Hot search first! Just now, Huawei Mate50 was released! The starting price is 4999 yuan, which supports Beidou satellite news.

On the afternoon of September 6th, Huawei Mate50 series mobile phones were officially released, and as many as seven topics rushed to Weibo for hot search.

Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of terminal business and CEO of smart car solutions business group, released Huawei Mate50 series flagship mobile phones. Yu Chengdong said that after two years, Huawei Mate mobile phone is back. According to reports, Huawei Mate50 series is the first mass smartphone in the industry to support Beidou satellite news.

Image source: Weibo

In addition, Huawei also released the M5 EV, the first pure electric smart car of AITO brand, with the standard version starting at 288,600 yuan and the performance version starting at 319,800 yuan.

Mate50 mobile phone released after two years

Huawei Mate40 series flagship mobile phone was released in October 2020. According to the normal release time rhythm, Huawei Mate50 series should have been released in the autumn of 2021, but it was delayed for some reason.

Yu Chengdong said that the Mate series was born in 2013, and it has gone through ten years. In the past ten years, Mate series has been continuously leading the innovation in the mobile phone industry. Yu Chengdong said that the only product that can surpass Mate is Huawei Mate.

Source: Huawei

Previously, the cooperation between Huawei and Leica ended. In July, Huawei launched the Huawei image brand XMAGE, which was first launched on Huawei Mate50 series. In terms of operating system, Huawei Mate50 series was first equipped with Harmony OS 3 operating system.

Huawei also announced the upgrade plan for HarmonyOS 3. The first batch of upgrade devices include Huawei P50 series, Huawei P50 Pocket, Huawei Mate Xs 2 and other smart terminal products such as smart screens, tablets and watches.

It is understood that Huawei Mate50 series launched the "low-power emergency mode", which intelligently started the shaped charge pump at 1% power, and realized the endurance experience of standby for 3 hours, or talking for 12 minutes, or flashing the code for 10 times, or scanning the code for 4 times to solve the urgent needs of users.

At present, due to the shortage of goods, the sales volume of Huawei’s mobile phone business is average, but the quarterly sales volume has increased. According to market research firm Omdia, in the first quarter and second quarter of 2022, Huawei shipped 5.6 million mobile phones and 6.4 million mobile phones respectively.

The industry believes that the release of Mate50 series will drive the growth of Huawei’s mobile phone sales. In terms of selling price, Huawei Mate50 starts at 4,999 yuan, and Huawei Mate50 Pro starts at 6,799 yuan. The pre-sale will start on September 6 and will be on sale on September 21. Huawei Mate50 RS Porsche is designed for 12,999 yuan and will be on sale on September 21st. Huawei Mate50 E starts at 3,999 yuan and will go on sale in October.

Source: Huawei

According to market research firm Counterpoint Research, Huawei’s market share in the price segment above $400 dropped from 13% in 2020 to 6% in 2021. Although Huawei still ranks third in the world, its sales share is greatly squeezed by Apple and Samsung, mainly due to the limited 5G function of Huawei’s mobile phone.

Support Beidou satellite news

Huawei Mate50 first supports Beidou satellite news. According to Yu Chengdong, Huawei Mate50 series supports the hardware capability of Beidou satellite message, and it is the first mass smartphone in the industry to support Beidou satellite message.

Source: Video screenshot

Huawei said that when living in an environment where there is no ground network signal coverage, such as desert no man’s land, sea distress, earthquake rescue, etc., users can send out text and location information through Changlian APP, keep in touch with the outside world, and support multiple locations to generate trajectory maps.

Orient securities believes that with the application of satellite communication in Huawei Mate50, it is expected to drive the development of satellite communication-related industrial chains.

Shen Wan Hongyuan Research Report said that Huawei, Apple, Google and other technology companies are all committed to linking mobile phones with satellites. Apple, in particular, is expected to launch satellite communication function on the upcoming iPhone14, mainly providing emergency SMS/voice service, but there is still uncertainty about whether it will be available. The core problem may be that the business model has not yet been opened.

Shen Wanhongyuan said that the overall mobile satellite communication is still in its infancy, the function and payment model have not yet taken shape, and the business model has not been determined. In fact, the daily satellite communication mainly includes two types: Beidou communication (short message) and satellite Internet. When it is applied to mobile phones, it often refers to Beidou short message communication mode.

Huaan Securities believes that mainstream mobile phone brands will open the commercial trial of satellite short messages or will open the imagination space of C-side. Satellite communication technology is becoming more and more mature, but whether it forms a commercial scale still depends on the user’s balance between use value and cost. The development of the C-end of satellite communication will follow the development path of short message, narrowband communication (call, MMS) and broadband communication, and the development of users and industrial scale will take time.

The release of pure electric version of M5 EV

It is worth noting that on September 6th, Yu Chengdong also released the M5 EV, the first pure electric smart car of AITO brand, with the price of standard version starting at 288,600 yuan and performance version starting at 319,800 yuan.

Image source: Huawei

Wenjie series is a high-end smart car built by Celeste AITO brand and Huawei. It is the main product of Huawei’s smart car selection model and is also sold in Huawei channels. At present, two models, namely M5 and M7, are on sale.

