What The Wandering Earth 2 didn’t say is here

The earth itself is not a hard rock, 40-70 kilometers below the earth’s crust is lava, which is somewhat similar to the structure of an egg. If you want to drive more than 10,000 engines, it will take only a hundred years to push the earth to "walk", and the engine will put pressure on the earth, which the earth cannot afford, and will break the shell of the "egg". And if the engine slowly accelerates and gradually reaches maximum power, the earth will be "wandering" for a longer time, or even thousands of years. During the "wandering" period, it is difficult to predict what will happen to the earth, what will happen to it, and what human civilization will experience.

If the solar crisis is imminent, how can human beings survive? As the only planet known to exist in the Milky Way, the earth is always "roasted" by the sun.

In five or six billion years, the sun is nearing the "end" of its life, and this "roasting" will become extremely deadly.

The recent blockbuster film "The Wandering Earth 2" unfolds against this backdrop of impending doom. In the film, humans try to find a chance to survive with the help of 10,000 giant planetary engines, quantum computers that understand everything, and towering space elevators.

So, in reality, will the sun eventually deal a fatal blow to the earth? Will the earth decline with the sun? Can planetary engines really push the earth to "wander"? To this end, the Science and Technology Daily reporter interviewed a number of scientific consultants, experts and scholars of "Wandering Earth 2" to interpret the hard core science about "Wandering Earth".

If the sun comes to an end, will the earth be spared?

The sun crisis had just appeared, and humans had joined hands to face it… The future depicted in "The Wandering Earth 2" was cruel but exciting.

The sun, a huge "fireball" about 150 million kilometers from the earth, is the largest celestial body in the solar system. About 4.60 billion years ago, about 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, the sun was formed by the collapse of a nebula under the influence of its own attractive force.

At present, the sun is in its prime, astronomically known as the main sequence stage, which lasts about 10 billion years. It brings light and energy to the earth, and is an essential factor in the origin of life. But sunspots, flares, and coronal mass ejections also often cause damage to human production and life.

However, the sun will eventually age, and the origin of "The Wandering Earth 2" is the rapid expansion and aging of the sun.

More than 90 per cent of stars in the Milky Way eventually become white dwarfs. At the end of their evolution, they devour nearby planets. As an "ordinary" star, the Sun also ends up as a white dwarf. Does this mean that the planets around the Sun, including the Earth, are destined to be devoured as well?

"If the planet is relatively close to the star, it is very likely to be swallowed by the star," Gou Lijun, a scientific advisor to The Wandering Earth 2 and a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Science and Technology Daily.

However, "being swallowed" is not the only destination for a planet. The sun will eventually experience an outburst of a planetary nebula and become a white dwarf. Around the white dwarf, the original planets may also exist.

With the improvement of human observation methods, astronomers have indeed discovered some planets orbiting white dwarfs around them.

On September 16, 2020, the international authoritative academic journal Nature published an article saying that a team of American scientists had for the first time published evidence of a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a white dwarf. In addition, in February 2022, British astronomers discovered that a planet may also exist in the "habitable" zone near a white dwarf named WD1054-226, 117 light-years away from Earth.

Can the earth escape and avoid the "solar crisis"?

In 2078, the earth will encounter the "helium flash" crisis of the sun, which is the key to the human decision to "wander" in the movie.

The helium flash is a key link in the evolution of the sun, and it is also the moment of life and death when the earth accepts the sun’s "roast".

"The sun shines because the core of the sun is undergoing a nuclear reaction, where hydrogen is fused to form helium. This process will gradually consume hydrogen, which will then lead to the collapse of the sun’s core. At the same time, the envelope outside the sun’s core expands under high pressure." Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Sciences at Nanjing University, told reporters. "When the core of the sun, which is mainly composed of helium, gradually contracts, its temperature is also getting higher and higher. When the temperature reaches about 100 million degrees Celsius, the helium will be ignited, and a large amount of helium will complete the fusion reaction in a few minutes. The energy released is huge, and the light emitted will suddenly increase by about 50 times. This process is helium flash."

In more than five billion years, after the sun becomes a red giant, its surface temperature may drop from more than 5,700 degrees Celsius now to about 3,000 degrees Celsius, when the hydrogen in the sun’s core will be exhausted. "Helium flashes usually occur at the end of the evolution of red giants," said Liang Wenjie, a scientific consultant for Wandering Earth 2 and a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "In the red giant stage, the sun has expanded to Earth’s orbit, and the surface temperature reaches about 3,000 degrees Celsius, while the melting temperature of the earth’s rocks is below 2,000 degrees Celsius. Therefore, whether it is a temperature change in the red giant stage or a sudden explosion of helium flashes, the earth will melt."

If the survival crisis of the earth is inevitable in more than 5 billion years, can it be avoided in advance during the "expansion period" of the sun, change the orbit and find another place, and return to the original earth orbit after the helium flash and other crises are lifted?

Liang Wenjie believes that even if the solar crisis is lifted and the earth returns to its original orbit, it may not be of much significance to the earth, "because the sun has entered the aging period at that time, and the heat it provides should not be able to support the survival of life on earth. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in the solar system are all frozen planets due to their distance from the sun, and the temperature of the planet is minus one or two hundred degrees Celsius. If the earth wants to return to the sun to obtain energy, it will have to constantly correct its orbit and approach the sun, but in the end the’big fireball ‘of the sun will still be’extinguished’."

"Even if it is possible to temporarily’run away from home ‘and then return home, the earth needs to accelerate out of the original orbit and then slow down. The process of adjusting the speed will be very long, and it will consume huge energy on the earth, and the project will be huge. What’s more, the process of returning to the earth’s current orbit and approaching the sun also has risks," Liang Wenjie said.

And if you give up the sun and find other stars, you will also face greater challenges. Gou Lijun believes that if the earth chooses another "habitat" in the universe and chooses a new star to orbit, it means to "adapt" to a new planetary orbit. Then the speed, direction, energy, etc. of entering the orbit need to be accurately measured, and it is difficult for human existing technology to achieve planetary celestial bodies in the short term.

