The beautiful picture ahead! At 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word "small" is not because of the height, but because of…


It is surrounded by flat ground on the ground

A raised geomorphic area with large absolute and relative heights

The height of the mountain is usually more than 100 meters above the ground

Including low mountains, mid-mountains and high mountains

But whether it’s called "mountain" or not depends on what the locals call it


Xiao Kunshan, which is only 53.8 meters high

Also a member of the "Mountain" family

A bird’s-eye view of Xiaokunshan Mountain

The terrain is low and flat

The maximum relative elevation difference is about 2 meters

It is in the east and the northwest

The trend of low middle and southwest films

The mountain is completely covered by lush vegetation

Full of life

Baidu: Elevation refers to the distance from a certain point in the direction of the plumb line to the absolute base surface, called absolute elevation, referred to as elevation.

So how did the small and exquisite Little Kunshan come into being?

Who gave birth to it?

And how did it give birth to the greenness of life?


The birth of Xiao Kunshan

Late Mesozoic, 70 million years ago

With the Cretaceous Yanshan Movement

Magma along the crustal fault line northwest of Songjiang

gush out of the surface

After long-term weathering and solidification into mountains

When the mountains in future generations have names

According to Ming Zhengde’s "Songjiang Mansion"

All the mountains in the mansion come from Hangtianmu

It has been proven to be true

Xiaokunshan is the remnant of Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang

It is an earlier area in Shanghai

The ruins of Tangcun Temple and Yaojiaguan are 5,000 years old

Witness the long history of Xiaokunshan

Speaking of the name of Xiao Kunshan

The word "small" is not due to the low altitude and small mountain

The original Little Kunshan name Kunshan

There is also another name for Yushan.

Lu Rong’s "Miscellaneous Notes on Makeup Garden" records:

Kunshan is in the Huating border of Songjiang

The Jinluji brothers gave birth to it

All have literature

Time and People Compared to Kungang Jade

The first year of Emperor Wu of Liang (335)

Kunshan County (because of the territory of Kunshan, hence the name).

Tang Tianbao established Huating County in 751.

Kunshan County was moved to Ma’anshan (now Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province).

At that time, in order to avoid the trouble of two Kunshan duplications,

So before Kunshan, the word "small" was crowned to distinguish,

The name of Xiaokunshan originated from this.

Horizontal screen to watch the whole picture of Xiaokunshan Town???


Xiaokunshan is full of treasures

The Xiaokunshan mountain body is mainly composed of Mesozoic lava and pyroclastic stone bodies, mainly composed of granite, granite, chu gray stone and normal rock.

The rocks contained a small amount of pyrite, a brass-colored tetragonal particulate mineralization.

This pyrite (FeS2) is often mistaken for gold due to its light brass color and bright metallic luster, so it is also known as "fool’s gold". It is a very cheap ancient gem.

In addition to being used for grinding gemstones, it can also be used as a base for jewelry, jade, and other handicrafts.

Although Little Kunshan does not produce pyrite, its rich internal resources are a natural wealth that cannot be ignored.


The Birth of Xiaokunshan

Xiaokunshan is located in the west of the ancient coastline and the lower reaches of Taihu Lake Basin, which is one of the lowest areas in Shanghai.

The ocean and rivers and lakes carry sediment and sediment into lake floodplain and lake floodplain, with a thickness of about 300 meters.

Encyclopedia: Lake floodplain facies and tidal floodplain facies are the names of sedimentary facies. Sedimentary facies are the sum of the formation environment, formation conditions, and characteristics of sediments. Rocks with the same composition form the same facies, and those in the same geographical area form the same group.

The wetness of the ocean and rivers and lakes makes the land fertile in the territory. The main parent materials are lake sediments, mainly yellow mud, black mud, blue-purple mud and ditch dry mud. It provides unique and favorable conditions for the growth of crops.

The surface of Xiaokunshan mountain is permeated soil layer, mainly distributed in the western mountainside of the mountain. The depth of the soil layer is between 30 and -50 cm, and the soil is yellow-brown and viscous.

The soil of the hill belongs to zonal acidic soil, which is suitable for the growth of evergreen broad-leaved forest or mixed evergreen and deciduous forest. This makes Xiaokunshan evergreen in all seasons and pleasant scenery.

Xiao Kunshan, which collects the spiritual energy of heaven and earth

Young little Kunshan

Little Kunshan full of vitality

Information: Xiaokunshan Town

Original title: "Beautiful picture ahead! 53.8 meters of Little Kunshan, the word" small "is not because of the height, but comes from…"

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There is a lack of traffic, and Li Jiaqi flashes bilibili.

Recently, the advertisement card in the live broadcast room of "Fashion Festival" in Li Jiaqi appeared on the homepage of bilibili mobile APP.

After clicking this card, you will jump directly from bilibili to Li Jiaqi Live Room in Taobao, and the "Newcomer Limited Time Subsidy" product will automatically appear at the bottom of the Live Room page. After closing the pop-up window, you will jump out to the page of receiving new guest red envelopes.

