Global sales of Volvo Cars increased by 25% in September, while sales in China increased slightly by 4%.

From a regional perspective, in September, the sales volume of Volvo Cars in Europe was 25,489, a year-on-year increase of 32%; Among them, the sales of Recharge series models in Europe increased to 13,599, accounting for 53% of Volvo Car’s sales in Europe. In the American market, the sales volume of Volvo cars increased by 65% compared with the same period of last year, reaching 10,946 vehicles; Among them, the proportion of Recharge series models is 28%. Sales of Volvo Cars in China increased by 4% year-on-year to 15,460 vehicles, among which sales of Recharge series vehicles in China increased by 20% year-on-year.

Big space, great wisdom, new M7 in the world, and then lead the new trend of life in Shandong.

  The annual "Double Twelve" shopping spree has entered the final countdown. In order to catch the last wave of consumption spree at the end of the year, many young people have already been unable to hold back their excitement and started to gear up and wait for the online "chop hand" seconds to kill.

  In Qingdao, more consumers who can’t wait choose to travel "shopping" with wisdom and open the curtain of "Double Twelve" carnival in advance.

  On December 9th, the "New M7 Double Twelve Boxes Horse Shopping Challenge" was launched in the Ginza Mall 1F in Hong Kong Middle Road, Qingdao. The high-quality products were snapped up at a high price and a series of prizes were challenged, so that consumers could feel the fiery atmosphere of the prelude to the "Double Twelve" in advance, and even enjoy the charm of wisdom and technology and the beauty of quality life in the zero-distance contact with the new M7 in the world, and experience the "big" smart travel new fashion in an immersive way.

  In this activity, the new force of smart travel-the new M7 in the world has undoubtedly become the most eye-catching protagonist on the scene. As a leader in the field of new energy vehicles, Wenjie New M7 has stood out from the fierce competition in the medium and large SUV market with its excellent product strength and super high cost performance since its listing, and has won double recognition from the market and consumers.

  Wenjie New M7 is deeply empowered by HUAWEI and equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Advanced Intelligent Driving System and Huawei.
Black technologies such as DriveONE’s high-efficiency electric drive system have subverted the definition of traditional value standards for medium and large SUVs, making the operation simple and easy to use, pure and safe, and full-scene coordination, thus creating an ever-changing space and meeting the multiple needs of consumers for car purchase.

  In daily travel or long-distance travel, the accompanying assistant "Xiaoyi" can also intelligently and intimately understand the true intention in travel; HUAWEI
SOUND spatial audio brings a more vivid, immersive and three-dimensional "auditory feast", filling every travel expectation with smarter and more comfortable space.

  In addition, based on the multi-sensor fusion perception ability, the new M7 in Wenjie also has the intelligent parking ability that can be seen and parked immediately, and supports parking in parking service and ultra-narrow parking spaces in the park, which is very friendly for many novice users.

  At the event site, many young fashion users and "Pollen" who heard the news tried to take a test drive one after another, and personally experienced the intellectual driving pleasure of the new M7.

  As a luxury intelligent driving medium and large SUV with great wisdom, large space and super safety, the new M7 also fully considers the needs of family travel. The top five seats have the leading effective space in the car at the same level, with a length of 3338mm, and each seat is very spacious. And the layout in the car is reasonable and the utilization rate is high. The second row of seats is spacious and comfortable, and the legroom is not cramped at all. The third row of seats is also spacious enough to easily accommodate three adults. In addition, the oversized trunk with a height of 686L can accommodate 12 20s at the same time.
Inch suitcase, large space brings super comfortable driving experience. Whether it’s a self-driving trip alone, a romantic trip for two people, a family outing for the young and the old, or helping a friend move and pick up the plane ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  In order to let consumers catch a glimpse of the splendor of the new M7, which is big enough to hold the famous scene of a hippo, an award-winning interactive game of "Big Space Challenge Plan" was also held at the event site, where consumers snapped up the goods on the spot and loaded them into the trunk of the new M7 in a limited time, which was a challenge that was a race against time and exciting, making people hooked up. Mr. Wang said at the scene: I took my family to Huawei Smart Life Museum Qingdao Kaide MALL a few days ago to see the new M7 in the world and wanted to make a decision. Then the store said that there was this activity and I signed up quickly. Before, I just visually felt that the car had a large space, but I really saw its big space by putting daily necessities and goods in it through this activity. I really didn’t blow it!

