Very practical! COVID-19 100 questions, suitable for collection

Since the COVID-19 epidemic occurred, the people of Hubei have actively responded to the call, raced at the same time, competed with the disease, and contributed an important force to win the people’s war, overall war and resistance war for epidemic prevention and control with practical actions.

In order to further strengthen epidemic protection and health education, guide the public to correctly understand, scientifically protect, and rationally respond, the Fujian Aid Support Team relies on the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University and Fujian Medical University to organize and compile the "COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control period unit prevention and control, personal protection and health 100 questions", involving personal protection, protection in key places, psychological and nutritional support, precautions for returning to work, laws and regulations, etc., aiming to answer the epidemic prevention and control knowledge with high social attention.

Recognizing COVID-19

1. What is the coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are the smallest known organisms. Coronaviruses are RNA viruses. Under the microscope, there are protrusions protruding from the virus envelope that look like crowns. Coronaviruses are divided into four genera according to their serotype and genomic characteristics. There are 6 coronaviruses known to infect humans. Two of the most pathogenic are the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated Coronaviruses (SARS-CoV).

2 What is a novel coronavirus?

The virus isolated from the lower respiratory tract of patients with unexplained pneumonia in Wuhan is a previously unknown new strain of coronavirus (β genus), which has been named SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). On February 11, 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced that the pneumonia of novel coronavirus infection will be named "COVID-19" (Corona Virus Disease 2019).

CO stands for coronavirus (Corona), VI stands for virus (Virus), D stands for disease (Disease), 19 because the disease broke out in 2019.

3. Which animals can carry the coronavirus? How can it be transmitted from animals to humans?

Many wild animals may carry pathogens and become transmission vectors. For example, civets, bats, bamboo rats, badgers, etc. are all common hosts of coronaviruses. Current studies have shown that novel coronavirus has more than 85% homology with bat SARS-like coronavirus (bat-SL-CoVZC45). Most of the initial occurrence originated from contact with live animals in the human-animal trading market, and novel coronavirus is likely to have an unknown intermediate host vector during the transmission process from animals such as bats to humans. Therefore, do not eat food such as wild animals that have not passed the quarantine.

4. What are the ways of novel coronavirus inactivation?

Coronavirus is sensitive to heat, 56 ℃ for 30 minutes, ether, 75% ethanol, chlorine disinfectant, peracetic acid and chloroform can effectively inactivate the virus, but chlorhexidine cannot effectively inactivate the virus.

5. How long can novel coronavirus survive in vitro?

Studies have found that the virus can survive for several hours on smooth surfaces such as door handles and elevator buttons. If the temperature and humidity are right, it may survive for several days. Therefore, it is very important to wash your hands frequently every day.

6. What are the sources of novel coronavirus infection?

At present, the source of infection is mainly patients with novel coronavirus infection, and asymptomatic infections may also become the source of infection.

7. What are the transmission routes of novel coronavirus?

Respiratory droplet transmission and close contact transmission are the main transmission routes; there is the possibility of aerosol transmission in the case of long-term exposure to high concentrations of aerosols in a relatively closed environment. Since novel coronavirus can be isolated in feces and urine, attention should be paid to aerosol or contact transmission of environmental pollution caused by feces and urine (7th Edition of the National COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan).

8. What are the novel coronavirus susceptible groups?

Populations are generally susceptible.

9. How long is the incubation period for COVID-19?

Based on current epidemiological surveys, the incubation period is 1 to 14 days, with a maximum of 3 to 7 days.

10. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Fever, dry cough, and fatigue are the main manifestations. A few patients are accompanied by symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, myalgia, and diarrhea. Severe patients usually develop breathing difficulties and/or hypoxemia one week after the onset of the disease, and in severe cases, they can rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult-to-correct metabolic acidosis, coagulation dysfunction, and multiple organ failure. It is worth noting that severe and critically ill patients may have moderate to low fever in the course of the disease, or even no obvious fever. Light patients only show low fever, mild fatigue, etc., and no pneumonia.

11. Who are suspected cases of COVID-19?

Combined with the following comprehensive analysis of epidemiological history and clinical manifestations:

(1) Epidemiological history

A) Have a travel or residence history in Wuhan and surrounding areas, or other communities with reported cases, 14 days before the onset of the disease;

B) Have a history of contact with a novel coronavirus infection (nucleic acid test positive) within 14 days before the onset of illness;

C) Have been in contact with patients with fever or respiratory symptoms from Wuhan and surrounding areas within 14 days before the onset of the disease, or from the community where the case was reported;

D) Clustering (2 or more cases of fever and/or respiratory symptoms in small areas such as homes, offices, school classes, etc.) within 2 weeks.

(2) Clinical manifestations

A) fever and/or respiratory symptoms;

B) Have the above COVID-19 imaging characteristics;

C) The total number of white blood cells in the early stage of the disease is normal or reduced, and the lymphocyte count is normal or reduced.

Have any one of the epidemiological history, and conform to any 2 of the clinical manifestations. If there is no clear epidemiological history, conform to 3 of the clinical manifestations.

12. Who are close contacts of COVID-19?

COVID-19 close contacts refer to those who have not taken effective protection to have close contact with them (within 1 meter) from 2 days before the appearance of suspected cases or confirmed cases, or 2 days before the sampling of asymptomatic infected samples. – The national "novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control plan (fifth edition) ". Mainly refers to people who live or work together, including office colleagues, classmates and colleagues in the same classroom and dormitory, passengers in the same means of transportation, etc., as well as other forms of direct contacts, including the accompanying staff of virus-infected patients, elevator passengers, etc.

13. What should close contacts pay attention to?

Conduct home medical observation according to the requirements of the disease prevention and control agency, do not panic, do not go to work, do not go out casually, do a good job of observing your own situation, and receive regular follow-up visits from community doctors. If you have abnormal clinical manifestations such as fever and cough, report to the local disease prevention and control agency in a timely manner, and go to the designated medical institution for investigation, diagnosis and treatment under their guidance.

14. How long can close contacts be released from medical observation?

According to the current understanding of the disease, the isolation and observation time for close contacts is 14 days. If no other abnormal conditions are found after 14 days, the medical observation can be lifted, and the primary medical and health workers can continue to actively cooperate with medical observation and health management.

15. I suspect I may be infected with the novel coronavirus, what should I do?

You should go to the local designated medical institution for investigation and diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner. If you are suspected of being infected with novel coronavirus, you should truthfully describe the illness in detail when seeking medical treatment, especially inform the doctor of your recent travel and residence history, contact history of pneumonia patients or suspected patients, and contact history with animals. Special attention should be paid to wearing a medical surgical mask throughout the treatment process to protect yourself and others.

16. How to distinguish between COVID-19 and common cold symptoms?

The symptoms of COVID-19 mainly include fever, fatigue, dry cough, etc. Local respiratory symptoms are usually not heavy, and some people will have serious breathing difficulties or systemic damage. These are the biggest differences from the common cold.

Precautions on the way back to work

17. What are the precautions on the way back to work?

(1) Before traveling, if there are symptoms such as fever, dry cough, breathing difficulties, fatigue, etc., the return journey should be suspended and medical attention should be sought in time.

(2) Carry masks, paper towels and disposable disinfectant wipes or hand disinfectant, mineral water or a water cup with a lid.

(3) Maintain good hygiene habits and wear a mask throughout the process. Pay attention to hand hygiene, try to avoid touching public goods with your hands, and avoid directly touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands.

(4) Take the initiative to cooperate with body temperature detection. When queuing through security and waiting, try to keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others to avoid conversation and contact. Minimize the time spent at the station.

(5) Those who detect suspicious symptoms should stay away and report to the crew in a timely manner.

(6) Keep personal travel ticket information properly for inquiries.

18. What should I do if there is no water on the way back and it is inconvenient to wash my hands?

You can use alcohol-containing disinfectant products to clean your hands. Coronaviruses are not resistant to acid and alkali, and are sensitive to organic solvents and disinfectants. 75% alcohol can inactivate the virus, so alcohol disinfectant products that reach a certain concentration can be used as an alternative to washing hands with soap and running water.

19. How to take good protection when traveling by train or plane?

(1) Wear the mask correctly throughout the process. It is best to prepare two pairs of masks. Once the masks become wet, dirty, and deformed, they need to be replaced in time.

(2) You can wear glasses and hats when riding in the car, and women can tie up their long hair.

(3) You can use disposable disinfectant wipes to wipe the small table board or public goods before use.

(4) Try not to move around after boarding the car or in the cabin. If it is a short distance, try not to eat to avoid removing the mask. If you need to eat and eat, please pay attention to food hygiene and hand hygiene.

(5) Pay attention to hand hygiene. Avoid directly touching the mouth, nose and eyes with your hands on the way. If you really need to use your hands, wash your hands first or use disinfectant wipes or hand disinfectant to clean your hands before proceeding.

(6) Pay attention to cough and sneeze etiquette. When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow, and wash your hands as soon as possible.

(7) After using the toilet, close the toilet lid and flush, and wash your hands promptly.

(8) If there are suspected cases of COVID-19 on the train or plane you are traveling on, or if the disease control department deems that medical observation is required, please actively cooperate with the epidemiological investigation.

20. How to take personal protection when riding a bicycle or walking to and from work?

Wear a mask all the way to and from work, and pay attention to keeping a safe distance of more than 1 meter from other pedestrians as much as possible.

21. How to take personal protection when commuting by private car?

(1) When commuting by car, it is necessary to increase the number of window openings for ventilation.

(2) If multiple people are traveling in private cars, it is recommended to wear masks throughout the journey.

(3) It is recommended to wipe the interior and handlebars of private cars with 75% alcohol or disinfectant wipes once a day.

22. How can I take personal protection when taking public transportation such as buses and subways?

(1) Be sure to wear a mask throughout the process.

(2) Carry items such as napkins, disposable disinfectant wipes or hand disinfectant with you.

(3) Minimize touching public items such as seats, handrails, doors, and levers with your hands on the way. After touching, you can use hand disinfectant or disposable disinfectant wipes to clean your hands.