The M5 EV is AITO’s first smart luxury pure electric SUV. It is understood that in terms of power, the Wujie M5 EV is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

According to Huawei, in the fully charged state of the new energy-saving mode, the rear-drive version of Wujie M5 EV can achieve 620 kilometers of CLTC working life, and the four-wheel drive version can achieve 552 kilometers of CLTC working life.

The series "Wen Jie" was the first to be equipped with HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, and its sales volume has been rising since it was launched. Cinda Securities said that Huawei has empowered AITO, and the series of models in the world have sprung up. According to the battle report released by AITO brand, the delivery of the series began in March, and the cumulative delivery in six months reached 35,617 vehicles.

The data shows that in August, the total delivery volume of AITO Jiejie series reached 10,045 vehicles, which was the first time to deliver more than 10,000 vehicles in a single month, creating the fastest record for domestic new energy automobile brands to deliver more than 10,000 vehicles in a single month.

According to CICC, Wenjie series cars have quickly broken through the difficult climbing period of production, channels and consumer cognition that new brands need to experience in the early stage, and successfully realized the product strength into strong production and sales performance. Wenjie M5 EV is expected to further enrich the product matrix.

Citic Jiantou Securities said that the monthly sales volume of Wenjie series models is expected to continue to increase in the second half of the year. With the blessing of Huawei, AITO is expected to be the benchmark for new brands such as Weilai, Tucki and Ideality.

Zhiji L7 and others took stock of the new models of new brands in Shanghai Auto Show.

  [car home New Energy] The 2021 Shanghai Auto Show is underway. In the past two years, the proportion of new energy vehicles in major auto shows has been increasing. In this Shanghai Auto Show, the proportion of new energy vehicles has reached one-third. Some netizens jokingly called this auto show "2021 New Energy Auto Show". Before the auto show is over, let’s take stock of the new products of new brands, because on this "new track", these new brands do have many new ideas, and the models are more interesting than one. If you are interested, you must come to Shanghai Auto Show to feel it.

Home of the car

  With the booming of new energy automobile market, new automobile brands have been born in recent years, including brand-new new power brands or new brands with traditional automobile enterprise backgrounds. For some traditional car companies, they want a share in the new energy market, and new brands often bring their own heat, and new brand models can also enjoy some "benefits" of traditional car companies, such as funds, customers, technology, etc. In addition, the birth of a new brand can also help car companies to develop another development direction. Why not? Then our inventory article today includes some new brands, such as Weilai and Xpeng Motors, as well as some brands with traditional car companies’ backgrounds, such as Zhiji Automobile.

Home of the car

  Zhiji Automobile is jointly built by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group, and (|) is the brand’s first mass-produced model, and the pre-sale price has been announced at 408,800 yuan during the Shanghai Auto Show. It can be seen from the general performance of the first product that this is really a brand that emphasizes "intelligence".

Zhiji L7

  The front face of the new car is very futuristic. The "big hero" should be the design of the light group. Although the modeling is exaggerated, the official said that the car is 99% close to mass production. The shape of the daytime running light strip is similar to "∑", and it is responsible for "cool". The official name of this design is icon-m. Cool is just an appearance. Seeing the real light group, Zhiji L7 is equipped with "intelligent lighting system DLP+ISC". This system has 2.6 million pixels of DLP projection headlights and 5,000 LED ISC pixel signal lights. In addition to the conventional lighting function, this lighting system also has the ability to "talk", which can realize the functions of reminding pedestrians, guiding lights, guiding light carpets, and moving light with eyes.

Zhiji Automobile Zhiji L7 2021 Angel Wheel Edition

Home of the car

  Regarding some sensors, Zhiji L7 has 12 cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic sensors. Interestingly, there are three high-definition cameras on the roof of the car. In order to reduce the wind resistance, the cameras are automatically upgraded when necessary. Its image sensor has 150 million pixels as a whole, supporting 180 distortion-free ultra-wide-angle, 4K high-definition video shooting, super night view and other modes. Although there is a "small horn" overhead, the drag coefficient of Zhiji L7 has reached 0.21, which is already an excellent achievement.

Home of the car

  The length and width of the new car are 5098mm and 1960mm respectively, and the wheelbase reaches 3100mm, so the car side effect is slender enough. At the rear of the car, don’t think it’s just a simple through taillight. In fact, the taillight is designed on screen, and you can print some fonts and patterns. On the other hand, the taillight part seems to be integrated with the "duck tail" shape, which is also unique.

Zhiji Automobile Zhiji L7 2021 Angel Wheel Edition

Home of the car

  Entering the car, Zhiji L7 has a 39-inch through screen, and the instrument and center console are a big screen, and the co-pilot entertainment screen is another screen, and both screens can be lifted up and down. There are also bright spots in the interactive experience of the vehicle. It is equipped with Zhiji’s "unbounded interactive IMOS operating system", which can realize unbounded multi-screen interactive experience, and users can freely customize functions that are not related to vehicle safety.

