The beautiful picture ahead! At 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word "small" is not because of the height, but because of…


It is surrounded by flat ground on the ground

A raised geomorphic area with large absolute and relative heights

The height of the mountain is usually more than 100 meters above the ground

Including low mountains, mid-mountains and high mountains

But whether it’s called "mountain" or not depends on what the locals call it


Xiao Kunshan, which is only 53.8 meters high

Also a member of the "Mountain" family

A bird’s-eye view of Xiaokunshan Mountain

The terrain is low and flat

The maximum relative elevation difference is about 2 meters

It is in the east and the northwest

The trend of low middle and southwest films

The mountain is completely covered by lush vegetation

Full of life

Baidu: Elevation refers to the distance from a certain point in the direction of the plumb line to the absolute base surface, called absolute elevation, referred to as elevation.

So how did the small and exquisite Little Kunshan come into being?

Who gave birth to it?

And how did it give birth to the greenness of life?


The birth of Xiao Kunshan

Late Mesozoic, 70 million years ago

With the Cretaceous Yanshan Movement

Magma along the crustal fault line northwest of Songjiang

gush out of the surface

After long-term weathering and solidification into mountains

When the mountains in future generations have names

According to Ming Zhengde’s "Songjiang Mansion"

All the mountains in the mansion come from Hangtianmu

It has been proven to be true

Xiaokunshan is the remnant of Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang

It is an earlier area in Shanghai

The ruins of Tangcun Temple and Yaojiaguan are 5,000 years old

Witness the long history of Xiaokunshan

Speaking of the name of Xiao Kunshan

The word "small" is not due to the low altitude and small mountain

The original Little Kunshan name Kunshan

There is also another name for Yushan.

Lu Rong’s "Miscellaneous Notes on Makeup Garden" records:

Kunshan is in the Huating border of Songjiang

The Jinluji brothers gave birth to it

All have literature

Time and People Compared to Kungang Jade

The first year of Emperor Wu of Liang (335)

Kunshan County (because of the territory of Kunshan, hence the name).

Tang Tianbao established Huating County in 751.

Kunshan County was moved to Ma’anshan (now Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province).

At that time, in order to avoid the trouble of two Kunshan duplications,

So before Kunshan, the word "small" was crowned to distinguish,

The name of Xiaokunshan originated from this.

Horizontal screen to watch the whole picture of Xiaokunshan Town???


Xiaokunshan is full of treasures

The Xiaokunshan mountain body is mainly composed of Mesozoic lava and pyroclastic stone bodies, mainly composed of granite, granite, chu gray stone and normal rock.

The rocks contained a small amount of pyrite, a brass-colored tetragonal particulate mineralization.

This pyrite (FeS2) is often mistaken for gold due to its light brass color and bright metallic luster, so it is also known as "fool’s gold". It is a very cheap ancient gem.

In addition to being used for grinding gemstones, it can also be used as a base for jewelry, jade, and other handicrafts.

Although Little Kunshan does not produce pyrite, its rich internal resources are a natural wealth that cannot be ignored.


The Birth of Xiaokunshan

Xiaokunshan is located in the west of the ancient coastline and the lower reaches of Taihu Lake Basin, which is one of the lowest areas in Shanghai.

The ocean and rivers and lakes carry sediment and sediment into lake floodplain and lake floodplain, with a thickness of about 300 meters.

Encyclopedia: Lake floodplain facies and tidal floodplain facies are the names of sedimentary facies. Sedimentary facies are the sum of the formation environment, formation conditions, and characteristics of sediments. Rocks with the same composition form the same facies, and those in the same geographical area form the same group.

The wetness of the ocean and rivers and lakes makes the land fertile in the territory. The main parent materials are lake sediments, mainly yellow mud, black mud, blue-purple mud and ditch dry mud. It provides unique and favorable conditions for the growth of crops.

The surface of Xiaokunshan mountain is permeated soil layer, mainly distributed in the western mountainside of the mountain. The depth of the soil layer is between 30 and -50 cm, and the soil is yellow-brown and viscous.

The soil of the hill belongs to zonal acidic soil, which is suitable for the growth of evergreen broad-leaved forest or mixed evergreen and deciduous forest. This makes Xiaokunshan evergreen in all seasons and pleasant scenery.