Would nuclear fusion be a better "wandering" solution?

In the film, humans tried to find life at the end of the world through the Mountain Moving Project, the Ark Project, the Monthly Project, and the Digital Life Project. In the end, tens of thousands of giant planetary engines became the hope to push the earth to start a "wandering journey".

Mr. Liang, who has advised on the film’s planetary and lunar engines, the physics of the month-by-month plan and the way the moon explodes, said: "Artistically, the’wandering ‘way of the earth in the film is a great imagination, but it is still difficult to achieve at the current level of science."

Liang Wenjie explained: "The earth itself is not a hard rock, 40-70 kilometers below the earth’s crust is lava, which is a bit similar to the structure of an egg. If you want to drive more than 10,000 engines, and it only takes a hundred years to push the earth to’walk ‘, the engine will put pressure on the earth, which is beyond the earth’s ability to bear, and will break the shell of the’egg’. And if the engine accelerates slowly and gradually reaches maximum power, the earth will be’wandering ‘for a longer time, even thousands of years. During the’wandering’ period, it is difficult to predict what will happen to the earth, what will happen to it, and what human civilization will experience."

"But if you consider the energy supply method, controlled nuclear fusion is worth looking forward to, although it still faces great technical challenges." Liang Wenjie introduced that nuclear fusion is in the case of high temperature, two atomic nuclei collide with each other, and eventually combine to form a new atomic nucleus, which can release huge energy. The key to this is to continuously export the energy produced by nuclear fusion for a long time. To achieve this, many technical problems need to be overcome.

However, even if the nuclear fusion of hydrogen could eventually be realized and provide a large amount of energy for humanity, the important raw materials for nuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium, were in low abundance in the earth’s seawater, and the reserves of helium-3, the raw material for nuclear fusion, were also extremely scarce. Therefore, based on the total amount of resources currently available to humans, the energy of nuclear fusion is still not enough to push the earth out of the solar system.

So, is it possible to "burn stones" like in "The Wandering Earth 2" and obtain energy through heavy nuclear fusion? Liang Wenjie said that heavy nuclear fusion refers to the use of heavier elements such as silicon and oxygen as fusion raw materials to obtain nuclear energy. Compared with light nuclear fusion using deuterium, tritium, and helium-3 as raw materials, heavy nuclear fusion is very inefficient in obtaining fusion energy. Although silicon and oxygen elements have a large proportion in the earth’s crust, in order to overcome the huge electrostatic repulsion between the nuclei of heavy elements and make them produce nuclear fusion reactions, higher temperatures and stronger pressures are required, and the reaction temperature even needs to reach billions of degrees Celsius, which greatly challenges the current scientific and technological capabilities of mankind.

extended reading

Are there wandering planets in the universe?

If one day, the earth had to embark on a "wandering" journey, would it be possible to encounter celestial bodies that "sympathize with each other" in the vast universe?

According to Gou Lijun, a scientific advisor of "Wandering Earth 2" and a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is a type of planet that does not orbit any star in the universe, namely the wandering planet. At present, humans have detected about 100 wandering planets, the larger ones are about ten times the size of Jupiter, and the smaller ones are close to the earth.

"According to the current understanding, there may be two ways for stray planets to form: one is that when they form, only the planets themselves. Another possibility is that the planet is’ejected ‘from the star system." For example, if a larger star is near the solar system, it is possible that under the action of attractive forces, the outermost planet of the solar system may deviate from its original orbit and eventually leave the solar system.

Liang Wenjie, a science adviser for "The Wandering Earth 2" and a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, offered another hypothesis: Large stars experience a violent explosion at the end of their evolution, a supernova explosion, and eject a large amount of interstellar material. "Planets near the star may be ejected from their original orbits at this time and become wandering planets."

In recent years, with the improvement of observation technology, stray planets have been continuously discovered by humans. In August 2018, American scientists confirmed that a planet about 12 times the mass of Jupiter was wandering alone about 20 light-years away from the earth and was not attached to any star. It was the first stray planet discovered by radio telescopes.

In 2020, American and Polish astronomers wrote in the Astrophysical Journal Letters that they might have discovered the smallest known rogue planet, with a microscopic attractive force lens, that "weighs" about 10 percent of Earth.

"Wandering planets do not emit light, so it is difficult to detect them. They are often discovered due to an accidental event, so they are paid attention to by the detector for a very short time, which also leads to the current research on wandering planets is very limited." According to Gou Lijun, according to the current level of human technology, it is impossible to determine whether there is life on wandering planets.

Liang Wenjie analyzed that in addition to the elements that make up life, such as amino acids, carbon, hydrogen and other substances, the existence of life also requires a suitable temperature. "The evolution of the universe sometimes ejects some organic matter onto the star, and the survival of organic matter requires a suitable temperature. Wandering planets do not heat up, and there are no stars to provide heat for them, so they will continue to cool down until they reach the lowest temperature in the universe. Such low temperatures are difficult to breed life," Liang Wenjie said.

Source: Science and Technology Daily


Editor in charge: Feng Zheng

The real endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in extremely cold environment triggered a heated discussion!

   Recently, an extreme endurance test drive of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM super-native hybrid vehicle has attracted wide attention. Although the new car has not yet been listed, there has been a discussion of various attitudes between the automobile circle and the audience, from affirmation to doubt, from praise to denial, and public opinion is boiling water. So, what about this test drive?

  Usually, the long endurance test drive of pure electric and hybrid vehicles has become a "traditional reserved track". Some people pay attention, but few people pay attention; If you don’t do it, you feel something is missing. Why can Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM stir up this stagnant water? The "long endurance test" of other brands often presents the same beautiful scenery, the route is smooth and silky, and three core elements must be met: suitable temperature, minimizing load (even an extra charging line is considered redundant), and maintaining a stable speed. Although the test results under these customized conditions are good, consumers are increasingly indifferent to this "long endurance test". However, the long test drive of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM has attracted great attention from the media and users, because it uses a full-time live broadcast of a mirror. Let’s review it together, and there are many interesting reasons worthy of our study and discussion.

