide strong institutional support for high-quality development. In particular, the reform in the following three key areas must be intensified, accelerated, and take substantial steps.

  The first is the reform of the state-owned enterprise system. Whether China’s economy can achieve high-quality development depends to a great extent on whether the state-owned enterprises that play a leading role in the national economy can achieve high-quality development. The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues of Comprehensively Deepening Reform, adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, puts forward that the mixed ownership economy is "an important realization form of the basic economic system". To achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to promote the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises, expand the reform of mixed ownership in key areas, attract non-state-owned capital to participate in shares, implement employee stock ownership, improve corporate governance structure and enhance the vitality of state-owned enterprises. At the same time, it is necessary to deepen the reform of state-owned assets management system, implement a targeted "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" for state-owned enterprises, and accelerate the transformation from managing enterprises to managing capital, so as to make state-owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger in the market competition.

  The second is the reform of the financial system. The importance of financial system reform to achieve high-quality development lies in that both the financial system and the financial system have an important impact on resource allocation and structural adjustment, which is related to the quality of economic development. Where the huge budget funds are invested and used, whether they can avoid inefficient and ineffective investment, realize efficient allocation and promote high-quality development, will inevitably depend on the improvement of the financial system. Therefore, we must deepen the reform of fiscal and taxation system to make it "comprehensive, standardized, open and transparent"; Improve the budget management system and promote the reform of income division between the central and local governments; Improve the transfer payment system, deepen the reform of value-added tax, and establish a standardized and reasonable central and local government debt management and risk early warning mechanism. At the same time, to achieve high-quality development, especially to promote the development of high-tech industries, we must give full play to the role of financial markets, especially capital markets, in resource allocation. One of the problems in China’s financial system is that the proportion of indirect financing is too large, the capital market is underdeveloped, the mechanism is imperfect, and the role of efficient allocation of resources cannot be fully exerted. Another problem existing in the financial system is that a large amount of funds are "divorced from reality", and the financing problems of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, have not been solved well for a long time, which has affected the efficiency and benefit of economic operation. The focus of financial system reform is to promote financial market-oriented reform, expand the opening of the financial industry to the outside world, gradually liberalize access restrictions, improve the multi-level capital market system, and increase the proportion of direct financing.

  The third is the reform of the income distribution system. The significance of the reform of income distribution system for high-quality development lies in that distribution, as a basic link of social reproduction, plays an important guiding role in resource flow and resource allocation. How to distribute the produced things and whether they are distributed reasonably will not only affect the consumption structure and demand structure, but also affect the investment structure and supply structure. The supply-side structural reform has continuously made new progress, which is inseparable from the cooperation of the reform of the income distribution system. Relieving the pressure of excessive personal income gap, releasing consumption potential and effectively expanding the total social demand are also inseparable from the deepening reform of the income distribution system. At present, the focus of the reform of income distribution system is to accelerate the reform of taxation, wages, social security, transfer payment and other institutional mechanisms.

  Fill the short board of economic cycle

  The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2018 proposed that "it is necessary to smooth the national economic cycle and accelerate the construction of a unified, open and competitive modern market system". Emphasis on "unblocking the national economic cycle" aims at "unblocking the cycle". Chinese medicine says, "the general principle is painless, but the pain is unreasonable", and the same is true for economic operation. The "unsmooth" economic cycle not only hinders the flow of factors, but also increases transaction costs, resulting in low efficiency and efficiency of economic operation. The key to smooth the economic cycle is to remove the "obstruction" of the economic cycle, clear up the obstacles of the economic cycle, and make all parts and links of various economic departments interconnected and various factors flow smoothly.

  Judging from the actual operation of China’s economy, the "unsmooth circulation" has become a shortcoming that restricts high-quality development. For a long time, local protection, industry monopoly, administrative intervention, access restrictions, ownership discrimination and many other factors have hindered the formation of a unified national market. Various market players cannot compete in a fair market environment, and the market’s function of efficiently allocating resources cannot be fully exerted.

  Resources are limited. Whether the limited resources can be allocated to the most needed fields, the most promising industries and the most efficient enterprises, so as to avoid or reduce the mismatch of resources and improve the efficiency of economic operation mainly depends on whether the national economic cycle can be smooth, and whether a unified, open and competitive modern market system can be formed. Only when the market is open and the circulation is smooth can the economy live.