Zhiji Automobile Zhiji L7 2021 Angel Wheel Edition

  Finally, in the power and endurance part, the rear axle of the car is the main drive, with a power of 400kW and a torque of 700 N·m, and it is equipped with a bidirectional 12 rear wheel steering system. Zhiji L7 also comes standard with a 93kWh power battery pack, and the high-equipped models can be equipped with a 115kWh battery, so the vehicle can last up to 1000km. At the same time, the car will be equipped with 11kW wireless charging. The official said that it can charge 10.5kWh of electricity in one hour, which is equivalent to 70-80km battery life under the NEDC standard.

Zhiji Automobile Zhiji L7 2021 Angel Wheel Edition

  "Smart" is really not empty talk. On the track of pure electric vehicles, these car companies are really implementing "smart" in all aspects. In the part of assisted driving that many people care about, the official said that Zhiji L7 can have the point-to-point zero-take-over autopilot capability by the end of 2021, provided that national regulations allow and high-precision maps are open. After reading Zhizhi L7, I can only say that "the amount given is really large". It is in the early 400,000 s. Is this car worth it?

Zhiji LS7 concept car

  Zhiji LS7 is positioned as a medium or large SUV, which is still in the concept car state and is planned to be officially mass-produced in 2022. Compared with the L7 just mentioned, the front of this new car looks more conservative, but the irregular headlights and the concave front face still make it have a strong sense of youth. It can be seen from the door handle that the LS7 concept car seems to adopt the design of the opposite door at present, and I hope that this design can be retained in future production cars.

Zhiji automobile Zhiji LS7 2021 concept car

Zhiji automobile Zhiji LS7 2021 concept car

  It can be seen that the electronic rearview mirror was used in the real shooting model, which was exclusive to the concept car in the past, but the designer of Zhiji LS7 said that "this was developed at a time when the laws and regulations were in compliance", and when the LS7 was mass-produced and listed, the electronic rearview mirror might be standard. In the century-long history of automobile development, are we really going to experience another change in mass production of pure electric vehicles? It is really worth looking forward to. The taillight design of Zhiji LS7 is exactly the same as that of L7. In terms of functionality, the taillights are the same as those of both cars, and they all have screen design.

Zhiji automobile Zhiji LS7 2021 concept car

Zhiji automobile Zhiji LS7 2021 concept car

  At present, the interior of Zhiji LS7 has not been announced, but it is conceivable that the car should adopt a style similar to that of L7, and the on-board interconnection system is also a part worth looking forward to. Besides the camera, there are two "small horns" on the roof of LS7, which are prepared for solid-state lidar. I believe that the two models of Zhiji will have one thing in common, that is, to implement the label of "intelligence" and expect them to perform well after they are actually listed.

Eight departments prevent and control teenagers’ myopia: regulate the total amount of online games, and ban mobile phones in class.

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 31 (Xinhua) On the 30th, the "Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents" formulated by the Ministry of Education and National Health Commission was announced. For example, ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day, prohibit students from bringing electronic products such as mobile phones into the classroom, and control the number of new online games. The plan lists a series of hard measures to "protect their eyes" for children and adolescents.

  — — By 2030, the myopia rate of high school students will drop below 70%

  The plan proposes that by 2023, we will strive to reduce the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide by more than 0.5 percentage points per year on the basis of 2018, and the provinces with high incidence of myopia will reduce by more than 1 percentage point per year.

  By 2030, the rate of new-onset myopia among children and adolescents in China will be significantly reduced, and the overall level of children and adolescents’ visual health will be significantly improved. The myopia rate of 6-year-old children will be controlled at around 3%, the myopia rate of primary school students will be reduced to below 38%, the myopia rate of junior high school students will be reduced to below 60%, the myopia rate of senior high school students will be reduced to below 70%, and the excellent rate of national students’ physical health standards will be over 25%.


  — — Children are exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  The plan requires that a good family sports atmosphere should be created, and children should be actively guided to engage in outdoor activities or physical exercise, so that they can be exposed to outdoor natural light for more than 60 minutes every day at home.

  Encourage and support children to participate in various forms of sports activities, urge children to conscientiously complete sports homework in winter and summer vacations, enable them to master 1-2 sports skills, and guide children to develop lifelong exercise habits.

  — — The cumulative use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 1 hour per day.

  The plan reminds parents to control the use of electronic products, and consciously control their children, especially preschool children, to use electronic products. The single use of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes, and the cumulative time should not exceed 1 hour every day. After studying with electronic products for 30-40 minutes, they should take a rest and relax for 10 minutes. The younger they are, the shorter the continuous use of electronic products should be.

  — — Ensure that primary school students sleep for 10 hours every day.

  The plan requires that parents should supervise and correct their children’s bad reading and writing posture at any time, and the continuous eye use time for reading and writing should not exceed 40 minutes.

  Parents should cooperate with the school to effectively reduce the burden on their children. Don’t blindly participate in extracurricular training and follow the trend. They should make reasonable choices according to their hobbies to avoid reducing the burden on schools and families.

  Guarantee children’s sleep time, and ensure that primary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students 9 hours, and senior high school students 8 hours.

  — — Not assigning homework in the first and second grades of primary school should not make students’ homework become parents’ homework.

  The plan requires that schools should reduce students’ academic burden. There is no written homework for the first and second grades of primary school, and the completion time of written homework for the third to sixth grades should not exceed 60 minutes, and it should not exceed 90 minutes for junior high school. The homework time should also be reasonably arranged for senior high school. Strengthen practical homework, reduce mechanical and repetitive training, and prevent students’ homework from evolving into parents’ homework.