  In addition, the Box Horse "Inspiration Flashes to Draw a Beautiful’ Food’ Guest" Challenge held that morning also attracted many food experts and painting experts, and passed HUAWEI.
MatePad series products, compete at the scene and win beautiful gifts.

  Smart travel, quality life. On the eve of the "Double Twelve", the new M7 in the world will focus on the family travel scene with a special activity, from intelligent interactive experience to the creation of ever-changing space, so that smart travel can enter thousands of households and truly bring users a smart life of the whole scene.

  With its spacious interior space and comfortable and convenient driving experience, the new M7 has won the recognition of the market and consumers. Huawei’s deep empowerment, for users who pursue spacious and large space and high-level intelligent experience, the new M7 with "great wisdom, large space and super security" is undoubtedly a wise choice. If you have a need to buy a car or change it recently, welcome to the store for a test drive!

Always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times.

  CCTV News:At 9: 00 a.m. on December 24, 2017, the General Assembly of Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and the 2017 Annual Meeting were successfully held in Beijing Convention Center. More than 300 members from the legal profession and the film and television entertainment industry gathered together with the leaders of the Beijing Law Society and the special guests of the Society to participate in and witness this grand event.

  The conference kicked off with the national anthem. The members of the restructuring preparatory group explained the restructuring and renaming of the Film and Television Entertainment Law Research Society of Beijing Law Society, and explained the draft Articles of Association, the draft membership fee standards and management measures, and the draft election measures for the first general meeting. 163 members of the first Council were elected, of which 53 were elected as executive directors of the first Council. Yi Jiming, a professor at Peking University Law School and director of the International Intellectual Property Center, was elected as the president, Liu Chengyuan, a professor at the Institute of Comparative Law of China University of Political Science and Law, Liu Yi, director of the Center for Rule of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology, Shen Weixing, dean of Tsinghua University Law School, Zhang Zheng, vice president of Beijing Lawyers Association, Wang Jingbo, dean of the Institute of Rule of Law of China University of Political Science and Law, and Wu Yu Hui, director of Beijing Liren Law Firm, were elected as vice presidents. Seven people, including Zhang Jusheng, general manager of the legal department of Minmetals Development Co., Ltd., were elected as supervisors, and Zhang Jusheng was the chairman of the board of supervisors.

  The release of the work plan in 2018 promotes the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry.

  President Zhou Chengkui pointed out that the current legislation in the field of film and television entertainment is lagging behind, which does not meet the requirements of the 19th National Congress to promote the development of cultural undertakings and improve the market system. Therefore, the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society shoulders a new mission and believes that it will make an important contribution to the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry in China. Secretary Hou Guangming extended heartfelt congratulations to the success of the restructuring of the Academy, pointing out that the restructuring conference marked a new step for the Academy, expecting the Academy to contribute to the standardized development of China’s film industry and the construction of a powerful film country. President Du Shiping congratulated the Institute on its achievements in the past year, and put forward the requirements of "three consciousnesses", pointing out that the Institute should always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times, and shoulder the mission of enhancing the soft power of the country’s culture.

  Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and Changsha Arbitration Commission decided to jointly build the first professional film and television culture arbitration institute in China, and representatives of both parties signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation at the meeting.

  Lawyer Wu Yuhui, vice president of the Society, released the work plan of the Society in 2018. The Society is expected to officially launch the annual selection plan of Chinese entertainment law, the establishment plan of China’s entertainment law expert database and the "Double Youth Plan" of entertainment law in 2018 (that is, young lawyers and young filmmakers grow together). And will carry out the establishment of the working Committee and professional Committee of the society.