  The test lasted for more than 18 hours, which gradually made the audience feel that the test results did not seem so important to Xingtu brand. In fact, they are conducting a reality show, with real life scenes, real driving speed, real travel breaks, and even real lunch and a car full of happy friends. No matter whether the manufacturer designed it intentionally or at will, they let everyone see the real endurance test. Because only testing like daily life can truly evaluate the performance of vehicles and provide real reference for users’ future use.

  In the test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, the most lively place is the comment area in the live broadcast room. The pros and cons have a clear-cut stand, and the focus of debate revolves around whether the test is successful or not. Some people think that failing to reach the challenge goal of 1300 kilometers is a failure, although everyone witnessed the difficulties in the whole process of testing; Others think that 1300 kilometers is only the ideal data calculated according to WLTC working conditions. Under such extremely cold environment and high-speed driving test conditions, considering these losses, it is qualified to actually reach 900 kilometers, not to mention the actual cruising range of 1200 kilometers, which should be regarded as a great success. People have their own opinions, and there are certain reasons. However, I am more concerned about the performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in the test drive. Through many details of the live broadcast, we can see that many people have a heated discussion about the endurance test results of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM. The reason why this test has attracted widespread attention is that it uses a live broadcast of a mirror to the end, presenting real life scenes and driving conditions. Different from the customized long endurance test of other brands, this test is closer to the daily use conditions, enabling consumers to truly evaluate the performance of vehicles.

  The whole test lasted more than 18 hours, during which the real driving speed, road rest and dining situation were displayed. The endurance test of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is not only to show its cruising range, but also like a reality show, which makes the audience feel the real driving experience. This real test method makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the performance of vehicles and provides practical reference for future use.

  After all, the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is only slightly different from the target value of 1300km under WLTC. Considering that WLTC is tested under ideal conditions, and there are various complicated environmental and road conditions in actual driving, this gap can be said to be minimal. Compared with other similar models, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM performs better in endurance. Secondly, the gold content of this endurance performance lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  In fact, through the details of the live broadcast, we can see the performance of the vehicle in extremely cold environment and high-speed driving conditions. These details show the characteristics of vehicle driving comfort, dynamic response and energy consumption control. According to these details, the audience can judge whether the vehicle meets their own needs and expectations.

  The gold content of this endurance performance also lies in the authenticity and reliability of the test process. Through the live broadcast of a mirror to the end, the audience can witness the driving situation and various challenges of the vehicle. This test method of actual driving makes the results more credible, eliminates the factors of human intervention, and makes people have a more intuitive understanding of the endurance performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM.

  This live broadcast test makes the outstanding performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM in battery life lay a solid foundation for its future development. Through continuous innovation and technological upgrading, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is also expected to become a leading brand in the field of new energy vehicles, and provide users with more reliable, efficient and intelligent travel solutions.

Chery Tiggo 8: I tried my best. The medium-sized SUV only sells for 85 thousand.

In recent years, the domestic development is very rapid, especially in the field, the sales performance is very bright, and it ranks among the top three in the sales list all the year round, which brings great pressure to the joint venture brand. Among them, Changan,, and have become the hottest independent brands in the market, but their sales performance has been relatively low because they are not good at design and marketing. At present, although the independent development is very rapid, the core technologies are all purchased from foreign countries and can be independently developed. There are not many car companies with these three core components, but domestic leaders, especially the 1.6T, whose comprehensive performance is close to the global mainstream level. Take this medium-sized model as an example. With its excellent product strength and cost performance, its sales volume has been stable at around 10,000 vehicles for many months, and it has gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive market. It is the family’s sales responsibility and achieved sales volume and double harvest. Next, Rui Ge will give you a detailed introduction to the comprehensive performance of this car and whether it is worth starting.

First of all, from the aspect of appearance, following the family design language, the large-size polygonal air intake grille almost occupies the whole front face, and the lattice chrome trim in the middle net and a flying wing trim perfectly connect the logo in series, which is full of grade. The headlights with full shapes on both sides look awkward and have a high degree of recognition. The penetrating lower enclosure and C-shaped air intakes on both sides, with blackened grille, dot-matrix fog lights and chrome trim, make the front face full of aggression.

On the side, the line shape looks tough, and the side adopts double waistline design, and a waistline continues from the back of the headlight to the tail in a slightly rising form; Another raised waistline runs from the lower edge to the tail, and two angular lines make the side look fashionable and dynamic. Multi-amplitude movement and raised wheel eyebrows make the side full of tough guys. In terms of details, the upper and lower edges are decorated with chrome trim strips, which greatly enhances the sense of grade.

At the rear of the car, the through running taillights, with the blessing of blackening, have a very sci-fi and cool visual effect. Surrounded by a U-shape, with a silver guard and bilateral chrome plating, it looks dignified and atmospheric. In terms of details, a spoiler on the roof adds sports attributes. As far as the design is concerned, it belongs to the dignified and atmospheric type, and at the same time, a large number of chrome-plated materials are used in the details, which enhances the sense of grade and conforms to the aesthetics of consumers of all ages. It is a model suitable for all ages.

In terms of size, the positioning is medium-sized, which is divided into 5-seat version and 6-seat version. The overall width and height are 4700*1860*1746mm, which is 2710mm, and the size is medium in this level. In the actual riding experience, the front seat is adjusted to the standard position, the longitudinal space of the rear leg is close to the allowance of three punches, and the head has the allowance of one punch and two fingers, so you can easily tilt your legs. Although the 6-seat version is slightly inferior to the 5-seat version in the back row, it is more practical and there is no need to worry about overloading and being full. At the same time, the rear seats also support proportional reclining, which can bring the experience of a large double bed. For consumers who run long distances, they can not only carry a lot of luggage, but also provide spacious rest space, which is very practical.