  — — Grade one and grade two exams shall not exceed once per semester, and other grades shall not exceed twice.

  The plan stipulates that the number of unified examinations in the compulsory education stage should be resolutely controlled. The first and second grades of primary school should not exceed once per semester, and other grades should not exceed twice per semester. It is strictly forbidden to publish students’ test scores and rankings in any form or manner; It is strictly forbidden to use the award-winning certificates of various competitions, academic competition results or grading certificates as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly forbidden to organize examinations to select students in various names.

  — — Adjust the seat every month according to the change of students’ vision, and adjust the seat height every semester.

  The plan requires that the phenomenon of "large class size" be eliminated quickly. The compliance rate of school classroom lighting hygiene standards is 100%. According to the viewing angle of students’ seats, the lighting situation in the classroom and the changes of students’ eyesight, the students’ seats are adjusted every month, and the height of students’ desks and chairs is adjusted individually every semester to adapt to the growth and development of students.

  According to the plan, ensure that primary and secondary school students have more than one hour of physical activity time every day at school. Strictly implement the national physical education and health curriculum standards, and ensure that the first and second grades of primary school have 4 class hours per week, the third to sixth grades and junior high school have 3 class hours per week, and the senior high school has 2 class hours per week. Primary and secondary schools arrange 30 minutes of big recess sports activities every day.

  — — Students are strictly forbidden to bring electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets into the classroom.

  According to the plan, schools should prohibit students from bringing personal mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom, and those brought into the school should be kept in a unified way. In school education, electronic products are used reasonably according to the principle of demand, and teaching and assignment are not dependent on electronic products. In principle, the teaching time using electronic products should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time, and paper homework should be used in principle.

  — — Textbooks, test papers and other font papers should protect their eyesight and push mandatory standards before the end of next year.

  According to the plan, before the end of 2019, National Health Commission will, together with relevant departments, issue relevant mandatory standards to strictly regulate the fonts and papers of textbooks, teaching AIDS, examination papers, exercise books, newspapers and other printed materials and publications for children and adolescents, as well as study lamps, so as to protect their eyesight.

  — — Regulating the total amount of online games and controlling the number of online games newly added.

  According to the plan, the State Press and Publication Administration should regulate the total number of online games, control the number of new online games, explore an age-appropriate reminder system in line with national conditions, and take measures to limit the use time of minors.

  In addition, the State Administration of Market Supervision should strictly supervise the optometry and glasses industry, standardize the glasses market, and prevent unqualified glasses from entering the market. Strengthen advertising supervision and investigate and deal with false and illegal advertisements for myopia prevention and control products according to law.

  — — Prevention and control of myopia, overall myopia rate and physical health are included in the government performance appraisal.

  According to the plan, the State Council authorized the Ministry of Education, the National Health and Wellness Commission and the provincial people’s governments to sign responsibility letters for comprehensively strengthening the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and local people’s governments at all levels signed responsibility letters step by step. The prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, the overall myopia rate and physical health status will be included in the government performance appraisal.

  Incorporate vision health into quality education, incorporate children’s physical and mental health and schoolwork burden into the national compulsory education quality monitoring and evaluation system, and hold local governments and schools accountable according to laws and regulations for the decline of children’s physical health for three consecutive years.

North Korea and the United States shouted experts at the end of the year: it is expected that North Korea will not cross the "red line" of the United States

  The end of this year is the deadline set by the DPRK for the denuclearization negotiations between the DPRK and the United States, but the DPRK-US dialogue has still not made progress. The outside world is worried that both sides will take action because the deadline is approaching, but at the same time, it is also expected that both sides can release positive signals and change the current situation.

  The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is a top priority in North Korea at present. This is the second time that the WPK has held a plenary session for more than two consecutive days after 29 years. According to a report by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea entered the agenda for the third day on the 30th, and Kim Jong-un, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea, continued to give a report.

  This photo provided by Korean Central News Agency on December 31, 2019 shows that Kim Jong-un spoke at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The eyes of the outside world focused on the latest statement of the meeting: "Actively take measures to comprehensively safeguard national sovereignty and security" is the Chinese version of Korean Central News Agency’s statement, while literal translation of the original text should be "positive and offensive measures". The word "offensive" has aroused widespread concern. Lee Sang-min, spokesman of South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said on December 30th that regarding the so-called "offensive measures" mentioned by the DPRK at this meeting, the ROK will pay close attention to the contents and resolutions of the follow-up meeting of the DPRK.

  At the same time, the United States’ recent tough stance toward the DPRK has not relaxed at all. In an interview with the media on December 29th, White House National Security Adviser O ‘Brien said, "If North Korea takes action, the United States, as a major military and economic power, will take appropriate actions to respond." He added, "There are many choices in the American toolkit".

  In addition to the "offensive" expression, we should also pay attention to others.