(4) Avoid touching the mouth, nose and eyes directly with your hands.

(5) Try to maintain a certain distance from others (at least 1 meter if possible), and if it is a bus, try to open the windows to maintain ventilation.

(6) Pay attention to cough and sneeze etiquette.

(7) Wash your hands promptly upon arrival at your destination.

23. How to take personal protection when taking a taxi or online car-hailing?

(1) Be sure to wear a mask throughout the journey, and try to sit in the back seat to avoid talking to the driver.

(2) Before getting on the bus, try to use disinfectant wipes to wipe handrails, handlebars, and other items that may come into contact with the body, and minimize touching other items on the car with your hands.

(3) Immediately after getting on the bus, open the windows to maintain ventilation.

(4) Avoid touching the mouth, nose and eyes directly with your hands.

(5) Pay attention to cough and sneeze etiquette.

(6) Wash your hands promptly after arriving at your destination.

24. What should I do when I arrive at the office or go home?

(1) Immediately wash your hands with hand sanitizer or soap under running water.

(2) Use 75% alcohol to wipe and disinfect mobile phones and keys. Pay attention to turning off the power of the mobile phone when disinfecting the mobile phone. After the mobile phone is completely cooled, dip an appropriate amount of 75% alcohol or disinfection products that do not damage the surface of electronic products, wipe the surface of the mobile phone, and do a good job of hand hygiene.

25. What preparations should be made before entering the workplace?

Wear a mask correctly before entering the workplace and consciously accept a temperature test. If the body temperature is normal, you can work inside. If you have symptoms such as fever, please do not enter the workplace, and go home to rest and observe. See a doctor in time according to your physical condition, and report the situation to the unit during the period.

26. What are the precautions for taking the elevator?

(1) It is recommended to take the stairs below the 5th floor.

(2) Please wear a mask when riding the elevator, and do not talk to people in the elevator.

(3) Wash your hands immediately after touching the elevator buttons or elevator walls directly.

27. What should I pay attention to in the office?

(1) If you are working alone, it is recommended to wear a mask as much as possible under conditions.

(2) If working for multiple people, all employees must wear masks. Try not to set up seats face-to-face, do not stand guard, reduce conversation, and keep a distance of more than one meter for conversation.

(3) Keep the work area clean and hygienic, and open windows for ventilation at least 3 times during work, 20-30 minutes each time. For offices with more personnel, the number of ventilation can be appropriately increased, or windows can be opened continuously for ventilation.

(4) Keep your hands hygienic. After touching handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, counters, microphones and other items, after coughing and sneezing, before and after meals, go out and come back, and wash your hands with hand sanitizer or soap in flowing water in time. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes directly with your hands.

(5) Pay attention to cough and sneeze etiquette.

28. How to disinfect office items shared by multiple people?

Telephones, desks and chairs, public computers, printers, fax machines, copiers, etc., can be wiped and dried with 75% alcohol or disinfectant wipes once a day. If the frequency of use is high, the number of disinfections can be increased.

29. What should I pay attention to when circulating paper documents?

It is recommended to use an electronic process to circulate documents. If paper documents must be circulated, wash hands before and after circulation, and wear masks for both parties (or multiple parties).

30. What should front-line employees pay attention to?

(1) When working in the workplace, employees of the enterprise should wear masks throughout the process; when working in the workplace where chemical poisons and/or dust are present, employees should wear corresponding anti-virus/dust masks or masks according to the concentration. When the mask is damaged or the resistance increases significantly, it should be replaced immediately.

(2) When working, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between people, do not gather to chat, and communicate through mobile phones when necessary.

(3) For equipment operated by multiple people, the surfaces of objects or components that are in contact with more people such as operation buttons and handles should be disinfected in each shift. Those who are allowed to operate with gloves should wear gloves for operation.

(4) Workbenches, operation buttons, surfaces of items, etc. should be disinfected daily and wiped with 75% alcohol or disinfectant wipes.

31. What should be paid attention to in meetings?

(1) During the epidemic period, try not to hold meetings, hold fewer meetings, or hold short meetings, and try to take the form of video conference or video conference.

(2) If it is necessary to hold a centralized meeting on site, choose a conference room with windows open for ventilation, and keep the windows open during the meeting to maintain good ventilation.

(3) Participants are required to wear masks, wash their hands before entering the conference room, and maintain a distance of at least 1 meter when entering the conference room and seated.

(4) Use your own water glasses during the conference, and use bottled water if there are external participants.

32. What should I pay attention to when eating?

(1) Use time-divided meals to avoid crowding, try not to eat in the cafeteria, and pack back to the office for meals.

(2) If you can only eat in the cafeteria, adopt a split-meal system. Keep a distance of more than 1 meter when queuing, do not eat in groups, do not sit face to face, and do not communicate with each other when eating.

(3) Wash your hands before meals.

33. Will food delivery spread the novel coronavirus?

Takeaway is generally safe, but you need to choose a regular store, so that you can ensure that the fresh meat eaten is qualified by quarantine, and the production and processing process is in compliance. If you are worried about the risk of contact and droplet transmission caused by the takeaway method and the courier, you can ask the takeaway staff to implement contactless delivery, leave the food at the door and other places before taking it into the unit, discard the outer packaging of the takeaway, and wash your hands before opening it for consumption.

34. What should I pay attention to when picking up the courier during work?

Under normal circumstances, the possibility of contamination during express transportation is small. In areas with COVID-19 transmission, in order to avoid contact risks, try to store the courier in the courier cabinet or delivery room. If you must sign for it in person, wear a mask and gloves when receiving the courier, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from the courier, and remove the gloves in time and wash your hands immediately after handling the package.

35. What should visitors pay attention to when visiting?

(1) Outsiders should have their temperature checked before entering the office building.

(2) When receiving visitors, both parties are required to wear masks, maintain a certain distance, and avoid physical contact such as handshakes and hugs.

(3) Wash your hands promptly.

36. What should I pay attention to when traveling on official business?

(1) Wear a mask when traveling to avoid dense crowds. Avoid long stays in public places.

(2) Make contact with people and maintain a distance of more than 1 meter.

(3) Keep your hands hygienic. Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes directly with your hands.

(4) If you travel in the official car of the unit, open the window for ventilation after boarding the car, and it is recommended to wipe the interior and door handle with 75% alcohol once a day, or use disinfectant wipes.

(5) If you need to take the unit’s shuttle bus when you go out in a group, open the windows for ventilation after getting on the bus. Travelers need to wear masks in the car and try to ride a certain distance apart. After the shuttle bus is in use, spray or wipe the car and door handles with chlorine-containing disinfectant containing 250mg/L-500mg/L of available chlorine, or wipe them with disinfectant wipes.

37. How to take good protection after get off work?

(1) Individuals and families should avoid visiting, gathering, or having dinner together.

(2) Maintain a regular schedule.

(3) Balanced nutrition.

(4) Get enough sleep.

(5) Exercise moderately to enhance immunity.

Personal protective skills

38. How do the general population choose masks?

It is recommended that after the resumption of work and production, in the selection of masks, disposable medical masks are recommended; employees engaged in epidemic-related administrative management, police, security, express delivery, public transportation drivers, taxi drivers, sanitation workers, public place service personnel, etc., wear masks during the post, choose to use disposable medical masks and recommend the use of medical surgical masks.

39. How do special groups choose masks?

In principle, it is recommended to wear medical protective masks (N95 and above) and goggles for high-risk groups who may come into contact with suspected or confirmed cases. Patients with certain cardiopulmonary diseases should consult a professional doctor before wearing, and choose an appropriate mask under the guidance of a professional doctor.

40. Should the general public wear disposable gloves in addition to masks when going out?

No need, wear gloves if you are afraid of cold, and pay attention to washing your hands frequently.

41. Do you need to wear more layers of masks to improve protection when going out?

No need, a single layer can achieve the protective effect, pay attention to timely replacement.

42. How to wear a mask correctly? (Take medical surgical masks as an example)

Remember to wash your hands before wearing, and try to avoid touching the mask after wearing. If you must touch the mask, you should wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching. (See the picture below for details of the steps)

43. How to remove the mask correctly? (Take medical surgical masks as an example)

44. How to properly dispose of used masks?

(1) Masks used by healthy people can be disposed of according to the requirements of domestic waste classification.

(2) Masks worn by suspected cases or confirmed cases should not be discarded at will and should be treated as medical waste and disposed of in strict accordance with the relevant procedures of medical waste.

45. What are the moments in daily life when you need to wash your hands?

Returning from going out; Before and after wearing a mask. After contact with snot, saliva and tears, after coughing and sneezing. Before, during and after preparing food. Before and after eating; After contact with public facilities or objects (such as handrails, door handles, elevator buttons, coins, couriers, etc.); After going to the hospital or touching a patient; When hands are dirty; After contact with animals, etc.

46. How to wash your hands properly?

(1) Under flowing water, wet hands.

(2) Take an appropriate amount of hand sanitizer (soap) and apply it evenly to the entire palm, back of the hand, fingers, and between the fingers.

(3) Rub your hands carefully for at least 15 seconds, and the specific operation sequence is inner-outer-clamp-arch-large-standing-wrist.

(4) Wash your hands thoroughly under flowing water.

(5) Dry your hands and take an appropriate amount of hand lotion for skin care.

Precautions: Each handwashing time is not less than 15 seconds, which is about the same as singing "Happy Birthday to You" twice. Use cleaning products such as soap, soap or hand sanitizer when washing your hands, and use running water to wash your hands. When there is no handwashing facility, use hand sanitizer for hand cleaning, and wash your hands as soon as possible after that.

47. What is the normal range for body temperature?

Normal body temperature is not a specific temperature point, but a temperature range. Since the temperature inside the body is not easy to measure, underarm and oral measurements are mostly used in clinical practice. The oral temperature of a normal person is 36.3 to 37.2 ° C (average 37.0 ° C), and the armpit temperature is 36.0 to 37.0 ° C (average 36.5 ° C).