  To smooth the national economic cycle and achieve high-quality development, we need to make key breakthroughs in the following aspects.

  First, smooth the circulation of real economy and virtual economy. On the one hand, the real economy is the fundamental source of wealth creation and the material basis for the development of virtual economy; On the other hand, the development of real economy can not be separated from the support of virtual economy, especially finance as its basic form, and finance is the blood of real economy. The problem now is that the structure of the real economy and the virtual economy is unbalanced, the circulation is not smooth, the virtual economy is excessively prosperous, and a large amount of funds are "divorced from reality", which has seriously affected the development of the real economy. To fill the shortcomings of the real economy, we must follow the requirements of the report of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. "We must focus on the real economy and improve the quality of the supply system as the main direction." Accordingly, finance must improve its ability to serve the real economy and promote the benign interaction between the real economy and the virtual economy. To smooth the circulation of real economy and virtual economy, we should give full play to the function of capital market and increase the proportion of direct financing; Further reduce taxes and fees, reduce the burden on enterprises, and increase financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises and innovation and entrepreneurship; Strengthen financial supervision to curb the "self-circulation" of funds in the financial system. It is necessary to take multiple measures to promote the concentration of resources in the real economy.

  The second is to smooth the economic cycle between urban and rural areas. The urban-rural economic cycle is not smooth, which is a major problem that must be solved when China’s economy embarks on the track of high-quality development. The gap between urban and rural areas caused by the dual structure of urban and rural areas makes more resources flow from rural areas with low income to cities with high income, while urban resources rarely flow to rural areas, which intensifies the contradiction between urban and rural areas and makes it difficult for urban and rural economies to integrate and develop. To solve the problem of unsmooth urban-rural economic circulation and fill the shortcomings of rural development, we must not only use the "hand of the government" to invest more public resources in rural areas, but also use the "hand of the market" to guide the factors of production to gather in rural areas, so as to realize the efficient allocation of rural resources, promote the high-quality development of rural economy and make up for the shortcomings of long-term lagging rural economic development. Therefore, we must break down the institutional obstacles that affect the development of urban-rural integration, among which the most crucial thing is to deepen the reform of rural land system, truly attract more elements such as capital, talents, science and technology to flow to the countryside, leave the rural funds and labor force that may flow out in rural areas to combine with the land, enhance the value of rural land through the play of the market, realize the efficient allocation of resources, and provide sustained endogenous power for rural revitalization.


  总之,要实现高质量发展,必须加紧补齐关键短板,突破瓶颈制约,疏“堵点”、通“经络”,使国民经济焕发新活力。 (本文来源:经济日报 作者:中央党校(国家行政学院)习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心 执笔:赵长茂)

The beautiful scenery in autumn is intoxicating.

In the autumn season, the colors of Panshan Mountain become richer with the change of seasons, and the enthusiasm that nature has accumulated for a year will be released in this colorful season. No matter the city or the countryside, there are beautiful pictures everywhere. The beautiful scenery has also attracted many citizens to go out to take photos, enjoy leisure and enjoy the pleasant time in autumn.

Strolling in the county seat, colorful autumn scenery can be seen everywhere, and charming autumn colors spread like ink paintings in the city.The green leaves in my memory unconsciously changed into Huang Cancan’s new clothes, and mottled sunlight leaked between the leaves, interpreting the charming autumn colors.The trees on both sides of the road are covered with golden gauze, and the leaves dress up the main road as a fairy tale avenue, giving people the feeling of "walking in the picture".In the thick autumn, leaves fall with the wind, and the strong natural beauty adds a touch of beautiful color to the bleak autumn.The park in autumn is also particularly moving. Looking around, the trees are yellow and green, colorful and colorful, and the grass adjacent to it is thick and green. The two set off each other and embellish each other. Many citizens twist yangko under the tree or follow cheerful music, or exercise with their partners, or enjoy the beautiful scenery and take photos as a souvenir. A limited edition of autumn scenery seems to be an exclusive romance for the city.