Xiao Kunshan, which collects the spiritual energy of heaven and earth

Young little Kunshan

Little Kunshan full of vitality

Information: Xiaokunshan Town

Original title: "Beautiful picture ahead! 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word" small "is not because of the height, but comes from…"

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2014 Beijing Auto Show: BYD Tang was officially released at the auto show.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

The Artificial Intelligence Conference staged a "Double Horse" dialogue: How does AI affect the future?

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

Ma Yun and elon musk talk at the scene. (Li Wenliang/photo)

   Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan, Li Wenliang) On August 29th, at the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference with the theme of "Smart World, Unlimited Possibilities", Ma Yun, co-chairman of the United Nations High-level Group on Digital Cooperation, and elon musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla Company, had a strong dialogue for 45 minutes around the development direction of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and employment, education and life.

  Topic 1: Where will artificial intelligence go in the next 100 years?

  Regarding the future of AI, Ma Yun said: "It is very difficult to predict the future today, especially difficult." I am not a high-tech person, but a person who talks about life. He feels that AI can open a new chapter for the whole world and the whole society, so that everyone can better understand themselves instead of fully understanding the outside world.

  Many people are worried about artificial intelligence, but Ma Yun is optimistic. He doesn’t think AI is a threat and thinks that human beings need to have more confidence. "Many problems today have no solutions, and there will be in the future."

  "Human civilization has a history of 7,000 years. From the perspective of civilization, the ups and downs are very severe. I am not a natural optimist or pessimist, but the future development of science and technology will surpass our ability to understand it. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. " Musk said that most people underestimate the ability of artificial intelligence, and they think it may be like a smart person. In fact, artificial intelligence may be smarter than the smartest people.

  Topic 2: What new jobs will artificial intelligence create?

  Ma Yun believes that people are worried about every technological innovation. In the past 100 years, they have been worried that new technologies will take away employment opportunities, but in fact they have created many employment opportunities.

  In the next 20 years, human life will be longer. Ma Yun said that there is no need to worry too much about work. "First of all, we will have a lot of work; Secondly, we won’t need a lot of work; The third interesting point is that the average life expectancy in the agricultural era is about 30 or 35 years old. After the technological revolution in the industrial era, people can live to 70 years old. In the artificial intelligence era, people may live to 100 years. We have no way to predict the future, but we should be prepared. " Ma Yun said.

  Musk believes that the development of artificial intelligence will make the work meaningless in the future. Perhaps the last job is to write AI software, and even AI itself can write software. Therefore, it is recommended that you study engineering, physics or do some work that interacts with people.

  Topic 3: What knowledge or skills will be more advantageous in the future?

  Ma Yun believes that there will be no artificial intelligence professionals in the future. People often worry about work, while he is worried about education. All the education systems teach children things and the teaching methods are mainly designed for the industrial age. Ma Yun believes that machines will be smarter and will be much smarter than people in the future. He said, how can people do better and become smarter and smarter? It should be to change the way of education and the content of teaching. "In the past, we focused on memory, but computers can remember better and calculate faster than you. You want to run faster, but machines can run faster than you. Therefore, human beings should be more creative and constructive. How to teach children to be more creative and constructive is the key to education. "

  Musk believes that we should learn as much as possible so that we can better predict and create the future. The best way to predict the future is to create it. He said: "We should evaluate what we are learning, whether we can predict the future and reduce mistakes. We can think about education in this way."

  Topic 4: Can artificial intelligence help realize environmental sustainable development?

  Musk believes that China is a leader in environmental sustainable development, and its achievements are amazing. Human beings can solve the problem of environmental sustainable development, but it is not easy. We must take a lot of actions and keep it going.

  At this point, Ma Yun believes that artificial intelligence can completely help us achieve environmental sustainability. Because when people know themselves better, they will become wiser and smarter.

  "People like technology very much and have illusions about technology. I think technology should coexist with dreams. It is not technology that changes our world, but the dreams behind it really change our world." Ma Yun hopes that eventually people can use technology to create a better life.

The story of China people | Lei Dongzhu, deputy to the National People’s Congress: Strengthening the construction of public health emergency management system at the grassroots level

  I’m Lei Dongzhu, deputy to the National People’s Congress,Dean of the First People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

  The epidemic situation in COVID-19 is fierce,

  On January 20,

  Our hospital has entered a medical emergency.

  Time is pressing,

  Within a day, we were established.

  Emergency leading group for epidemic prevention and control.

  Within 2 days, fever clinics were started in 3 medical areas of the hospital.

  At that time, medical protective clothing was not enough.

