"Young Soldier" makes its debut, Jackie Chan abandons his son and elects Wang Leehom

Wang Leehom and Jackie Chan "Hello brothers"

Leehom Wang

Jackie Chan

Actress Lin Peng

Wu Yue

Jia Qi, Deputy Director of the Movie Channel Program Center

group photo of the main creator

  Movie Network News (Text/Xie Yawei, Photo/Yang Liu) On April 2, Jackie Chan’s new work "Young Soldier" held a media meeting in Beijing. Led by Jackie Chan, including director Ding Sheng, actors Wang Leehom, Liu Chengjun, Xu Dongmei, Lin Peng and other main creators made their first collective appearance. Jia Qi, deputy director of the film channel, also attended as a guest. Although the film has always maintained a very low-key attitude, on that day, Jackie Chan, the eldest brother, was quite interested. Not only did he sing a cappella on the spot, but he also broke out his nickname for his son Jaycee Chan – "Little House". He talked a lot of behind-the-scenes stories, and he liked to make fun of everyone.

  "Young Soldier" tells the story of the Warring States Period, when an ordinary soldier captured a general and planned to take him back to his own country. On the way back, many interesting or tragic stories happened. Jackie Chan was the "soldier", and Wang Leehom played the "young general".

Jackie Chan abandons "small house"

  Jackie Chan revealed that there were three candidates for the role of "Junior General": Jaycee, Daniel Wu, and Leehom Wang. At that time, his wife Lin Fengjiao strongly recommended that his son play the role, but Jackie Chan abandoned the Jaycee name, "’Little House’, Jaycee. If he played, the audience would just stare at him to see how he resembled me, and they couldn’t get into the movie at all. Wu Yanzu just worked with me on" Shinjuku Incident ", so Leehom Wang is the most suitable." Jackie Chan said that the three people’s image and temperament are quite similar. At this time, the host joked: "No, Jaycee’s eyes are not as big as Wang Leehom’s." The humorous Jackie Chan also pretended to be angry and confronted him, which attracted a lot of laughter from the audience.

Jackie Chan thinks Wang Leehom is "annoying"

  "Young Soldier" is Wang Leehom’s second film since "Lust and Caution," and the talented singer is also outstanding in performance. "Ten years ago, I saw him play the piano, violin, erhu, drums, and speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. I thought, how can this person know anything?" Jackie Chan and Wang Leehom have known each other for ten years, saying that if he were a girl, he would definitely fall in love with him. The eldest brother is full of praise for Wang Leehom, but when it comes to singing, he calls him "very annoying". "After I captured him in the film, I was very happy and sang the hometown tune. He always beat me behind me and corrected the rhythm. I couldn’t sing well. It was really annoying." After the joke, Jackie Chan hung his throat a few times and sang the "hometown tune" at the scene. This time, Wang Leehom didn’t dare to make trouble.

Xu Dongmei "Strong Kiss" Wang Leehom

  Jackie Chan’s female disciple Xu Dongmei plays a strong woman in the film, with a wild and unrestrained personality, similar to her own personality and temperament. Xu Dongmei’s first scene in the crew turned out to be kissing Wang Leehom. Talking about this matter, the fledgling she was a little embarrassed: "I love face very much. When I was told to kiss Wang Leehom, although I still acted cool and relaxed, I was already very nervous."

  The film’s other female lead, Lin Peng, who played a teacher at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, described her joining as a dream, while Jackie Chan said it was "purely accidental." "Lin Peng walked past me in the corridor of the Olympic venues, and I just thought, isn’t she that character?" In this way, "teacher" Lin Peng turned into "gentle woman" and had an emotional entanglement with Wang Leehom.