  Subject system construction and personnel training of film and television entertainment law

  Professor Liu Chengyang, Executive Vice President of the Society and China University of Political Science and Law, and Professor Liu Yi, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Society and Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology, gave keynote speeches on two topics, namely, "Construction of the subject system of film and television entertainment law" and "Personnel training and general education of film and television entertainment law". Professor Liu Chengyang put forward his own ideas on the development of entertainment law in China around four topics: entertainment, entertainment law, disciplinary attribute of entertainment law and system construction of entertainment law. Professor Liu Yi’s speech was divided into two topics. First, he introduced the teaching reform plan of setting up a master’s degree in film and television entertainment law in national law colleges. Secondly, he discussed the feasibility and preliminary scheme of carrying out general legal courses in national film and television colleges.

  The guests had an in-depth discussion. Professor Shen Weixing pointed out that Tsinghua Law School has been exploring the creation of emerging interdisciplinary disciplines such as medical and health law, sports law and entertainment law, but emerging disciplines are often questioned as "horse law" in the process of development. In order to prevent the generalization of entertainment law, it is necessary to concise its core issues. Professor Yi Jiming first introduced that Peking University had established the direction of "Entertainment Law" under the discipline of intellectual property rights during the master’s degree, and proposed that entertainment law, as a new industrial law, must deeply understand the specific practices of the industry during the learning process, and add sociological and economic thinking and analysis. Professor Wang Jingbo put forward a thought-provoking view on discipline construction from the perspective of binary opposition between public and private law. Many characteristics in the field of entertainment law reflect the phenomenon of blurred boundaries between public and private law, such as the high industrialization and popularization of entertainment industry and the characteristics of high public interest, which will lead to innovative thinking on traditional legal theory and research methods. Professor Li Danlin introduced in detail the exploration and experience gained by China Communication University in the field of media law for many years, and made suggestions on discipline construction from the similarities and differences between media law and entertainment law. Professor Liang Yingxiu praised the creativity embodied in the establishment of this society. On the premise that entertainment law as a legal discipline has not been recognized by mainstream theories, he first established a research society, so that the society can lead the discipline construction. Professor Zhang Qi cut in from the perspective of film scholars.It points out that the entertainment law has gained new vitality in the context of the transformation of major contradictions put forward at the 19th National Congress and the central government’s strong support for the development of cultural industries, which has also brought us new thinking of "one point, two sides and three dimensions". In this session, the professors expressed their opinions, and generate had a spark of ideological collision.

  Present situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the meeting entered the theme salon of the current situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation, presided over by Vice President Wu Yuhui, and invited the leaders of relevant domestic authorities to conduct in-depth discussions on the legislation of entertainment law. Guest speakers include: Director Zhang Yang of Film and Television Development Research Center of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Director Chen Huanan of Cultural Industry Department of Ministry of Culture, Director Sun Jiabao of Policy and Regulation Department of Ministry of Culture, and researcher kun yang of China Press and Publication Research Institute. You had a heated exchange and discussion with the speakers and the members present.

  Based on his own work experience, Director Zhang Yang described the difficulties encountered in the process of promoting legislation and the ways to deal with them. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, legislation in the cultural field has been accelerated and far-reaching changes and innovative achievements have taken place. At present, there are the Law on the Promotion of Film Industry and the Law on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services, and there are 17 administrative regulations and 84 rules. At this stage, the formulation of the Publication Law has entered the legislative field of vision, and the revised draft of the Copyright Law is also being planned. Director Chen Huanan made a wonderful exposition on "cultural finance". He pointed out that China first proposed the integration of financial and cultural industries in 2009. Since 2012, the cultural industry has continuously embraced the financial industry. But it also caused a new problem, that is, the excessive generalization of cultural finance. It also mentioned that with the deepening of cultural system reform and the rapid development of cultural industries, cultural finance has new connotations, both hot spots and vigilance. Based on the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Director Sun Jiabao introduced his experience in cultural legislation from three perspectives: a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law and a society ruled by law. It is also pointed out that in the existing normative documents, the laws and regulations that highlight supervision account for a high proportion, and there are few laws and regulations that promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial sectors and promote development, which is the focus of the government’s next work. Researcher kun yang introduced the current legal situation in the field of press and publication. He pointed out that although there is no press and publication law in China, the legal system construction in this field is synchronized with reform and opening up.The legislative system in the field of press and publication has been formed mainly by two administrative regulations, namely, Regulations on the Administration of Audio-visual Products and Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry, plus more than 50 departmental regulations, more than 200 normative documents and some judicial interpretations.