  I spent the night looking for manufacturers,

  Strive for protective clothing for medical staff.

  In those days, I lay down at 2 am almost every day.

  Get up at 4: 00,

  Answer countless phone calls and deal with all kinds of emergencies.

  There are 15 players in our hospital.

  Still fighting in the intensive care unit of Huanggang Hospital.

  Under our long-distance communication,

  They used ECMO technology for the first time,

  Successfully treated a group of COVID-19 patients.

  I know this is a protracted war,

  It is related to everyone’s life and health.

  I dare not slack off.

  In July 1991,I was assigned to work in the First People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City.

  At the age of 23, I chose obstetrics and gynecology.

  I think, hearing the loud cry of new life,

  This should be my most fulfilling moment.

  The once-in-a-century ice disaster in 2008,

  It brought me into the public eye.

  It was a rare low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster.

  Power failure! The water supply is interrupted!

  Traffic is interrupted! Communication is interrupted!

  Chenzhou, the hardest hit area at that time,

  It’s freezing,

  Many pregnant women with big bellies poured into obstetrics,

  I work more than 17 hours a day.

  On the morning of January 31, 2008,

  A pregnant woman infected with syphilis who just left the hospital.

  Re-emergency admission.

  After the baby is born,

  Pale, no crying.

  At this time, the power went out suddenly, and the electric sputum aspirator could not be used.

  Looking at the dying little life,

  I didn’t have time to think about it,

  Quickly bend over to suck amniotic fluid for the newborn,

  And give it mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration.

  There is too much amniotic fluid,

  It sucked into my mouth and choked into my throat.

  At that time, I only had one thought, that is, to save the child!

  Finally the child was saved, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  To prevent syphilis,

  I have been injected with benzathine penicillin for a whole month.

  "As long as there is a glimmer of hope in life,

  You will never give up easily. "

  I think, as long as I’m in obstetrics,

  We must keep this promise.

  It was in that maternity ward with only 49 beds,

  In 12 days, we welcomed 222 "ice babies".

  Created a miracle of life,

  I am also known as "doctor mother".

  Life-cycle health servicesIs the starting point of our major,

  The birthplace of life is in our obstetrics department.

  After all these years as a doctor,

  I have witnessed the tragedy of too many families with defective children.

  Genetic diseases can be prevented, but they are difficult to treat.

  Suffer from chromosomal diseases

  If a child with structural deformity is born,

  The treatment fee for each child will exceed one million yuan.

  This family will also be poor due to illness.

  I think I must do something about it.

  In 2018, I proposed health and poverty alleviation prevention first.

  Suggestions on further promoting citizens’ premarital examination according to law.

  Strengthen the intervention of birth defects to avoid poverty caused by illness.

  This is the sixth year that I have called for attention.

  Prevention and treatment of birth defects.

  Under my persistent appeal,

  The two districts of Beihu and Suxian in Chenzhou City were fully launched.

  Free non-invasive prenatal fetal DNA testing,

  Interventional prenatal diagnosis

  And thalassemia genetic testing project.

  In 2019, I proposed again

  Suggestions on prevention and treatment of rare diseases,

  Because rare diseases involve heredity, children,

  Adults and other disciplines,

  Many doctors have limited knowledge about this.

  Therefore, there are high misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

  Patients often go to several hospitals and cannot be diagnosed.

  I propose to attach importance to tertiary prevention of rare diseases,

  Change passive diagnosis into active prevention.

  The child’s defects,

  Behind it are the hidden injuries of families.

  The prevention and control of birth defects has a long way to go.

  Especially after the "two-child" policy is fully liberalized,

  We have to make more efforts,

  Let more babies be born safely.

  This year I brought these suggestions:

     Recommendation 1:

  Accelerate the construction of "popularization of settings and specialization of teams" in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, and establish a public emergency medical center with the emergency department and the Department of Critical Care Medicine as the backbone to protect people’s lives.

  Recommendation 2:

  Led by the government, with the participation of finance, civil affairs, social security, health care and other departments, we will integrate medical and social resources, guide public hospitals to actively invest in the cause of old-age care, accelerate the high-quality development of the public welfare medical and nursing industry, and help build a healthy China.

  Recommendation 3:

  Strengthen the construction of grass-roots public health emergency management system. Construct a timely and accurate monitoring and early warning information system. Cultivate high-quality emergency teams and do a good job in emergency training. Strengthen the construction of emergency medical rescue bases. Revise and improve relevant laws and regulations.