48. Will medical personnel bring the virus back to the community?

From a scientific point of view, even if medical staff come into contact with patients in the isolation ward, they will enter the ward according to strict requirements and undergo scientific protection before entering the ward for work. After correct disinfection protection measures and hospital-feeling protection measures, medical staff will not carry the virus when leaving the ward and hospital. Please rest assured.

49. How to use 84 disinfectant at home?

84 disinfectant has a killing effect on most bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. During the epidemic prevention period, the surface of objects is disinfected, including furniture, floors, toys, etc. The concentration needs 1000-2000mg/L for 30 minutes, that is, 84 disinfectant: water = 2~ 4:100. The concentration is too low to disinfect. The concentration is too high and the corrosion is too strong.

Precautions: ① When diluting 84 disinfectant, pour water first and then pour the disinfectant. ② 84 disinfectant is a chlorine-containing disinfectant and must not be mixed with disinfectant products containing strong acid. ③ Wiping should be adopted in daily use. If spraying is used, it can only be sprayed on the surface of the object at close range. ④ 84 disinfectant cannot be used for air disinfection.

50. Can the use of medical alcohol wipes to wipe mobile phones, etc. reduce the risk of contracting novel coronavirus?

Medical alcohol wipes generally refer to medical alcohol products containing 75%, which can inactivate bacteria, so it can achieve a certain preventive effect.

51. How to protect yourself from novel coronavirus?

(1) novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted by droplets, and it is necessary to wear a mask correctly when going out.

(2) When sneezing or coughing, do not cover directly with your hands. Use a tissue or bend your elbow to cover your mouth and nose. Then throw the tissue into the trash and wash your hands.

(3) Wash your hands correctly and promptly.

(4) At work, try to hold meetings by phone or online.

(5) Regularly clean and disinfect workplaces, especially door handles, telephones, keyboards, elevator buttons, kitchens, and bathrooms.

(6) Reduce clustering in dense spaces: Limit face-to-face meetings, postpone unnecessary group activities, implement shift work or work from home, and if possible, limit the number of people in the workplace at the same time.

(7) Avoid touching your body when greeting, and do not shake hands.

(8) Keep a distance of one meter when talking to colleagues and customers.

(9) If you are sick, stay at home, even if you have only mild symptoms.

(10) Strengthen exercise, regular work and rest, and improve immunity.

52. What are the home prevention and control measures?

(1) Clean.

(2) Ventilation.

(3) Disinfection.

(4) Do not eat wild animals.

(5) Keep pets strictly in captivity.

53. Can Banlangen, Doughuanglian, and Smoked Vinegar Prevent COVID-19?

No. Banlangen is suitable for the treatment of fever diseases such as wind, heat and cold, but it is ineffective for novel coronavirus. Shuanghuanglian was initially found to have inhibitory effect on novel coronavirus in vitro studies, and there is currently a lack of strong supporting evidence for whether it is effective in clinical patients. The concentration of acetic acid contained in smoked vinegar itself is very low, which cannot achieve the disinfection effect.

54. Can taking a hot bath or sweating help kill the virus?

Novel coronavirus can die in 30 minutes at 56 ° C, but bathing or sweating generally does not reach this temperature and duration, but bathing frequently can reduce the risk of infection.

55. Is there a risk of infection by taking the elevator?

Risky, but preventable. Wear a mask to take the elevator, use paper towels or gloves when pressing buttons to avoid direct contact, don’t touch your face, and wash your hands when you get home.

56. There are confirmed cases in nearby neighborhoods. Is it safe to use public toilets?

Basically safe, but be careful. Contact transmission and droplet transmission may exist in public toilets. Please wash your hands, wear a mask, and disinfect your clothes.

57. Will the trash cans (bins) used by suspected/confirmed patients in the community cause infection?

Possibly, but the odds are very slim.

(1) Wash your hands carefully at all times, or bring a bottle of leave-in hand sanitizer.

(2) Try not to touch anything suspicious.

(3) Garbage, if you must lift the garbage cover, it is best to wear disposable gloves.

(4) Self-used masks should be consciously sealed and classified as hazardous waste.

58. Someone in the community is infected with novel coronavirus. Will they be infected after touching public facilities such as staircase handrails?

The virus can stick to surfaces in public facilities for hours and can be transmitted by contact. But the risk is preventable. These public facilities can be left untouched. If you do touch them, don’t touch your nose, mouth, or eyes. Wash your hands as soon as you get home.

59. Is there a risk of being contaminated by drying the quilt?

There is no need to worry about being contaminated when drying the quilt. Studies have shown that due to the combined effects of drying, heat, ventilation, and ultraviolet rays, the activity and survival time of the virus will be reduced in sunlight.

60. Is there a novel coronavirus in the air? Can you open the window for ventilation?

Novel coronavirus can be transmitted by respiratory droplets. The droplet transmission distance is very short, generally within 1-2 meters, and it will not float in the air for a long time. Novel coronavirus may be transmitted by aerosols when exposed to high concentrations of aerosols for a long time. Therefore, we emphasize respiratory etiquette. If you cough or sneeze, you should turn around, twist your face to avoid others, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow. In a daily ventilated environment, there is generally no novel coronavirus in the air. So it is recommended to open windows for ventilation at least twice a day, which is an effective measure to reduce the risk of infection, but remind everyone to keep warm when ventilating.

61. How far should I maintain a safe distance when talking to strangers?

Keep at least 1 meter away from others, pay attention to coughing etiquette, and do not sneeze or cough at people.

62. How to disinfect clothes after going out and returning home?

Generally, if you do not come into contact with dangerous people, the clothes can be changed and washed normally. If you are really worried, you can also wipe and disinfect with alcohol.

63. How to take good protection when there are multiple people in one office?

Make sure the working environment is clean and hygienic, keep indoor air circulation, multi-person offices belong to public spaces, if you are not sure whether there is a risk of novel coronavirus infection, it is recommended to wear a mask and keep a distance.

64. Can I turn on the central air conditioner?

Central air conditioning has the potential to spread diseases, so during the epidemic should stop or reduce the use of central air conditioning, must turn on the air conditioning, should pay attention to the following matters:

(1) Turn on the exhaust fan at the same time.

(2) It is necessary to clean and disinfect the air conditioner, even the split air conditioner should be cleaned regularly.

(3) Regularly open doors and windows to maintain indoor air circulation.

65. What preparations do I need to make when returning to work?

Before returning, prepare masks and disinfection products, such as leave-in hand disinfectant, disinfection wipes, etc. Also prepare a number of plastic garbage bags, which can encapsulate pollutants during the trip.

Psychological and nutritional support

66. In the face of the epidemic, how to relieve anxiety, confusion or panic?

In a crisis situation, it’s normal to feel sad, nervous, upset, confused, anxious, scared, or cranky. It can be helpful to talk to your family and friends more and to talk to someone you trust.

67. What should I do if I isolate myself at home for a long time and pay frequent attention to epidemic information, causing anxiety and depression?

Please maintain a healthy lifestyle. Including normal diet, sleep, exercise and contact with family and friends through social platforms and phone calls. If you feel unable to cope with stress, please contact the medical staff or psychological counselor. Do not use smoking, drinking or taking other drugs to relieve your emotions. Reduce excessive attention to epidemic information. It is recommended to receive relevant information for no more than 1 hour a day. Master the correct information source (information release channel), do not spread rumors, do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors.

68. How to reasonably pay attention to epidemic information and reduce panic and anxiety?

Non-professionals should not pay too much attention to professional data such as morbidity, mortality, and cure rates, to avoid anxiety and fear caused by hearsay. They should focus on self-protection according to the advice of professional organizations and professionals.

69. In the face of pneumonia, how can I adjust to my psychological stress?

(1) Take care of yourself: Maintain a normal routine as much as possible, have appropriate rest and entertainment, and try to maintain stability in your life; make a plan for yourself, including what you should do and what you like to do, and implement it.

(2) Dealing with negative emotions: Avoid the psychological burden caused by information overload, try to control yourself to receive relevant information for no more than 1 hour a day, do not pay too much attention to relevant information before going to bed, do not listen to hearsay, pay attention to necessary information, reduce noise; talk to yourself, self-encouragement; moderate exercise, exercise can help you relieve mental tension, enhance cardiovascular function, increase self-efficacy, improve self-confidence, reduce depression, etc.

70. How can close contacts take good psychological protection?

Maintain a positive and peaceful state of mind, face it positively, and cooperate with home observation. Do not over-doubt yourself or prey on the wind. If you find physical discomfort and meet the medical standards recommended by authoritative departments, take good protection and go to the hospital for treatment. Regularly work and rest to ensure adequate sleep. Eat reasonably and pay attention to balanced nutrition. Exercise properly to improve your immunity. Communicate with family or friends by phone or online through the Internet to relieve negative emotions such as tension. Try to control the time you receive relevant information every day, avoid information overload, and do not listen to hearsay. If your emotions continue to deteriorate and cannot be controlled, you can seek help from the social psychological service system. Such as psychological assistance hotline, online psychological consultation, and channels for popularizing mental health knowledge.

71. What should I do if my mood is too tense and I don’t sleep well?

Avoid staying up late and exercise moderately to ensure physical and mental stability. You can reduce the level of physical and mental anxiety through deep breathing, meditation training, etc., so as to improve sleep. Do not pay too much attention to epidemic-related information before going to bed, so as not to affect the quality of sleep. Wash your feet with hot water before going to bed. Massage Yongquan Point, Daling Point, Shenmen Point and Sleeping Point. Plan your life reasonably and cultivate interests and hobbies, such as reading, painting, fitness, etc. Relieve anxiety and tension. To divert attention, you can use music therapy, or take sleeping pills recommended by psychiatrists appropriately. Shade the light and sound when sleeping at night, and choose pillows of suitable height and comfortable bedding.

72. When diagnosed with COVID-19, how can I relieve psychological stress?

Accept this fact, leave the task of treatment to the medical staff, maintain an optimistic attitude, and actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment. When you are sad and depressed, you can prevent further deterioration of your emotions by arranging more abundant activities, such as playing Tai Chi or Baduanjin, reading books, listening to music and other activities. If you notice your mood changes, you can find reasonable ways to vent your emotions. Keep in touch with family and friends, pour out your feelings, encourage the expression of bad emotions, and get support and encouragement. If you feel sad, sad, and hopeless, you are allowed to comfort your soul by crying, and you can also seek professional psychological counseling or treatment.