Big brother and Ding Sheng, fellow villagers meet fellow villagers

  Jackie Chan and Ding Sheng have worked together on four commercials, and it was the collaboration that made Jackie Chan fall in love with the young director many years ago. "I saw Ding Sheng’s work status on the scene at that time. He has a very clear idea and strong ability. Maybe because he is from Shandong, his personality is also very similar to mine, and I admire him very much." Jackie Chan said that he has been shooting movies for decades, and just by looking at the director’s work status on the scene, you can know whether he has real skills. "As soon as an expert makes a move, you will know if there is any." In a hurry, Jackie Chan burst into Cantonese. "This is the first time I have used a mainland team to shoot my own film. As the boss, I asked them to stop and rest four times. They are really dedicated." Jackie Chan said that in the near future, he will work with Ding Sheng again.

  At the scene, Jackie Chan’s disciple "New Seven Xiaofu" performed the theme song of "Little Soldier", which made people’s eyes shine with cool costumes and dances with martial arts movements. Director Ding Sheng revealed that the film has been shooting in Yunnan since it started shooting on February 3, and is now in Beijing. There are still three days to complete the pre-shooting.

Next page: More wonderful pictures of the press conference

[Movie Network]www.1905.comExclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

The ceiling of China pickup truck, the 300,000 th vehicle of Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line.

Not only 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line, but the strength of the Great Wall Gun demonstrated the development of light speed.

The 300,000th vehicle rolled off the assembly line and the Great Wall Gun once again created a new history of high-end pickup trucks in China.

With the gradual loosening of the pickup policy in recent years, pickup trucks have become the choice of more and more people. Not only for commercial purposes, more young people are choosing to use pickup trucks to start a new lifestyle, and this change is inseparable from the trump card of pickup truck market-Great Wall Gun.

Just recently, the Great Wall Gun once again ushered in a historic breakthrough. The 300,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line at the Chongqing factory of Great Wall Motor, becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 vehicles. Therefore, 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line is not only a historic moment for the Great Wall Gun, but also a historic moment for the whole industry.

This is not an empty statement, because the speed of the 300,000 th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line not only created a new "Great Wall Gun Speed", but also refreshed the fastest speed of the whole industry. The off-line production of 300,000 vehicles of Great Wall Cannon can be roughly divided into two stages; In the first stage, the Great Wall Gun achieved a leap from zero to 200,000 units, which took only two years. In the second stage, the Great Wall Gun was significantly accelerated, from 200,000 to 300,000, and it took only 8 months. This speed fully demonstrates the great wall gun’s powerful brand potential and development toughness, and strongly boosts the development confidence of the pickup truck industry in China.

Of course, such achievements can not be achieved without the strong system ability and intellectual strength of Chongqing Smart Factory. As the production base of Great Wall Cannon, it is also the fifth full-process vehicle production base of Great Wall Motor in the world. Based on the concept of "environmental protection, lean and efficient", Chongqing Factory strictly controls every link from parts screening to four major processes, and then to off-line testing to ensure that every Great Wall Cannon product off-line can be delivered with high quality, which has won the recognition and trust of 300,000 users around the world.

In addition, at this historic moment, the Great Wall Gun has also been listed as a passenger gun and a commercial running trailer version. This move is also a quick response to the relevant regulations of C6 light tractor trailer officially implemented on April 1st this year. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, Great Wall Gun introduced trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns with higher cost performance on the basis of artillery, locomotive guns and off-road guns, and the market guidance price increased by 2,000 yuan on the four-wheel drive AT models of passenger guns and commercial guns. This also means that the whole car system of the Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models.

On the whole, the Great Wall Gun not only has strong R&D strength and intellectual strength, but more importantly, it can walk in the forefront of users’ market demand, provide users with a higher quality pickup truck driving experience, and set an example for the whole industry. Therefore, the success of the Great Wall Gun is the choice of users, and it is the inevitable result of the development of the industry. I believe that the Great Wall Gun will have more exciting performances soon, which is worth looking forward to.

The Artificial Intelligence Conference staged a "Double Horse" dialogue: How does AI affect the future?

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

   Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan, Li Wenliang) On August 29th, at the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference with the theme of "Smart World, Unlimited Possibilities", Ma Yun, co-chairman of the United Nations High-level Group on Digital Cooperation, and elon musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla Company, had a strong dialogue for 45 minutes around the development direction of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and employment, education and life.