Taobao said that at present, many UP owners have brought goods for Taobao through live broadcast, that is, the UP owners broadcast in bilibili, reaching Taobao to place orders with one click.

This is behind bilibili’s "big open loop" strategy in e-commerce business. Under this strategy, bilibili opened a commodity library with the head e-commerce platform through one-click switching and advertising space, and conducted in-depth cooperation in a more targeted manner. After that, bilibili will connect the whole ecology to various e-commerce platforms and brands.

|Commercialization in bilibili began to make money.

There is no gratuitous gift in business. bilibili sells the traffic to Taobao Live, mainly to increase his advertising revenue and continuously strengthen his commercialization ability. Commercialization is the top priority in bilibili in recent years, especially the business income related to e-commerce. The reason for this is the following:

On the one hand, advertising, live broadcast and e-commerce have brought considerable financial returns to bilibili. In 2023, bilibili achieved positive cash flow for the whole year.

The financial report shows that in 2023, the total revenue of bilibili reached 22.53 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3%; Gross profit was 5.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 41%. From the business sector, advertising and value-added services (mainly live broadcast) are the main driving forces for bilibili’s revenue growth.

Source: bilibili official WeChat WeChat official account

Specifically, in 2023, bilibili’s advertising revenue was 6.41 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27%; Revenue from value-added services (live broadcast and big membership) reached 9.91 billion yuan, up 14% year-on-year.

On the other hand, the core income has been weak before, including games, IP derivatives and other businesses.It can be seen from the financial report that the revenue of several new games was lower than expected, which dragged down the annual revenue growth rate of bilibili in 2023. Bilibili’s game business revenue in 2023 was 4.02 billion yuan, down nearly 5% year-on-year, which exceeded market expectations.

The management of bilibili said that it is confident that the operating profit will turn positive after adjustment in 2024Q3, and it will be profitable. In order to achieve this goal,The "big open loop" strategy of cooperation between bilibili and e-commerce platform has become the key development direction..

The so-called "open-loop" strategy refers to opening bilibili’s content ecology to Pinduoduo, Taobao, JD.COM and other head e-commerce platforms for diversion, and exporting content-based transaction traffic outside the station to replace the closed-loop business path of planting grass and trading in the station.

In the third quarter of 2022, bilibili launched a "big open loop" strategy to direct traffic to e-commerce platforms such as JD.COM and Taobao, so as to make up for the shortcomings in the business chain of e-commerce. Less than a year after the implementation of the "Great Open-loop Strategy", bilibili has opened relevant links with Taobao, JD.COM and Pinduoduo. Among them, by the second quarter of 2023, the cooperation between bilibili and Taobao accounted for 70% of the e-commerce business volume of bilibili Great Open Loop.

According to LatePost, in April 2023, Daishan, president of Taotian Group, led a delegation to visit bilibili to discuss cooperation, and finally decided to increase the amount of advertising in bilibili, more than five times the original amount.

Not only Ali, Pinduoduo and JD.COM are regular customers of bilibili. During the "June 18th Promotion" in 2023, bilibili’s advertising revenue from Ali, JD.COM, Pinduoduo and other e-commerce industries increased by over 200% year-on-year. In addition, some insiders said that Pinduoduo’s ROI in bilibili was at least greater than 5. According to public information, the ROI of some well-known consumer brands can also reach 2-2.5.

Behind the "big-handed" launch of e-commerce platforms such as Ali, Pinduoduo and JD.COM, they took a fancy to the highly sticky young users in bilibili.The data shows that the average age of users in bilibili is about 24 years old, among which the coverage rate of Z+ generation users reaches 65%, and more than half of users live in second-tier cities and above, with a ratio of male to female close to 1: 1.

With the daily average active users stable at the order of 100 million, bilibili has become the mainstream video content platform in China. Its daily average user duration has reached 96.25 minutes.

Source: Dolphin Investment Research

However, regarding the traffic trafficking in bilibili, some insiders said that this is not a long-term behavior. Bilibili, as the content platform of the large-scale open-loop e-commerce at present, can get a share of the e-commerce market quickly under this mode, but it only plays the role of a channel and "hands over" its own traffic. The same is the content platform, and Xiaohongshu is developing in the direction of closed-loop e-commerce.

| bilibili e-commerce is constantly moving

At present, bilibili’s e-commerce is developing in two major directions. One is to cooperate with other e-commerce platforms to open a "big open loop" strategy; The second is to support the UP main live broadcast in the station.

In cooperation with other e-commerce platforms,In 2018, long before the strategy of "big open-loop e-commerce" was put forward, bilibili and Taobao Alliance reached an all-round cooperation. Both parties supported UP owners to establish Taobao Daren accounts. Through personalized recommendation, content operation and other forms, both parties jointly provided traffic support, allowing UP owners to commercialize by directly bringing goods and docking business orders.

