The beautiful picture ahead! At 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word "small" is not because of the height, but because of…


It is surrounded by flat ground on the ground

A raised geomorphic area with large absolute and relative heights

The height of the mountain is usually more than 100 meters above the ground

Including low mountains, mid-mountains and high mountains

But whether it’s called "mountain" or not depends on what the locals call it


Xiao Kunshan, which is only 53.8 meters high

Also a member of the "Mountain" family

A bird’s-eye view of Xiaokunshan Mountain

The terrain is low and flat

The maximum relative elevation difference is about 2 meters

It is in the east and the northwest

The trend of low middle and southwest films

The mountain is completely covered by lush vegetation

Full of life

Baidu: Elevation refers to the distance from a certain point in the direction of the plumb line to the absolute base surface, called absolute elevation, referred to as elevation.

So how did the small and exquisite Little Kunshan come into being?

Who gave birth to it?

And how did it give birth to the greenness of life?


The birth of Xiao Kunshan

Late Mesozoic, 70 million years ago

With the Cretaceous Yanshan Movement

Magma along the crustal fault line northwest of Songjiang

gush out of the surface

After long-term weathering and solidification into mountains

When the mountains in future generations have names

According to Ming Zhengde’s "Songjiang Mansion"

All the mountains in the mansion come from Hangtianmu

It has been proven to be true

Xiaokunshan is the remnant of Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang

It is an earlier area in Shanghai

The ruins of Tangcun Temple and Yaojiaguan are 5,000 years old

Witness the long history of Xiaokunshan

Speaking of the name of Xiao Kunshan

The word "small" is not due to the low altitude and small mountain

The original Little Kunshan name Kunshan

There is also another name for Yushan.

Lu Rong’s "Miscellaneous Notes on Makeup Garden" records:

Kunshan is in the Huating border of Songjiang

The Jinluji brothers gave birth to it

All have literature

Time and People Compared to Kungang Jade

The first year of Emperor Wu of Liang (335)

Kunshan County (because of the territory of Kunshan, hence the name).

Tang Tianbao established Huating County in 751.

Kunshan County was moved to Ma’anshan (now Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province).

At that time, in order to avoid the trouble of two Kunshan duplications,

So before Kunshan, the word "small" was crowned to distinguish,

The name of Xiaokunshan originated from this.

Horizontal screen to watch the whole picture of Xiaokunshan Town???


Xiaokunshan is full of treasures

The Xiaokunshan mountain body is mainly composed of Mesozoic lava and pyroclastic stone bodies, mainly composed of granite, granite, chu gray stone and normal rock.

The rocks contained a small amount of pyrite, a brass-colored tetragonal particulate mineralization.

This pyrite (FeS2) is often mistaken for gold due to its light brass color and bright metallic luster, so it is also known as "fool’s gold". It is a very cheap ancient gem.

In addition to being used for grinding gemstones, it can also be used as a base for jewelry, jade, and other handicrafts.

Although Little Kunshan does not produce pyrite, its rich internal resources are a natural wealth that cannot be ignored.


The Birth of Xiaokunshan

Xiaokunshan is located in the west of the ancient coastline and the lower reaches of Taihu Lake Basin, which is one of the lowest areas in Shanghai.

The ocean and rivers and lakes carry sediment and sediment into lake floodplain and lake floodplain, with a thickness of about 300 meters.

Encyclopedia: Lake floodplain facies and tidal floodplain facies are the names of sedimentary facies. Sedimentary facies are the sum of the formation environment, formation conditions, and characteristics of sediments. Rocks with the same composition form the same facies, and those in the same geographical area form the same group.

The wetness of the ocean and rivers and lakes makes the land fertile in the territory. The main parent materials are lake sediments, mainly yellow mud, black mud, blue-purple mud and ditch dry mud. It provides unique and favorable conditions for the growth of crops.

The surface of Xiaokunshan mountain is permeated soil layer, mainly distributed in the western mountainside of the mountain. The depth of the soil layer is between 30 and -50 cm, and the soil is yellow-brown and viscous.

The soil of the hill belongs to zonal acidic soil, which is suitable for the growth of evergreen broad-leaved forest or mixed evergreen and deciduous forest. This makes Xiaokunshan evergreen in all seasons and pleasant scenery.

Xiao Kunshan, which collects the spiritual energy of heaven and earth

Young little Kunshan

Little Kunshan full of vitality

Information: Xiaokunshan Town

Original title: "Beautiful picture ahead! 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word" small "is not because of the height, but comes from…"

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The ceiling of China pickup truck, the 300,000 th vehicle of Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line.

Not only 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line, but the strength of the Great Wall Gun demonstrated the development of light speed.

The 300,000th vehicle rolled off the assembly line and the Great Wall Gun once again created a new history of high-end pickup trucks in China.

With the gradual loosening of the pickup policy in recent years, pickup trucks have become the choice of more and more people. Not only for commercial purposes, more young people are choosing to use pickup trucks to start a new lifestyle, and this change is inseparable from the trump card of pickup truck market-Great Wall Gun.

Just recently, the Great Wall Gun once again ushered in a historic breakthrough. The 300,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line at the Chongqing factory of Great Wall Motor, becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 vehicles. Therefore, 300,000 vehicles rolled off the assembly line is not only a historic moment for the Great Wall Gun, but also a historic moment for the whole industry.

This is not an empty statement, because the speed of the 300,000 th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun rolled off the assembly line not only created a new "Great Wall Gun Speed", but also refreshed the fastest speed of the whole industry. The off-line production of 300,000 vehicles of Great Wall Cannon can be roughly divided into two stages; In the first stage, the Great Wall Gun achieved a leap from zero to 200,000 units, which took only two years. In the second stage, the Great Wall Gun was significantly accelerated, from 200,000 to 300,000, and it took only 8 months. This speed fully demonstrates the great wall gun’s powerful brand potential and development toughness, and strongly boosts the development confidence of the pickup truck industry in China.

