Ask the world M5 standard version debut, battery life of 1455 kilometers, 259,800 yuan on sale

Beijing News Shell Financial News (reporter promised) On July 2, at the AITO M5 Smart Driving Edition User Experience Day event, the AITO M5 Standard Edition officially appeared. On-site information shows that the battery life of the M5 Standard Edition has been upgraded to 1455 kilometers, and the rear-drive standard version 259,800 yuan and the M5 four-wheel drive standard version 279,800 yuan.

Deliveries of the model will start in August. At the event, Wang Yanmin, president of Huawei’s end point BG smart car business department, said that with the blessing of intelligent range extension technology, the standard version of the M5 does not need to be charged and refueled for long-distance travel. "It can be driven all the way from Shanghai to Beijing".

In addition, the M5 standard version models are equipped with an all-aluminum alloy chassis, which is fully balanced with the support of Huawei’s self-developed HUAWEI DATS (Dynamic Adaptive Torque System) and other technologies.

The M5 standard version is equipped with Huawei DriveONE pure electric drive platform, with a peak power of 365kW and a peak torque of 675N · m for the four-wheel drive standard version. With the standard front double fork arm and rear multi-link all-aluminum alloy chassis, the zero-hundred-kilometer acceleration time is 4.4 seconds.

Editor, Yue Caizhou, Proofreader, Wu Xingfa

(The two sessions are authorized to release) The Fourth Session of the Thirteenth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference. The CPPCC General Assembly is scheduled to

(Two sessions) (1) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the press spokesman of the conference, introducing the relevant information of the conference at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 3rd The press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of March 3rd. Guo Weimin, spokesman of the Congress, announced that the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on March 4th and close on the afternoon of March 10th.

  At the news conference held by online video, the spokesperson communicated with Chinese and foreign journalists from a distance and answered 12 questions from Chinese and foreign journalists in more than an hour.

(Two sessions) (2) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xing Guangli photo

  Continue last year’s experience: shorten the duration, streamline documents, and combine offline and online.

  According to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work of the conference, this press conference was held in the form of online video. The main conference venue is located in the Great Hall of the People, and the sub-conference venue is located in the Media Center.

  Despite the "cloud meeting", the enthusiasm of Chinese and foreign journalists has not diminished. Nearly 100 reporters arrived at the sub-venue early, and cameras, cameras, mobile phones and other equipment took turns to broadcast the press conference to all parts of the world in real time.

  The duration of this year’s CPPCC meeting was reduced to six and a half days. On the one hand, it summarized the experience of last year’s meeting, on the other hand, it took into account the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. "Last year, many staff members were reduced, documents were streamlined, and online and offline were combined. The conference was very successful and was widely praised by all walks of life." Guo Weimin introduced.

  Guo Weimin said that this year’s conference will further improve relevant practices, and strive to enhance efficiency and improve quality on the basis of strengthening the concept of time and optimizing process design. In the future, we will further summarize and sort out innovative measures and effective practices, and continue the good experience and good work style to ensure that the meeting is clean, pragmatic and efficient.

  Continuing last year’s practice, some speeches and media interviews at this year’s conference still rely on online video. Guo Weimin introduced that during this conference, there will be an opening meeting, a closing meeting and two speeches, one of which will be held by video conference. Arrange three "Committee channel" interview activities through online video. In addition, online video interview rooms have been set up in the resident of each Committee member.

(Two sessions) (3) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is Guo Weimin, the spokesman of the conference, answering a reporter’s question at the main venue. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin photo

  A new atmosphere of consultation and discussion: more channels for video research, remote discussion and performance of duties.

  Last year, the CPPCC General Assembly was postponed, the work cycle between the two conferences was shortened, and some offline activities were not held due to epidemic prevention and control. How to show a new atmosphere through consultation and discussion?

  Guo Weimin cited a string of figures: 23 important consultation and deliberation activities were held in the whole year, such as special discussion meetings of the Standing Committee, special consultation meetings and biweekly consultation forums, 80 inspections and investigations were organized, more than 7,500 pieces of information on various CPPCC committees were submitted, and more than 5,900 members’ proposals were put forward.