  Both sides seem to have a tendency to wait for opportunities. Liu Tiancong, an associate researcher at the Northeast Asia Institute of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said in an interview with The Paper, "It seems that both sides are showing strength, but this is not the case. The two sides still have some tacit understanding. The upper limit of US-DPRK relations depends on the United States, and the lower limit depends on North Korea. Specifically, whether we can talk about it and talk about the results depends on the United States; Whether it will collapse depends on North Korea. "

  Wang Junsheng, a researcher at the Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences, also pointed out in an interview with The Paper that "since 2018, North Korea has made great contributions to easing the situation on the peninsula, but it has not received the expected return from the United States. North Korea assessed that the United States hopes to crush North Korea through pressure, so it said ‘ Active and offensive ’ The key meaning of is to express ‘ We can’t be crushed ’ But in any case, the DPRK still puts constructive and positive words in front, and it is also releasing signals to the outside. "

  In fact, it must be noted that the discussion on the military and national security aspects is only a part of this domestic meeting in North Korea, which also involves many other contents, among which the economy is still the most concerned aspect. According to Korean Central News Agency’s report on December 31, 2019, Kim Jong-un emphasized the principle of strengthening party building and enhancing the role of cadres, and spent seven hours making a comprehensive report on the work of the CPC Central Committee, national construction, economic development and military construction of the DPRK.

  Korean Central News Agency said that Kim Jong-un "anatomically" comprehensively analyzed a series of problems in the overall national construction, such as current national management and economic construction.

  Wang Junsheng believes that the shift of North Korea’s strategic center to economic construction in 2018 is a new thing for North Korea, because in the process of transformation, there may be problems that have not appeared before. The analysis of these problems is an important part of this meeting, and besides, it is necessary to unify thoughts and cognition internally.

  Liu Tiancong said that although there are some tough messages in the content of the Fifth Plenary Session, it is prudent and continuous on the whole, and the fields involved are comprehensive and extensive. Most of the content is to emphasize economic development and party building, not just to show strength to the outside world. As an important meeting held at this important stage, the outcome of the Fifth Plenary Session will determine North Korea’s domestic and foreign policies for a long time to come.

  The fluctuation of US-DPRK relations stems from the lack of basic trust.

  Just before this meeting, the seventh the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the Workers’ Party of Korea just held its third enlarged meeting and decided to further strengthen the overall armed forces of the Korean People’s Army and other countries politically and militarily. This signal is the epitome of the whole December 2019. In the past 30 days, the DPRK and the United States have intensively tested each other with tough tone and practices, including two "major tests" conducted by the DPRK at the West Sea satellite launch site one week apart, and a series of threatening targeted remarks made by the US from President Trump to Secretary of Defense Esper to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Millie.

  On December 16, 2019, US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Beagan was in Seoul. In sharp contrast to the Xinhua News Agency, the State Council’s special representative for North Korea policy, Beagan, visited South Korea, Japan and China in mid-December 2019, and finally failed. Previously, the contact with North Korean officials was finally dashed. In fact, this can be foreseen as early as an expression by Myong gil Kim, the visiting ambassador of the DPRK Foreign Ministry in November, when he said, "If the United States only holds talks to successfully get through the end of the year, then North Korea is not interested in such talks."

  In Singapore in June 2018, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reached a four-point consensus in the joint statement signed jointly, and the outside world generally had more positive expectations for the DPRK-US relations. However, in 2019, the DPRK-US relations have been fluctuating repeatedly. First, from the Hanoi summit in February, Trump crossed the "38th parallel" and became the first incumbent US president to enter North Korea. Then, in October, the Swedish working talks between the two sides ended without results, and the DPRK-US relations were full of twists and turns like a roller coaster.

  On June 30, 2019, US President Trump (right) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held talks at the "Freedom House" on the Korean side of Panmunjom. Xinhua News Agency data map Liu Tiancong believes that the fundamental reason for the intermittent relationship between the United States and the DPRK lies in: on the one hand, there are fundamental differences between the two sides on the issue of denuclearization that are difficult to reconcile; On the other hand, the two countries, mainly the United States, need to maintain the basic atmosphere of dialogue in order to obtain political interests. For more than a year, even if the relationship between the United States and North Korea was warm for a while, it was just a political need, which was difficult to last and even more difficult to go deep.

  "There is a lack of the most basic trust between the DPRK and the United States." Wang Junsheng believes that this is the core issue that caused this situation. "The DPRK and the United States have reached a consensus on the direction of solving the Korean Peninsula issue, but this year’s issue is how to implement it, in other words, who will take the first step. North Korea is unwilling to declare its nuclear weapons program first and abandon its nuclear program first, fearing that the United States will strike, while the United States is worried that North Korea will renege after lifting sanctions. " Wang Junsheng pointed out that this situation not only requires the persistence of both sides, but also urgently requires the intervention of a third party.

  The international community actively promotesword

  At the same time, all parties in the international community hope that the tense fire of DPRK-US relations in 2019 will spread to the upcoming New Year as little as possible.

  On December 30th, the UN Security Council held an informal meeting to discuss the second round of the proposal put forward by China and the Russian Federation to partially lift sanctions against North Korea. Although the final result of the proposal is unknown, and there are many predictions that the attitude of the United States will not be reversed at all, it is an attempt to solve the peninsula problem politically in any case. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Geng Shuang said at a regular press conference on the 31st that at this meeting, all parties further exchanged views on the draft resolution and were willing to keep in touch with each other on the next step of negotiation.