Of course, such achievements can not be achieved without the strong system ability and intellectual strength of Chongqing Smart Factory. As the production base of Great Wall Cannon, it is also the fifth full-process vehicle production base of Great Wall Motor in the world. Based on the concept of "environmental protection, lean and efficient", Chongqing Factory strictly controls every link from parts screening to four major processes, and then to off-line testing to ensure that every Great Wall Cannon product off-line can be delivered with high quality, which has won the recognition and trust of 300,000 users around the world.

In addition, at this historic moment, the Great Wall Gun has also been listed as a passenger gun and a commercial running trailer version. This move is also a quick response to the relevant regulations of C6 light tractor trailer officially implemented on April 1st this year. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, Great Wall Gun introduced trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns with higher cost performance on the basis of artillery, locomotive guns and off-road guns, and the market guidance price increased by 2,000 yuan on the four-wheel drive AT models of passenger guns and commercial guns. This also means that the whole car system of the Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models.

On the whole, the Great Wall Gun not only has strong R&D strength and intellectual strength, but more importantly, it can walk in the forefront of users’ market demand, provide users with a higher quality pickup truck driving experience, and set an example for the whole industry. Therefore, the success of the Great Wall Gun is the choice of users, and it is the inevitable result of the development of the industry. I believe that the Great Wall Gun will have more exciting performances soon, which is worth looking forward to.

Spreading scientific fitness concept

Chongqing University has such a team of college students, who have been using their professional knowledge for several years to spread the concept of scientific fitness to the public and help more people get healthy through scientific sports.

In May 2016, Chongqing University’s Body Assessment and Functional Training Studio was established, which was managed by the teachers of Chongqing University’s Physical Education Institute. Since its establishment, this team has regularly or irregularly provided services such as body assessment, joint function assessment and physical fitness assessment for all teachers and students, primary and secondary school students, athletes and the elderly. Up to now, the number of assessed objects has exceeded 1,000, and most of them have one-on-one corrective training programs.

During the semester, the studio will tailor short-term characteristic fitness courses such as "shoulder function training", "ankle function training" and "effective stretching" for teachers and students according to their various sports needs. Every winter and summer vacation studio will arrange "summer vest line" and "winter vacation buttocks and legs" activities without interruption.

During the epidemic, the studio also opened the "Scientific Fitness Cloud Classroom" to enrich the spread of fitness science and meet the fitness needs of fitness enthusiasts in different forms and scenes. In addition, the studio also gives full play to the advantages of universities and promotes fitness science to the society in combination with scientific research projects. For example, an empirical study on the influence of the perfection of joint function and movement mode on the performance of physical education examination in China, a study on the design and application of exercise prescription for the middle-aged and young people, and the influence of ankle function training on the balance ability and fall risk of middle-aged people aged 45-59.

In order to improve the public’s understanding of scientific fitness, the studio organized nearly 40 lectures on popular science, and at the same time completed more than 50 videos of popular science articles in "SE Movement" WeChat official account, hoping to let more people know the importance of scientific fitness.

Through years of accumulation, the team’s professional and serious work attitude has been recognized by the public and has gained a large number of "fans". Fitness enthusiasts gradually establish the consciousness of "active health" and "scientific fitness" in the process of participating in activities, and obtain longer physical and mental health from scientific fitness. "Chongqing University Body Assessment and Functional Training Studio Fitness Science Volunteer Service Activity" was also selected as one of the excellent cases of national fitness volunteer service in 2023 by the State Sports General Administration.

Members of the studio have also gained growth through voluntary service. According to the relevant person in charge, half of the undergraduate students in the studio have been exempted or admitted to master’s degree. At present, there are scientific fitness science backbones from the studio in Sichuan University, Guizhou Medical University, Southwest University and other universities. They are also continuing to spread the concept of scientific fitness in their new study jobs and insist on doing this meaningful thing. (From March 20th, China Sports Daily, 06 edition)

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Wang Leixi’s 2022 Lantern Festival performance "Selling Tangyuan" was well received by the audience.


It is reported that the Lantern Festival Gala in 2022, just past the Central Radio and Television Station, came to a successful conclusion. This gala combines traditional cultural concepts with high technology, pushing the visual appreciation of the gala and the enthusiasm of the audience to a climax, presenting an ultimate double enjoyment of hearing and vision.

The creative program "Selling Tangyuan" uses a combination of symphony and crosstalk to interpret the classic melody and evoke the familiar taste of Yuanxiao in the audience’s heart. Singer Wang Leixi, as the only female crosstalk performer, is a striking presence in this program. Many people use allegro or "Go online! Huacai Teenager knows her, and it’s very surprising to perform cross talk on CCTV again this time. Wang Leixi appeared at the Lantern Festival party this time, and collaborated with BiBi Zhou, Zheng Yunlong, Jing Li and other famous artists to adapt the version of Selling Tangyuan. Her performance was remarkable.

In the cross talk actor industry with men as the main force, it is rare to see female cross talk actors who make people shine at the moment. In recent years, it is Jia Ling that has made great achievements. Whether Wang Leixi’s appearance can fill this gap, the audience will wait and see. From Selling Tangyuan, we can see her mastery of the performance rhythm and her ease on the stage, which is due to her accumulated stage experience.

Wang Leixi has never been confined to a certain field. She has the courage to try new things, from the variety show to the allegro teacher. Cross-border has become commonplace for her.

Wang Leixi, a treasure girl born in 1995, has personally supported traditional culture and created many well-known songs. I hope she will bring us more surprise works in the future.