In terms of interior, the latest interior design of the family is followed, and the well-defined "T"-shaped center console looks full of grade. Full-LCD and suspended LCD central control panel, the display effect is very eye-catching, which supports the interconnection of Carplay and CarLife vehicles, and can display GPS navigation, vehicle driving status, multimedia entertainment, APP application and other functions. The three-position flat-bottomed steering wheel and the compact electronic gear lever fully reflect the sense of movement and technology. In terms of materials, the seat is wrapped in leather, and the stitching process of diamond plaid is very high-grade, both in touch and visual sense. The center console is covered with soft material, with several chrome trim strips and piano paint panel, which makes the interior atmosphere look fashionable, exquisite and upscale.

In terms of power, it is equipped with 1.5T and 1.6T four cylinders respectively, which are in line with the national six, with 156/197 horses and 230/290 Nm respectively, and the transmission is matched with 6-speed manual /6-speed and 7-speed. Both versions have abundant power output, especially the 1.6T version, which has obvious push-back feeling and is suitable for young consumers to control. This model has been greatly improved, which is 7.3L, but actually it is about 8-9L. For a medium-sized model, the performance is still very good. On the other hand, the former McPherson is adopted, and the overall adjustment is not bad, taking into account the handling and comfort, and the driving quality is excellent. For a medium-sized car with a size of less than 100,000, it is still very kind after carrying it.

To sum up, as a domestic medium-sized product, it has excellent comprehensive product strength with the advantages of dignified and atmospheric appearance, scientific and technological interior atmosphere, spacious seating space, excellent power output and good adjustment. At present, this car only sells for 85 thousand after the discount, which is very cost-effective for a medium-sized car. Therefore, many riders regret that they bought it early and should wait to buy it. The configuration is richer and the price is cheaper. What do netizens think about this? Welcome to leave a comment.

"Nezha" was released overseas, and netizens struggled for translation.

  The movie "Nezha", which has made great strides at the box office, has been released in North America and Australia recently, which has triggered new topics. Netizens are quite worried about how to translate these funny traditional cultural stalks, such as "hurry as a law" and "my life is up to me", in order to convey the original flavor of traditional culture and let foreigners understand it. And launched the "Nezha Speeches Translation Contest" on the Internet. When interviewed by Yangzi Evening News, many translation experts affirmed the talents of netizens. However, the translation of "as urgent as a law" into "fast fast biu biu" is accused of being unreliable — — "It’s interesting to do this, but foreign audiences can’t understand it.

  "Urgent as a law"?

  This question has been searched in Weibo.

  Netizens set off the "Nezha Speaks Translation Contest", which became a hot topic on the Internet. The most discussed is the phrase "as urgent as a law" by the greasy uncle Taiyi in the film. It is said that "the sun and the moon are born together, a thousand spirits are heavy, and the heavens and the earth are boundless, and it is as urgent as a law." This is a spell in Taoist culture in China. How to translate it so that foreigners can understand the meaning? Netizens lamented that there is no hot search in this world. The problem that one person couldn’t figure out originally became a hot search when there were more people who couldn’t think of it.

  Among them, "fast fast biu biu" is regarded as a serious nonsense: "fast fast" follows the word "hurry" in the original text and translates the "letter" in the three principles of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"; The "biu biu" in the back is even more brilliant, which is the powerful point of using onomatopoeia to express spells and achieve the "da" in "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance".

  The answer given by netizens with wide brains is chicken chicken like green zero, which literally translates as "chicken is like green zero". Some people also popularize science, which means that the speed of transmitting orders is as fast as that of laws, and it is best translated as speed is like lvling. Although the meaning of "fast" has been conveyed, it seems that there is a little lack of spell feeling.

  Stunned by Nezha’s classic lines

  Netizens laugh at themselves for "exhausting their English skills all their lives"

  Another example is "My life depends on me", which is translated by some netizens as I am the master of my fate. Some people think that it is not domineering enough. Such a bloody scene, we must stress the sentence and walk! That is me to be the master of me! Again, such as "although a little baby fat, but also can not hide my compelling handsome", "dragon survival, just between your thoughts" have also triggered discussions.

  The funny thing is, "Then you go to … … Don’t come back when you go. "How do you translate Shen Gongbao’s tongue-tied lines that cause all kinds of misunderstandings? “If you go… … Gone, never come back "is well received because it also distinguishes the verb tense before and after stuttering."

  As for Nezha, the first little poet in Chentangguan, doggerel comes with his mouth open, and his sad and lazy voice and expression are too powder-sucking. "I am a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt." "Life is full of tears, and the more you struggle, the more unlucky you are. If you are tired of dying, it is better to sleep in bed. " This rhyming and humorous limerick in Chinese is translated into English, which also inspires netizens to use their life-long English skills.

  The translation teacher suggested

  JI-ji-ru-lv-ling can be transliterated directly.

  In this regard, the translation teacher Zhang Wenqin told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that "fast fast biu biu" is a bit like Chinglish, showing the sense of humor of domestic netizens, but foreigners certainly can’t understand it. In fact, you can also directly use Pinyin to translate spells and promote China culture. Even if foreign audiences can’t understand it so quickly when watching movies, they can understand it by consulting materials.

  In addition, the method that people in the industry agree with is "transliteration without translation, and foreigners will recite spells in the future." Like Pumbaa and Timon in the movie "The Lion King", the phrase "Hakula matata" that they often say is quite pleasing to the ears of China audiences, isn’t it? Such transliteration is acceptable to young people.

  David from Russia is a graduate student of Tsinghua University Institute of Humanities, and the champion of the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. He came up with a variety of translation methods, such as literal translation: let my order be carried out immediately. Or directly translated into JI-ji-ru-lv-ling in Pinyin. You can also find similar words in English allusions, such as abrakadabra, which was originally an Arabic spell from Arabian Nights. Later, many languages transliterated the word directly. All spells are rhythmic, rhythmic and often written. For example, the word "Nezha" can also be translated in Pinyin or into Latin.