  Topic 1: Where will artificial intelligence go in the next 100 years?

  Regarding the future of AI, Ma Yun said: "It is very difficult to predict the future today, especially difficult." I am not a high-tech person, but a person who talks about life. He feels that AI can open a new chapter for the whole world and the whole society, so that everyone can better understand themselves instead of fully understanding the outside world.

  Many people are worried about artificial intelligence, but Ma Yun is optimistic. He doesn’t think AI is a threat and thinks that human beings need to have more confidence. "Many problems today have no solutions, and there will be in the future."

  "Human civilization has a history of 7,000 years. From the perspective of civilization, the ups and downs are very severe. I am not a natural optimist or pessimist, but the future development of science and technology will surpass our ability to understand it. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. " Musk said that most people underestimate the ability of artificial intelligence, and they think it may be like a smart person. In fact, artificial intelligence may be smarter than the smartest people.

  Topic 2: What new jobs will artificial intelligence create?

  Ma Yun believes that people are worried about every technological innovation. In the past 100 years, they have been worried that new technologies will take away employment opportunities, but in fact they have created many employment opportunities.

  In the next 20 years, human life will be longer. Ma Yun said that there is no need to worry too much about work. "First of all, we will have a lot of work; Secondly, we won’t need a lot of work; The third interesting point is that the average life expectancy in the agricultural era is about 30 or 35 years old. After the technological revolution in the industrial era, people can live to 70 years old. In the artificial intelligence era, people may live to 100 years. We have no way to predict the future, but we should be prepared. " Ma Yun said.

  Musk believes that the development of artificial intelligence will make the work meaningless in the future. Perhaps the last job is to write AI software, and even AI itself can write software. Therefore, it is recommended that you study engineering, physics or do some work that interacts with people.

  Topic 3: What knowledge or skills will be more advantageous in the future?

  Ma Yun believes that there will be no artificial intelligence professionals in the future. People often worry about work, while he is worried about education. All the education systems teach children things and the teaching methods are mainly designed for the industrial age. Ma Yun believes that machines will be smarter and will be much smarter than people in the future. He said, how can people do better and become smarter and smarter? It should be to change the way of education and the content of teaching. "In the past, we focused on memory, but computers can remember better and calculate faster than you. You want to run faster, but machines can run faster than you. Therefore, human beings should be more creative and constructive. How to teach children to be more creative and constructive is the key to education. "

  Musk believes that we should learn as much as possible so that we can better predict and create the future. The best way to predict the future is to create it. He said: "We should evaluate what we are learning, whether we can predict the future and reduce mistakes. We can think about education in this way."

  Topic 4: Can artificial intelligence help realize environmental sustainable development?

  Musk believes that China is a leader in environmental sustainable development, and its achievements are amazing. Human beings can solve the problem of environmental sustainable development, but it is not easy. We must take a lot of actions and keep it going.

  At this point, Ma Yun believes that artificial intelligence can completely help us achieve environmental sustainability. Because when people know themselves better, they will become wiser and smarter.

  "People like technology very much and have illusions about technology. I think technology should coexist with dreams. It is not technology that changes our world, but the dreams behind it really change our world." Ma Yun hopes that eventually people can use technology to create a better life.

2021 Chang ‘an Avenue Good Book | Annual Recommended Cadre Learning List of Chang ‘an Avenue Reading Club (Classic)

  "2021 Chang ‘an Street Good Books" is led by the comprehensive group of Chang ‘an Street Reading Club. According to the performance data of more than a thousand issues of good books and new books columns pushed by publishing units and media departments in the past year on the theoretical learning platform of Chang ‘an Street Reading Club, it has been jointly evaluated by experts such as publishing group, media group, cadre education group and doctoral group, and with reference to Party building group, Zhongzhi group, Jingzhi group, political and legal group, enterprise cadre group and health group.

  1. A Brief History of communist party, China

  Publishing House: People’s Publishing House, CPC History Publishing House.