  In-depth analysis by top experts in the industry

  The organizers of the conference invited four top practical experts in the industry to present four wonderful reports for everyone. Lawyer Zhang Zheng, Senior Partner of Beijing Gao Peng Law Firm and Vice President of Beijing Lawyers Association, Judge Dai Yiting of Beijing Higher People’s Court, Judge Feng Gang of Beijing Intellectual Property Court, and Lawyer Wang Jun, Senior Partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, respectively delivered wonderful special reports on "The referee points of performing arts brokerage contract disputes and the concept of arbitration settlement of film and television disputes", "The disputes over film and television drama creation from the perspective of contract law", "The legal problems of intellectual property rights in online game live broadcast" and "Typical cases and experience sharing of film and television entertainment law".

  Lawyer Zhang Zheng made a detailed analysis of the outstanding advantages of arbitration in resolving disputes in the film and television industry. The characteristics of "good confidentiality and expert adjudication" are two characteristics that he highly praised. In addition, lawyer Zhang Zheng also summed up four concepts of film and television dispute resolution based on his own professional experience. Judge Dai Yiting first analyzed the data characteristics of copyright infringement cases in recent years, and then, in view of the contract disputes related to scripts, Judge Dai gave a detailed interpretation from two aspects: commissioned creation and self-creation. Judge Feng Gang introduced two characteristics of online game industry, one is the high market value of online games, the other is the long industrial chain, and the related derivatives are very rich. Judge Feng also made an in-depth analysis of the legal nature of online games and other hot issues in the industry, and made an accurate analysis of the copyright ownership of "game rules" and "game pictures", and put forward unique opinions, which are refreshing. Lawyer Wang Jun, as a leading lawyer in the entertainment law industry, shared his experience in practice, especially as the attorney of Qiong Yaofang in the case of Qiong Yaofang, and made a detailed interpretation and explanation of the core issues in this case. In addition, Mr. Wang also analyzed the problems in the field of entertainment law, such as business clings, the setting of non-competition clauses in projects, and the difficulty in implementing contracts.

  The audience benefited a lot from the wonderful reports of four experts, and the audience applauded constantly.

  The meeting also identified four main tasks of the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society: actively carrying out legal research and academic cooperation and exchange activities; Undertake special research tasks of the legislative and judicial organs of the state and Beijing, and participate in the legal system construction of the state and Beijing; Carry out research on the application of film and television entertainment law and provide relevant legal consulting services; Promote the innovation and development of law education and cultivate talents of film and television entertainment law. As the first academic institution in China with film and television entertainment law as its research object and theme, the Institute will give full play to the academic and industrial advantages of the capital in the future and strive to build a high-end academic research institution, a high-level talent training base and a high-level consulting service platform in the field of film and television entertainment law.

"Run" Suzhou recorded the bully list, searched and tore the famous brand, and upgraded NINEPERCENT again to help fans pick props.

Video: reveal the secret of weight! Baby Michael Chen figures are amazing.

Look at yesterday’s hot search in Weibo, you may be dumbfounded. In just a few hours, a total of 21 keywords related to "Run" have been posted on the hot list one after another. This fancy operation of dominating the list simply makes onlookers see things in a blur. Among them, "angelababy Justin", "Lu Han pays attention to THEO" and "Adam chooses props for Li Chen" are among the top two hot searches. During the recording period, members of NINPERCENT released a total of nine Weibo related to the men’s running group, and within 10 hours, the amount of Weibo interaction reached 6.02 million, which shows the influence and popularity of the two groups.

Enter the blueberry video to watch the latest full video of Run > >

With the official information recorded in Suzhou, various topics have been rapidly fermented and discussed: first, the long-lost running man’s closet project "tearing famous brands" reappeared in the rivers and lakes; After that, NINEPERCENT members also released Weibo to ask fans for help, which made the team situation gradually clear; Adam and Jerry Lee teamed up to challenge the future brother-in-law … Coupled with the joining of powerful singers Jason, Jane Zhang and old friend Darren Wang, the trip to Suzhou for Run really got off the ground.

Tear the famous brand back, upgrade NINEPERCENT again, ask fans for pick props.