  On December 24th, when asked about the relevant issues, the spokesman of the UN Secretary-General said, "Our message to North Korean leaders is to commit to peace and stability on the peninsula and resume working-level dialogue with the United States."

  At the previous meeting of leaders of China, Japan and South Korea, the three countries also reiterated that denuclearization of the peninsula and lasting peace in Northeast Asia are the common goal of the three parties, and dialogue and consultation are the only effective way to solve the peninsula problem. They also said that they should strengthen communication and coordination among the three countries on peninsula affairs and play a constructive role in realizing denuclearization of the peninsula and long-term stability in Northeast Asia.

  Late at night on December 21st, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said after a telephone conversation with US President Trump that Japan will strive to promote North Korea’s efforts to achieve denuclearization of the peninsula through peaceful dialogue, and Japan fully supports the US-DPRK negotiations on denuclearization of the peninsula.

  At 6: 30 pm local time on February 27, 2019, the second US-DPRK summit was unveiled at Sofitel Legend Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. Under the eyes of everyone, US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walked into the venue and smiled and shook hands. Liu Tiancong predicted that according to the current situation, North Korea is not expected to do anything too outrageous, such as resuming nuclear tests. North Korea may show toughness by launching short-and medium-range land-based missiles, submarine-launched missiles and even satellites, but these will not touch the red line of the United States and will not lead to the collapse of the US-DPRK dialogue. As long as North Korea does not cross the line, Trump will not take the initiative to worsen US-DPRK relations and find trouble for himself before the election. Therefore, it is quite possible for the situation on the peninsula to maintain the current situation and even further resume the dialogue between the United States and the DPRK.

  Wang Junsheng believes that all parties should strive for the common denominator as much as possible, try to continue discussing the reversible clauses of resolutions concerning the DPRK within the framework of the UN Security Council, and work out a clear road map for lifting sanctions, and then try to deal with the contents related to the humanitarian field first.

Citrus with falling prices, apples that can’t be sold … How can the fruit industry spend the cold winter smoothly?

How to spend the winter of fruit industry smoothly?

  As the Spring Festival approaches, the fruit consumption market begins to "pick up", and consumers buy fruits in supermarkets. Our reporter Wang Xiaochuan photo

  Beginning of spring has passed, and the breeze is beginning to bring some warmth.

  But for the vast majority of fruit people, this "winter" is cold and long, and it is really a bit difficult.

  Cherry, once the "pearl of fruit industry", has been sold from the past to today’s ten pounds of postage, and has already stepped down from the altar. The "freedom of cherries", which was once pursued hard, now seems like telling a cold joke to the fruit industry.

  It’s not just cherries that are sad.

  Domestic fruits, led by citrus, are also in a difficult position to support. From January to December 2020, the average wholesale price of bulk fruits monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs decreased by 9.8% compared with 2019. Some merchants feel more directly, "the price of fruit has dropped by at least 30% year-on-year".

  What is even more helpless is that even if the price has been "discounted", the volume of fruit still does not improve.

  The China Fruit Circulation Association recently issued the "Initiative on Doing a Good Job in Current Fruit Sales", calling on the whole industry to actively respond to the crisis and spend the cold winter together.

  The sudden "cold" and "freezing" made people in the fruit industry a little confused. The price that can’t be raised, the fruit that can’t be sold, the warehouse piled up like a mountain, and the fruit industry people are waiting for the arrival of spring.

  An expanding orchard

  Guangxi Lipu Sugar Orange is a well-known regional public brand of citrus. In 2016, when the reporter went to Guangxi for an interview, an orange farmer joked: "The Bureau of Industry and Commerce of the Finance Bureau, it is better for me to go home and plant sugar oranges!"

  Now, it seems that it is the last glory of sugar orange.

  In 2016-2017, the average price of sugar oranges in Guangxi once reached a high of 12.6 yuan per kilogram, and countless fruit farmers lived in the "Citrus House" by relying on their 10 acres of citrus orchards.

  The sudden epidemic in 2020 poured cold water on the head of sugar orange. Fruit merchants can’t get in, fruits can’t get out, and there are not a few citrus orchards that have been abandoned.

  The accident that was regarded by many people at that time was repeated again this year. Just a month ago, the average price of sugar oranges in Guangxi hit a deep pit in 1.2 yuan per catty. This price is even lower than the input cost of fruit farmers.

  For fruit farmers, it is not important to pick the fruit or not, which is doomed to be a loss.

  This ending was actually buried as early as a few years ago when sugar oranges were expensive. The price of citrus is soaring, and the industrial and commercial capital with a keen sense of smell is coming into the "orange". Guilin and other sugar oranges are planted in big markets, and fruit farmers even compete to transfer land to other markets. Planting sugar oranges is like planting a cash cow.

  Zhao Junyi, chief fruit analyst of the agricultural products market analysis and early warning team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, told the reporter that the area and output of citrus have been increasing continuously in recent years. In 2018, citrus output surpassed apples to become the largest fruit raw product category in China, and in 2019, citrus output accounted for 24.1% of the total output of garden fruits in China.

  The continuous expansion of orchards will inevitably bring high supply. Citrus is not resistant to storage, so it is inevitable that "price stampede" will occur when it is listed centrally.