  Translation should also stick to the style of cooperation.

  The movie lines "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" are the most important.

  Fu Yu, who graduated from the English Department of NTU with a master’s degree and is currently engaged in editing work in a publishing house, thinks that netizens are very talented, which is really a variety of whimsy. "The movie lines are mainly to express clear meaning, mainly to be faithful and expressive, like ‘ Urgent as a law ’ In this way, I think translation is still needed to convey ‘ Quick ’ I think it’s quite good. "

  Fu Yu said that biu biu can also be used in movie subtitles. It is cute and funny, and the memory is deep, which is also in line with this movie. In fact, translation should also stick to the cooperative style. Generally, if the translation in the book is more elegant, rhymes and literary allusions can be used, and it is good to explain it in the form of notes. Of course, biu biu is quite out of the context of foreigners, and it must be confusing to look at it alone, but it should be understandable if it is combined with movies and sounds.

  Fu Yu said that Ang Lee’s translation of the title of eat drink man woman and the English name crouching tiger and hidden dragon are relatively direct. At first glance, they don’t seem to convey the meaning of Chinese, but with the rich content of the film, this unfamiliar phrase in the English context is endowed with a unique color of China culture.

  According to various translation theories in his study, David gave advice, "whether it’s literary works or film and television works, the overall translation style should be taken into account when translating specific words, so there is no 100% answer, so how to translate that sentence?" In his view, engaging in the translation of literary and artistic works is different from doing ordinary translation. Besides understanding the national conditions and languages of other countries, we also need to learn the theory of literary translation. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhang Nan)

Are online celebrity products really worth buying?

According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People's Vision)

  According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 "online celebrity Live" practitioners in Yiwu, Zhejiang, involving more than 3,000 market operators. The picture shows that in a clothing store in Beixiazhu Village, Yiwu City, anchor online celebrity is broadcasting live. Photo by Gong Xianming (People’s Vision)

Screenshot recommended for the homepage of an APP on a grass planting platform in online celebrity.

Guo Dexinzuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  "All girls!" "Too cheap!" "Grab it! Grab it! Grab it! " On October 21st, just a few hours before the first day of the pre-sale of Tmall double 11, Li Jiaqi, the first brother of lipstick, brought 30 million viewers in the webcast room into the atmosphere of "double 11" shopping spree in advance. That night, Li Jiaqi reached the top of the Taobao live broadcast anchor list, and the sales of 10,000 lipsticks in Zhong Chao were amazing. More brands have sold more than 100 million yuan in 6 minutes in the live broadcast.

  A similar legend of online celebrity’s goods delivery is staged on the e-commerce live broadcast platform every day. Correspondingly, on various social networking platforms, online celebrity products are recommended in a dazzling array. online celebrity, who has a large number of fans, recommended various online celebrity products to fans through illustrated notes on "planting grass", vivid videos on "planting grass" or live broadcast. Words such as "pro-test is easy to use", "must-buy list" and "online celebrity explosion" have stirred up the consumption desire of social platform users.

  In August this year, Xiaohongshu APP (mobile phone software) was removed from the shelves of major application malls. The official said that it would start a comprehensive investigation and rectification of the content in the station, conduct in-depth self-examination and self-correction, actively cooperate with relevant departments, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the Internet environment. Xiaohongshu, which has over 200 million users and advocates young lifestyle sharing, has become one of the most representative social platforms of "planting grass with goods". The development of Xiaohongshu is also the epitome of the whole online celebrity market with goods. While online celebrity, with goods, gathers huge traffic and drives huge sales, the uneven online celebrity products gradually expose the industry chaos behind the "sales miracle".

  influencer marketing

  Fans of professional online celebrity realized.

  Who is the top online celebrity that is now all over the network? The answer to this question will be updated every once in a while.

  In recent 20 years, the development of online celebrity has experienced a rapid iteration from 1.0 era to 4.0 era. Nowadays, online celebrity is gradually becoming a specialized profession, and online celebrity’s management mode has also changed from individual creation to team and enterprise management. Publishing content on social networking platforms, accumulating fans, creating personal brand influence, and realizing the realization of fan traffic through commercial channels have become the way for many first-tier online celebrity to get rich.

  According to the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019 released by Crowley, in 2018, the number of netizens reached 829 million, and the number of online shopping users reached 610 million. On average, 73 out of every 100 netizens chose online shopping. Since 2015, the proportion of online retail sales of physical goods in the total retail sales of social consumer goods in China has soared from 8.04% to 18.4% in 2018. A huge number of online shopping users, huge online shopping demand and fast-growing online shopping market provide a fertile land for professional online celebrity.

  Online celebrity, a professional who is eager to realize the flow, is a loyal fan with spending power. "When the golden wind meets the dew," online celebrity brings goods as the times require.

  In the White Paper on Eco-development of E-commerce in online celebrity in 2019, online celebrity is defined as "online celebrity E-commerce", that is, content producers (network celebrities) with network influence recommend and sell products to users through content or e-commerce platforms. The main bodies of e-commerce in online celebrity include self-media, live anchors, stars, celebrities, shopkeepers, professionals and grassroots celebrities.

  With the deepening cooperation between e-commerce platform and online social platform, online celebrity’s goods delivery gradually moves towards the category of "social e-commerce". Online celebrity brings goods on social platforms and interacts with fans in e-commerce live broadcast, which is a common way to bring goods in online celebrity at present.

  According to the "2019 Taobao Live Ecological Development Trend Report" released by Taobao List and Taobao Live, the number of anchors who joined Taobao Live in 2018 increased by 180% year-on-year, and the Taobao Live Platform brought over 100 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of nearly 400%. There are more than 400 live broadcast rooms with a monthly delivery scale of more than 1 million.