Yesterday, because of a male running recording, I felt that the whole Suzhou would be occupied by the running crowd. Judging from the photos from the scene, as long as there is a runner’s group, there are many onlookers everywhere. It is not too much to describe this battle by applying Song Dandan’s phrase "gongs, drums, firecrackers, red flags and crowds of people".

Recording popularity is only one aspect. As the most popular national variety show at present, "Run" has just aired four times this season, and the data of various viewing topics still continue the domineering state in the past. In the seasonal variety show of the same period, it is really "no one can play". However, the themes of recent issues are either speeches or dragon boat rowing, and many old fans still remember the most classic "tearing famous brands". According to yesterday’s situation in Reuters, the famous brand tearing war will return in this trip to Suzhou!

And this time, the team with the running men’s team is NINEPERCENT, the most popular men’s team at present. When these two groups are put together, it can be regarded as something to watch. As the first variety show of the members of the group after their debut, all the nine sons of NINEPERCENT participated except KUN. In the program, they will be divided into groups with brothers to tear up famous brands. Before the recording, NINEPERCENT also asked netizens to vote on Weibo and chose props for MC. The brand-new upgraded brand-name tearing method made fans look forward to it.

I don’t know whether it was decided by lot or selected by the program group. Adam was not surprised to be in a group with "brother-in-law" Li Chen, but he had to choose props for him in advance, and then he had to choose Jie Ge and Jane Zhang, which made him worry about Adam, who had difficulty in choosing. Although Boogie is picking props for Ryan, fans don’t forget to remind him to make a scene with Darren Wang who "bumped into his face".


10 hours, 6.02 million interactions, running men’s group, NINEPERCENT, detonating hot search list. 

It’s lively enough to tear up famous brands in the two days of the program. Outside the program, the running men’s group and members of NINEPERCENT also pay attention to each other on the Weibo, and the actions of the predecessors to support and care for the younger generation have made netizens shout warmly. Subsequently, "Lu Han pays attention to Zhu Zhengyan" and "baby pays attention to KUN" also rushed to the top two in the hot search list. In just 10 hours, the number of Weibo interactions about the men’s running team released by NINEPERCENT reached 6.02 million, and the popularity value exploded.

In addition to NINEPERCENT, who wants to tear up the famous brand with the running men’s team, there are also attentive audiences who saw singers Jason and Jane Zhang in the star Reuters recorded this time. It is said that this time, apart from tearing up the famous brand, it is still a long-lost music special. With the joining of two powerful singers, Jane Zhang and Jason, it is foreseeable that this issue of Run is not only good-looking, but also good-sounding.

Wang Leixi’s 2022 Lantern Festival performance "Selling Tangyuan" was well received by the audience.


It is reported that the Lantern Festival Gala in 2022, just past the Central Radio and Television Station, came to a successful conclusion. This gala combines traditional cultural concepts with high technology, pushing the visual appreciation of the gala and the enthusiasm of the audience to a climax, presenting an ultimate double enjoyment of hearing and vision.

The creative program "Selling Tangyuan" uses a combination of symphony and crosstalk to interpret the classic melody and evoke the familiar taste of Yuanxiao in the audience’s heart. Singer Wang Leixi, as the only female crosstalk performer, is a striking presence in this program. Many people use allegro or "Go online! Huacai Teenager knows her, and it’s very surprising to perform cross talk on CCTV again this time. Wang Leixi appeared at the Lantern Festival party this time, and collaborated with BiBi Zhou, Zheng Yunlong, Jing Li and other famous artists to adapt the version of Selling Tangyuan. Her performance was remarkable.

In the cross talk actor industry with men as the main force, it is rare to see female cross talk actors who make people shine at the moment. In recent years, it is Jia Ling that has made great achievements. Whether Wang Leixi’s appearance can fill this gap, the audience will wait and see. From Selling Tangyuan, we can see her mastery of the performance rhythm and her ease on the stage, which is due to her accumulated stage experience.

Wang Leixi has never been confined to a certain field. She has the courage to try new things, from the variety show to the allegro teacher. Cross-border has become commonplace for her.

Wang Leixi, a treasure girl born in 1995, has personally supported traditional culture and created many well-known songs. I hope she will bring us more surprise works in the future.