  This cold winter in the fruit industry, when the new citrus season came on the market in November last year, has already begun to show signs. Wuming Wogan, Lipu Sugar Orange and other popular "star" fruits in the past are not only unsatisfactory in price, but also worrying in sales volume. Only when they are listed can they not be sold. Fruit farmers have to beg the buyers to take as many goods as possible.

  Chen Yucheng, head of Sihui Cuitian Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, said frankly: "The pressure this year is particularly great. Some time ago, due to the influence of the cold wave, it was difficult to sell in the north. Coupled with the epidemic situation and the low price of foreign fruits, the confidence that fruit farmers had just stabilized was somewhat shaken. "

  The pressure of continuous loss is transmitted to fruit quality through fruit farmers. A person in charge of Guangxi Fruit Technical Guidance Station told the reporter that due to the poor market, the willingness of growers to invest has been greatly reduced, and the investment in organic fertilizer and film mulching has decreased accordingly, which has led to the decline of fruit quality, further affecting sales and forming a vicious circle.

  Fruits piled up in the warehouse

  It’s not just fruit farmers who are suffering from the cold winter. The pressure on fruit dealers may be even greater.

  According to the data of Guangxi agricultural products production and marketing price monitoring and early warning system, on February 5th, the origin price of sugar orange was higher than the wholesale price per kilogram in 0.3 yuan. It is hard to imagine that the wholesale price is upside down with the origin price in any industry.

  There are also traditional bulk fruits such as apples and pears on sale. In the 2020 crop season, the national apple output is about 41 million tons, and it still maintains a relatively stable supply. Looking at the whole year, the prices of Fuji apples and Yali pears dropped by 28% and 28% respectively compared with the previous year.

  "The sales situation is not ideal. Some dealers sell at a loss of 50 cents per catty. After all, it will cost more to continue to put it in the cold storage." Lu Fangxiao, president of China Fruit Circulation Association, said.

  However, it is difficult to reverse the situation that the inventory of cold storage continues to be high. It is reported that about 11 million tons of apples will be stored in the cold storage in 2020, an increase of 8% year-on-year, and a record high.

  Many dealers spent a lot of money on Apple last year, but this year they are trapped by Apple. The strong market during the new listing of apples in 2020 attracted many pear merchants, garlic merchants and ginger merchants to join the inventory. In January 2021, the cold inventory of apples was about 1.5 million tons higher than that of the same period of the previous year.

  What is the pressure on the sales side of the fruit industry? According to the data of China Fruit Circulation Association, the total domestic fruit output this year is 274 million tons. This means that Chinese people need to consume nearly a catty of fruit every day to complete the task of destocking the fruit industry.

  Domestic fruits are under pressure, and the annual festival of imported fruits is also difficult. Imported fruits, a popular gift before the Spring Festival in previous years, have continued to shrink this year, and they are also facing the pressure of high inventory. Taking cherries as an example, it is preliminarily estimated that there are nearly 1,500-2,000 cabinets in stock in China at present, and 5,000 cabinets will arrive in Hong Kong before the Spring Festival.

  The epidemic situation in COVID-19 has become a cloud that cannot be dispersed on the head of imported fruits. Consumers’ panic about imported fruits has led to a decrease in purchasing desire and a sharp drop in sales volume.

  A dealer who has been engaged in the import fruit business all the year round said that in order to attract consumers, he launched a "fruit gift package" that had never been seen before, and hung the report on the results of cold chain disinfection treatment conspicuously. Even so, there are still customers who are worried.

  On the one hand, the fruit farmers begged, on the other hand, the consumers hesitated, and the dealers caught in the middle looked at the goods piled up in the warehouse and wanted to cry. For many fruit distributors, "surviving" has become the biggest wish this year.

  Lost traditional market

  It has to be admitted that the epidemic situation is profoundly changing the fruit industry in China.

  Under the epidemic situation, the consumption demand of fruit as a non-necessity is slightly weak, which is directly reflected in the traditional wholesale market. The relevant person in charge of Beijing Xinfadi Market told the reporter that compared with previous years, the shipment of fruits dropped by about 40% this year. This data also applies to many offline chain retail stores.

  A dealer in Guangxi said that some fresh fruit farms shipped five or six cars in the past day, but now there are only two or three cars a day, and the popularity is bleak, far less than in previous years.

  In sharp contrast, the online market is hot. Jing Changbao, director of purchasing food, told the reporter that in 2020, the overall sales of fresh food on the platform will increase by three times, and consumers’ acceptance of various brands of agricultural products and landmark products will be significantly improved.

  Compared with vegetables, fruits are obviously more suitable for online sales. According to a report released by China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, fruit was the largest category of online retail sales of agricultural products in 2019, accounting for 38.3%. The information disclosed by the person in charge of a fruit market consulting company is more intuitive. In the terminal sales of Apple, online sales reached 14%, the proportion of direct mining was 35%, and the proportion of farmers’ market dropped to about 40%.

  The rules of the game have changed, and a large number of fruit stall owners have to change careers. "Online is direct supply from the place of origin, and the price sold to end consumers is even lower than our purchase price."

  However, the final trend of online sales is still controversial in the industry.