  The topics of consultation and discussion include major decision-making arrangements such as the formulation of the 14 th Five-Year Plan and decisive battle against poverty, as well as hot issues of social livelihood such as food safety supervision in the take-away industry. "The handling of proposals has been intensified, the quality has also improved, there are many innovations, and good results have been achieved." Guo Weimin said.

  Guo Weimin said that at present, important consultation and deliberation activities will invite relevant responsible comrades of government departments to participate and have in-depth exchanges, and the channels for the CPPCC to perform their duties are more abundant, and the effectiveness of consultation and deliberation is more remarkable.

  He also introduced that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference conducted extensive video surveys and remote discussions, which used to be "point-to-point", but now it is "point-to-multipoint" and "multipoint-to-multipoint" to carry out joint consultation, which has significantly enhanced the effectiveness and interactivity of the work and fully released the potential and efficiency of specialized consultation institutions.

  Facing the new situation and new tasks, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference carried forward the tradition, built a new platform, and organized and guided members to carry out reading activities. "It is of great significance to improve self-cultivation, improve the ability to perform their duties, create an atmosphere of’ scholarly CPPCC’, and then promote the construction of’ scholarly society’." Guo Weimin said.

(two sessions) (4) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  Opinions and suggestions are translated into policy measures: poverty alleviation, business environment and information protection.

  From the national strategy to the livelihood of the people, more than 2,100 CPPCC members from 34 sectors have played their respective professional expertise and performed their duties, which has played an important role in the formulation of relevant policies.

  Guo Weimin introduced that since the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, poverty alleviation has been the focus of consultation and deliberation every year, and consultations and deliberation have been carried out in depth around the key issues in poverty alleviation through various means, such as holding special deliberation standing committee meetings, biweekly consultation forums, field and video research, and submitting and supervising proposals.

  "Many of our suggestions and suggestions have been translated into policy measures, which have made important contributions to helping poverty alleviation." Guo Weimin said that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will also organize special consultations, inspections and investigations, strive to solve the problem of preventing poverty, help the poverty-stricken population and poverty-stricken areas to develop continuously, and help the rural revitalization strategy to be effectively implemented.

  There are also economic situation and business environment issues, which CPPCC members often discuss and study. Guo Weimin said that in January, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held the first biweekly consultation forum this year around "continuously optimizing the business environment". CPPCC leaders, relevant members, experts and representatives of small, medium and micro enterprises had in-depth discussions and discussions with responsible comrades of the State Council authorities.

  CPPCC members not only care about "major events", but also care about the "personal affairs" of the masses.

  For example, public concerns about personal information security and privacy protection, Guo Weimin introduced that last year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference specially held a remote consultation meeting on "Strengthening the protection of personal information in the era of big data" and held a biweekly consultation forum on "Science and technology ethics and legal issues in the development of artificial intelligence".

  "Some people in charge of Internet companies among CPPCC members also participated in the discussion of related topics, and also said that it is necessary to strengthen industry self-discipline, handle the relationship between service and management, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users." Guo Weimin said.

  In addition, many CPPCC members put forward proposals on how to make the elderly better adapt to the intelligent era. Guo Weimin introduced that Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has conducted many special investigations on the problem of population aging, held biweekly consultation forums, and invited members and responsible comrades of relevant departments to conduct face-to-face consultations, exchanges and discussions. This year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has included "actively responding to the aging population and promoting the balanced development of the population" in the key consultation plan, and will organize CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research and discussion to provide reference for government decision-making.

  "The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a new political party system, has unique advantages and distinctive features." Guo Weimin said.

(Two sessions) (5) The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference.

This is the breakout session. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Heshe

  The circle of friends is constantly expanding: vaccine assistance, preparations for the Winter Olympics, and active foreign exchanges.

  By the end of February, China had received more than 52 million doses of vaccine-the data was released by Guo Weimin at the press conference. He also said that by the end of February, China had provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and 2 international organizations and exported vaccines to 28 countries, and the number was still increasing.