In the third quarter of 2022, bilibili officially implemented the strategy of "big open-loop e-commerce", and opened the advertising cooperation in the station for e-commerce advertisers such as Ali, JD.COM and Pinduoduo. Among them, bilibili took the lead in reaching a cooperation with Ali, and started the Spark Program. From the follow-up effect, the proportion of new customers led by the program from bilibili to Taobao stores was 70%.

At the same time, during the double 11 last year, the original "Member Purchase" entrance at the bottom of the mobile phone App in bilibili was temporarily renamed as "double 11", and a new "Tmall double 11" section was added to directly display Tmall products and support clicking and jumping to the Tmall page to purchase, providing users with more convenient consumption scenarios.

Besides Ali, bilibili also cooperates with platforms such as JD.COM and Pinduoduo. In 2024, bilibili will continue to deepen the cooperation of UP owners, and the number of UP owners cooperating with Pinduoduo is expected to increase by more than 100% year-on-year. Because of his generous hand, Pinduoduo was dubbed by netizens as "the gold owner of bilibili *" and "supported half of the UP owners in the station by himself".

In addition to the three mainstream e-commerce platforms, many cutting-edge consumer brands are also increasing their layout in bilibili. For example, in October, 2023, Wujiang mustard tuber launched two new products jointly with bilibili (Wujiang mustard tuber mass-selling package sold online and 70g regular package sold offline), which brought real sales growth. According to the data, in Tmall Wujiang official flagship store, the joint new products were sold for 24 hours, ranking in the top 5 in sales. As of October 24, 2023, the cumulative transaction amount of Tik Tok joint special event exceeded 630,000.

It is worth noting that behind bilibili’s "big open loop" strategy, the road of self-operated e-commerce is impassable. Bilibili has tried to expand the variety of goods supply based on the existing "member purchase" system, but the effect is not good. Li Xi, COO of bilibili, thinks that e-commerce is a large-scale business, and it needs to accumulate transaction-related technologies, while bilibili does not have either for the time being.

On the UP main live broadcast cargo in the support stationNowadays, live broadcast with goods has become a breakthrough in bilibili’s e-commerce business. Bilibili COO Li Xi introduced that in the fourth quarter of the e-commerce peak season in 2023, bilibili had an average of more than 60,000 UP owners participating in the delivery business every day. Among them, during the Double Eleven period, the GMV of omni-channel delivery exceeded 1.6 billion yuan, and the single transaction GMV of female clothing UP parrot pear with live delivery in December exceeded 50 million yuan.

However, there are also UP owners who encounter "Waterloo" on live delivery. For example, in June 2023, the head UP owner "Brother Daxiang is coming" with 5 million fans, after the announcement of live broadcast with goods, caused fans to boycott, and was spit out by fans as "down and out" and "just bad money". After the live broadcast, the powder dropped more than 170,000. At present, "Daxiangge" has stopped the live broadcast of goods.

But bilibili live broadcast has just started, and there is still a long way to go in the future. In addition, it should be noted that bilibili’s choice of "open-loop" e-commerce mode means that it relies heavily on external platforms and it is difficult to form a competitive advantage.

Some insiders have commented that bilibili can’t master the whole process of users from planting grass to trading. At the same time, logistics and after-sales in bilibili also depend on external platforms, which undoubtedly increases the operational risk of brands or businesses.

|Where are the opportunities for businesses?

Li Xi said: "The core competitiveness of bilibili is the platform with the highest density of young people in China. The average age of these young people is 24 years old, and they are all at the age of leaving school and are in the rising range of consumption. Therefore, bilibili is now a necessary platform for brands to establish consumer minds. Whether it is short-term transaction transformation or long-term consumer minds, they will choose bilibili. "

Consistent with Li Xi’s statement,Compared with other e-commerce platforms, bilibili has a high-stickiness, younger user group, which has the characteristics of long time and long video acceptance. In addition, due to the user tonality and strong community atmosphere of the original strategy gathering in bilibili, the UP main ecology is prosperous.

The above-mentioned fan characteristics also determine that the UP main live broadcast has a strong private domain attribute. As mentioned above, it is said that your own delivery is actually a kind of group purchase delivery based on private domain.

It focuses on the decoration of popular science, home and other content, through "it takes 30W to measure the water purifier, and the result is not as good as boiling water?" "What’s the difference between the collection ability of washing and drying?" Wait for a series of videos to gain fans. And he also started live broadcast with goods in line with the commercialization trend in bilibili. During the Double Eleven in 2023, the total amount of omni-channel payment was as high as 1.68 billion, with a year-on-year growth rate of 400%. One person’s record is almost half that of GMV.

"The case of staring has been verified.Consumer-resistant products such as home and digital, combined with bilibili’s relatively long video content,, including the mode of in-depth evaluation, is our advantage of carrying goods. "Li Wei said.

In addition, in recent years, the content influence of living quarters and entertainment areas in bilibili has increased the stickiness of young female users. For example, recently, the fashion category UP main "Parrot Pear" brought 50 million yuan of goods in a single live broadcast, and 90% of the ordering users were women.