73. If a family member, friend or colleague is diagnosed with COVID-19, what should they do with psychological stress, anxiety and fear?

Accept this fact and leave the task of treatment to healthcare workers, so that they can feel at ease. Strengthen communication with them by phone, text, WeChat or video, so that they know they are not alone. In the meantime, try deep breathing or music therapy to relax yourself.

74. How can I relieve my psychology during isolation after receiving treatment?

When receiving treatment, you are isolated in a limited space, but your heart needs to be connected to the outside world. Review whether you have been in contact with relatives and friends less than once a day recently. It is recommended to keep calling or sending WeChat messages to family or friends at least once a day to obtain support from them, draw warmth and strength, and increase confidence in overcoming the disease. Even a 5-minute greeting can be supportive. Reflect on whether you have encountered similar difficulties or challenges in the past, think about how you have successfully dealt with them at that time, and whether there are strategies that can be applied to the present to mobilize internal resources, increase positive emotions, and improve mental resilience.

75. Worried that you and your family will be infected, how can you relieve psychological stress?

Keep in touch with family and friends, remind family members to take care of each other, or call up necessary resources, so that family members are taken care of. According to scientific means, do a good job of protection, maintain personal and family hygiene, and pay attention to the physical and mental health of yourself and your family. You can relax your body and mind by listening to music, taking deep breaths, etc. Maintain a normal routine and ensure diet and sleep. Accept your anxiety. Appropriate anxiety can help improve our alertness level. If anxiety and fear exceed a certain level and affect life, you can carry out emotional regulation, such as breathing relaxation, physical decompression, etc., and seek professional psychological counseling or treatment if necessary.

76. When I come back from the epidemic area, I am afraid of carrying the virus, I am worried that it will be passed on to my family, and I feel guilty. The people around me know that they have been to the epidemic area and are afraid of being rejected and rejected. How can I relieve psychological pressure?

The outbreak of infectious diseases can indeed bring great stress and even cause trauma to the soul. It is very normal to have certain negative emotions. Even if you find that you have some emotions that do not usually occur, you don’t need to regard them as a monster, and you don’t need to have too much psychological burden on them. It is normal for these changes to occur. Accepting these emotions can help you live better and cope with the epidemic. However, this does not mean that you can let go of the negative mentality you may have, and you must monitor your psychological condition to a certain extent. You can also contact colleagues who have similar situations. During the process of isolation and observation, you can listen to each other, establish new connections, and build psychological anti-epidemic alliances. Trust science, respect the doctor’s judgment, and avoid blindly suspecting that you are sick if you do not find symptoms. You need to get rid of your own biases first and interact with those around you with an optimistic and generous attitude.

77. What are some ways to relieve psychological stress?

According to the actual situation, it can be done through face-to-face communication, video, hotline, online consultation, etc.

Click here: Hubei Mental Health Service Platform

78. How can returnees relieve psychological stress?

Be vigilant, pay attention to self-protection, pay attention to strengthening exercise, keep a distance from others, wear a mask, and wash your hands frequently. Ensure adequate sleep and scientific prevention and control. Actively adapt to the new work mode, keep aware of your physical and mental state, if you feel unwell, you can report to your superiors, stop working or rotate work if necessary, or you can call the psychological assistance hotline or seek professional help.

79. Does nutritional supplementation play a role in COVID-19?

Yes, a healthy and nutritious diet is an important step for patients and ordinary people to improve their personal nutritional status, enhance their resistance, and improve their prognosis.

80. What should be paid attention to in the dietary protein intake of the general population?

The general population should eat a variety of milk and its products every day, especially yogurt, and can also eat more soy products.

81. What are the factors that need to be taken into account in the diet of the general population?

Less salt and less oil, control sugar and limit alcohol. Eat a light diet, eat less high-salt and fried foods, and ensure adequate water intake. "Eat a balanced diet for a healthy weight", exercise every day, maintain a healthy weight, and do not overeat. Reduce sedentary time.

82. When frontline workers are too busy, how should they ensure nutrition?

When you are busy with work and have insufficient regular dietary intake, you can supplement enteral nutrition preparations to provide an additional 400-600 kCal/day of energy.

83. Can I continue to lose weight during the COVID-19 epidemic?

During the COVID-19 epidemic, it is not advisable to diet or lose weight.

84. Do compound vitamins, fish oil and other health products have any effect on COVID-19?

During the COVID-19 epidemic, appropriate supplementation of compound vitamins, fish oil, etc. is good for the body to improve resistance.

Enterprise prevention and control measures

85. What should be paid attention to in the top-level design of enterprises resuming work and production?

(1) Establish a leading group for epidemic prevention and control led by the main person in charge, and form a special class to be responsible for epidemic prevention and control; it is necessary to formulate the epidemic prevention and control and resumption plan of the enterprise, including the leadership system, the division of responsibilities, the investigation system, daily control, logistics support, emergency response, etc.

(2) Strictly implement the system of health declaration, temperature monitoring, dining management, meeting management, and workplace hygiene management for all employees.

(3) Material support: Set up enterprise temperature measurement points or temporary isolation points, equipped with masks, disinfectants, infrared body temperature guns or ear temperature testers and other epidemic prevention and control supplies.

(4) Actively cooperate with the local government, health and other relevant departments to do a good job in the daily prevention and control of the unit. Once a confirmed or suspected case occurs, we must actively cooperate with the health department to do all the work.

86. How can companies do a good job in health promotion?

(1) Use various forms to carry out publicity and reminders. Use the publicity board to set COVID-19 prevention and control knowledge in a conspicuous position, and publicize to employees through various forms such as flyers, text messages, WeChat, and large-screen prompts.

(2) Carry out health education on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Create a good atmosphere where "everyone is the first responsible for their own health" and "I am in charge of my health", actively advocate hygiene and elimination of bad habits, abandon uncivilized behaviors such as littering and vomiting, and use the Internet, videos, courseware, etc. to carry out health skills training such as hand hygiene and mask wearing.

87. What should be paid attention to in the contact between employees?

(1) Strengthen the ventilation of the workplace, and a well-ventilated environment can effectively reduce the risk of transmission, and continuously open doors and windows for ventilation.

(2) Risk levels can be classified according to the characteristics of the enterprise, the frequency of contact with external personnel, and the risk.

(3) Minimize employees’ external contact and reduce unnecessary business trips, travel, etc.

(4) Reduce contact between employees of the same type of work, do not work together, do not gather to chat, and communicate through mobile phones when necessary.

(5) Reduce the mutual contact between employees of different types of work, such as administrative personnel and sales personnel who have more contact with the outside world, and avoid contact with factory workers as much as possible to reduce exposure and transmission risks.

88. How are outsiders managed?

(1) Foreign personnel are required to undergo a temperature test and confirm relevant information before entering.

(2) Issue disposable masks that meet the requirements to outsiders who do not wear masks.

(3) A unified reception room is set up for outsiders in the office area, and outsiders in the workshop are accompanied by personnel from the unit and are not allowed to move around at will.

(4) In principle, outsiders are not allowed to eat in the factory area. If they need to eat in the factory area, they should be packed in a lunch box and eaten separately in the reception room.

89. What should I pay attention to at the meeting?

In the near future, it is necessary to postpone and reduce meetings and activities, and make good use of video conferencing and online office. If a meeting is necessary, participants need to wear masks, hold small or short meetings, and open windows for ventilation during the meeting.

90. How is the dormitory managed?

If the unit has a collective dormitory, it is necessary to strengthen management, reduce the number of employees going out, and provide necessary daily necessities for employees; for employees who rent out, it is also necessary to strengthen the education of employees and their families without visiting, gathering, or gathering, so as to reduce the contact between employees and social personnel and reduce the risk of infection.

91. Promote a healthy lifestyle

(1) Arrange the working hours and workload reasonably to ensure that employees do not stay up late and do not overwork. Reasonable arrangement of work exercises, you can do some Taijiquan, Baduanjin and other traditional sports or radio gymnastics with moderate exercise volume.

(2) Pay close attention to the mental health of employees. Once any signs of problems are found, the medical staff of the unit or the local psychological intervention experts should be arranged to provide psychological intervention to the relevant personnel in a timely manner.

92. How do enterprises know the real situation and investigate personnel exchanges?

(1) Establish an active health declaration system. Returning workers are required to fill in a health declaration form to understand the epidemiological history of all employees going out during vacation, contact with patients, and the physical health status of themselves and their co-residents.

(2) Returning workers with an epidemiological history within 14 days who are found to have symptoms such as fever or cough should be isolated on the spot and sent to the local fever clinic by ambulance for investigation; those with an epidemiological history and no symptoms should be notified to the local grassroots government and subject to medical observation for at least 14 days. Those without an epidemiological history and no related symptoms can be arranged to work.

(3) Encourage employees to report to the unit any internal key observers, close contacts, or suspected exposures, and the unit shall take relevant measures in a timely manner.

93. How to monitor body temperature?

(1) Temperature measurement point setting: Temperature measurement points can be set up at the unit entrance, infirmary, unit dormitory, and other points.

(2) Employees returning to their units and dormitories for the first time must have their temperature taken.

(3) Total health monitoring:

A) Entering the workplace: During the epidemic, take your temperature every morning before going to work and once in the afternoon before going to work. When employees enter the workplace, take their temperature and conduct health inquiries for all employees. Anyone with symptoms such as fever and cough should be prevented from entering the workplace and report to the unit’s prevention and control working group.

B) Group dormitory: Employees staying in group dormitories should have their temperature checked twice a day.

C) Temperature measurement personnel should ensure that their health is in good condition, wear a medical surgical mask throughout the measurement process, and correct the temperature of the infrared body temperature gun and ear temperature tester used.

94. How to set up emergency temporary isolation points?

(1) Set the temporary isolation area in a relatively independent area as much as possible.

(2) Place temporarily isolated employees in relatively independent, well-ventilated single rooms.