  "Some people question that China wants to use vaccine exports to expand its geopolitical influence. This statement is very narrow." Guo Weimin pointed out that China’s international cooperation in vaccines is to help the international community overcome the epidemic and practice the concept of a community of human destiny.

  For some time, some anti-China politicians have smeared China, which has had a negative impact. Guo Weimin introduced that many members of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference actively voiced their opinions, explained China’s position, refuted false remarks, and safeguarded national sovereignty, security and development interests. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will give full play to the unique advantages and characteristics of CPPCC organizations and actively carry out foreign exchanges.

  In response to a question about the Beijing Winter Olympics, Guo Weimin said that at present, all the competition venues have been completed, and the preparations for the Winter Olympics have entered a critical period of all-out sprint. The relevant departments will make overall efforts to prevent and control the epidemic and prepare for the Winter Olympics, and strive to overcome various difficulties to ensure that all the preparations before the games can be fully prepared.

  "Individual foreign politicians politicize sports in an attempt to interfere with the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics. These practices violate the spirit of the Olympic Charter. Such a move is not supported by the international community, it is futile, and it is doomed to fail. " Guo Weimin said.

  When answering a question about China’s international image, Guo Weimin said, with more and more foreigners visiting China, and at the same time, we also strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation, more and more people will like China, and the international community’s goodwill towards China will continue to increase.

  "China has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more and more countries and regions and constantly expanded our’ circle of friends’." Guo Weimin said. (Reporter Dong Ruifeng, Liu Kaixiong, Zheng Mingda, Sun Wei)

"Nezha" was released overseas, and netizens struggled for translation.

  The movie "Nezha", which has made great strides at the box office, has been released in North America and Australia recently, which has triggered new topics. Netizens are quite worried about how to translate these funny traditional cultural stalks, such as "hurry as a law" and "my life is up to me", in order to convey the original flavor of traditional culture and let foreigners understand it. And launched the "Nezha Speeches Translation Contest" on the Internet. When interviewed by Yangzi Evening News, many translation experts affirmed the talents of netizens. However, the translation of "as urgent as a law" into "fast fast biu biu" is accused of being unreliable — — "It’s interesting to do this, but foreign audiences can’t understand it.

  "Urgent as a law"?

  This question has been searched in Weibo.

  Netizens set off the "Nezha Speaks Translation Contest", which became a hot topic on the Internet. The most discussed is the phrase "as urgent as a law" by the greasy uncle Taiyi in the film. It is said that "the sun and the moon are born together, a thousand spirits are heavy, and the heavens and the earth are boundless, and it is as urgent as a law." This is a spell in Taoist culture in China. How to translate it so that foreigners can understand the meaning? Netizens lamented that there is no hot search in this world. The problem that one person couldn’t figure out originally became a hot search when there were more people who couldn’t think of it.

  Among them, "fast fast biu biu" is regarded as a serious nonsense: "fast fast" follows the word "hurry" in the original text and translates the "letter" in the three principles of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"; The "biu biu" in the back is even more brilliant, which is the powerful point of using onomatopoeia to express spells and achieve the "da" in "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance".

  The answer given by netizens with wide brains is chicken chicken like green zero, which literally translates as "chicken is like green zero". Some people also popularize science, which means that the speed of transmitting orders is as fast as that of laws, and it is best translated as speed is like lvling. Although the meaning of "fast" has been conveyed, it seems that there is a little lack of spell feeling.

  Stunned by Nezha’s classic lines

  Netizens laugh at themselves for "exhausting their English skills all their lives"

  Another example is "My life depends on me", which is translated by some netizens as I am the master of my fate. Some people think that it is not domineering enough. Such a bloody scene, we must stress the sentence and walk! That is me to be the master of me! Again, such as "although a little baby fat, but also can not hide my compelling handsome", "dragon survival, just between your thoughts" have also triggered discussions.

  The funny thing is, "Then you go to … … Don’t come back when you go. "How do you translate Shen Gongbao’s tongue-tied lines that cause all kinds of misunderstandings? “If you go… … Gone, never come back "is well received because it also distinguishes the verb tense before and after stuttering."