It can be seen that bilibili e-commerce has the above advantages in developing business. Now, with the cooperation with Taobao again, the advertising card has jumped into the live broadcast room of Taobao, which means that bilibili has taken a key step and is accelerating its commercialization, which has brought three major impacts.

First, it saves capital investment and increases its own advertising commission income. Last year, the "Member Purchase" entrance at the bottom of the mobile phone APP in double 11 and bilibili was temporarily renamed as "double 11", and a new "Tmall double 11" section was added to display products and support direct jumping. According to statistics, the advertising flow from the head e-commerce platform in double 11 and bilibili increased by over 80% last year.

The second is to undertake the commodity library of the e-commerce platform and access the mature shelves. The cooperation with Taobao Live means that bilibili will fully spread the open-loop e-commerce model, and through this unique mode of bringing goods, bilibili users will continue to refresh their cognition, and finally help the platform to successfully achieve high-conversion delivery.

The third is to promote the platform to create a more mature live broadcast e-commerce ecosystem, further enhance the platform’s own live broadcast and delivery atmosphere, and attract more UP owners to carry out live broadcast and delivery for a long time.

In addition, it should be noted that since bilibili adopts a "big open loop" e-commerce, the essence of which is output traffic, if other e-commerce platforms do not provide good service, it may bring itself back and lead to the loss of users.

Zhuang Shuai, founder of Bailian Consulting, publicly stated that to fundamentally solve the problem, it is necessary to build a supply chain and e-commerce operation system like "closed-loop e-commerce". But … Zhuang Shuai also mentioned that "if the open-loop model has a user scale, it can be done for a long time, and the closed-loop e-commerce needs daily life and cash to support it."

Generally speaking, bilibili is making every effort to develop its e-commerce business, and seriously considering the matter of "just meals", which also brings new opportunities to the e-commerce industry, especially for consumer-resistant products such as home and digital products. However, the e-commerce in bilibili started late, and the form of goods delivery has only taken shape, and the e-commerce mind is still immature, which still needs more exploration.

In addition, because the e-commerce mentality of users has not been cultivated, bilibili needs to balance the development of content and e-commerce in the process of e-commerce.


1. "Bonuses, Difficulties and Possible Solutions of Goods Carried in bilibili". Narrow broadcast.

2. With an annual income of 22.5 billion yuan, bilibili’s boss works hard to bring goods. 21st century business herald

3, "bilibili Struggles to Stand Up". Tiger Sniff

4. How did bilibili become the "advertising department" of Pinduoduo? ".Yuanchuan Institute

Always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times.

  CCTV News:At 9: 00 a.m. on December 24, 2017, the General Assembly of Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and the 2017 Annual Meeting were successfully held in Beijing Convention Center. More than 300 members from the legal profession and the film and television entertainment industry gathered together with the leaders of the Beijing Law Society and the special guests of the Society to participate in and witness this grand event.

  The conference kicked off with the national anthem. The members of the restructuring preparatory group explained the restructuring and renaming of the Film and Television Entertainment Law Research Society of Beijing Law Society, and explained the draft Articles of Association, the draft membership fee standards and management measures, and the draft election measures for the first general meeting. 163 members of the first Council were elected, of which 53 were elected as executive directors of the first Council. Yi Jiming, a professor at Peking University Law School and director of the International Intellectual Property Center, was elected as the president, Liu Chengyuan, a professor at the Institute of Comparative Law of China University of Political Science and Law, Liu Yi, director of the Center for Rule of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology, Shen Weixing, dean of Tsinghua University Law School, Zhang Zheng, vice president of Beijing Lawyers Association, Wang Jingbo, dean of the Institute of Rule of Law of China University of Political Science and Law, and Wu Yu Hui, director of Beijing Liren Law Firm, were elected as vice presidents. Seven people, including Zhang Jusheng, general manager of the legal department of Minmetals Development Co., Ltd., were elected as supervisors, and Zhang Jusheng was the chairman of the board of supervisors.

  The release of the work plan in 2018 promotes the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry.

  President Zhou Chengkui pointed out that the current legislation in the field of film and television entertainment is lagging behind, which does not meet the requirements of the 19th National Congress to promote the development of cultural undertakings and improve the market system. Therefore, the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society shoulders a new mission and believes that it will make an important contribution to the rule of law in the film and television entertainment industry in China. Secretary Hou Guangming extended heartfelt congratulations to the success of the restructuring of the Academy, pointing out that the restructuring conference marked a new step for the Academy, expecting the Academy to contribute to the standardized development of China’s film industry and the construction of a powerful film country. President Du Shiping congratulated the Institute on its achievements in the past year, and put forward the requirements of "three consciousnesses", pointing out that the Institute should always keep in mind the sense of mission, problem and times, and shoulder the mission of enhancing the soft power of the country’s culture.

  Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society and Changsha Arbitration Commission decided to jointly build the first professional film and television culture arbitration institute in China, and representatives of both parties signed the Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation at the meeting.