  "online celebrity’s delivery of goods is essentially a new way of docking supply and demand: consumers and businesses are docked through online celebrity. These online celebrity attract fans to conduct business activities through their own characteristics and high-quality content." Wang Xintian, a lecturer at the Business School of Ningbo University, said in an interview that the essence of online celebrity’s economy is to rely on social platforms to promote, form a loyal fan base by gathering a lot of attention, and derive various consumer markets around online celebrity, and finally form an economic model with a complete industrial chain.

  According to relevant data, the main influencing factor of 83% young consumers’ purchase decision is the "online celebrity" and "Talent" sharing. On social media, it is normal for stars to bring goods, and fans are more willing to "plant grass" to buy products endorsed or recommended by stars.

  "The essence of online celebrity’s delivery is still a marketing method, which transforms the gathered fans into actual product consumers through socialization and entertainment." Liao Huaixue, a lawyer of Taihetai Law Firm, analyzed in an interview that in this "consumption transformation" mode, online celebrity with goods, as an assumed consumer, directly uses, explains and displays goods. Compared with the traditional one-way static dissemination of goods information by e-commerce, this mode can interact with consumers and narrow the distance between them. "As a new format of e-commerce development, online celebrity’s delivery of goods enriches consumers’ shopping methods and has great development potential, but at the same time, there are frequent chaos in the industry, and it is urgent to standardize governance."

  Grey secret

  There are many routines and chaos.

  The cat’s claw cup, the double yellow egg ice cream, and the exotic enzyme … … On the social platform of planting grass in online celebrity, you can find rich and detailed notes on "planting grass", whether it is cheap and easy to get daily snacks and good things in life, expensive and professional cosmetics and health products, or various international luxury brands.

  Online celebrity with goods has become an artificial identification filter for mass products, with personal reputation and word of mouth as the guarantee, recommending various goods worth buying for its fans. However, due to the uneven quality of online celebrity, the different screening mechanisms of e-commerce platforms and social platforms, and the lag in supervision of relevant institutions, there are various problems hidden behind the phenomenon of online celebrity bringing goods.

  Wei Wei, who works in a state-owned enterprise, is worried about losing weight recently. On a grass planting platform in online celebrity, Wei Wei planted a popular Japanese enzyme. Bloggers in online celebrity recommend this enzyme to decompose fat and sugar well and help to lose weight without affecting diet. After buying it and trying it twice, Wei Wei found that this enzyme is not as "fantastic" as bloggers said.

  "Let’s not talk about the effect of losing weight. Every time I eat enzymes, I start to feel chest tightness and nausea. This is also the case when I asked some friends around me. " Wei Wei said, "These products are under the banner of being beneficial to health, and many bloggers in online celebrity have personally experienced them. The recommendations seem particularly convincing, and hundreds of comments are basically praised and applauded, which makes people easily believe them. However, the instructions on the product are all in Japanese, and there is no detailed Chinese translation. After we buy it back, the specific method of taking it depends on the blogger’s recommendation notes, which actually has certain security risks. "

  The quality and safety of products can not be guaranteed, the product promotional pictures are inconsistent, and the data such as praise forwarding on the platform are falsified … … While online celebrity is in full swing, more and more users have discovered the gray "secret" behind the popularity of online celebrity products.

  Xiao Zhao, a graduate student in Hongkong, has always been a loyal user of online celebrity Grass Planting Platform and Short Video Social Platform. A while ago, after watching the live broadcast of a beauty blogger, she bought a online celebrity neck cream. "The biggest highlight of this neck cream is that it has a push-pull roller, and it feels particularly good to watch the live broadcast. After buying it back, I found that the composition of this neck cream is similar to that of ordinary moisturizer, and the effect is also very general, and the actual utilization rate is not high. " Xiao Zhao said frankly that watching the live broadcast of "planting grass" often leads to impulsive consumption. The live broadcast can show the products very intuitively and concretely, but there are often cases where the live broadcast does not match the real thing.

  Wang Xintian believes that the chaos in these industries is on the one hand an issue of industry evaluation mechanism. The intensification of industry competition in online celebrity has led to the increasingly obvious drawbacks of the evaluation mechanism on the mainstream online celebrity platform. For example, on some platforms, online celebrity is ranked by likes and sales volume, which leads some companies to "brush data" in order to get higher exposure. On the other hand, it is the problem of supervision mechanism. If "brushing data" can also be regarded as a kind of online marketing behavior, then false advertising is suspected of commercial fraud and needs the intervention of market supervision departments. At present, this aspect needs to be strengthened urgently.

  Have a scale in mind

  Governing by law and strengthening identification

  "It is a comprehensive management process to solve all kinds of problems existing in online celebrity’s goods delivery." Liao Huaixue believes that at present, China’s Advertising Law, Electronic Commerce Law, Anti-unfair Competition Law, Product Quality Law, Food Safety Law and Consumer Rights Protection Law have relatively perfect provisions on legal issues such as false propaganda, data fraud, product quality, food safety and consumer rights protection. In online celebrity, different subjects involved in the behavior of carrying goods should participate in the link of governance according to law.

  First of all, online celebrity with goods should improve the ability to control the quality of goods, carefully choose cooperative brands, and merchants should standardize the supply chain, work hard on the quality of goods, and ensure after-sales service. Secondly, the short video live broadcast platform should earnestly fulfill its responsibilities, strengthen the audit of live broadcast content, establish a "blacklist" system for online celebrity with goods and sellers, implement a platform ban system for online celebrity and merchants who infringe on consumers’ interests, standardize consumers’ payment methods, and establish and improve the platform order tracking system. The regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision. If online celebrity’s goods-carrying behavior infringes on the interests of consumers, the merchants and the goods-carrying online celebrity should share the responsibility. At the same time, if the short video live broadcast platform fails to fulfill the corresponding regulatory obligations and platform management responsibilities, the live broadcast platform should also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

  "Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. I will trust evaluation bloggers who have more fans, more pertinent evaluations, advantages and disadvantages, and choose products from reliable brands. " Xiao Ning, who often browses the evaluation videos of skin care products on the short video platform, has her own experience in identifying online celebrity’s "planting grass". "After watching the video, first brush the comments under the video, then check the ingredients of the products on the special software, choose the products that really suit you, and then go to the e-commerce platform to search and buy." Strengthening the ability to identify products with goods in online celebrity and improving the network literacy of users of e-commerce and social platforms is a self-defense technique for netizens to deal with the problem of goods with goods in online celebrity.