  "Community group buying, which was popular some time ago, also had a big impact on the fruit market. However, we believe that this low-price sales method is unsustainable and will eventually lead to vicious competition and low-price competition. In the long run, consumers will suffer. " Lu Fangxiao said.

  Where is the spring of fruit industry?

  How to spend the winter in the fruit industry smoothly?

  In the eyes of the industry, the overall progress of fruit sales is slow now, which is more of a structural reason. There are many kinds of fruits, and consumers have great choices. 20 years ago, the scene of carrying sacks to buy apples is no longer there, and the trend of individualization, quality and branding of fruit consumption is becoming more and more obvious.

  In the eyes of young consumers, traditional fruits such as apples and pears are no longer the first choice, and "liking the new and hating the old" is their consumption habit. From sugar orange five years ago, Wogan orange three years ago, to "online celebrity" jelly orange and ugly orange today, the rapid change of market hotspots has left many fruit farmers at a loss.

  "Overall, the total supply of fruits in China is more than enough, and the structural contradictions are prominent. staple goods is everywhere, lacking safe, green and high-quality fruits." Lu Fangxiao believes that to fundamentally solve the problem of fruit industry, the key is to put an end to the disorderly expansion of production end. Only by adhering to high-quality development, continuously accelerating the improvement of varieties, continuously optimizing planting structure according to market demand, and cultivating more influential and well-known brands can consumers truly satisfy their pursuit of a better life.

  Under pressure, it is urgent to adjust the industrial structure. Guangxi, which ranks first in citrus production in China, has taken the lead in moving. The Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Citrus Industry in Guangxi issued in November 2020 clearly pointed out that it is necessary to avoid following the trend, prevent industrial recession, and strive to further optimize the citrus structure and layout.

  Embracing new channels has also become a compulsory course for traditional "fruit people". Some traditional channel dealers began to take the initiative to "get an electric shock online", hoping to take the sales path of combining online and offline at the same time and get closer to consumers.

  Some dealers hope to make a "turnaround" by using "online celebrity" fruit, and regional public brands and landmark agricultural products become their first choice. The "2020 Online Consumption Trend Report of Agricultural Products" released by JD.COM Big Data Research Institute shows that at the moment when the brands of well-known agricultural products enterprises are not prominent, the place of origin has become the primary label of agricultural products quality.

  In fact, even if we are experiencing the cold winter, people in the fruit industry feel differently. According to the data provided by JD.COM, the turnover of landmark agricultural products in the first half of 2020 still increased by 74% year-on-year. Fine brands such as Sichuan Ugly Orange and Yunnan Blueberry have seen a leap in sales.

  The next spring of the fruit industry may be in these changes.

Autumn children have loose bowels, beware of rotavirus as a demon.

  Among children with diarrhea under 5 years old in China, about 40% of hospitalized cases are caused by rotavirus, and 30% of outpatient cases are caused by rotavirus. Li Dandi, a researcher at the Center for Virus Prevention and Control of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recently reminded that diarrhea in autumn is not as simple as a cold stomach. Rotavirus infection is the real cause of diarrhea, and it is the most important pathogen of severe diarrhea in infants. According to the World Health Organization, in 2013, nearly 220,000 children under 5 died of rotavirus infection.

  Zhang Zhu, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Hospital, also reminded that rotavirus is particularly active in autumn, and it recurs every year, usually from August to December, and the most active period in the north is October and November. Rotavirus diarrhea is highly contagious, not only through the digestive tract, but also through the respiratory tract. Therefore, children with rotavirus infection often have respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, accompanied by particularly severe watery diarrhea. This watery diarrhea may be like egg flower soup, but it has no abnormal odor. This is a typical rotavirus infection. Rotavirus may be accompanied by some food poisoning, including Escherichia coli, which are diseases that children are particularly susceptible to in autumn.

  What emergency treatment should parents do if the child suddenly has abdominal pain? Zhang Zhu said that taking rotavirus as an example, most viral enteritis can heal itself, and there can be a slow recovery process in about one to two weeks. However, children will lose some water and salt in the process, so it is particularly important for parents to deal with it scientifically.

  First of all, don’t eat antibiotics indiscriminately. For example, quinolones can affect children’s cartilage development, and children under 16 are not recommended to eat them, because parents’ indiscriminate use of drugs may bring more serious problems to children.

  Oral rehydration salts are more practical. It is recommended that families with babies can prepare some oral rehydration salts, which can reasonably supplement the loss of fluids in children’s bodies and supplement certain electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and chlorine. What if there is no rehydration salt at home? You can use orange juice bought in the supermarket to heat and sterilize, and then add a little salt. Because orange juice contains a lot of potassium chloride, plus a little sodium chloride, potassium, sodium, chlorine and other lost electrolytes are available; Orange juice contains high sugar and is a good calorie supplement for children with diarrhea.

  Liu Cuiying, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing Children’s Hospital, reminded that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are the most serious for the first time. Parents should not think that rotavirus infection is ordinary diarrhea. Once they find that their children have typical loose stools, or that they have no tears when crying, and their skin is relatively dry, or that they have persistent high fever, a lot of mucus or blood in their stools, acute abdominal pain, and their children are depressed or unable to feed water and food, they must go to the hospital in time.