  Lawyer Wu Yuhui, vice president of the Society, released the work plan of the Society in 2018. The Society is expected to officially launch the annual selection plan of Chinese entertainment law, the establishment plan of China’s entertainment law expert database and the "Double Youth Plan" of entertainment law in 2018 (that is, young lawyers and young filmmakers grow together). And will carry out the establishment of the working Committee and professional Committee of the society.

  Subject system construction and personnel training of film and television entertainment law

  Professor Liu Chengyang, Executive Vice President of the Society and China University of Political Science and Law, and Professor Liu Yi, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Society and Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology, gave keynote speeches on two topics, namely, "Construction of the subject system of film and television entertainment law" and "Personnel training and general education of film and television entertainment law". Professor Liu Chengyang put forward his own ideas on the development of entertainment law in China around four topics: entertainment, entertainment law, disciplinary attribute of entertainment law and system construction of entertainment law. Professor Liu Yi’s speech was divided into two topics. First, he introduced the teaching reform plan of setting up a master’s degree in film and television entertainment law in national law colleges. Secondly, he discussed the feasibility and preliminary scheme of carrying out general legal courses in national film and television colleges.

  The guests had an in-depth discussion. Professor Shen Weixing pointed out that Tsinghua Law School has been exploring the creation of emerging interdisciplinary disciplines such as medical and health law, sports law and entertainment law, but emerging disciplines are often questioned as "horse law" in the process of development. In order to prevent the generalization of entertainment law, it is necessary to concise its core issues. Professor Yi Jiming first introduced that Peking University had established the direction of "Entertainment Law" under the discipline of intellectual property rights during the master’s degree, and proposed that entertainment law, as a new industrial law, must deeply understand the specific practices of the industry during the learning process, and add sociological and economic thinking and analysis. Professor Wang Jingbo put forward a thought-provoking view on discipline construction from the perspective of binary opposition between public and private law. Many characteristics in the field of entertainment law reflect the phenomenon of blurred boundaries between public and private law, such as the high industrialization and popularization of entertainment industry and the characteristics of high public interest, which will lead to innovative thinking on traditional legal theory and research methods. Professor Li Danlin introduced in detail the exploration and experience gained by China Communication University in the field of media law for many years, and made suggestions on discipline construction from the similarities and differences between media law and entertainment law. Professor Liang Yingxiu praised the creativity embodied in the establishment of this society. On the premise that entertainment law as a legal discipline has not been recognized by mainstream theories, he first established a research society, so that the society can lead the discipline construction. Professor Zhang Qi cut in from the perspective of film scholars.It points out that the entertainment law has gained new vitality in the context of the transformation of major contradictions put forward at the 19th National Congress and the central government’s strong support for the development of cultural industries, which has also brought us new thinking of "one point, two sides and three dimensions". In this session, the professors expressed their opinions, and generate had a spark of ideological collision.

  Present situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the meeting entered the theme salon of the current situation and future trend of film and television entertainment legislation, presided over by Vice President Wu Yuhui, and invited the leaders of relevant domestic authorities to conduct in-depth discussions on the legislation of entertainment law. Guest speakers include: Director Zhang Yang of Film and Television Development Research Center of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Director Chen Huanan of Cultural Industry Department of Ministry of Culture, Director Sun Jiabao of Policy and Regulation Department of Ministry of Culture, and researcher kun yang of China Press and Publication Research Institute. You had a heated exchange and discussion with the speakers and the members present.

  Based on his own work experience, Director Zhang Yang described the difficulties encountered in the process of promoting legislation and the ways to deal with them. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, legislation in the cultural field has been accelerated and far-reaching changes and innovative achievements have taken place. At present, there are the Law on the Promotion of Film Industry and the Law on the Guarantee of Public Cultural Services, and there are 17 administrative regulations and 84 rules. At this stage, the formulation of the Publication Law has entered the legislative field of vision, and the revised draft of the Copyright Law is also being planned. Director Chen Huanan made a wonderful exposition on "cultural finance". He pointed out that China first proposed the integration of financial and cultural industries in 2009. Since 2012, the cultural industry has continuously embraced the financial industry. But it also caused a new problem, that is, the excessive generalization of cultural finance. It also mentioned that with the deepening of cultural system reform and the rapid development of cultural industries, cultural finance has new connotations, both hot spots and vigilance. Based on the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Director Sun Jiabao introduced his experience in cultural legislation from three perspectives: a country ruled by law, a government ruled by law and a society ruled by law. It is also pointed out that in the existing normative documents, the laws and regulations that highlight supervision account for a high proportion, and there are few laws and regulations that promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial sectors and promote development, which is the focus of the government’s next work. Researcher kun yang introduced the current legal situation in the field of press and publication. He pointed out that although there is no press and publication law in China, the legal system construction in this field is synchronized with reform and opening up.The legislative system in the field of press and publication has been formed mainly by two administrative regulations, namely, Regulations on the Administration of Audio-visual Products and Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry, plus more than 50 departmental regulations, more than 200 normative documents and some judicial interpretations.