  As for Nezha, the first little poet in Chentangguan, doggerel comes with his mouth open, and his sad and lazy voice and expression are too powder-sucking. "I am a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking, eating people without salt." "Life is full of tears, and the more you struggle, the more unlucky you are. If you are tired of dying, it is better to sleep in bed. " This rhyming and humorous limerick in Chinese is translated into English, which also inspires netizens to use their life-long English skills.

  The translation teacher suggested

  JI-ji-ru-lv-ling can be transliterated directly.

  In this regard, the translation teacher Zhang Wenqin told the Yangzi Evening News reporter that "fast fast biu biu" is a bit like Chinglish, showing the sense of humor of domestic netizens, but foreigners certainly can’t understand it. In fact, you can also directly use Pinyin to translate spells and promote China culture. Even if foreign audiences can’t understand it so quickly when watching movies, they can understand it by consulting materials.

  In addition, the method that people in the industry agree with is "transliteration without translation, and foreigners will recite spells in the future." Like Pumbaa and Timon in the movie "The Lion King", the phrase "Hakula matata" that they often say is quite pleasing to the ears of China audiences, isn’t it? Such transliteration is acceptable to young people.

  David from Russia is a graduate student of Tsinghua University Institute of Humanities, and the champion of the "Chinese Bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. He came up with a variety of translation methods, such as literal translation: let my order be carried out immediately. Or directly translated into JI-ji-ru-lv-ling in Pinyin. You can also find similar words in English allusions, such as abrakadabra, which was originally an Arabic spell from Arabian Nights. Later, many languages transliterated the word directly. All spells are rhythmic, rhythmic and often written. For example, the word "Nezha" can also be translated in Pinyin or into Latin.

  Translation should also stick to the style of cooperation.

  The movie lines "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" are the most important.

  Fu Yu, who graduated from the English Department of NTU with a master’s degree and is currently engaged in editing work in a publishing house, thinks that netizens are very talented, which is really a variety of whimsy. "The movie lines are mainly to express clear meaning, mainly to be faithful and expressive, like ‘ Urgent as a law ’ In this way, I think translation is still needed to convey ‘ Quick ’ I think it’s quite good. "

  Fu Yu said that biu biu can also be used in movie subtitles. It is cute and funny, and the memory is deep, which is also in line with this movie. In fact, translation should also stick to the cooperative style. Generally, if the translation in the book is more elegant, rhymes and literary allusions can be used, and it is good to explain it in the form of notes. Of course, biu biu is quite out of the context of foreigners, and it must be confusing to look at it alone, but it should be understandable if it is combined with movies and sounds.

  Fu Yu said that Ang Lee’s translation of the title of eat drink man woman and the English name crouching tiger and hidden dragon are relatively direct. At first glance, they don’t seem to convey the meaning of Chinese, but with the rich content of the film, this unfamiliar phrase in the English context is endowed with a unique color of China culture.

  According to various translation theories in his study, David gave advice, "whether it’s literary works or film and television works, the overall translation style should be taken into account when translating specific words, so there is no 100% answer, so how to translate that sentence?" In his view, engaging in the translation of literary and artistic works is different from doing ordinary translation. Besides understanding the national conditions and languages of other countries, we also need to learn the theory of literary translation. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhang Nan)

The chaos of the old scooter: the cottage "Lamborghini" sells well for 29 thousand.

  CCTV News:In recent years, many four-wheeled vehicles have appeared around us unconsciously, which look like cars and are one size smaller than cars, and the words "old scooter" are often marked in the prominent position of the car body. Sometimes these cars run parallel to motor vehicles, and sometimes they drive on sidewalks and bicycle lanes, and they walk freely through the streets and alleys of the city.

go to

△ At an intersection in Beijing, four-wheeled vehicles repeatedly violated regulations.

  So what exactly is this four-wheeled vehicle? Why can you drive on the road so willfully?

    The mystery of the life experience of "old scooter"

  During the visit, the reporter found that there are still many places to distribute this kind of car in Beijing. This kind of car is actually a low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle. It first came into the public eye as an "old scooter" around 2012, and the "old scooter" evolved from an electric wheelchair with a speed basically controlled below 10 kilometers per hour and belonging to medical devices.