(3) Provide employees with necessary hygiene products including masks, thermometers, disinfectants, leave-in hand disinfectants, and covered trash cans. Units should ensure that employees live a normal life.

(4) There are special personnel to manage the temporary isolation points and do a good job of disinfection.

95. How to keep the environment clean and tidy?

(1) The unit should keep the environment clean, the outdoors clean, and there is no mess. Implement the classification of domestic waste, and have a special person collect it regularly to achieve daily clearance of Nissan. Set up a special trash can for waste masks.

(2) The toilet should be cleaned, cleaned, disinfected and sterilized by a special person.

(3) Carry out the prevention and control of vector organisms such as rats, mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches.

(4) Strengthen the monitoring of animals of unknown origin. If animals of unknown origin appear, they should contact the relevant departments in a timely manner. All personnel should avoid contact with wild or farmed animals without protection.

(5) The unit’s collective dormitory and staff’s residential area (building) should be neatly arranged, the indoor floor should be clean, and there should be no mess outside. The room should be ventilated frequently, and the window should be opened at least twice a day for 20-30 minutes each time. Windows can be opened for ventilation in the dormitory during the work period of employees.

96. How to strengthen workplace ventilation and disinfection?

(1) Ventilation should be strengthened in the workplace to maintain indoor air circulation. Natural ventilation is preferred, and doors and windows can be opened for ventilation as much as possible, or mechanical exhaust can be used.

(2) In workplaces where mechanical ventilation facilities are installed or air conditioning is used, consider strengthening the mechanical ventilation or air conditioning fresh air volume to increase the fresh air volume in the workplace.

97. How to use and disinfect air conditioners?

(1) Use of central air conditioning: It is recommended to stop using central air conditioning during the COVID-19 epidemic. Centralized air conditioning ventilation systems that meet the following requirements can continue to operate:

A) Operating in a new wind mode.

B) Equipped with an air purification and disinfection device to ensure the effective operation of the device.

C) The air conditioning system with fan coil unit and fresh air can ensure the independent ventilation of each room.

(2) Disinfection: Weekly cleaning, disinfection or replacement of the following equipment or components of the centralized air conditioning and ventilation system in operation.

98. How to prevent sexual disinfection?

(1) Disinfectant selection: Chlorine-containing disinfectant is recommended (effective chlorine concentration 250mg/L-500mg/L), and the surface of small objects can be wiped with 75% alcohol for disinfection. Be careful to keep away from fire sources when using.

(2) Surface disinfection of objects: Key positions such as production workshops, operation stations, control rooms, and office equipment, door handles, elevators, toilets, canteens, and other public parts can be wiped with chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 250mg/L-500mg/L), and wiped with water after 30 minutes; chlorine-containing disinfectant (effective chlorine concentration 250mg/L-500mg/L) can be used on the ground. Wet mop wiping, after 30 minutes of action, clean water mop.

(3) Shuttle buses, official vehicles, reception rooms, offices, elevators, desks, chairs, workbenches, floors and other means of transportation, public areas and surfaces should be regularly disinfected by a dedicated person, twice a day.

(4) Disinfection of hand-washing facilities: All control rooms, offices, canteens, toilets, and other workplaces and living places should be equipped with hand-washing facilities and disinfection supplies. If there are no hand-washing facilities, they should be equipped with 70% to 75% alcohol hand sanitizer or hand-sanitizer.

(5) Elevator room disinfection:

A) Preparation of disinfectant items: choose a chlorine-containing disinfectant with an effective chlorine concentration of more than 250mg/L, or a disinfectant wipes containing 75% alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

B) Preparation of protective equipment for disinfection personnel: medical masks, hats, gloves, goggles, ordinary sprayers, waterproof work clothes, cleaning tools can choose rags and mops.

Relevant laws and regulations

99. What are the relevant laws and regulations on epidemic prevention and control?

100. What are the legal obligations of citizens during the COVID-19 epidemic?

(1) COVID-19 infected persons have the obligation to cooperate with treatment, isolation, transfer, etc.

Legal basis: If an infected person refuses to cooperate with treatment, isolation, transfer to a hospital, etc., causing the epidemic to spread, aggravate, and damage consequences, he shall bear legal responsibility according to law. If he encounters such a situation, he may contact the public security organ to deal with it in a timely manner. Those who violate the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Punishment for Public Security shall be punished by the public security organ according to law; those who constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. Articles 12, 16, 77, 45 of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Article 66 of the Emergency Response Law and Article 51 of the Emergency Response Regulations for Public Health Emergencies.

(2) Patients are obliged to accept the investigation, inspection, collection of samples, isolation treatment and other preventive and control measures of medical institutions. Patients who do not cooperate can be reported to the public security organs.

Legal basis: National Health and Health Commission "novel coronavirus infection pneumonia epidemic community prevention and control work plan (trial) " "Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law" Article 12, Article 77, Article 20, Article 39.

(3) Patients are obliged to truthfully provide medical personnel with detailed information such as their residence history, contact history, and travel history. Adverse consequences such as delays in diagnosis and treatment due to patient concealment, false reporting, late reporting, and missed reporting shall be borne by the patient; due to patient concealment, false reporting, late reporting, and missed reporting, resulting in the spread of the epidemic, causing adverse consequences for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. It belongs to the intentional transmission of pathogens, endangering public safety, and is suspected of constituting a crime of endangering public safety by dangerous methods. If the patient is found to be concealing, it shall be reported to the public security organ for verification in a timely manner.

Legal basis: Article 20 of the Regulations on the Prevention and Handling of Medical Disputes, and the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases Obstructing the Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Other Disasters.

(4) Punishing crimes against COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control

Legal basis: "Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Punishing Illegal Crimes of Obstructing Novel coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic prevention and control according to law": Strictly punish the crime of resisting epidemic prevention and control measures according to law. Anyone who intentionally spreads novel coronavirus infection with pneumonia pathogens and endangers public safety under any of the following circumstances shall be convicted and punished for endangering public safety by dangerous means in accordance with the provisions of Article 114 and Paragraph 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Law:

A) Pathogen carriers of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia who have been diagnosed, refuse isolation treatment or leave isolation treatment without authorization before the isolation period expires, and enter public places or public transportation.

B) novel coronavirus infection pneumonia suspected patients refused to isolate treatment or isolation treatment without authorization, and entered public places or public transportation, causing novel coronavirus transmission.

(5) Others who refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, causing the spread of novel coronavirus or posing a serious risk of transmission, shall be convicted and punished for the crime of hindering the prevention and control of infectious diseases in accordance with the provisions of Article 330 of the Criminal Law.

(6) Severely punish crimes of violence against doctors according to law.

A) During the epidemic prevention and control period, intentionally injuring medical personnel causing serious consequences of minor injuries or more, or tearing protective equipment, spitting, etc., causing medical personnel to contract novel coronavirus, in accordance with the provisions of Article 234 of the Criminal Law, Conviction and punishment for the crime of intentional injury.

B) Anyone who assaults medical personnel at will, and the circumstances are egregious, shall be convicted and punished for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble in accordance with the provisions of Article 293 of the Criminal Law.

C) Those who use violence or other methods to openly insult or intimidate medical personnel, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 246 and 293 of the Criminal Law, shall be convicted and punished for the crime of insulting or picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

D) Illegally restricting the personal freedom of medical personnel by means such as not allowing them to leave the workplace, in accordance with the provisions of Article 238 of the Criminal Law, shall be convicted and punished for the crime of illegal detention.

Source of this article: Changjiang Cloud Comprehensive Yichang Release

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Unite to fight the epidemic

Be with you

Original title: "Very practical! COVID-19 100 questions, suitable for collection"

Looking forward to shining the Shanghai Auto Show with super popularity, highlighting the new height of China automobile brand.

During the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, millions of high-end new energy automobile brands looked up to U8 with new energy hard-core off-road and U9 with pure electric performance super-running. Hall 8.1 is the luxury car hall of this auto show, which brings together a number of ultra-luxury brands such as Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Lamborghini. Up to now, I look forward to the booth that has been surrounded, and I look forward to the well-deserved "Top Stream" brand of the current auto show.

Looking forward to U8 pre-sale price of 1.098 million, top technology to create top products.

The high-end new energy architecture named "Looking Up Architecture", which belongs to Looking Up, was officially released during the auto show. It contains the most extreme technical application, the most forward-looking technical concept and the deepest vertical integration of BYD Group. It is an unprecedented top-level technical architecture, which has built the cornerstone of looking up to high-end brands and is also the charm of looking up to the booth. Looking up to the architecture covers six core technologies, including easy Sifang, Yunqi, blade battery, super body, intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving assistance. In the look-up architecture, these top technologies are flexibly combined like a Rubik’s cube to achieve coverage of outdoor cross-country, cities, racetracks and other scenes, so it has the characteristics of ultra-high-energy, borderless and evolvable.

Looking up at U8 and U9 models is the ultimate product born under the architecture of looking up. Among them, the high-end new energy hard-core off-road vehicle Wangwang U8 has officially opened for pre-sale, and launched two versions, the luxury version and the off-road player version, with the official pre-sale price of 1.098 million yuan. Looking up to U8, it has two top technology blessings: Easy Sifang and Yunqi -P intelligent hydraulic body control system. Among them, thanks to the four-motor independent drive technology brought by Yi Sifang, it is hoped that U8 has four-wheel independent torque vector control capability, which can realize scene functions such as extreme handling stability, puncture control, emergency floating, in-situ U-turn, agile steering, etc., bringing users the ultimate safety, performance and experience. However, Yunqi -P system can realize the simultaneous independent adjustment of height, stiffness and damping, and has the ability of four-wheel linkage, four-wheel independent height adjustment and camping leveling. The total adjustment stroke of U8 suspension can reach 150mm, and the maximum wading depth without wading throat can reach 1000 mm.

It is the pioneering exploration and scene innovation of looking up to the architecture that has created the ultimate product strength of looking up to the model, and the forward-looking exploration of automobile modeling design is also the value of looking up to the product. Looking up has created a family-style design language in dimension door, which combines energy, technology, speed and aesthetics. It is a unique brand visual symbol of Looking Up, and it is also the label of the new EV Power era. "dimension door" has been maximized in the design of looking up at U8 and U9, showing a forward-looking design style, and also making looking up at cars gain super popularity.