  In-depth analysis by top experts in the industry

  The organizers of the conference invited four top practical experts in the industry to present four wonderful reports for everyone. Lawyer Zhang Zheng, Senior Partner of Beijing Gao Peng Law Firm and Vice President of Beijing Lawyers Association, Judge Dai Yiting of Beijing Higher People’s Court, Judge Feng Gang of Beijing Intellectual Property Court, and Lawyer Wang Jun, Senior Partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm, respectively delivered wonderful special reports on "The referee points of performing arts brokerage contract disputes and the concept of arbitration settlement of film and television disputes", "The disputes over film and television drama creation from the perspective of contract law", "The legal problems of intellectual property rights in online game live broadcast" and "Typical cases and experience sharing of film and television entertainment law".

  Lawyer Zhang Zheng made a detailed analysis of the outstanding advantages of arbitration in resolving disputes in the film and television industry. The characteristics of "good confidentiality and expert adjudication" are two characteristics that he highly praised. In addition, lawyer Zhang Zheng also summed up four concepts of film and television dispute resolution based on his own professional experience. Judge Dai Yiting first analyzed the data characteristics of copyright infringement cases in recent years, and then, in view of the contract disputes related to scripts, Judge Dai gave a detailed interpretation from two aspects: commissioned creation and self-creation. Judge Feng Gang introduced two characteristics of online game industry, one is the high market value of online games, the other is the long industrial chain, and the related derivatives are very rich. Judge Feng also made an in-depth analysis of the legal nature of online games and other hot issues in the industry, and made an accurate analysis of the copyright ownership of "game rules" and "game pictures", and put forward unique opinions, which are refreshing. Lawyer Wang Jun, as a leading lawyer in the entertainment law industry, shared his experience in practice, especially as the attorney of Qiong Yaofang in the case of Qiong Yaofang, and made a detailed interpretation and explanation of the core issues in this case. In addition, Mr. Wang also analyzed the problems in the field of entertainment law, such as business clings, the setting of non-competition clauses in projects, and the difficulty in implementing contracts.

  The audience benefited a lot from the wonderful reports of four experts, and the audience applauded constantly.

  The meeting also identified four main tasks of the Beijing Film and Television Entertainment Law Society: actively carrying out legal research and academic cooperation and exchange activities; Undertake special research tasks of the legislative and judicial organs of the state and Beijing, and participate in the legal system construction of the state and Beijing; Carry out research on the application of film and television entertainment law and provide relevant legal consulting services; Promote the innovation and development of law education and cultivate talents of film and television entertainment law. As the first academic institution in China with film and television entertainment law as its research object and theme, the Institute will give full play to the academic and industrial advantages of the capital in the future and strive to build a high-end academic research institution, a high-level talent training base and a high-level consulting service platform in the field of film and television entertainment law.

If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and go back to the front line.

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, February 18th: If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner before going to the front line —— A record of Song Xiuhui, a nurse in Badong County, Hubei Province.
Xinhua News Agency reporter Tan Yuanbin
Mother has been away for 11 days, and Song Xiuhui still has an unspeakable pain in her heart. Every day when I return to the hotel from the isolation ward, I am too busy to remember, and suddenly I feel that kind of pain, like blood coming out of a punctured blood vessel.
In these 11 days, except for the day after her mother left, she spent in the hotel "recalling the past and regretting herself, staying on the windowsill and looking at the direction of home", and she never left her post one day.
On January 23rd, the day before New Year’s Eve, the infectious diseases department of Badong County People’s Hospital in Hubei Province admitted the first suspected patient from COVID-19. As a nurse in the infectious diseases department, Song Xiuhui did not hesitate to join the anti-epidemic front line.
At that time, the elder sister and mother were waiting for her and the second sister to go back for the New Year in their hometown in the countryside. That night, she went back to the county home to pack her things, called her elder sister and her second sister who were also in the county, and told them that she was on duty and could not go back for the New Year.
On the 24th, New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui entered the isolation ward. Her second sister later wrote: "Because of the epidemic, my sister didn’t have a reunion dinner with us for the first time in history. We have enlightened our mother in advance and explained the truth. My mother said,’ I understand’. "
Since New Year’s Eve, Song Xiuhui has traveled between the hotel and the hospital every day. On the fifth day of the first month, my mother, who had suffered from immune system diseases for a long time, got worse and lived in a department of Badong County People’s Hospital, separated from the infectious diseases department by a building. Mother repeatedly told: "You can’t tell Xiaohui, and you can’t affect Xiaohui’s work." The family really didn’t tell Song Xiuhui. On the sixth day of the first month, she didn’t know that her mother was in hospital until she heard a colleague in a department inadvertently talk about it.
Although she is only separated by a building, she can’t go to see her mother. Video chat has become a link between mother and daughter, with Song Xiuhui at this end and her mother at that end. Although suffering from illness, my mother always encourages her in the video: "Don’t worry about me, you should take care of yourself and protect yourself."
After treatment, my mother’s condition improved. On February 1, the eighth day of the first month, two sisters who took care of their mother discharged her.
On February 6, Song Xiuhui suddenly felt very uneasy and sent video requests to her mother many times. "Mom just fell asleep after eating …" "Mom is in the toilet …" Second sister pushed away the video of her and her mother for various reasons.
"My sister asked for a video, and I was blocked. I am going to wait until my mother has taken painkillers and her condition is slightly better. I never thought about it, but there is no such opportunity anymore." Her second sister wrote.
That night, Song Xiuhui worked the night shift. After work in the early morning of the 7th, on her way back to the hotel, she saw an obituary of her mother’s death in the WeChat group in the village. The cold wind was biting, and she couldn’t help crying.
Waiting for her is a very painful choice. Although she really wanted to go back to see her mother for the last time, for the safety of her family, she finally made up her mind not to go back, hiding her pain in her heart and continuing to stick to her post.
"I dare not think that when the epidemic is over and my sister can go home, her mother is already a pile of loess. Such pain, such pain, such regret, when can I let go? " Her second sister wrote, "There are no heroes falling from the sky, only the ordinary ones without hesitation!"
On the 8th, Song Xiuhui rested in the hotel for a day, recalling her mother’s past. 9, then go to work. Put on protective clothing and walk into the ward. Facing the patient, she forgot to think about her mother leaving.
A few days ago, a little boy named ice cream that Song Xiuhui took care of was discharged from the hospital with his parents. Their whole family was safe, which made her feel strong inside, and the remorse and regret in her heart were a little relieved.
"Mom and Dad have suffered too much by farming for us to study. If time goes back, I want to accompany my mother to have a reunion dinner and then go to the front line. However, no matter how sad I am, I will stick to the end because patients need us. " Song Xiuhui said. (End)