  This year’s nurses’ day,The general secretary pointed out that after the COVID-19 outbreak,

  The vast number of nurses went out without hesitation and went retrograde.

  White clothes carry armor and do not bear great trust.

  Bravely and fearlessly rushed to home and abroad.

  The front line of the epidemic prevention and control struggle,

  In order to win the China epidemic prevention and control war,

  Ensure the safety of people in all countries.

  And make important contributions to health,

  Practiced it with practical actions

  Respect life, heal the wounded and rescue the dying,

  The lofty spirit of dedication and boundless love.

  In this epidemic test,

  Young medical staff have touched me too much.

  On February 11th, our hospital was informed that,

  15 medical staff need to be sent to Wuhan for support.

  In just two hours,

  256 medical staff signed up,

  I was moved to tears.

  I suddenly realized,

  In my eyes, these once immature children,

  Grow up in an instant,

  They can stand up and join.

  Protect the health of ordinary people,

  The ranks of life safety.

  Doctors are a sacred profession,

  The happiness it brings us is irreplaceable.

  Life is supreme,

  What we can do is to save lives with peace of mind.

  I look forward to more young people joining the medical profession.

  Try to be a good doctor to save lives.

  Winter bamboo is like bamboo in winter.Even if it’s freezing,

  Also stick to the original heart of the doctor.

  Always be a doctor close to patients,

  Commitment is gold, to be a good doctor;

  Be a good dean by honoring promises and keeping promises;

  Keep your word and be a good representative.

  Today’s Lei Dongzhu,

  Represents the hopes and expectations of more people,

  Her life path,

  Destined to walk with the times.

  China Youth Daily China Youth Network

  China young writers newspaper

  China Communication University School of Journalism

  China Academy of Social Sciences University Media College Constructive Journalism Workshop

  Zhejiang Communication University School of Journalism and Communication

  Guangdong University of Finance and Economics College of Humanities and Communication

  Joint production

  Reporter: Li Huihui Zang Xiuer (Internship)

  Planning: Wang Hai Yang Yue

  Design: Gong Yiyue (Internship) Meng Xiao (Internship) Shi Xuejie (Internship) Cao Ruohong (Internship) Shi Yufeng (Internship)

  Video: Lin Huihong (Internship) Wu Ao (Internship) Li Yiting (Internship) Liu Jiayin (Internship) Chen Jiaxin (Internship) Liu Hao (Internship) Peng Gaochun (Internship)

Heavy! There will be these changes in the examination of expanding the recruitment scale of civil servants in many provinces.

  BEIJING, Beijing, June 12 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces intensively launched the recruitment of civil servants in 2020. Compared with last year, the recruitment scale of many provinces has increased, and some regions have also set aside some positions specifically for college graduates. In addition, various localities also put forward targeted measures for epidemic prevention and control during the examination to ensure the smooth examination and the health of candidates.

  Data map: A civil servant test center, candidates lined up to enter the examination room. Photo by Wu Junjie

  The enrollment of civil servants in many provinces is close to 400%

  Recently, a number of provinces have intensively released the 2020 civil service recruitment announcement. Compared with previous years, the scale of civil service recruitment in various places has increased significantly.

  On June 9, the Civil Service Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the general rules for the recruitment of civil servants (public employees) in the 2020 examination for party and government organs (public participation units). Inner Mongolia plans to recruit a total of 7,270 civil servants (public employees) this time, which is close to 400% compared with 1,471 in the previous year.

  In addition to Inner Mongolia, Shandong, which started the recruitment of civil servants in April this year, plans to recruit 7,360 people, an increase of more than 140% compared with the recruitment scale of 3,047 people last year. Fujian plans to recruit 3,724 civil servants this year, an increase of more than 50% compared with 2,471 last year. Henan plans to recruit 9,837 people this year, an increase of over 30% compared with 7,478 people last year.

  In addition, Hubei Province, which has not officially started the recruitment of civil servants, has previously made it clear that the recruitment plan for civil servants will increase by 20% in 2020 and that for Selected Graduates will increase by 50%.

  "Due to the reform of local institutions, many provinces reduced the recruitment scale of civil servants last year, which is this year ‘ Enrollment expansion ’ The premise background. " Zhang Xiaolong, an expert in chalk education public examination, analyzed that the staffing plan of civil servants has remained stable as a whole. This year, the recruitment scale of some provinces has been expanded, largely due to the resumption of the recruitment plan previously affected by institutional reform, and the normal personnel replenishment has been realized.