Looking forward to shining the Shanghai Auto Show with high popularity and highlighting the new height of China brand.

It is noteworthy that Wangwang is not only popular among many participating brands, but also the only high-end new energy automobile brand in China that landed in the luxury car hall of the exhibition. China’s high-end automobile brand rookie has risen, and gained high attention from the industry and users. This reflects that as a leading brand of high-end automobile in China, it is leading the global luxury car industry and product definition to reshape the order with technological breakthroughs, showing a new height of China brand.

In the field of new energy, with deep technology accumulation and mature industrial chain, China new energy vehicles are becoming an important force leading the transformation of the global automobile industry, and the automobile industry has ushered in an era of pattern reshaping. As a brand of high-end new energy vehicles under BYD Group, it looks forward to adhering to the initial intention of building a high-end brand with the ultimate technology, bringing together BYD Group’s ultimate technology application, the most forward-looking technology concept and the deepest vertical integration, achieving remarkable product charm, successfully breaking the million-level market, and demonstrating the strong technical strength and self-confidence of China brand in the new era.

Starting from April 20th, Shanghai Auto Show entered the public day, continuing the hot scene of the booth two days ago, and looking up to the brand is still bursting with popularity. As the booth with the highest traffic and charm at Shanghai Auto Show, the technology and products it looks up to attract visitors from home and abroad. It is reported that Wangwang has successively laid exhibition halls and central stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and other cities. Relying on self-built channels, hope will provide users with the ultimate products and continuous high-quality services. As an industry breaker, I hope to create a high-end automobile culture belonging to China and lead China automobile to a new height.                 

Huawei held a summer conference, and new products such as Nova A10 series made a surprise appearance.

On July 4th, Huawei held a summer conference on Nova A10 series and new products in the whole scene, bringing new products in the whole scene of Huawei’s smart life, such as Nova A10 series, AITO intelligent M7 car, Huawei whole house intelligence 2.0, HUAWEI P50 Pocket new color version, Huawei children’s watch 4 Pro deep-sea fantasy model and Great Sage Hero model, HUAWEI WATCH FIT 2, Huawei accompanying WiFi 3 Pro, etc., and continuously building the whole scene ecology of all things Zhilian.

On July 2nd, Huawei officially released a brand new brand: Huawei Image XMAGE. With continuous R&D investment and technology accumulation, Huawei has established its own image capability and continues to lead the industry in innovation. He Gang, chief operating officer of Huawei Terminal BG, said, "Huawei Image XMAGE will be the exclusive logo of Huawei Mobile Image, which declares our leading and mature in the image field and will also represent our continuous breakthrough and commitment." 

Huawei Nova A10 Series: Reconstructing the Front Image Experience

Nova series mobile phones represent the highest level of Huawei images in the field of pre-imaging, and have always led the technological innovation of self-timer images in the industry. Huawei nova A10 series not only inherits the aesthetics and image genes of Huawei Nova series, but also brings a breakthrough upgrade in appearance, image technology and experience.

Huawei nova10 Pro is equipped with the industry’s first front-mounted 60-million-telephoto dual camera, in which the front-mounted ultra-wide-angle lens has the highest 60 million pixels in the industry, equipped with a 100-degree ultra-wide angle, 1/2.61-inch outsole and supports 4K image quality. Excellent resolution and light sensitivity lay a solid foundation for pre-shooting exquisite portrait blockbusters. Huawei nova10 Pro is also equipped with the industry’s first portrait close-up, which supports 2x optical zoom and 5x digital zoom at most. With the front ultra-wide-angle lens, it can achieve a super-large zoom range of 0.7x~5x, bringing an excellent front shooting experience that fully focuses on the natural feeling of human eyes.

M7, the second model of AITO brand, was released to refresh the luxury of 6 large SUVs.

AITO brand officially launched its second product, AITO Wenjie M7, a luxury and intelligent large-scale electric SUV, equipped with HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive extended range platform, bringing six large spaces, Aito zero-gravity seats and a newly upgraded HarmonyOS smart cockpit. The pre-sale price of the new car is 319,800-379,800 yuan, which will satisfy the pursuit of high-quality travel by family and business users. It is a comfortable business choice for families who want to control at will.

The highly acclaimed HarmonyOS smart cockpit has evolved again, and the new super desktop function allows mobile phone applications to go directly to the M7 car. Car home KTV, immersive game mode and 19-speaker HUAWEI SOUND audio bring audio-visual entertainment experience. Empowered by the HarmonyOS intelligent ecology, the M7 can be seamlessly interconnected with some mobile phones, smart homes, smart watches and other devices to connect different scenes of life, so that work and family can be under control.

The HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive range extension platform equipped on the M7 of Wenjie has a unique 6-in-1 range extender powertrain, with a maximum battery life of 1,220 kilometers under CLTC working conditions, which is convenient for "oil and electricity". The dual-motor four-wheel drive system has a comprehensive maximum output of 330kW and the fastest acceleration of 4.8s per 100 kilometers. With the carefully adjusted all-aluminum chassis and suitable wheelbase design, comfort and sportiness are perfectly unified.

Huawei P50 Pocket’s new color is on the market, and the double-sided rhythm technology aesthetics of light perception and texture is upgraded.

Huawei P50 pocket continues to break through new aesthetic heights and innovate again, bringing two new color schemes: Yunjinbai and Azure Blue, following polished gold, crystal diamond white and obsidian black. Through the unique fashion splicing design, two completely different materials, high-grade skin-friendly plain leather and glossy mirror texture glass, are spliced on both sides, with one side texture and one side light feeling. It presents a unique beauty of texture and conveys the concept of "beauty is more than one side" to users. 

Based on the ability of hyperspectral analysis, Huawei P50 Pocket supports environmental ultraviolet detection, can identify the intensity of ultraviolet rays in the current environment, and can put forward corresponding sun protection suggestions, so as to escort beauty together with intelligent sun protection detection and professional AI skin measurement. Secondly, the newly released Huawei P50 Pocket also upgraded to support the mirror image smart shooting function. When shooting, both the internal screen and the external screen display the framing picture at the same time, so that both the photographer and the subject can preview the shooting effect, bringing a rich and convenient shooting experience. Huawei P50 Pocket smart external screen brings richer audio, travel service and smart life experience, and consumers can enjoy richer and more convenient services.

HUAWEI WATCH FIT 2 and Huawei Children’s Watch 4 Pro have a smarter and more diverse experience.

The newly released Huawei WATCH FIT 2 is equipped with a 1.74-inch high-definition full-screen display, which supports Bluetooth calls and music listening, adds audio fitness animations such as warm-up, stretching and sedentary awakening, and supports 97 sports modes such as frisbee and skateboarding, fully meeting the trendy sports needs of young users; Equipped with HarmonyOS 2.1 system, it brings a smarter and more diverse experience. Huawei’s children’s watch 4 Pro also ushered in an upgrade, co-signing Guoman’s "Return of the Great Sage of Journey to the West" and "Deep Sea", nine-fold AI positioning and all-weather accurate recording of footprints to accompany children to grow up with peace of mind.

Huawei’s whole house intelligence is upgraded to create a milestone of spatial interaction.

The conference also brought a new generation of Huawei’s whole house intelligence, including spatial interactive experience 2.0 and brand-new after-installation solutions. In terms of interaction, the addition of the desktop central control panel can be described as enriching the intelligent central control panel family, helping consumers to control the wall and table everywhere, and the intelligent interaction mode of Huawei’s whole house has evolved again; The brand-new UX interface design can realize the classified storage of subspaces, subsystems and sub-scenes, and the hierarchical interaction of the system, and bring an innovative interactive experience of visual speaking and super quick control, and improve the control efficiency and control experience of users for the whole house. The brand-new afterloading solution can cover multiple afterloading units, which not only eliminates the trouble of wiring and wall breaking, but also supports one-button batch distribution network and scene import, allowing consumers to achieve rapid rejuvenation and use the same day as soon as possible. At present, many well-known brands of rich items can access Huawei’s whole house intelligence. In terms of price, the price of the new generation of Huawei whole-house smart suite starts from 19,999 yuan. Users can log in to the browser to search for "Huawei whole-house smart", enter Huawei official website or dial 950800 to access a manual agent to make an Appointment to enter the store. They can also make an appointment for the experience through app channels such as Huawei Mall, Smart Life and My Huawei.

Worried! Hong Kong A auto stocks collectively weaken, and brokers’ medium-term strategy bet on these two points!

  On July 6th, in the afternoon, the auto sector of Hong Kong stocks fell. As of press time, shares of Dongfeng Group, () fell more than 5%, () fell more than 4%, Geely Automobile fell more than 3% and () fell more than 2%.

  At the same time, the A-share auto sector is also falling, Hanma Technology has fallen, and Guangzhou Automobile Group, () and () have weakened.

  Year-to-date, the share price of () has risen by over 388%, and the share price of Xiaokang has also risen by over 250%.

  On January 12th this year, Zotye Motor announced the progress of public recruitment of investors, saying that two prospective investors had paid the corresponding confidentiality deposit and intention deposit, and started to carry out specific due diligence work after paying the deposit. Since then, Zotye Auto’s share price has been rising all the way.

  However, up to now, two prospective investors have terminated their investment and one has suspended their investment. This also means that the pre-reorganization plan started by Zotye Automobile last year may fail.

  It is worth mentioning that Zotye Motor has a huge loss. According to the data of Zotye Auto’s annual report, the company lost 10.801 billion yuan in 2020, and its net assets at the end of 2020 were-4.423 billion yuan. At the same time, the company’s main business vehicle business is in a state of suspension or semi-suspension.

  Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is an entity manufacturing enterprise with engines and new energy vehicles as its core business and complete vehicles as its main business. Now it has formed a complete industrial chain integrating independent research and development, manufacturing, sales and service of complete vehicles, engines and auto parts. In addition, Xiaokang’s stock business also involves car rental and Internet consumer finance.