Real estate weekly and first-tier cities are expected to lead the real estate market to stabilize and recover.

Focus on new signals of real estate market
editorial comment/note
Recently, many new signals have appeared in the real estate market. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the signal that the real estate market in first-tier cities stabilized and rebounded in September was obvious. It is worth noting that the central and local policies to stabilize the property market continue to increase, the market is clearing, and normal investment demand has rebounded. In first-tier cities, the policy of "recognizing housing but not loans" is superimposed on the traditional "golden nine and silver ten", and some positive changes have taken place in the real estate market in first-and second-tier cities.
Half-monthly talk on property market
Image source/Xinhua News Agency
■ China Economic Times reporter Xia jinbiao
In the past two months, various support policies for the real estate market have been implemented nationwide, and the policy effects are gradually emerging. The real estate market is showing signs of recovery-the real estate market in first-tier cities is the first to recover.
According to the housing price data of 70 cities published by the National Bureau of Statistics in September, the sales price of new houses in first-tier cities turned flat from 0.2% in August, with Beijing and Shanghai rising by 0.4% and 0.5% respectively, with Shanghai leading the country.
Since the end of August, the easing policies of the real estate market in many places have been continuously released. In particular, the four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have successively implemented the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans", which has obviously boosted the real estate market. Take Shanghai, which led the rise in September, as an example. Following the announcement of the implementation of commercial loans on September 1, on October 17, Shanghai announced the optimization of the criteria for determining the number of housing provident fund loans. If Shanghai has no housing, no provident fund loans in the country or the first provident fund loans have been settled, it will be recognized as the first set of housing … The policy has been continuously exerted, boosting the Shanghai real estate market.
From the perspective of the second-hand housing market, the price of second-hand housing rose by four cities in September, an increase of one city compared with August. First-tier cities turned up for the first time after falling for four consecutive months, with an increase of 0.2%. Among them, Beijing led the national second-hand housing market with an increase of 0.7%; Followed by Shanghai, the price of second-hand housing rose by 0.6%.
Some insiders believe that the price of second-hand houses in Beijing and Shanghai has increased month-on-month, mainly due to the strict implementation of the policy of "recognizing houses and recognizing loans" in Beijing and Shanghai. After the implementation of "recognizing houses but not recognizing loans", the demand potential released is relatively large, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. There are many old second-hand houses, and there is great potential for improved demand, and the activity of second-hand houses has increased.
It should be pointed out that although first-tier cities take the lead in recovery, this recovery is still unstable, and there are still divisions within first-tier cities. The prices of new houses in Guangzhou and Shenzhen continued to fall, with a month-on-month decrease of 0.6% and 0.5% respectively, and a year-on-year decrease of 1.7% and 3%. The price of second-hand houses in Guangzhou decreased by 0.7% month-on-month, while the price of second-hand houses in Shenzhen was flat.
In addition, although the sales price of commercial housing in second-and third-tier cities has increased and decreased year-on-year, the chain is still declining. From the ring comparison, in September, the sales price of new commercial housing in second-tier cities decreased by 0.3% from the previous month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, the same as last month. The sales price of new commercial housing in third-tier cities decreased by 0.3% month-on-month, and the decline rate narrowed by 0.1 percentage point from last month; Second-hand housing decreased by 0.5% month-on-month, and the decline rate was 0.1 percentage point higher than that of last month.
At present, the risk release of the real estate supply side continues, and residents’ income and expectations need to be further improved, which has affected the stabilization of the real estate market in second-and third-tier cities to a certain extent, resulting in the decline in house prices in second-and third-tier cities. In addition, the recovery of first-tier cities brought by optimizing real estate policies needs to be further stabilized.
Due to the implementation of policies such as "recognizing houses but not loans", the demand for housing replacement in first-tier cities has been released, which has led to a significant increase in the number of second-hand houses listed in first-tier cities. Under the background of a large increase in supply, the prices of second-hand houses in first-tier cities are still in a downward channel in the short term.
Some insiders believe that whether it is just needed or improving demand, residents usually "buy up and not buy down". At present, consumers’ confidence in housing prices and the market is weak, and they are more cautious and slow to enter the market. In this regard, it is necessary to further optimize the real estate policy, "stabilize housing prices" and "stabilize expectations" and promote the repair of the real estate market.
In the short term, the real estate market is still facing adjustment pressure. However, in the medium and long term, the urbanization rate of permanent residents in China is 65.2%, and the urbanization rate of registered population is only 47.7%, so there is still much room for improvement in urbanization. In addition, although the total number of houses in China has reached about 40 billion square meters, the houses are mainly small and medium-sized units with great improvement potential.
The market expects that the policy is expected to continue to be optimized around stabilizing housing price expectations, activating the replacement chain, and lowering the threshold for reasonable housing demand. In particular, with the further liberalization of policies such as purchase restriction in first-tier cities, hot cities will enter a more solid market recovery stage, which is expected to lead the real estate market out of the bottom area and stabilize and recover.
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* ST Oceanwide will delist its shares within 15 trading days after receiving the decision to terminate listing.