  Author: writing group of this book

  "A Brief History of communist party, China" is a concise reader of party history compiled in accordance with the deployment of the CPC Central Committee and to cooperate with the whole party in carrying out the study and education of party history. In the process of writing the manuscript, the central leading comrades repeatedly put forward clear requirements for drafting and revision.

  A Brief History of communist party, China consists of 10 chapters, 70 sections and about 362,000 words. It fully absorbs the latest achievements in the study of party history, and focuses on describing and evaluating major historical events and important historical figures, major principles and policies, important strategic arrangements, major theoretical innovations and their development process in the form of combining history with theory. Explain why the Communist Party of China (CPC) can, why Marxism can and why Socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. Focus on carrying forward the lofty revolutionary spirit and demeanor of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people; A profound interpretation of the inherent logic contained in historic changes, the advantages of roads, theories, systems and cultures behind historic achievements, and a simple and easy-to-understand style of writing are important reading materials for the whole party, especially grassroots party member cadres, to learn the history of the Party.

  2. History of Marxism in China.

  Publishing House: Fujian People’s Publishing House

  Author: Li Junru

  The History of Marxist Thought in China takes the Chinese nation’s "stand up", "get rich" and "get strong" as perspectives and clues, and comprehensively and systematically studies the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, insisting on closely combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s reality and characteristics of the times, constantly promoting theoretical innovation and practical innovation, and constantly advancing the ideological process of China Marxism; It reveals a series of basic concepts, basic categories and their internal relations and logical relations formed and put forward in the process of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of China. It is a recent masterpiece of studying Marxism in China and its ideological history in China.

  3. Twelve Lectures on the History of the Communist Party of China

  Publishing House: Life Reading Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore

  Author: Xie Chuntao, etc

  This book is written and edited by Xie Chuntao, vice president of the Central Party School. He and Luo Pinghan, Gao Zhonghua, Lu Yi, Liu Baodong, Zhang Xudong, Li Qinggang, and Shen Chuanliang, eight experts in the field of party history and party building, talked about twelve topics, namely: why the Communist Party of China (CPC) "can", Zhu Mao’s Red Army and Gutian meeting, Zunyi meeting and the victory of the Long March, the unity and unity between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Yan ‘an rectification and the party, the historical experience of the party in seizing state power, and the idea and practice of establishing a new China. The transition from new democracy to socialism, the Party’s exploration of China’s socialist construction road, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party and the great historical turning point, and the historic achievements and changes since the 18th CPC National Congress. These twelve lectures highlight the course of revolution, construction, reform and important nodes of the new era that the CPC has gone through in the past 100 years.

  4. Understanding the 14th Five-Year Plan: Reform Agenda under the New Development Pattern

  Press: CITIC Publishing Group

  Author: Liu Shijin

  During the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, China will embark on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. In order to achieve high-quality development, build a modern economic system and improve the country’s modern governance system, forward-looking thinking, overall planning and strategic layout are needed to promote reform and break through. This book is edited by Liu Shijin, deputy director of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Economic Commission and former deputy director of the State Council Development Research Center. With a high sense of historical responsibility, profound theoretical foundation and professional spirit, the authors deeply analyze the background, challenges, opportunities and key areas of reform and breakthrough in the 14 th Five-Year Plan from three dimensions: new development stage, new development pattern and new development concept, and comprehensively expound the development concept, guiding principles, main objectives and strategic layout of this period.

  5. Outline of Double Cycle

  Publishing House: Guangdong People’s Publishing House

  Authors: Cai Fang et al.

  The tide of globalization has ended, the world economy has been stagnant for a long time, and the window of reshaping the global value chain is coming. How can China’s economy seize new opportunities and achieve contrarian growth? The domestic economic stage has entered a period of high-quality development, and the "troika" of economic growth has undergone profound changes. How to improve the "potential growth rate" and realize the double cycle of the national economy? Under the double-cycle long-term strategy, China will form a brand-new development pattern in the next decade, which includes macro-propositions such as high-level opening to the outside world, industrial chain remodeling, financial reform, regional balance, aging challenges, and also involves key areas related to your daily life, such as pension, common prosperity, income distribution and consumption. Cai Fang, the chief expert of the national high-end think tank of China Academy of Social Sciences, and senior experts from various fields of the Academy of Social Sciences jointly "diagnosed" the new situation of China’s development, and went deep into the national economic fields such as population, agriculture, investment and finance, providing authoritative answers to ten key issues that China’s economy is about to face.