  The previous rise seems to have exhausted the market enthusiasm. What will happen to the market structure of the automobile industry in the second half of the year? What should investors focus on?

  It is worth noting that many brokers frequently mention two points in the strategy of automobile industry: intelligence and independent brands.

  Northeast Securities: Automotive Intelligentization Welcomes Turning Point, Huawei Leads the Wave.

  We believe that intelligent transformation is a clear trend in the automobile industry, and it has already reached an inflection point. Intelligent automobile is the main investment logic in the next few years. At present, both OEMs and Tier1 manufacturers are actively increasing the intelligent layout. We are most concerned about Huawei. Huawei entered the automotive field and positioned itself as a Tier1 manufacturer. We judge that Huawei will lead the wave of automobile intelligence. We believe that intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit are the core solutions of Huawei, and these two segments are also the core of the wave of automobile intelligence.

  Investment advice:

  Great Wall Motor

  Among domestic vehicle manufacturers, Great Wall Motor has a prominent strategic layout in the field of intelligent driving, and cooperates with Qualcomm and Huawei. Great Wall Motor will be the first to launch a coffee intelligent driving system based on the SnapdragonRide platform in the high-end models launched in 2022. Great Wall Motor and Huawei also cooperate in the fields of intelligent networking and intelligent driving. Huawei will provide Great Wall Motor with a high computing power intelligent driving computing platform based on MDC, and cooperate with Great Wall Motor to complete various evaluations and tests of the sensing components required for intelligent driving.

  Changan automobile

  () Join hands with Huawei and () to cooperate in the field of automotive intelligence. Changan Automobile has a strong ability to build cars, and it also has the accumulation of intelligent driving schemes. Combined with Huawei’s technical modules, it is expected to launch excellent intelligent cars.

  Baolong technology

  ADAS is still a good landing point for intelligent driving, and we continue to firmly recommend it (). Baolong Technology’s ADAS business made great efforts, and in 2021, it became the leading commercial vehicle ADAS in China, and subsequent passenger cars continued to follow up. At the same time, the company’s multi-category sensor business has developed rapidly and has broad application space in the field of autonomous driving.

  Fuyao glass

  Under the wave of intelligence, the permeability of skylight glass and HUD glass has increased, and the automotive glass business has ushered in a new space. As a new kind of automobile glass, skylight glass is widely used in electric vehicles. In recent years, HUD glass has gradually sunk from high-end cars to low-end models, accelerating market penetration and leading the trend of automobile intelligence. As a leader in the automotive glass industry, the company is expected to take the lead in benefiting from the growth space.

  China Merchants Securities: "Intelligent Control, Electric Future" Accelerate Development

  Automobile industry: the chip problem is expected to be solved in the third quarter, and the economy will pick up in the fourth quarter.

  Passenger cars: It increased by 38.1% year-on-year from January to May, and it is estimated that the industry will be 7.5% in 2021.

  New energy vehicles: From January to May, it increased by 2.5 times year-on-year, the C-end increased by 263%, and the supply of high-quality products increased. In May, the monthly penetration rate of new energy passenger cars was 11.5%, and the curtain of marketization opened, which will usher in a decade of high growth.

  Commercial vehicles: It is estimated that the sales volume of heavy trucks will be under pressure with the strict implementation of the national six emission standards in the second half of 2021, and the national six emission upgrade will activate the 100 billion post-processing market.

  "Intelligent control, electric future", the industry is advancing at full speed.

  1. The whole vehicle: electrified and intelligent. The launch of new models in the electric vehicle industry will be accelerated, and the C-end consumption will rise and enter an accelerated penetration period. It is estimated that the industry sales will reach 2.2 million units in 2021, and electrification will change the cost structure of the industry for a long time; The accelerated investment in the direction of intelligence will change the industry ecology and change the business model. New elements will drive hardware intelligence and software-defined cars.

  2. Parts and components: high-end, modular and international. High-end products enhance the value of products, modularity and then enhance the supporting value. The large domestic market and low cost determine the inevitable trend of the internationalization of parts and components.

  Investment strategy: pay equal attention to structure and trend, and comprehensively lay out the automobile industry.

  From top to bottom, we are optimistic about the systematic opportunities in the automobile industry. In terms of structural performance, new energy, parts and intelligence are the sub-sectors with high prosperity in 2021.

  Passenger car: Great Wall Motor and Geely Automobile with strong product cycle are recommended; Guangzhou Automobile Group and () whose current valuation is still at a relatively low level in history are recommended.

  Parts and components: Grasp "high-end, modular and international", and recommend (), (), (), (), () and so on.

  Intelligence: Intelligent driving is the general trend, and many links have investment value. We recommend (), () and (), and pay attention to Shunyu Optics (electronic group coverage), () (electronic group coverage), () (electronic group coverage), () (electronic group coverage) and () (computer group coverage). The new forces represented by Tesla are growing fast and making high profits, and the relevant targets of the industrial chain are recommended.

  New energy vehicles: electrification ushered in a blowout of good products and the rise of market-oriented C-end consumption, recommended BYD, paid attention to the formation of Huawei’s automobile industry ecology, and paid attention to Changan Automobile, () and Xiaokang shares; Short-term policies for fuel cells are frequent, focusing on Yihuatong, () and ().

  China galaxy: Electric power has arrived, and intelligent driving is escorting.

  After the epidemic, the demand picked up, and the long-term space was huge. Due to the epidemic and extreme weather, the global supply of automobile chips was in short supply, and the terminal production was reduced, which made the industry enter a tight balance state where demand exceeded supply. It is expected that the supply pressure of 21Q3 chip will be gradually eliminated.

  We estimate that the sales volume of passenger cars in 2021 is expected to reach 21.7 million, Yoy+7.7%;

  There is still room for doubling the total automobile sales for a long time. At present, the average number of cars per thousand people in China is less than 200. In the long run, there is still much room in absolute terms. Referring to the development history of the United States, Japan and South Korea, we predict that by 2030, the domestic car ownership is expected to be close to 400 vehicles per thousand people, and the CAGR is expected to reach 8% in 9 years;

  It is estimated that 2.5 million new energy passenger cars will be sold in 21 years. The electrification penetration rate will exceed 10% from January to April in 21 years, and the year-on-year growth rate will exceed expectations. The annual sales volume is expected to increase by nearly 100% year-on-year. The products of traditional car companies have been accelerated, and the technology giants have successively entered the market. The trend of electrification is a foregone conclusion.

  Intelligent components accelerate the penetration of new forces to build cars. At present, intelligent driving and cockpit equipment are stronger than traditional OEMs. We judge that traditional OEMs will accelerate the transformation to comprehensive intelligence, and the market for automatic driving and intelligent cockpit components will be the main increase in the future;

  A new generation of hardware paves the way for intelligent driving. Driving assistance and intelligent cockpit have given birth to the application of a new generation of electronic and electrical architecture, which has stronger computing power. The increase in the types and quantity of bicycle driving assistance sensors is a general trend, and the difference in bicycle value between high/low-level driving assistance systems is about 10 times. Independent component suppliers have the advantage of being a latecomer and are expected to emerge suddenly.

  Investment suggestion: For the whole vehicle, we suggest paying attention to Changan Automobile with strong cycle products, Great Wall Motor, the leader in segmentation, and SAIC Motor, whose relative valuation is at a low level. The parts industry suggests paying attention to 1) intelligent targets: (), (); 2) Internationalized and high-end modular leaders: Huayu Automobile and Chineydy; 3) Increase in bicycle value: (), Fuyao Glass;

  Shanxi Securities: With the rise of independent brands, the new energy vehicle market has broad prospects.

  Industry Review & Prediction: In the first half of 2021, the overall automobile consumption remained stable, the overall profitability of enterprises was restored, and the cumulative sales volume and cumulative retail sales of automobile products increased at a high speed year-on-year. In the short term, due to the chip supply problem and the sharp rise in raw material prices, the automobile industry is still facing downward pressure on performance, but the economy continues to recover steadily, the production and operation of enterprises continue to expand steadily, and the industry still has room for growth. The overall trend of the industry in the second half of 2021 remains unchanged.

  1) The overall positive trend of passenger cars in the second half of the year remains unchanged, and self-owned brand passenger cars and electric vehicles are expected to maintain rapid growth. 2) The overall demand for buses is declining. With the gradual advancement of new energy technologies and the gradual growth of the RV market, the new energy and emerging markets of road buses are expected to provide an increase for the bus market. 3) Heavy trucks are expected to continue to operate at a high level throughout the year. However, due to the emission regulations, the demand for heavy trucks is mainly released in the first half of the year, and the sales volume may narrow to some extent in the second half of the year.

  The share of SUV continues to increase, and the self-owned brand passenger cars are gradually laid out in a high-end way. Since the beginning of 2021, the cumulative production and sales of passenger cars have continued to grow at a high speed year-on-year, but the growth rate has narrowed. In terms of vehicle types, SUV is the model that contributes to the main increment of passenger car sales, and its year-on-year performance is better than other models as a whole, and its sales share has been continuously improved since 2010. In terms of car system, the cumulative sales growth rate of self-owned brand passenger cars is ahead of the industry, and the trend of high-end is obvious. Self-owned brand vehicle manufacturers with high-quality brands and active layout of high-quality tracks are expected to continue to seize market share by relying on their own high-quality models. In addition, luxury cars are still outstanding, with diversified products, obvious characteristics of consumption upgrading in the automobile market, and the threshold for overlapping car purchases has dropped, and luxury cars are expected to maintain their leading position. On the whole, we are optimistic about the market segments of self-owned brand passenger cars under the trend of luxury cars and high-end, as well as the structural opportunities of cars, SUVs and other market segments. It is suggested to pay attention to vehicle manufacturers with high-quality brands, novel designs and perfect vehicle matrix, and actively lay out the fields of automobile intelligence and electrification.