  From June to November this year, the State Administration of Market Supervision and other eight departments jointly launched the 2019 special action of online market supervision (Network Sword Action) to severely crack down on online sales of counterfeit and shoddy products, unsafe food and counterfeit drugs. From September to December next year, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, State Administration of Market Supervision and National Medical Products Administration will jointly carry out "Implementing Food and Drug Safety ‘ The four strictest ’ Request "special action, to online celebrity food safety violations. National laws and supervision of relevant departments are "racing" with illegal activities in online celebrity.

  The authenticity of online celebrity products is being tested by consumers and the market; Online celebrity’s routine of bringing goods is also gradually being found out by users and supervision platforms; Online celebrity’s brand image has become more and more true after the flushing of flow realization. With the improvement of consumers’ discriminating ability, the tightening of platform supervision and the strengthening of law enforcement, online celebrity will eventually return to its original intention: let more high-quality goods meet people who really need them.

Swiss regulations prohibit keeping solitary social animals: keeping a goldfish is illegal (Figure)

  Beijing, August 2 (Xinhua) According to Voice of China’s Global Chinese Broadcasting Network, it has gathered interesting stories and shared interesting stories.

  [A pure natural life]

  There is a legendary cave-dwelling old man in northern Argentina. He lived in a cave on the mountain for 40 years. He lived with roosters and goats every day. When he was hungry, he picked up a shotgun and hunted. When he was thirsty, he went to a nearby stream to drink water. However, the old man is not completely isolated from civilization. He will walk for three hours regularly, collect pensions and buy supplies in the town below the mountain, and some tourists and students visit the mountain.

  It is reported that 79-year-old Luca was raised by her grandfather in a small town below the mountain, and her childhood dream was to live alone. At the age of 14, he left his hometown and made a living by transporting coal to Bolivia. Later, he returned to the town and lived in a cave. He said that he also thought about traveling around the world, but he didn’t have that much time.

  [An extraordinary memory]

  Rebecca Sharrock, a 26-year-old Australian woman, has a "super autobiographical memory" and can clearly remember what she experienced, big or small.

  It is reported that only 80 people in the world have this extraordinary memory. Sharrock is a Harry Potter fan. He can recite all the chapters of the novel word for word, and even tell the nuances of the same dialogue between the novel and the movie.

  Sharrock said that her earliest memory can be traced back to when she was only 12 days old, when her mother was taking her to the driver’s seat to take photos. She can describe in detail what happened and dreams after that.

  However, Sharrock was troubled by his extraordinary memory. Sharrock once suffered from autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every night in the dead of night, all kinds of memory fragments will flood into her brain, and multiple emotions make her unable to sleep. In childhood, Sharrock remembered all the nightmare scenes and often lost control of her emotions, so the original intention of reciting Harry Potter was to distract her and help her get rid of the nightmare.

  [A person who is proficient in donkey language]

  In London, England, there is a "donkey talker" who claims to be able to read the donkey’s mind. He has studied animal behavior habits for more than 20 years. The man named Mark Yin Aisen said that animals are very spiritual, and he hoped that people could learn more about their "hearts".

  Mark is the owner of an entertainment company called "Real Donkey". He now provides donkey riding activities for the British people. But the difference is that riders can listen to the sounds made by donkeys through a special new technology "voice translator". The funniest thing is that these sounds will be translated into English and played to everyone, and some even whole sentences.

  Mark said that donkeys have hooves, and people can express their emotions by lifting a hoof. People can also recognize the behavior of donkeys through their body movements and some facial expressions.

  Although he was suspected, Mark was convinced of his way of doing things. He said, "I love my donkeys very much, and I don’t want to exchange them with anything else."

  [A law prohibiting animals from being lonely]

  Not only people will be sad because of loneliness, but also animals. Therefore, there is a law in Switzerland that "it is forbidden to keep only one gregarious animal". If you only keep one goldfish, be careful not to touch the law.

  In order to protect the rights of animals, Switzerland stipulates that it is forbidden for social animals to keep only one, such as goldfish. Fish are gregarious animals, and they need companions. It is cruel to raise only one and let them grow in a lonely environment, which is equivalent to "abusing" them.

  According to the report, this regulation is not only for fish, but also for social animals such as guinea pigs and budgies.

  In addition, the laws and regulations on the protection of animal rights in Switzerland also stipulate that owners must go through course training and written examination before they can have dogs. If they want to have cats, they must let them move outdoors or see other companions through the window. If they can’t, they must have two cats.

Balloon volleyball likes the doctor! Appropriate exercise and mental health are recommended keywords.