  6. National Finance (2nd Edition)

  Publishing House: Peking University Publishing House

  Author: Chen Yunxian

  This book is different from some related national financial affairs issues involved in the general Finance, and it starts with eight issues that are the core of a country’s financial development and urgently need to be solved — — That is, after the top-level layout and supervision mode of national finance are selected, the financial development problems involving countries and places vertically and offshore and onshore horizontally, and facing the financial rise of countries all over the world, how is a country’s finance? In the face of the rapid development of artificial intelligence+blockchain high technology in the world, how does a country’s finance respond? The eternal theme of finance is security, liquidity and profitability. How to prevent and deal with a country’s systemic or regional financial risks? How can a country build and promote a new international financial system and a new international financial order in the face of international financial hegemony? — — They are the subjects that national finance must face. The book is divided into ten chapters, including: introduction, top-level layout of national finance, coordination of national financial supervision, development of national financial hierarchy, internal and external linkage of national finance, overtaking of national financial curve, national financial technological innovation, prevention of national financial risks, international participation of national finance, and eight problems to be solved in China’s financial development.

  7. "Faithful Descendants: How Leading Cadres Inherit and Carry Forward the Party’s Glorious Tradition and Fine Style"

  Press: Party School Press of the CPC Central Committee

  Author: Hong Xianghua

  On March 1, 2021, the General Secretary delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), stressing that the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party are precious spiritual wealth that inspires us to be brave and forge ahead, regardless of the past, present and future. Young cadres are the successors of the cause of the party and the state, and they must be determined to be faithful successors of the glorious tradition and fine style of work of the party. In order to help cadres, especially young and middle-aged cadres, thoroughly study and implement the requirements put forward by the General Secretary, our agency invited Professor Hong Xianghua from the Central Party School (National School of Administration) to write "Faithful Descendants — — How leading cadres inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party. This book closely combines the spirit of the important speech delivered by the General Secretary at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2021, clearly points out that loyalty to the Party is the primary quality of communist party people, and profoundly expounds the value of party member leading cadres in the new era to inherit and continuously carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the Party. The language style of each chapter is popular and easy to understand, which has both theoretical height and practical breadth. This book is not only suitable as a bibliography for the study and education of Party history, but also as a teaching material for Party schools and party organizations at all levels to train cadres in party member and party member, especially young cadres.

  8. Choice: On-the-spot Documentary Debate on Major Ideological Decisions of the Republic (Commemorative Edition)

  Publishing House: People’s Publishing House

  Authors: Wang Binglin et al.

  Looking back at the glorious history of the Republic, whether it is to open up the road or to innovate in theory, it is inseparable from ideological contention. Whenever the situation changes at a critical juncture, before and after the introduction of major decisions, there will always be some collisions of different views, and there will always be arguments of different opinions. From resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea to peaceful development, from socialist transformation to reform and opening up, from the discussion of truth standards to the struggle in the ideological field … … This book selects major ideological arguments that affect the development process of the Republic, examines the origin of the mirror, and clarifies right and wrong. History is the preferred textbook. By discussing the pros and cons of ideological debate, we can better learn from historical wisdom and strengthen Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s road confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence and cultural confidence.

  9. What about the Civil Code? 》

  Publishing House: China Social Sciences Publishing House

  Author: Sun Xianzhong

  The book How to Look at the Civil Code, written by Professor Sun Xianzhong, a famous civil jurist in China, embodies the author’s academic skill of studying and discussing civil law for decades, and the author, as one of the comprehensive and in-depth participants and legislators in the compilation of civil code, analyzes and interprets important papers and articles of the civil code. The author creatively puts forward the basic approach to the study and implementation of China’s Civil Code from three factors: legal thoughts, legal feelings and legal techniques, which provides readers with abundant information about the past and present life of the birth of China’s Civil Code, the function of governing the country according to law undertaken by the Civil Code, the main system renewal, the main disputes in the compilation process and legislators’ views on these disputes. This book also includes the legislative proposals, suggestions and legislative reports put forward during the compilation of the Civil Code by Professor Sun Xianzhong, a famous jurist, as a deputy to the National People’s Congress and a member of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People’s Congress, as well as some speeches and published articles about the Civil Code.