△ "Old scooter" evolved from electric wheelchair.

  Around 2012, after continuous modification, the "old scooter" has been very close to ordinary motor vehicles, powered by electric energy, and the maximum speed can reach about 40 kilometers per hour.

  In the past few days, the reporter visited a number of dealers and found that the sales of this kind of car in recent years are quite amazing. According to a first-class dealer of a certain brand, he sold 1,600 cars a year. When it was hot, he had to queue up to buy a car and sell one, but his sales were not the most.


  According to rough statistics, in Beijing, there are at least ten primary dealers of a certain brand of electric vehicles with an annual sales volume of over 1,000 units, and there are several secondary distributors under each primary dealer; In addition to a few big brands of low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles, there are a large number of brand-name cars flooding the market. In recent years, low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles are growing at a high speed with an annual growth rate of tens of thousands in Beijing. The reason why it is still sold in the name of "old scooter" is that manufacturers and distributors have their own purposes.

   You can drive without a license? The treatment of scooter is very "special"

  Why can the so-called "old scooter" be sold so hot? The reporter consulted a number of dealers as buyers in Beijing, and all told reporters without exception: you can drive on the road without a license or a driver’s license! So is this the case? The reporter interviewed several car owners at random, and most car owners have not encountered inspection. A car owner who asked not to be named told reporters that if you want to buy a motor vehicle in Beijing, you must participate in the lottery, but you can’t shake it after several years, and finally you have no choice but to choose a low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle. In addition to not having to shake the license plate, car owners told reporters that the low cost of car use is also a major reason why they choose this kind of vehicle. First of all, the price of about 30,000 to 40,000 is close to the people. Secondly, the cost of running a hundred kilometers with full electricity is seven or eight yuan.


  According to the Road Traffic Safety Law and relevant regulations of Beijing, this kind of vehicle is recognized as a motor vehicle in Beijing. In the past two years, the traffic control department of Beijing has also strictly investigated the illegal behavior of such vehicles on the road, but in fact, except for the core sections such as Chang’ an Street, such vehicles are still popular in the city.

  In addition, in order to attract consumers, some dealers have also launched preferential activities to buy cars and send insurance. So what kind of insurance is this gift? China implements the compulsory motor vehicle third-party liability insurance system, in order to ensure the liability of the insured motor vehicle to compensate the victims for personal injury and property losses caused by road traffic accidents. The so-called third party liability insurance given by the dealer is not motor vehicle insurance, but actually a personal accident insurance, and once an accident occurs, the amount of compensation is very limited.

  There are no national standards for industries with different policies in different places.

  The reporter contacted a number of electric vehicle dealers in Beijing and conducted a test drive on a variety of low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles. It was found that the top speed of these electric vehicles can generally reach about 40 kilometers per hour. At present, the management standards for low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles are not uniform in different places. For example, in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Sichuan and other places, such low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles can be licensed and can drive on the road, but in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, such vehicles are prohibited from illegally driving on the road.


  In China, domestic automobiles are certified by Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products and China Compulsory Certification, that is, 3C certification. The public security traffic control department will take the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products regularly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the basis for the registration of such vehicles. But at present, no low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle has passed these two certifications, that is to say, the country has not recognized it as a motor vehicle.

  On the one hand, the speed of low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles far exceeds the national standard that the speed of "old scooter" is less than 10 kilometers per hour. On the other hand, low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles do not belong to the category of motor vehicles in theory. This means that the low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle is currently in the gray area between the "old scooter" and the motor vehicle.

  The cottage Lamborghini only sells for 29 thousand

  The reporter found through investigation that at present, most of these low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles on the market are produced in Shandong, Jiangsu, Hebei and other places. Among them, Shandong Province, as the "birthplace" of low-speed electric vehicles, ranks first in the country in terms of industrial scale. According to the data released by Shandong Automobile Industry Association, the output of low-speed electric vehicles in Shandong Province reached 347,000 in 2015, and the market of low-speed electric vehicles in Shandong Province maintained rapid growth for four consecutive years from 2012 to 2015, with a year-on-year increase. What about the production and sales there?