Woye Liujin sings a bumper year, and Panshan land is picturesque.Full ears of rice are the "signalman" of autumn. In the vast fields, the harvested rice fields reflect golden light in the autumn sunshine, the wind blows rice waves, and the nose is full of fragrant rice. The golden rice fields and beautiful villages complement each other and are beautiful.Looking at the village, the neat and flat hardened road passes through the village, connecting the rice fields and houses. The colorful autumn scene is like oil painting, which makes people linger.

I say autumn is better than spring.Autumn is very different from spring. It is fresh and bright, and it doesn’t need to decorate itself with noisy bright colors. It has its own fullness and enthusiasm, as well as its own vastness and richness.In this beautiful autumn, let’s stop in a hurry, embrace the harvest and usher in the accumulation together, enjoy the tenderness and color of autumn and enjoy the moving music played by nature!

Source: Impression Panshan

# Celebrate the top 20 Liaoning in action #

What is the direction of the real estate market in the next five years? Authoritative Interpretation of Economic Daily →

This article was transferred from [Economic Daily];
In the traditional peak season of "Golden September and Silver 10" in the real estate market, developers exchanged prices for quantity, especially head housing enterprises, and achieved good sales performance. Does this mean that the property market will gradually pick up in the future? By studying the Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the 14th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Target for the Year 2035 issued by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, we can see that "housing without speculation" will remain the main tone of the future real estate control policy, and "promoting the healthy development of housing consumption" is expected to bring more incremental space to the market.
In the second half of this year, local regulatory policies have been continuously increased, the real estate market has remained stable as a whole, and the momentum of excessive housing price increases has been effectively curbed. In the traditional peak season of "Golden September and Silver 10" in the real estate market, developers exchanged prices for quantity, especially head housing enterprises, and achieved good sales performance. Does this mean that the property market will gradually pick up in the future?
As can be seen from the "14 th Five-Year Plan" proposal adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee,"Housing without speculation" will remain the main tone of future real estate regulation and control policies, and "promoting the healthy development of housing consumption" is expected to bring more incremental space to the market..
The "Golden September and Silver 10" property market is generally stable.
Judging from the changes in the sales price of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities announced by the National Bureau of Statistics, the increase in the sales price of commercial housing dropped slightly in September.
Sheng Guoqing, senior statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that in September, the sales prices of new commercial housing and second-hand housing in various cities dropped from the previous month. The year-on-year increase in sales prices of new commercial housing and second-hand housing in second-and third-tier cities continued to decline. Although the house price data in October has not yet been released, on the whole, the national house price remained stable in September and October.
September is the traditional sales season in the real estate market, and housing enterprises naturally don’t want to miss this good opportunity for promotion. For example, Evergrande Real Estate launched a large-scale marketing campaign, with sales of about 60 billion yuan during the "Eleventh" period alone, and the overall performance in October exceeded 100 billion yuan. R&F Properties took the lead in entering the real estate e-commerce platform "Tmall Good Room", and promoted it with the help of the platform. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, sales on this platform alone reached 5.6 billion yuan. COSCO Group’s sales in September and October were 16.03 billion yuan and 16.11 billion yuan respectively, up by 19% and 31% respectively.
Statistics from research institutions show that, Evergrande, Sunac, Country Garden, Vanke and Poly all exceeded 100 billion yuan in total sales in September and October.. In addition, in October, the sales performance of housing enterprises such as Poly, Greentown, Shimao, Gemdale, China Merchants and Jinmao was also outstanding, and the monthly performance scale increased significantly year-on-year.
However, people in the industry generally believe that housing enterprises actively market during the sales window period. Compared with other small and medium-sized housing enterprises, leading housing enterprises perform more prominently. And on the whole,Since the third quarter, the growth of the overall performance scale of housing enterprises has mainly benefited from the backward pace of sales and supply during the year, and the supply has increased significantly..
Since the second half of this year, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other cities have successively introduced real estate control measures to crack down on speculation and prevent the property market from overheating. From the current point of view, the policy effect is obvious, and the housing price has not risen too fast under the control. Stability is still the general tone of the current market.
Adhere to the main tone of "housing without speculation"
The influence of policy direction on the future real estate market is very important. As the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" enters its final year, what will be the main tone of the real estate market in the next five years?