  10. From Agriculture 1.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Ecological Transformation and Agricultural Sustainability.

  Publishing House: Oriental Publishing House

  Authors: Wen Tiejun, Tang Zhenghua, Liu Yahui, etc

  The Zhu Kezhen hypothesis, which focuses on the influence of climate change on the development of human civilization, is broken. Based on the latest archaeological discovery of "Zhejiang people", this paper discusses the far-reaching influence of climate change and the difference of geographical environment on the origin of agricultural diversity from a grand historical and geographical perspective. The book not only systematically combs the evolution process of agricultural development, but also explains in detail the pattern of the world agricultural development model in modern times, and introduces the rich experience of agricultural sustainable development at home and abroad from the perspective of international comparison.

[Network media changes] Land circulation, rural development and vitality, and tomatoes planted in mountain springs are "sweet" at home and abroad.

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.

  Future Network (www.k618.cn Central News Website) Guangzhou, January 21st (Reporter Liang Xili) Wulian Village, Zhongxin Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou was once a poor village. Chen Yimin, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongxin Town, said that the villagers could not even support themselves by growing vegetables and grain. Many villagers have gone out to work because of poverty.

  "Because there is neither real estate nor industrial and commercial planning in the master plan of Wulian Village, we can only do a good job in agriculture and rural areas honestly." Chen Yimin said.

  How can we develop well?

  It was pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress that the rural revitalization strategy should be implemented.

  It is necessary to give priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, establish and improve the system, mechanism and policy system of urban-rural integration development, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent life.

  In the general requirements of rural revitalization strategy, "industrial prosperity" ranks first, which makes Chen Yi sensitive to excitement and comfort. She said: "Without the development of industry, there will be no way out in rural areas, and Wulian Village will always be poor."

  Nowadays, Wulian Village makes full use of idle land on the basis of industrial development, and introduces modern ecological agriculture such as "green natural hydroponic vegetable base", "Asian horticultural flower field" and "cherry blossom planting base".

  Recently, in the 2018 "New Era, New Dream" online media going to the grassroots (Guangdong Station) activity hosted by the Central Network Information Office and hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Network Information Office, the reporters of Future Network walked into the typical villages of Guangdong’s new era and new countryside construction with the interview group, witnessing the new countryside, new construction and new development on the land of South Guangdong.

  Glad to "implement the rural revitalization strategy": without developing industries, there is no way out for the countryside.

  Wulian Village, located in the middle of Zhongxin Town, covers an area of 16 square kilometers. The transportation in the village is convenient. The North Third Ring Expressway under construction crosses the border, and the intersection of Guanghe Expressway is only 6 kilometers away from Wulian Village. It is also the village with the largest rural registered population in Zhongxin Town.

  Members of the press corps walked into the hydroponic vegetable base in Wulian Village. Looking far away, the base looks like a transparent house with green vegetables. The new hydroponics technology replaces the traditional land cultivation, and vegetables can be produced all day, sowing and harvesting every day. Covering an area of only 100 mu, this vegetable base can harvest 24 periods a year, and the yield per mu can reach 2000 kg, which is nearly five times that of the same area of land.

  At present, Wulian village has completed the confirmation of rural land, and the green natural hydroponic vegetable base has newly transferred 200 mu of contiguous planting land, which further strengthens large-scale agricultural production.

  When the land is transferred, the villagers not only have land income, but also solve the employment problem.

  Chen Yimin introduced that these farm work (in the base) are all good at by farmers. Some women who need to take care of their families and can’t go out to work can work as industrial workers in the base nearby. The labor intensity is not great, and the working environment is comfortable. You can get more than 3,000 yuan a month.