  Wucheng County, Dezhou City, located at the junction of Shandong and Hebei provinces, is famous for its automobile parts production. In recent years, Wucheng County has rapidly developed into the largest low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle manufacturing base in Shandong and even the whole country. On the grounds of talking about agency, the reporter contacted a manufacturer located in the old town of Wucheng County. From the county seat, less than 20 kilometers away, there are no fewer than 20 large and small electric vehicle manufacturers. Some manufacturers just sell cars in a facade room in front, and then set up a shed at the back to start making cars.


  Subsequently, the reporter came to the factory contacted in advance. As soon as he entered the factory, he saw a forklift truck being busy loading and delivering goods. Two workers in the workshop were installing an electric car that looked like a Ford Carnival. In order to show their strength, the sales manager also showed reporters a new model they are developing, which looks like Lamborghini and costs only 29 thousand.


  This low-speed electric car, which looks like a sports car, is a new product being developed by the manufacturer. The sales manager told the reporter that the car is currently in the debugging stage, and they can mass-produce it at any time if there is an order. For these manufacturers of low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles, batteries and other parts are ready-made, and the biggest research and development cost is the appearance of the vehicle.

  The production of "old scooter" is made of unqualified iron.

  In the workshops of many manufacturers visited by the reporter, there are all kinds of models such as Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Ford Carnival, etc., and the car bodies made of iron sheets occupy the mainstream of the market. According to the reporter’s visual inspection, the thickness of these iron sheets used to wrap the car bodies is no more than 2 mm, and no safety test has been done.


  The sales manager told the reporter that with the strength of their factory, it is not a problem to produce 20 cars a day. If the order quantity is large, they can also produce together with several small factories around them to ensure timely delivery. On the business license displayed by the manufacturer, the reporter found that this manufacturer does not have the relevant qualifications to produce four-wheeled electric vehicles. The reporter searched the registration data of dozens of electric vehicle enterprises in Wucheng County, including local first-class manufacturers such as Dexing, Weikerui and Xinaoyu, and found that the production and business scope of these automobile enterprises is only off-highway tourism sightseeing bus or indoor sightseeing bus, and does not include the R&D and production license of four-wheel electric vehicles. That is to say, these automobile enterprises all produce low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles with the qualification of producing sightseeing bus, and this phenomenon is also common in other parts of the country. 


  How to solve the chaos of the old scooter?

  On July 29th this year, Shandong Province issued an urgent investigation notice for low-speed electric vehicles, and investigation teams composed of departments such as letter, quality inspection, public security, industry and commerce went to all parts of Shandong Province to investigate the production and sales of low-speed electric vehicles, so as to provide a basis for formulating management opinions on low-speed electric vehicles in Shandong Province in the next step. And where should the low-speed four-wheel electric vehicle go next?

  Professor Shi Jing from Tsinghua University Transportation Research Institute said that relevant departments should make more efforts in management instead of simply banning it. He believes that to solve the management problem of low-speed four-wheel electric vehicles, one is to solve its safety problem, that is, to reduce the speed, and the other is to solve the order problem, which can be managed according to the motor vehicle number plate.

  In addition, the reporter learned from the National Standards Committee that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology had submitted the national standard project "Technical Conditions for Four-wheel Low-speed Electric Passenger Cars" at the beginning of this year. In April this year, the National Standards Committee also solicited opinions on the project for the society and is currently organizing and handling the opinions received. In the next step, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Standards Committee will steadily promote the formulation of national standards, hoping to introduce relevant management regulations as soon as possible, so that the elderly scooter will no longer drive at will and reduce potential safety hazards.

Moral cultivation determines the therapeutic effect? On how the ancients in China recognized diseases from novels.