Volleyball has been widely concerned in China. However, due to the fact that hard volleyball in traditional competitions requires certain skills and strength, it has not become a very popular sport. Zi Niu news reporter recently learned that a new member of the volleyball family-gas volleyball is gradually coming into people’s sight and has been praised by many experts. Proper exercise, less sports injury, enriching social interaction and improving reaction ability are all keywords recommended by doctors.
Why can balloon volleyball "capture" people’s hearts? Lightweight, easy to use and not easy to get hurt.
"I didn’t expect balloon volleyball to be really addictive." Ms. Cheng, a post-90s banker, likes all kinds of sports and fitness at ordinary times. Not long ago, she "into the pit" a new sport with her friends, that is air volleyball. "I think that the sports I used to do were all done by one person, such as yoga and swimming. I found it very interesting after contacting balloon volleyball." In Ms. Cheng’s view, this ball game, which requires teamwork, is light, handy and interesting, and can be regarded as a combination of sports, leisure and entertainment. More importantly, compared with hard volleyball, it is painless, which is undoubtedly "suitable for all ages."
Netizen sharing
There are thousands of notes on the keyword "air volleyball" entered on the sharing platform, and tens of thousands of videos on the video website share the air volleyball technology. Why can balloon volleyball "capture" people’s hearts? Similar to Ms. Cheng’s idea, Wang Bo, a college student, played balloon volleyball because it was less risky. "I used to love watching volleyball games, but I never really touched volleyball, thinking that I couldn’t fight at all. I didn’t expect balloon volleyball, which is a better choice for our non-professional enthusiasts. It is not easy to get hurt and has a high participation rate of all ages. " The reporter learned that as a new sport, balloon volleyball has been favored by more and more students. In many colleges and universities, balloon volleyball has gradually become one of the sought-after courses.
Proper exercise is good for mental health, and balloon volleyball is also praised by experts.
It is reported that nearly 200 million people in the world are attracted by balloon volleyball, while nearly 10% people in China are involved in balloon volleyball, which is second only to football and basketball. So what is balloon volleyball? The reporter learned that balloon volleyball, which is purely made in China, can be traced back to about 40 years ago. At first, a unit organized retired workers to play with balloons on the volleyball court, then changed to children’s soft plastic balls and revised the rules with reference to six-person volleyball. Finally, balloon volleyball came into being. As one of the five major sports events of the National Sports Association for the Aged, it has been well promoted in Zhejiang, Fujian, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing and other places since its launch.
So specifically, how is balloon volleyball different from conventional volleyball? According to reports, first of all, as the name implies, the materials are different. Balloon volleyball is made of soft plastic, and most of the volleyball liners are made of PU, and the weight of the ball is 100-150 grams lighter than that of ordinary volleyball. The net of balloon volleyball is low, the height of men is 2.1 meters, the height of women is 1.9 meters, and the mixed net is 2 meters. The hard volleyball net is 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women. It is no wonder that a fan told reporters that he can easily control balloon volleyball when he is 1.6 meters tall.
At the same time, balloon volleyball is not so demanding on the venue. Badminton courts can be used. The venue is 13.4 meters long and 6.1 meters wide, and activities can be carried out indoors and outdoors. However, regular volleyball requires an 8-meter *9-meter rectangle with an open space of at least 3 meters around, and there must be no obstacles at least 7 meters above the field. It is worth mentioning that although the playing and scoring methods of balloon volleyball are basically the same as those of ordinary volleyball, the rules are relatively loose. All parts of the human body can touch the ball, as long as the ball is hit above the ground in the opponent’s court according to the rules. Because you can get started without long-term and systematic training, it is more convenient to fight.
"Popular" and "grounded" balloon volleyball is not only flying into the homes of ordinary people, but has also been praised by some professionals in recent days. "The amount of exercise is more appropriate." Relevant sports medical experts believe that gas volleyball activities include running, jumping, squatting and turning, which makes the brain, eyes, hands, waist and feet move, but the amount of activities is not large, and the probability of sports injuries is much lower than other ball games, which is conducive to fitness and strong body.
Tuyuan vision china
Wang Chunxue, chief physician of Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, also pointed out that balloon volleyball is helpful for mental health. In Wang Chunxue’s view, balloon volleyball is characterized by the participation of many people, with strong continuity and few interruptions, which makes the sport itself more interesting. Just like the experience of Ms. Cheng and Wang Bo, this team sport has also set up a new scene for social interaction. You take me "into the pit", I pull you into the group, and the players work closely together. At the same time, the competition between teams is also a good opportunity for individuals to learn to overcome difficulties and forge ahead. Experts also said that the skills and tactics repeatedly used in the competition can produce rich signal stimulation to the neural network and nerve cells of the brain, which is helpful to improve the cognitive ability of quick response and flexible thinking. Applied to work and study, it is an improvement to the quality of life and health level.
Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Lu Yanlin
Proofread Li Haihui

Good news is coming! The latest voice of the General Administration of Financial Supervision is related to real estate financing!

On January 26th, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The two departments held a meeting on the same day to deploy a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing.

Earlier on the same day, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also held a deployment meeting of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, requiring all localities to study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative areas, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

On January 12th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing the Coordination Mechanism of Urban Real Estate Financing (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), requiring cities at or above the local level to establish the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing.

The working meeting held by the General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Central Financial Work Conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

Specifically, the Notice clarifies that the coordination mechanism, based on the development and construction of real estate projects and the qualifications, credit and finance of project development enterprises, puts forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and pushes it to financial institutions within their respective administrative regions. Financial institutions shall evaluate the support objects pushed by the coordination mechanism according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs for projects with normal development and construction, sufficient collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities and guaranteed repayment sources; For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds can be balanced, we should not blindly draw loans, pressure loans or cut off loans, but give greater support through the extension of existing loans, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning Institute, pointed out that the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism this time is to establish a docking platform so that both banks and enterprises can fully communicate, and whether or not loans still need to follow the bank risk control and credit approval process.

Strengthen the closed management of funds and prevent misappropriation.

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, made a "notice" when he attended the press conference on high-quality economic and social development of financial services held by the State Council yesterday. Recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision will hold a relevant work deployment meeting, asking banks to act as soon as possible, and under the lead coordination of the urban people’s government, together with the housing and construction departments, make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy, and more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects.

The General Administration of Financial Supervision pointed out that the coordination mechanism should strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation and pre-sale fund supervision in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.

At the same time, the General Administration of Financial Supervision stressed at this meeting that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

"All supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market." The General Administration of Financial Supervision said.

Editor: Wang Yunpeng

Proofreading: Li Lingfeng