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s Proposal on Formulating the 14th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Target for the Year 2035 (hereinafter referred to as the Proposal) puts forward that "we should adhere to the position that houses are used for living, not for speculation, rent and purchase at the same time, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market", "promote the healthy development of housing consumption", "effectively increase the supply of affordable housing, improve the income distribution mechanism of land transfer, and explore and support the use of collective construction land to build rental housing according to the plan.
All the above shows that the real estate policy will maintain stability and continuity. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, after the policy of "housing and not speculating" was put forward, China’s real estate market generally entered a stage of steady development, and individual cities adopted a high-pressure policy of "outcrop and fight" against the excessive rise in housing prices.Even in the first half of this year, when the COVID-19 epidemic was sudden and the downward pressure on the economy increased, the regulation of the real estate market in the second half of this year has not been relaxed at all.. The central government and a number of competent departments have stated that they adhere to the positioning of "housing and not speculating", and talked about relevant cities, introduced new financing regulations, and continuously introduced regulatory measures in many places, demonstrating their firm determination to curb the excessive rise in housing prices.
It can be said that the main tone of the real estate policy during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period will still be "housing and not speculating", and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market will be a clear direction..
Affected by the tightening of regulation, the local real estate policy was significantly reduced in October. Based on the fact that the central level has always maintained the determination of real estate regulation and control, and since the second half of the year, it is expected that the real estate policy environment will remain tight in the next stage, and local governments will remain cautious when introducing regulation and control policies. Hot cities and cities with excessively high housing prices will still face tightening regulation and control, and it is not excluded that more cities will join the "restricted purchase and restricted sales tide".
The "National Monitoring Report on Real Estate Policy Changes" released by the Evaluation and Research Center of China Housing Research Association in October believes that,In the long run, the purpose of real estate regulation is to stabilize land prices, stabilize house prices and expectations, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. With the effective control of the real estate market in hot cities, the real estate policy environment will also change from tight to stable..
The "Proposal" also clearly stated that it is necessary to adhere to the policy of the city, promote the healthy development of housing consumption, and promote the balanced development of finance, real estate and the real economy. Under the guidance of policies, the differentiation of local regulation is expected to be further intensified in the future. Third-and fourth-tier cities may take the lead in stabilizing the property market by accelerating the construction of new urbanization, encouraging farmers to buy houses in cities, and giving subsidies or tax incentives for buying houses. In some hot cities, the real estate market supervision will maintain a high-pressure situation.
Promote the healthy development of housing consumption
In many people’s minds, investing in real estate can achieve the goal of maintaining and increasing wealth. Even if house prices can’t rise as sharply as in the past in the next few years, they can at least outperform inflation. Is buying a house really a sure-fire business?
In recent years, the property market has proved by facts that the investment in buying a house, like other investment behaviors, may make money or lose money. Some research institutions have compared house prices with CPI in the past three years, and found that only a few cities such as Xi ‘an and Yantai really exceeded the CPI increase. In Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other first-tier cities, the increase in house prices has not outperformed inflation in the past three years; In Wuhan, Tianjin, Langfang and other cities, the relative decline in house prices is obvious.
When referring to housing consumption, the "Proposal" clearly "promotes the healthy development of housing consumption". People in the industry generally believe that,"Housing consumption" is not simply the purchase consumption. The purchase consumption is gradually changing to residential consumption, including rental housing, renovation, supporting upgrades, quality improvement, service improvement and other broader consumer needs, linking many industries such as building materials, home improvement, health care and property services..
It is worth noting that the focus of promoting housing consumption is more on "healthy development", which means that residents’ housing improvement needs based on urban-rural migration, family changes and income growth are met. For development enterprises, we should pay attention to diversification and focus on improving the ability of continuous operation and service. As the number of new housing developments will decrease in the future, property management, pension, commerce, cultural tourism and renovation of old residential areas may become important profit sources for housing enterprises.
Source/Economic Daily (Reporter Kang Shu), the original title is "The real estate market performed steadily in September, and the main tone of the property market will not change."
Producer/Editor-in-Chief Jiang Fan/Blair
Editor/Wang Jingyang