Recently, due to the outbreak of pneumonia in Covid-19, its virus source has been traced back to wild animals, so even the eating of game in A Dream of Red Mansions and the illness of the characters in the novel have attracted some people’s attention. Although scholars can’t see any connection between eating game and getting sick from combing the relevant contents of A Dream of Red Mansions, it also leads me to think about another more common problem of correlation.
In China’s ancient novels, the writing about people’s illness and treatment is often not a purely pathological or medical treatment problem, but inextricably intertwined with people’s moral cultivation.
As mentioned in the "Speech" in the early novel Shi Shuo Xin Yu, a child in the Western Jin Dynasty went out to ask for medicine because of his father’s malaria, and some people sarcastically said to his father, "How can such a noble gentleman ("Ming De gentleman ") suffer from such a bad disease? The child responded quickly and replied: it is specially designed to harm gentlemen, so it is called a bad disease! Although such an answer is quite witty and textbook-style, on closer examination, the child’s answer belongs to the concept of stealing and changing the identification of a gentleman into the identification of a disease. But the reason why the child had to steal the concept was because he couldn’t refute a social consensus at that time, that is, he thought that a gentleman could resist the attack of disease by virtue of his own moral cultivation.
With the thought of karma deeply rooted in people’s hearts, people in ancient times have become accustomed to thinking that personal moral losses will not only make diseases invade themselves, but also affect their children. Conversely, relying on people’s moral cultivation can also produce mysterious healing power for diseases. At that time, there was an article in the strange novel Xuan Yan Ji, which was quite representative. The novel writes:
The Zhou family has three sons, and they can’t speak. One day, someone came to beg for a drink, heard the voice of his son, asked him, and it was true. The guest said, "You have sinned, but you can still think about it." Zhou Yi’s words are very strange. For a long time, it is a cloud: "I don’t remember my sins." The guest said, "Try to think more about your childhood." When I entered the room, I ate my food, and when I went out, I said, "When I remember a child, when there is a swallow’s nest in the bed, there are three children in it, and the mother still feeds it, so I can eat it out and raise my hand under the house; Refers to the nest, the swallow also exports to bear. And take three thistles and swallow them each, both of which are dead. When the mother returns, she doesn’t see her son, she mourns and goes away, and she always regrets herself. " The guest turned into a Taoist, saying, "Since you know that you regret it, your sin is now removed!" I heard that his words were Zhou Zheng, that is, I did not see the Taoist.
Here, the description of the causes of Zhou’s three sons’ natural dumb diseases is completely the punishment of Zhou’s killing behavior in his childhood, and once Zhou has repented, the children’s diseases will be cured without medical treatment. Although religious moral principles play a dominant role in the novel, we can’t ignore the role of different levels of cognitive structure of different living beings. Because Swallow, Zhou’s family and Taoist belong to three different levels of the cognitive world, Zhou can easily fool Swallow into swallowing Tribulus, but he can’t understand why his three sons are dumb. Only when the Taoist priest above his cognitive level came to enlighten him did he raise his cognition to a new level and make him sincerely regret his past. That is to say, only when Zhou can realize the far-reaching consequences of his actions, the cognitive limitation of swallows is no longer a limitation for people, and people also raise their cognitive level to the height of people who are enlightened. The novel shows that the so-called differences in the cognitive level of the three levels essentially depend on the actions of people at the middle level, and the plot conflict developed from people’s cognitive conflict constitutes the moving power of art.
In this way, the novel suggests that the behavior of the characters in the novel has unpredictable consequences, which makes people feel moral awe of all things in nature, making this novel have extensive metaphorical value.
Of course, even if the value of this novel can be understood at the metaphorical level, we can’t ignore that there is a defect in the process of its plot development, that is, the natural mechanism of human life is basically ignored, and the disease problem is completely related to human religious morality, which shows that such an artistic vision, although it has a broader thinking beyond the role of life, is too simple and rough precisely because it overemphasizes the moral force and ignores the writing of the life mechanism itself.
In contrast, the writing about medical diseases in A Dream of Red Mansions is far more comprehensive and in-depth. On the one hand, of course, it is a million words long, which makes it possible to show the panoramic life of the characters; On the other hand, it is also the author who has a more dialectical understanding of the relationship between medical treatment and morality.
For example, at the beginning of the novel, it is said that Jia Rui died of illness, which is of course due to repeated teasing by Wang Xifeng, which leads to cold and illness, but it is also directly related to his own indiscretion and uncontrollable desire. In this sense, "Feng Yue Bao Jian" plays an admonishing role in the moral cultivation of the world. And then continue to write Qin Keqing, Qin Zhong’s untimely death, more or less also has this meaning, especially writing Qin Keqing and Jia Zhen’s behavior, suggesting that they may have moral incest, which was once a special topic in the study of Red Mansions. However, directly or indirectly implying the correlation between people’s moral cultivation and diseases is only one aspect of the writing of A Dream of Red Mansions and the author’s adaptation to traditional ideas. More importantly, the author deliberately cut this connection with another pen and ink.
The twenty-first time I wrote that Wang Xifeng’s daughter, eldest sister, had a very dangerous pox (smallpox). In addition to inviting doctors to stay at home day and night for nursing, medication conditioning and offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home, Xifeng also isolated her family and let Jia Lian move to the study room. This is of course because acne rash is highly contagious, and isolation from family members can effectively prevent infection. But the special function is that letting Jia Lian move out is still a moral requirement for the host and hostess, which is in harmony with the pious attitude of offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home. The problem is that in the next ten days, although Wang Xifeng did this, Jia Lian could not. He had an affair with the cook’s wife, many girls, which was obviously a more serious moral impurity according to the mainstream attitude of the society at that time.
Surprisingly, the novel goes on to say that Jia Lian’s immoral behavior doesn’t seem to offend the acne queen, let alone hinder the elder sister’s recovery. The treatment itself is the most effective. Although Jia Lian was not careful, he was hidden by Pinger, and did not let Xifeng find out, which finally made everyone get a satisfactory ending. Therefore, from the actual effect writing of this isolation, we find that the author’s "isolation" of moral influence is to isolate the influence that is thought to be ubiquitous in the traditional concept from the novel. But this isolation does not mean that the author totally denies the influence of morality or immorality on illness and treatment, otherwise he will not write so much about the death of Jia Rui, and he will not totally deny the positive effect of morality. But at least in the description of this incident, he denied the mysterious power of realizing morality by providence.
What needs to be added is that when the older sister who grew up later encountered difficulties in life, Grandma Liu did not hesitate to rescue her after learning about it. Because Wang Xifeng once rescued Granny Liu, a kind of moral behavior based on interpersonal communication finally had a feedback effect. This kind of resetting the mystery of moral cause and effect of heaven with human communication is one of the reasons why Cao Xueqin is better than traditional novelists.
(Zhan Dan is a professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University)
Source: Wen Wei Po