*ST Oceanwide (SZ000046, share price 0.38 yuan, market value 1.975 billion yuan) is about to terminate its listing.

On the evening of January 26th, *ST Oceanwide announced that it had received the Decision of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Stock Exchange) on the Termination of Listing of Oceanwide Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE [2024] No.76), and Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the listing of the company’s shares.

Source: *ST Oceanwide Announcement

According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the daily closing price of *ST Oceanwide shares was lower than that of 1 yuan for 20 consecutive trading days from November 30, 2023 to December 27, 2023, which touched the termination of listing as stipulated in Item (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 9.2.1 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. "According to Article 9.2.5 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the deliberation opinions of the Listing Review Committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this Exchange has decided to terminate the listing of your company’s shares."

At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 9.1.15 and Article 9.6.10, paragraph 2 of the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, *ST Oceanwide was decided by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to terminate its listing due to the forced delisting of transactions, and will not enter the delisting consolidation period. *ST Oceanwide will be delisted within 15 trading days after Shenzhen Stock Exchange makes the decision to terminate its listing.

*ST Oceanwide said that after the company’s shares are terminated, according to the Stock Listing Rules (revised in August 2023) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Implementation Measures for delisting companies to enter the delisting sector, the company’s shares will be transferred to the delisting sector managed by the National Stock Transfer Company for listing and transfer. The company has hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. to provide share transfer services for the company after the company’s shares are terminated.

On January 23, *ST Oceanwide announced that it hired Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd. as the company’s lead broker, and agreed to sign the Entrusted Stock Transfer Agreement with it, entrusting it to provide share transfer services for the company, and handle the stock withdrawal registration in the market registration and settlement system of the stock exchange, the stock reconfirmation and the share registration and settlement of the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system.

According to the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, a company that is forced to delist its shares shall sign relevant agreements with the sponsoring brokers that meet the prescribed conditions before delisting.

At the same time, the debt problem of *ST Oceanwide is still fermenting.

According to the announcement of *ST Oceanwide on January 23, the company was informed on January 22 that Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch of China Bohai Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Bohai Bank) was on the grounds of financial loan contract disputes. China Pan Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Pan Group), *ST Oceanwide, the controlling shareholder of the company, China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd., Tonghai Holding Co., Ltd. (the controlling shareholder of China Oceanwide Holding Group Co., Ltd.), Beijing Taobo Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Oceanwide Industrial Co., Ltd. were sued to Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court. At the same time, Bohai Bank filed an application for property preservation with the court, and Tianjin No.3 Intermediate People’s Court ruled to freeze the above applications.

The cause of the case is that in November 2018, Zhongpan Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of *ST Oceanwide, applied to Bohai Bank for financing of no more than 2 billion yuan. China Pan Group shall repay the remaining outstanding principal and interest of the above financing on November 14, 2023. As of January 23, the disclosure date of the announcement, China Pan Group has not completed the repayment of the remaining principal and interest of the above debts.

national business daily