  In the base, the reporter also tasted hydroponic tomatoes planted with mountain spring water. In the greenhouse, these tomatoes are different in size and color. And the most expensive tomato varieties, a catty can also be sold to 60 yuan, and even has stepped onto the dining table of people in many developed countries.

  The combination of agriculture and tourism allows villagers to have seeds and tourists to play.

  Under the Luofu Mountain, the trees are shaded and the ponds are crystal clear. Songshugang Village in Boluo County, Huizhou City is located here. As one of the demonstration sites of new countryside in Guangdong Province, Songshugang Village makes full use of its unique geographical environment and rich natural resources, vigorously engages in agricultural investment, guides villagers to plant pollution-free agricultural products, and develops agricultural tourism.

  In the "Three-dimensional Agricultural Park of Vitality" in Songshugang Village, the reporter group saw the "air pastoral" agricultural area. Cai Haizhang, the person in charge of the project, introduced new planting patterns such as "borrowing land from heaven", which made the benefit of one acre of land 8 ~ 10 times that of ordinary planting patterns.

  Not only that, in the "air garden", fruits and vegetables follow the principle of "zero pollution and zero tolerance" in the planting process, and no pesticides, hormones, fertilizers and genetically modified engineering technologies are used at all.

  At present, the village has established a modern agricultural production base of more than 3,000 mu, mainly planting fruits, flowers and special crops. In addition to the "air pastoral", there are vineyards and dragon orchards, forming a contiguous ecological sightseeing agricultural belt.

  With a good ecological environment and a unique agricultural foundation, Songshugang Village vigorously develops rural tourism.

  It is understood that in 2016, the village received about 150,000 tourists, an increase of 88%, and the comprehensive tourism income reached more than 5 million yuan; The village collective income was 290,000 yuan, an increase of 16%; The per capita net income of farmers was 25,580 yuan, an increase of 25.1%.

  With the development of rural tourism, the villagers’ pockets are bulging. Songshugang Village has a new vision in the development and exploration of rural tourism: when conditions are ripe, it will introduce professional tourism management service companies to manage and operate the tourism projects in the whole village, improve the economic benefits of tourism, make the rural tourism in the village bigger, stronger and more distinctive, and truly realize the development goals of beautiful environment, strong collective and rich villagers.

  Civilization construction makes the village in the city realize a beautiful turn

  Through the way of "culture+",the civilization construction and the new rural construction are organically combined, which makes the "dirty and messy" urban village in the past become a "cultural village". Guanbei Village in Huizhou City can be described as a vivid sample of the new rural construction. Guanbei village has a total area of 0.3 square kilometers and a population of about 1025. This village with its back to Dongjiang is now a mural village.

  In less than a year, more than 500 murals gradually decorated the original mottled village road wall, with themes ranging from rule by France and Germany to Chinese dream, from Hakka culture to Chinese traditional stories; Vacant housing resources are revitalized and leased to cultural teams and social organizations as creative places, and beautiful and chic courtyards replace the original dilapidated houses; Old houses are decorated as cultural stations for villagers to learn to charge.

  The appearance of the previously mediocre village has been greatly improved, and it has attracted many cultural and creative groups and institutions to settle in. These institutions and groups have also activated and utilized the housing resources in the village, adding cultural charm to the beautiful Guanbei village.

  The change of village appearance has further affected the construction of rural civilization in Guanbei Village. Sun Wuyou, an old party member, told reporters: "It’s very different from before. Now in the village, there is no problem if the car is not locked."

  Looking at Guanbei Village in front of us, who would have thought that this village was once labeled as "distracted, polluted, bad public security, abandoned by everyone"?

  Whether it is Wulian Village, Songshugang Village or Guanbei Village, the new changes and new features brought by the new rural construction have made everyone feel the hope from the new socialist countryside. At the same time, the construction of new countryside is a time of progress rather than completion, not only in these three rural areas in southern Guangdong, but also in the new era.