Wang Leixi’s 2022 Lantern Festival performance "Selling Tangyuan" was well received by the audience.


It is reported that the Lantern Festival Gala in 2022, just past the Central Radio and Television Station, came to a successful conclusion. This gala combines traditional cultural concepts with high technology, pushing the visual appreciation of the gala and the enthusiasm of the audience to a climax, presenting an ultimate double enjoyment of hearing and vision.

The creative program "Selling Tangyuan" uses a combination of symphony and crosstalk to interpret the classic melody and evoke the familiar taste of Yuanxiao in the audience’s heart. Singer Wang Leixi, as the only female crosstalk performer, is a striking presence in this program. Many people use allegro or "Go online! Huacai Teenager knows her, and it’s very surprising to perform cross talk on CCTV again this time. Wang Leixi appeared at the Lantern Festival party this time, and collaborated with BiBi Zhou, Zheng Yunlong, Jing Li and other famous artists to adapt the version of Selling Tangyuan. Her performance was remarkable.

In the cross talk actor industry with men as the main force, it is rare to see female cross talk actors who make people shine at the moment. In recent years, it is Jia Ling that has made great achievements. Whether Wang Leixi’s appearance can fill this gap, the audience will wait and see. From Selling Tangyuan, we can see her mastery of the performance rhythm and her ease on the stage, which is due to her accumulated stage experience.

Wang Leixi has never been confined to a certain field. She has the courage to try new things, from the variety show to the allegro teacher. Cross-border has become commonplace for her.

Wang Leixi, a treasure girl born in 1995, has personally supported traditional culture and created many well-known songs. I hope she will bring us more surprise works in the future.