  In addition, Zhang Xiaolong said that this year, affected by the epidemic, grass-roots public service departments in some areas need to appropriately strengthen their strength and enrich their personnel, which is also one of the factors of enrollment expansion.

  Data Map Photo by Huang Weiming

  With the expansion of civil servants, are there more opportunities for fresh graduates?

  In the annual civil service recruitment examination, fresh graduates are an important part of the army. This year, the number of college graduates reached 8.74 million, a record high. Then, under the background of the expansion of civil servants in many places, is the probability of fresh graduates becoming public higher?

  Judging from the recruitment policies of various places, some areas have released the signal of leaning towards fresh graduates in the recruitment of civil servants.

  For example, the "Several Measures for Further Promoting the Employment of College Graduates in 2020 in Tianjin" recently issued by Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security clearly stipulates that the number of positions for recent college graduates in the recruitment of civil servants should be increased, and civil servants should be recruited by organs below the district level, except for targeted and special demand positions. In principle, they are all for recent college graduates.

  In Shandong, this year, in the recruitment of Shandong civil servants, 1,021 positions were taken out for the first time, specifically for college graduates. Wang Zhimin, director of the Second Division of Civil Servants of the Organization Department of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, told the media that in addition to these positions, there are 90% positions that fresh graduates can also apply for.

  In view of expanding the recruitment of civil servants in many places, Wang Yukai, a professor at the Central Party School (National School of Administration), analyzed that for this year’s large-scale college graduates, the expansion of civil servants will undoubtedly provide them with more opportunities, and encouraging college graduates to join the grassroots line to make contributions is also an important accumulation and experience for their future growth and development.

  "Every year, a certain proportion of positions will be reserved for fresh graduates, and this year’s proportion may increase slightly." Zhang Xiaolong said that compared with the recruitment of civil servants, the local government will be more inclined to the fresh graduates in the recruitment of institutions and teachers.

  Zhang Xiaolong said, from the analysis of the recruitment plans released in various places at present, the overall proportion of fresh graduates and previous graduates in this year’s recruitment requirements will be the same as in previous years.

  However, experts also said that enrollment expansion is undoubtedly a good news for both fresh graduates and previous graduates. "From the current registration situation in some provinces, compared with last year’s reduction, everyone’s ‘ Chenggong ’ The probability will be improved a lot. " Zhang Xiaolong said.

  Data map. Photo by Zhang Bin

  The exam time has been postponed. Is there a "joint exam" this year?

  The recruitment of civil servants organized by provinces has also become a "provincial examination". In recent years, most provinces have concentrated the provincial examination on the written examination in April every year. In recent years, more than 20 provinces have held civil service examinations together, which is also called the "joint examination".

  This year, affected by the epidemic, the recruitment time of civil servants in many places was delayed, and the written test time was relatively scattered.

  Judging from the provinces that have announced the written examination time for provincial examinations, Fujian and Sichuan will arrange the written examination for public subjects on July 25th, Yunnan and Hunan on August 22nd, while Inner Mongolia has made it clear that the written examination for posts in the public security system will be held on July 25th and 26th, and the written examination for posts outside the public security system will be held on August 22nd.

  "Due to the different situations faced by epidemic prevention and control in different places, the written examinations of provincial examinations in different places may not be concentrated on a large scale this year, and there may be two small-scale joint examinations on July 25 and August 22, respectively." Zhang Xiaolong analyzed that the civil service examination requires higher quality of the proposition, and some provinces will still take the joint examination of unified proposition.

  Observing this year’s provincial examination policy for civil servants, all localities have made arrangements for the epidemic prevention and control of the public examination itself. For example, some areas require wearing masks, showing health codes, and some must provide nucleic acid test results.

  It is worth mentioning that Shandong and Zhejiang have clearly reduced the written examination of public subjects to half a day. Shandong also specifically stated that it is necessary to adopt a method of testing admission and seamlessly connecting exams to minimize the gathering of people.

  Zhang Xiaolong reminded that candidates must pay attention to the epidemic prevention requirements of all localities in the provincial examination in special years, and do a good job of self-health management in advance. In addition, they should adjust their work and rest rules in time and make good preparations for the examination.

  "For example, if the" Line Test "and" Shen Lun "are placed in a half-day exam, the intensity of the exam will increase sharply. Candidates need to adjust their biological clocks in advance and adjust their best test status to the test time."