  The penetration rate of new energy vehicles has gradually increased, focusing on core components and battery industry chain. From January to May in 2021, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 967,000 and 950,000 respectively, up 2.2 times year-on-year, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles was 9.4%, which became the core driving force to support the demand and performance growth of passenger car and parts enterprises. In the long run, the policies of "peak carbon dioxide emissions", "carbon neutrality" and "fuel vehicle license restriction" make it clear that new energy vehicles will gradually replace fuel vehicles in the future, and the intelligent networking, automatic driving and quick response of products will inject more advantages into new energy vehicles. In the past, battery life and safety problems have been improved with the improvement of battery and fast charging technology. At present, the cost performance of domestic new energy vehicles is gradually equal to that of fuel vehicles, and the market prospect is broader. It is expected that battery core components with high barriers, such as high nickel anode, cathode and membrane faucet, will gain rapid development opportunities by virtue of scale effect and local advantages.

  Investment suggestion: the consumption structure of passenger car market is continuously optimized, independent brands are gradually rising, luxury cars continue to lead the market, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is steadily increasing, and there are many structural investment opportunities to maintain the industry’s "optimistic" rating. Industry stock selection suggestions focus on two main lines: first, the vehicle leader with high-quality brand and high-quality track layout; The second is to focus on new energy vehicles and automobile intelligence, focusing on core components and battery industry chain. Suggested attention: Guangzhou Automobile Group, Great Wall Motor, BYD, (), (), ().

  Guosen Securities (Hong Kong) Financial Holdings: Embracing the Advantages of Independent Brands.

  The market share of independent brands continues to rise.

  According to the data of China Automobile Association, in the first five months of 2021, the market share of self-owned brand passenger cars recorded 41.6%, up 3.2 percentage points from 2020. If we look at the monthly data, the market share of independent brands fell to a multi-year low of 33.5% in June 2020, and then it continued to rise significantly, and the trend of continuous decline in share in recent years was obviously reversed.

  By analyzing the sales data of specific vehicle manufacturers, we can see that the share of independent brands continues to rise, which is not driven by the high sales of a few car companies, but that most car companies have achieved good performance beyond the industry. For example, the sales growth rate of Great Wall Motor, Changan Automobile, Chery Automobile, BYD and other car companies in the first five months of 2021 far exceeded the industry average.

  The overall competitiveness of mainstream independent brands has improved significantly.

  The share of self-owned brand car companies continues to increase. We think one of the main reasons is that the overall competitiveness of mainstream self-owned brands has improved significantly, and this improvement has certain universality. The obvious improvement of competitiveness is first reflected in product competitiveness. In the past, self-owned brand models often attracted consumers through rich configurations and relatively low prices. In recent years, with the overall progress of self-owned brand car companies in vehicle interior and exterior design, dynamic performance, driving quality and other aspects, product competitiveness has been significantly improved. Especially since the second half of last year, Geely, Great Wall and other self-owned brand head car companies have successively launched models whose performance and quality have not lost or even surpassed those of joint venture brands, driving the competitiveness of self-owned brand models to a new level.

  The promotion of product competitiveness is driven by the continuous improvement of research and development and technical strength. In addition, in the past two years, independent brands have made considerable progress in vehicle planning and design, market positioning, market promotion and other soft power. Some car companies have achieved quite good results in the youth and trend strategy of vehicle design and promotion.

  Generally speaking, the overall competitiveness of independent brands has improved significantly, which is the result of years of accumulation by car companies. At present, the gap between the product strength of self-owned brand models and joint venture brands is shrinking, and even some models have surpassed it. Moreover, from the aspects of new product launch frequency, iterative speed of vehicle renewal, intelligence, vehicle design route, marketing promotion strategy, etc., some head independent brands have begun to surpass the traditional joint venture brands. We believe that the overall competitiveness of independent brands is expected to continue to improve in the future, thus further promoting the continuous expansion of market share.

  We believe that in terms of short-term and medium-term sales growth in the industry, the growth rate of passenger car sales in the third quarter may be lower, and it may pick up in the fourth quarter. In the medium and long term, the market share of independent brands will continue to expand or will become a general trend, while the share of mid-end joint venture car companies may be squeezed. In the future, we think it will focus on two aspects: 1. Independent brand advantage car companies; 2. Subdivision of new energy vehicles. Maintain the industry rating of outperforming the market. In terms of specific targets, we suggest focusing on Great Wall Motor, BYD, Geely Automobile and Guangzhou Automobile Group.

"State Compensation" Halves "Land Compensation" Cancels New Energy Vehicle Enterprises Facing Survival of the fittest

  The new subsidy policy for new energy vehicles has appropriately raised the threshold of technical indicators, focused on supporting high-quality products with excellent energy consumption and high technical level, and encouraged enterprises to pay attention to safety and consistency.

  At the same time, the implementation of the New Deal has also accelerated the "reshuffle" of the industry. Low-end enterprises that rely on subsidies for survival are doomed to be eliminated. Only by accelerating innovation drive and improving product strength can new energy vehicle companies hedge the impact of subsidies.

  The much-anticipated financial subsidy policy for new energy vehicles has finally been introduced. On the 26th, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Notice on Further Improving the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles, which clarified the subsidy standards and liquidation methods for new energy vehicles in 2019. Compared with the previous subsidy policy, what specific changes will the New Deal have, what impact will it bring to the industry, and how should enterprises respond?

  Pure electric vehicle compensation is reduced by nearly half

  In 2019, the New Deal proposed that the driving range of pure electric passenger cars should not be less than 250 kilometers, that of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) should not be less than 50 kilometers, and that the subsidized driving range should only be divided into "two grades" of 250 to 400 kilometers and more than 400 kilometers, with subsidy amounts of 18,000 yuan and 25,000 yuan respectively, and that of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) should be 10,000 yuan.

  Last year, except for vehicles below 150km, subsidies for pure electric vehicles were divided into "four gears" with cruising range of 150-200km, 200-250km, 250-300km and 300-400km and above, with subsidies of 15,000 yuan, 24,000 yuan, 34,000 yuan and 45,000 yuan respectively. Plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including increase)

  "Compared with the previous year, the subsidy for pure electric passenger cars has been reduced by nearly half." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Association, said that unlike previous years, when the energy density threshold of the power battery system of new energy vehicles was greatly raised, this policy appropriately raised the threshold of technical indicators according to the principles of advanced technology, reliable quality and guaranteed safety, and kept the upper limit of technical indicators basically unchanged, focusing on supporting high-quality products with excellent energy consumption and high technical level, while encouraging enterprises to pay attention to safety and consistency.

  Pre-allocation of subsidy funds in time

  In view of the problem of untimely payment of subsidy funds, the New Deal proposes to improve the liquidation system and improve the efficiency of funds. It is required that from 2019, some funds will be pre-allocated after the vehicles with operating mileage requirements are sold and licensed. After meeting the mileage requirements, they can apply for liquidation according to procedures. After the release of the policy, vehicles with operating mileage requirements will not be subsidized if they run less than 20,000 kilometers within 2 years from the date of registration, and the pre-allocated funds will be deducted at the time of liquidation.

  It is understood that subsidies for new energy vehicles are divided into central financial subsidies and local financial subsidies. After enterprises submit application documents and materials, the central financial subsidies need to be approved and tested by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Committee, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance; Local financial subsidies involve many cities, and the declaration process is also different. Some enterprises report that compared with central financial subsidies, local financial subsidies have many application links and long processes, and the progress of distribution is more difficult to determine.

  "If there is no cash flow and financing is difficult, it will affect the bank’s guarantee and mortgage. The superposition of layers will increase the investment cost of car companies and bring some pressure to the operation of upstream batteries and other enterprises." Cui Dongshu said that new energy vehicle enterprises themselves need cash flow, and this subsidy policy clarifies the rules for timely payment of subsidy funds, so that enterprises can research and develop and promote the market with peace of mind, thus achieving sustainable development.

  Local financial withdrawal subsidy

  The new policy also clearly states that local governments should improve their policies. After the transition period, they will no longer give purchase subsidies to new energy vehicles (except new energy buses and fuel cell vehicles), and instead use them to support the "short board" construction of charging (hydrogenation) infrastructure and supporting operational services. If the local government continues to grant purchase subsidies, the central government will deduct the relevant financial subsidies accordingly.

  "This means that local finance will withdraw its subsidies to vehicle manufacturers, and the policy based on financial subsidies will shift more to the non-financial system, focusing on optimizing the development environment of new energy vehicles, including road rights, charging facilities, power battery recycling, commercial insurance, used cars and so on. At the same time, it also helps to reduce local protectionism. " Cui Dongshu said that China’s policy of encouraging the development of new energy vehicles is a systematic policy, aiming at realizing the joint support system of national and local new energy vehicle policies, ensuring that after the subsidy is completely withdrawn in 2021, new energy vehicle products still have certain advantages over the policy environment of traditional fuel vehicles, and promoting the establishment of a market-oriented independent new energy vehicle selection system.

  In addition, the transitional policy also allows car companies to have a reasonable layout and time period for calibrating new products.

  The influence of the New Deal has different reactions.

  "The intensity of this slope retreat is expected, and the impact on enterprises is not too great." Zhao Changjiang, general manager of BYD Auto Sales Co., Ltd. said that only by accelerating innovation drive and enhancing product strength can enterprises better hedge the impact of subsidy retreat.

  However, many people in the industry said that with the increase of subsidies, many uncertainties have been added to the original high-speed development of new energy vehicles. Chen Hong, chairman of SAIC, bluntly said that without subsidies, China’s new energy vehicle market would decline significantly.

  "After the subsidy for new energy vehicles has declined, car companies can ‘ Complement ’ 。” Jia Xinguang, executive director of china automobile dealers association, pointed out that the power battery occupies a very important position in the manufacturing cost of new energy vehicles. If the battery cost can be reduced through technological innovation, the impact of subsidy retreat on the market will be weakened.

  "It is not necessarily a good thing for a powerful enterprise. Subsidies should be seen dialectically." Gu Huinan, general manager of GAC New Energy, told reporters that with the gradual withdrawal of financial subsidies, the reshuffle of new energy vehicles is coming, and those low-end enterprises that rely on subsidies for survival are doomed to be eliminated. What can stand out must be the outstanding enterprises that actively face the market and can provide products with market competitiveness.